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Songliao Basin is filled predominantly with continental facies sediments including alluvial fan, fluvial plain, fan delta, lacustrine delta, shore - shallow lacustrine, beach salty flat, semi - deep to deep lacustrine, subaqueous gravity flow,lacustrine swamp and pyroclastic sediments. However, some event units were formed during lake - marine linking periods of the Mid - Cretaceous in the basin, which include black shales with high values for salinity (Sr/Ba) , alkalinity ( Ca + Mg)/(Si + Al) , reducibility (Ni + Zn)/Ga and sulfide sulfur as well as heavy isotopes. The Breitenholz -section to be represented for facies comparison with the Cretaceous evaporitic series in Northeast China is localized in Southwest Germany. Stratigraphically it belongs to the Crabfeld Formation of Keuper of the Germanic Triassic corresponding to Ladinian - Carnian of the international reference scale, and is generally called Lower Gipskeuper. The Germanic Triassic was deposited in the epicontinental (cratonic) central Europe Basin. It covered the area in between Great Britain, North Sea, Poland and Southern Germany. It is composed of cyclic deposits of multicolored mudstones, gypsum/anhydrite, and dolomite beds. The two cases of marine ingression - influenced sequences share some common features.  相似文献   
On the basis of the shape and inner structure of volcanic edifice, the dip angle and coherence were selected to recognize the buried volcanic edifices in Songliao Basin. Five volcanic edifices were recognized in both two methods in the first volcanic cycle of Yingcheng Formation and the prediction perfectly corresponds to the drilling results in well XS8 area. The results are satisfying when the prediction method were employed in the exploration and development of Qingshen gas field.  相似文献   
1IntroductionIt has recently been recognized that most of the Ceno-Mesozoic sedimentary basins in eastern China contain volcanogenic and volcaniclastic successions developed especially in the early stages of the basin formation (Wang etal.,1997;Cheng etal.,1997;Chen etal., 1999). These volcanic rocks can con-tribute to the oil/gas reservoirs under favorable con-dition (Wang etal.,1997;Hu etal.,1999). The characteristics of volcanism in the basins of eastern China can be compared to those …  相似文献   
红色碳酸盐岩是华南奥陶系的一种具有紫红—砖红色调的代表性沉积岩,其中可能蕴含特殊的古环境信息。湖南湘西三百洞地区具有一条出露良好、厚层为主的红色碳酸盐岩剖面,主要发育于大湾组和牯牛潭组内,文章对该段地层采集了355件碳、氧同位素和Mn、Sr元素分析样品,以及10件牙形刺化石样品进行研究。根据牙形刺样品约束,大湾组底界可能大致相当于弗洛阶顶界,大湾组和牯牛潭组界线在达瑞威尔阶中下部,牯牛潭组顶界大致相当于达瑞威尔阶顶界。据显微薄片鉴定、δ13C-δ18O相关性分析和Mn-Sr元素评估,推断样品受到成岩作用影响不大。355件同位素测试样品显示三百洞剖面的δ13C和δ18O均为低幅高频振荡,δ13C在-0.38‰~1.67‰之间,δ18O在-9.34‰~-7.21‰之间,其中可与全球对比的同位素事件有大坪阶底部碳同位素负漂事件(BDNICE)和达瑞威尔阶中部碳同位素漂移事件(MDICE),可以间接对比的有达瑞威尔阶下部碳同位素负漂事件(LDNICE),此外还有2...  相似文献   
