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Phycoerythrin (PE) is one of the most important proteins involved in light capturing during photosynthesis in red algae. Its potential biological activities had gained wide concerns. In the present study, tumor cytotoxic and hydroxyl radical assay were preformed to detect the bioactivity of recombinant PE. Recombinant plasmids pGEX-PE and pBGL were transformed into E.coli BL21 to make two recombinant strains BEX (pGEX-PE) and BGL (pBGL). PE expressing in BEX (pGEX-PE) was validated by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting analysis. SDS-PAGE analysis indicated that the PE-GST fusion protein was mostly inclusion bod- ies. Specific expression of PE was confirmed by Western blotting analysis. The recombinant E. coli BEX (pGEX-PE) cells were col- lected and sonicated. The supernatants were reserved for the tumor cytotoxic experiments. The result of tumor cytotoxic assay indi- cated that the supernatants containing PE had the activity of inhibiting the growth of Hela cells and with the increase of protein con- centration, the inhibiting rate increased from 37.31% to 63.26%, which showed significant difference from the control. Hydroxyl radical scavenging effect was tested with supernatants of BEX (pGEX-PE) and BGL (pBGL) cell lysates treated with sonication and heating. For the sonication samples, the scavenging rates of the supernatants of BEX (pGEX-PE) and BGL (pBGL) cell lysates were significantly higher than the negative control BL21(pGEX-4T) (P<0.02), and the scavenging rates increased slowly following the increase of the protein content. For the heating samples, except for the 0.2 mg mL-1 BGL (pBGL) products, the scavenging effects of the supernatants of BEX (pGEX-PE) and BGL (pBGL) cell lysates were stronger than that of negative control BL21(pGEX-4T). However, the effect intensity was not positively correlated with the increase of the protein concentration. Though a partially de- creased hydroxyl radical scavenging activity was led by heating, the biological activity was still retained and conspicuous. This re- search showed that phycoerythrin protein expressing in E. coli has the potential medical and sanitarian value.  相似文献   
为阐释岩浆两阶段演化过程及其与铁成矿的关系,对邯邢铁矿区斑状石英二长岩中角闪石斑晶环带结构进行了成因矿物学研究.通过角闪石温度计、压力计、氧逸度计和湿度计的计算,发现岩浆在14km深处岩浆房内经过多次岩浆混合过程,其后演化的岩浆侵位到1.9 km的深度.岩浆房的温度为935~964℃,氧逸度为△NNO+0.27~△NN...  相似文献   
积雪融水是古尔班通古特沙漠春季植物发育的重要水源, 快速获取早春沙丘的土壤水分变化具有十分重要的生态学意义. 2010年3、 4月分别使用探地雷达进行了多次测量实验, 结果显示: 1)融雪初期, 沙丘顶部土壤的自由水含量最大, 阳坡次之, 且融雪水在重力作用下沿坡面侧向缓慢流动, 在坡底汇集, 主导了融雪初期乃至整个春季沙丘表层土壤水分的分布格局; 2)融雪后期, 由于阴坡积雪和冻土消融相对滞后, 表层土壤含水量略高于阳坡, 而沙丘顶部由于融雪最早且融雪期间水分转移最多而表面最为干燥; 3)通过与时域反射仪的同步测量结果对比, 探地雷达的测量精度被有效控制在0.03范围内, 且探地雷达提供的连续数据更有利于从细节上把握土壤含水量的变化趋势, 为中小尺度土壤水分的动态研究提供了一种科学、 有效的技术手段.  相似文献   
雪冰中的黑碳记录研究的历史回顾   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
明镜  秦大河  效存德 《冰川冻土》2005,27(4):539-544
黑碳(Blackcarbon)是一类大气气溶胶,也是重要的气候驱动因子之一,它与人类活动密切相关.迄今发现,雪冰是保存和记录历史时期黑碳变化的最好介质.根据前人对南极冰芯、格陵兰冰芯、中低纬度山地冰川冰芯以及雪坑样品中的黑碳记录的研究成果,讨论了不同研究地区雪冰中黑碳含量的变化,黑碳对气候环境突变、大气环流变化的响应,总结了人类活动与雪冰黑碳记录之间的关系.雪冰黑碳记录还可以获得如森林大火这样的特殊事件的信息.  相似文献   
