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Pei  XianZhi  Ding  SaPing  Zhang  GuoWei  Liu  HuiBin  Li  ZuoChen  Li  GaoYang  Liu  ZhanQing  Meng  Yong 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2007,50(2):264-276

Baihua meta-igneous complex consists mainly of pyroxenite-gabbro(diorite)-diorite-quartz diorite. They form a complete comagmatic evolutionary series. The geochemical characteristics of basic-intermediate basic igneous rocks indicate that they belong to a tholeiite suite. The REE distribution pattern is nearly flat type and LREE is slightly enriched type, and their primitive mantle-normalized and MORB-normalized trace element spider diagrams are generally similar; the LIL elements (LILE) Cs, Ba, Sr, Th and U are enriched, but Rb, K and the HFSEs Nb, P, Zr, Sm, Ti and Y are relatively depleted. All these show comagmatic evolution and origin characteristics. The tectonics environment discrimination of trace element reveals that these igneous complexes formed in an island-arc setting. The LA-ICP-MS single-zircons U-Pb age of Baihua basic igneous complex is 434.6±1.5 Ma (MSWD = 1.3), which proves that the formation time of the island-arc type magmatite in the northern zone of West Qinling is Late Ordovician or Early Silurian, also reveals that the timing of subduction of paleo-ocean basin represented by the Guanzizhen ophiolite and resulting island-arc-type magmatic activities is probably Middle-Late Ordovician to Early Silurian.

The distribution and abundance of dinoflagellate cysts in recent sediments from Visakhapatnam harbour, east coast of India was investigated and compared with sediment characteristics and physico-chemical variables of the overlying water column. The cyst abundance varied from 11 to 1218 cysts g–1 dry sediment. Changes in the cyst assemblages from phototrophic to heterotrophic forms were observed from inner to outer harbour stations, and related to changes in environmental characteristics. Enhanced cyst production of potentially harmful dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum was recorded in the inner harbour stations with higher nutrient concentrations. Protoperidinium cysts were the most diversified group, and were dominant in the outer harbour stations having improved water conditions and circulation. This study points out the potential use of dinoflagellate cyst populations in providing information on environmental conditions.  相似文献   
殷勇  张宁 《古地理学报》2010,12(5):618-628
利用首次在江苏大丰港岸外西洋潮流通道内获取的钻孔沉积物,通过沉积相分析和浅地层剖面解 译,结合同位素测年,对西洋长周期演变和成因机制进行了综合分析。共识别出7种沉积相,即:潮道底部滞 留相、潮间-潮下相、贝壳层、湖相、泛滥平原相、滨海湖沼相及滨海沙坝相。西洋潮流通道长周期演化显 示,晚更新世晚期以来研究区经历了滨海沙坝→滨海湖沼→泛滥平原→滨岸 湖→潮流沙脊→潮道充填→潮道 侵蚀一系列复杂的沉积环境演变。进入全新世,随着海侵的加剧,潮流作用逐渐增强并改造下伏沉积物形成潮 流沙脊。晚全新世期间,中全新世形成的潮流沙脊沉积体系面临调整,西洋潮流通道在此期间通过沙脊蚀低形 成。公元1128-1855年黄河夺淮,带来大量泥沙,充填了西洋潮流通道。随着黄河北归、沙源被切断,潮道底 部遭受强烈冲刷和侵蚀,遂成为强潮水道。  相似文献   
对青藏高原中南部纳木错长332cm的NMLC1孔湖芯研究发现,沉积物的介形类动物群计有6属15种。介形类属种生态特征和组合变化分析表明这些介形类对环境条件具有敏感性,其组合能够很好地反映过去环境变化的特征。结果表明,8.4ka以来具有三个不同的环境变化时期:早期在8400~6800aBP,湖泊由浅向深发展,环境具有相对冷湿的特征:中期在6800~2500aBP,湖泊深度逐渐加大,环境经历了暖湿-冷湿-冷干的变化.其中由冷湿向冷干的转化奠定了纳木错现今环境条件的基础:晚期在2500--9aBP,湖泊深度继续增加,这个时期的较早阶段,继续保持了前一时期的冷干特点,但湖水盐度可能开始增加.较晚阶段的冷干化加剧,陆面流水的活跃性大大降低。研究发现,纳木错NMLC1钻孔介形类黑色壳体的高峰值与介形类的最大生产量相一致,并且与沉积水动力条件增强相适应.指示了这些黑壳的产生与介形类的大量繁殖处于同一阶段.并且主要为异地搬运为主。钻孔中出现大量Candona幼虫壳体.其原因可能与沉积环境的水动力条件迅速改变有关。  相似文献   
实验研究不同盐离子对水分子拉曼效应的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对流体包裹体中常见的几种盐水溶液进行了拉曼光谱分析.采用了频移参数描述水分子拉曼峰的形变强度,并讨论了频移参数与盐度之间的关系.实验分析结果表明,盐度越大,频移参数越大,水分子拉曼峰形变越大.对频移参数曲线斜率分析显示,盐类对水分子拉曼峰偏移程度影响的强弱顺序为NaCl>Na2SO4>NaHCO3>Na2CO3.讨论了不同阳离子和阴离子对水伸缩振动拉曼峰的影响,结果表明,高价阳离子的影响明显高于低价阳离子;而阴离子对水拉曼峰影响的强弱顺序初步确定为Cl-≈SO2-4->HCO-3>CO2-3≈NO-3.  相似文献   