中国白垩纪大陆科学钻探松科1井北孔连续取四方台组岩心心长209.02m,岩心收获率为97.5%,是迄今获取的最连续完整的沉积记录。文章对此进行了厘米级(分层厚度2~5cm)沉积地质描述。四方台组沉积时期对应中一晚坎潘期。通过对松科1井四方台组岩心的精细描述,揭示其岩性-岩相-旋回的沉积序列及其过程。四方台组共识别出8种...  相似文献   
松辽盆地断陷期分为1个超层序组、3个超层序、6个层序。从火石岭组到营城组构成一个完整的活动大陆边缘火山一断陷超层序组。三个超层序分别为同碰撞期火山一断陷超层序(火石岭组)、火山间歇期断陷超层序(沙河子组)和后碰撞期火山一断陷超层序(营城组)。超层序组底界Ts界面是前三叠纪拼合基底与侏罗系火山岩一沉积岩互层序列之间的反射界面,界面上下层系之间的间断时限≥45Ma;界面之下是古亚洲洋构造域时期形成的拼合基底,界面之上是鄂霍次克洋构造域形成的火山—沉积建造。超层序组顶界T4界面是断陷期火山岩一碎屑岩互层/序列与上覆坳陷期正常沉积岩层序之间的反射界面,界面上下层系之间的间断时限为3~5Ma;界面之下是鄂霍次克洋构造域晚期形成的火山—沉积建造,界面之上是太平洋构造域早期形成的坳陷期沉积层序。层序对油气的控制作用十分明显。高产工业气藏主要见于超层序组的顶界面;工业气藏和低产气藏主要出现在层序界面附近;层序内部一般多形成低产气藏或差气层。  相似文献   
冰筏沉积(ice-rafted deposits)作为一种古气候、古地理再造的有效记录,在欧洲和北美已有许多研究,而在我国研究较少。本文为作者在查阅国外有关冰筏沉积文献基础上,对冰筏沉积做一综述,以期引起广大沉积学同行的注意。  相似文献   
松辽盆地白垩系油页岩中的Mn、Ca、Ba、Sr、P、Na、Zn、Th等元素含量高于国际标样(SDO-1)2~100倍,呈明显富集趋势。有机质(干酪根)中Zn、Ba、Cu、Mo、Pb、Ni、Y、Co、Mg、B等元素含量高于其页岩平均含量1.5~200倍,说明有机质相是它们的"富集相"。油页岩物相分析显示,只有Zn和Ba等少数元素是以有机质相为"载体相"(即有机相中所含元素的量占岩石中该元素总含量的50%以上)。据上述研究作者认为,油页岩中生物有机质对多种金属元素都具有显著富集作用;但只有当有机质相既是金属元素的"富集相"同时又是该元素的"载体相"时,生物有机质对它的矿化作用才具有实际意义。  相似文献   
The Songliao basin (SB) is a superposed basin with two different kinds of basin fills. The lower one is characterized by a fault-bounded volcanogenic succession comprising of intercalated volcanic, pyroclastic and epiclastic rocks. The volcanic rocks, dating from 110 Ma to 130 Ma, are of geochemically active continental margin type. Fast northward migration of the SB block occurred during the major episodes of the volcanism inferred from their paleomagnetic information. The upper one of the basin fill is dominated by non-marine sag-style sedimentary sequence of siliciclastics and minor carbonates. The basin center shifted westwards from the early to late Cretaceous revealed by the GGT seismic velocity structure suggesting dynamic change in the basin evolution. Thus, a superposed basin model is proposed. Evolution of the SB involves three periods including (1) Alptian and pre-Aptian: a retroarc basin and range system of Andes type related to Mongolia-Okhotsk collisional belt (MOCB); (2) Albian to Companian: a sag-like strike-slip basin under transtension related to oblique subduction of the Pacific plate along the eastern margin of the Eurasian plate; (3) since Maastrichtian: a tectonic inverse basin under compression related to normal subduction of the Pacific plate under the Eurasian plate, characterized by overthrust, westward migration of the depocenter and eastward uplifting of the basin margin.  相似文献   
泉头组是松辽盆地中白垩世早期地层,为主要含油层位之一,由一套含轮藻、瓣鳃类、介形虫、叶肢介及陆生植物化石为主的红色陆屑组成,自下而上可分为四段,最大厚度可达2000m。在泉头期,河流相沉积占有相当的比重。对河流相沉积特征研究及古河流的再造,无疑对确定河流砂体规模、几何形态、空间分布及油气勘探具指导意义。  相似文献   
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