以依兰矿区煤矸石为原料研究了4A型沸石的合成方法及其合成动力学模型.推导出含有速率常数的分段式动力学方程;实验分析了最佳反应条件下,不同反应时间内产品的结晶度,通过待定系数法确定出各方程速率常数,整合动力学方程,最终得到利用煤矸石制备4(A)沸石的动力学模型.采用模型方程对实验晶化曲线进行拟合,得到如下结论:4(A)沸石结晶反应发生在凝胶后期;在晶化后期,凝胶的溶解速率决定了晶体生长速率和在有限晶化时间内产品的结晶度.  相似文献   
秦媛媛  孟堃 《四川地质学报》2013,(4):394-398,403
重庆云阳石梁剖面位于上扬子板块北缘南大巴山冲断带位置,早三叠世飞仙关期处于城口-鄂西海槽西侧位置,对该剖面的详细研究,有利于恢复飞仙关期川东北碳酸盐台地东缘的沉积演化过程.研究认为,该剖面飞仙关组-段属于斜坡相沉积;二段下部继承碳酸盐台地东缘斜坡相,中部发育典型的台地边缘滩沉积,其顶部则演化为局限台地溺湖环境;三段由开阔台地及局限台地渴湖沉积构成;四段属于典型的局限台地潮坪沉积城口-鄂西海槽西侧飞仙关组由两个向上变浅的沉积旋回组成,通过与相邻位置的井剖面对比认为。相对海平面变化控制了城口-一西海槽西侧飞仙关期沉积相演化。台地边缘滩基本发育于相对海平面下降时期  相似文献   
在世界面临能源短缺的背景下,页岩气作为油气勘探的一个新领域,越来越得到世界各国的重视。我国页岩气资源丰富,许多盆地或地区具有页岩气大规模成藏的地质条件,对页岩气的研究显得尤为重要。该文介绍了我国页岩气资源储量、分布及开采面临的问题,概述了页岩气地质特征。在此基础上探讨了我国页岩气的影响因素,认为我国页岩气主要受有机碳含量、成熟度、裂缝的发育程度、地层压力的控制;页岩气与煤层气同属于非常规天然气,其赋存形态、成因类型、富集规律具有很多相似之处,因此可将页岩气与煤层气进行对比研究。  相似文献   
广西大厂巴里地区锡多金属矿体经过多年的快速开采,导致浅部资源枯竭,深部找矿迫在眉睫。本文以广西大厂超大型锡多金属矿区深部钻探ZK39-1钻孔(钻孔深度1580 m)获得的新鲜岩心为研究对象,采用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)详细分析了该钻孔钻遇的泥盆系中下统灰岩样品的稀土元素含量(REEs),以期为深部找矿提供依据。研究结果表明,稀土元素总量(ΣREEs)为3.49~261.07 μg/g,稀土总量变化较大,且岩心样品在顶部与底部相差较大,其中1100~1580 m之间岩心样品ΣREEs(3.49~45.81 μg/g)明显低于1100 m以浅稀土总量(188.96~242.36 μg/g),达到了区域背景值的10倍左右,且远超过普通沉积成因的石灰岩;轻稀土与重稀土比值LREEs/HREEs为2.96~10.04,反映了该区轻、重稀土元素分馏程度较高,δEu为 0.11~1.00,δCe为0.53~0.99;球粒陨石标准化分布型式图呈“右倾”轻稀土富集型。10~1100 m之间样品Eu异常不明显,1100~1580 m之间样品Eu明显亏损,顶部到底部Ce亏损逐渐降低。1100~1580 m之间岩心样品球粒陨石标准化型式图与大厂花岗岩型式图相似,认为这套碳酸盐岩可能受到了花岗岩浆热液的蚀变作用,指示深部可能还存在岩浆热液成因或矽卡岩型多金属矿化,即在近花岗岩部位或花岗岩与围岩接触带部位存在“第三成矿空间”。  相似文献   
城市生活废水、工业污水已经成为城市市政管理的重点内容,查清城市排水管网和水污染源的情况,建立专业的排水管网地理信息系统将有利于城市发展。一直以来,数据质量是GIS建设的关键,通过一个基于GIS的可视化数据监理和查错系统,阐述系统的设计方案、监理流程和功能特点。结合广州市水污染源调查项目,对监理系统在实际工程中的重点、难点应用作了说明。  相似文献   
The latest Cretaceous magmatic activity in the eastern segment of the Lhasa terrane provides important insights for tracking the magma source and geodynamic setting of the eastern Gangdese batholith, eastward of eastern Himalayan Syntaxis. Detailed petrological, geochemical and geochronological studies of the intrusive rocks (monzodiorites and granodiorites) of the eastern Gangdese batholith are presented with monzodiorites and granodiorites giving zircon U–Pb crystallization dates of 70–66 Ma and 71–66 Ma with εHf(t) values of ?4.8 to +6.2 and ?1.9 to +5.3, respectively. These rocks are metaluminous to weakly peraluminous I-type granites showing geochemically arc-related features of enrichment in LREEs and some LILEs, e.g., Rb, Th, and U, and depletion in HREEs and some HFSEs, e.g., Nb, Ta, and Ti. The rocks are interpreted to be derived from partial melting of mantle material and juvenile crust, respectively, which are proposed to be triggered by Neo-Tethyan slab rollback during northward subduction, with both experiencing ancient crustal contamination. The studied intrusive rocks formed in a transitional geodynamic setting caused by Neo-Tethyan oceanic flat subduction to slab rollback beneath the eastern Gangdese belt during the latest Cretaceous.  相似文献   
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