岩浆混合作用研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文详细阐述了近年来国内外对岩浆混合作用的研究进展,集中在混合作用的验证及地幔物质参与对混合作用的影响。从能量、物质运移的角度认识岩浆混合作用,以揭示上地幔、地壳的信息,并为认识区域构造一岩浆演化提供约束。综合归纳了岩浆混合作用主要的研究方法,系统总结了混合作用发生的规律及主要影响因素,并应用已有理论和数据进行简单的数值模拟,合理解释岩脉的不混合特征。作为壳一幔间物质与能量交换的重要形式,阐述了岩浆混合与底侵作用的关系,并介绍了常见的岩浆混合作用岩石成因模型。最后说明了岩浆混合作用今后的发展趋势和存在问题。  相似文献   
A catalog compiling the parameters of 346 open clusters, including their metallicities, positions, ages, and velocities has been composed. The elements of the Galactic orbits for 272 of the clusters have been calculated. Spectroscopic determinations of the relative abundances, [el/Fe], for 14 elements synthesized in various nuclear processes averaged over data from 109 publications are presented for 90 clusters. The compiled data indicate that the relative abundances of primary α elements (oxygen and magnesium) exhibit different dependences on metallicity, age, Galactocentric distance, and the elements of the Galactic orbits in clusters with high, elongated orbits satisfying the criterion (Zmax2 + 4e2)1/2 > 0.40 and in field stars of the Galactic thin disk (Zmax is the maximum distance of the orbit from the Galactic plane in kiloparsec and e is the eccentricity of the Galactic orbit). Since no systematic effects distorting the relative abundances of the studied elements in these clusters have been found, these difference suggest real differences between clusters with high, elongated orbits and field stars. In particular, this supports the earlier conclusion, based on an analysis of the elements of the Galactic orbits, that some clusters formed as a result of interactions between high-velocity,metal-poor clouds and the interstellar mediumof theGalactic thin disk. On average, clusters with high, elongated orbits and metallicities [Fe/H] < -0.1 display lower relative abundances of the primary a elements than do field stars. The low [O, Mg/Fe] ratios of these clusters can be understood if the high-velocity clouds that gave rise to them were formed of interstellar material from regions where the star-formation rate and/or the masses of Type II supernovae were lower than near the Galactic plane. It is also shown that, on average, the relative abundances of the primary a elements are higher in relatively metal-rich clusters with high, elongated orbits than in field stars. This can be understood if clusters with [Fe/H] > -0.1 formed as a result of interactions between metal-rich clouds with intermediate velocities and the interstellar medium of the Galactic disk; such clouds could form from returning gas in a so-called “Galactic fountain.”  相似文献   
帕米尔东北缘地壳结构的P波接收函数研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用位于新疆帕米尔东北缘地带12个固定数字地震台和天山动力学Ⅱ期10个流动宽频带数字地震台记录的高质量远震波形数据,应用接收函数H-κ叠加方法研究了帕米尔东北缘的地壳厚度-泊松比特征和部分台站下方的壳内界面深度.研究发现:(1) 帕米尔东北缘的Moho面起伏变化剧烈,其总体分布呈现东薄西厚、南厚北薄的特征,由塔里木盆地向天山延伸,地壳厚度约从45 km加深到55 km,从塔里木盆地向西昆仑山延伸,地壳厚度约从45 km加深到69 km;(2)沿着天山动力学Ⅱ期剖面,位于塔里木盆地北缘台站的壳内间断面的深度约为13~16 km,向北进入天山南麓加深到20 km左右,继续向北进入南天山山区壳内间断面不明显,可能暗示塔里木盆地基底向北俯冲,俯冲距离可能到达南天山的山前;(3)研究区地壳泊松比变化复杂(约从0.20到0.31),显示地壳物质组成的复杂性和显著的不均匀构造;(4)整个研究区的地壳厚度和泊松比之间没有明显的相关性,但天山动力学Ⅱ期剖面的结果表明,从塔里木盆地北缘到西南天山,地壳厚度和泊松比之间存在反相关关系,意味着天山地壳的增厚可能主要是通过以长英质岩石为主要组成成分的上地壳叠置而成;(5) 研究区全部地震台地壳厚度与海拔高程的线性回归方程表明地壳厚度与海拔的相关性相对较弱(相关系数为0.66),天山动力学Ⅱ期10个台站的地壳厚度与海拔具有很好的相关性(相关系数为0.85),可能表明沿该剖面地壳整体上处于相对均衡的状态.  相似文献   
利用ASTER数据,基于The Environment for Visualizing Images(ENVI)ZOOM 软件平台,采用面向对象的多尺度影像分割技术与规则创建相结合方法,提取了珠峰保护区核心区的灌丛植被类型.在对影像进行去阴影处理和各种辅助信息融合的基础上,使用Feature Extraction模块对影像进行分割,基于分割对象的高程、NDVI、纹理和光谱信息创建了适合研究区的灌丛提取规则.研究表明:该分类方法不仅能够克服传统基于像元分类方法中的"椒盐效应"问题,而且能够综合利用辅助信息(DEM、NDVI等)和地物本身的信息(光谱特征、纹理特征等),有效提高解译精度.以已有数据对分类结果进行了检验,分类精度达84 7%,分类结果较理想.  相似文献   
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