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本文介绍维持ICAP仪器工作条件长期稳定的实验方法。讨论了仪器的定期检测与调试,合理选择仪器控制标样,以及例行生产中的标准样品分析与对检样品分析。以上方法经多年化探拼图工作检验证明行之有效。  相似文献   
本文通过常规地质手段与测井解释相比较的研究方法。根据7个实测剖面和66口探井的沉积相研究成果,总结出松辽盆地内可被明显识别10种测井—沉积相类型:①大段齿化箱—菱形冲积扇相、⑦多阶梯状冲泛平源相、③中高幅齿化漏斗—钟形扇三角洲相、④连续进积或退积武三角洲相、⑤低幅背景或见中高幅指状峰的滨浅湖相、⑥低幅背景间夹中幅齿状峰的湖岸盐坪相、⑦大段低幅曲线偶见中幅齿—菱形峰的半深湖及深湖相、⑧中幅齿化箱—菱形水下沉积物重力流相、⑨低幅齿形沼泽相、⑩高幅似箱形火山(沉积)岩相。  相似文献   
Isotopic ages of synsedimentary clay minerals were directly determined with the ultrasonicscattering-settlement separation-K-Ar dilution technique. The apparent age of black mudstoneis 123 Ma for the Quantou Formation, 111.9-89.0 Ma for the Qingshankou Formation and77.6-76.8 Ma for the upper part of the Nenjiang Formation. The Rb-Sr isochrone age of themuddy limestone-mudstone sequence of the lower part of the Nenjiang Formation is 81 Ma andthat of the muddy evaporite of the middle part of the Quantou Formation is 122.2 Ma. On thebasis of the above isotopic ages, the authors propose a modified scheme of stratigraphic classifi-cation of the Cretaceous of the Songliao basin.  相似文献   
中国东部中新生代火山—碎屑—凝灰岩储层研究综述   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
主要论述了中国东剖中新生代火山储层的发育状况及赋方式,对这些储层进行了区域对比,讨论了火山岩储层的发育规律,并在此基础上详细了讨论了火山岩储层的研究状况,,包括火山岩储层的孔隙研究,相带研究及其与油气关系。  相似文献   
Extensive transgression of lake water occurred during the Cretaceous Qingshankou Stage and the Nengjiang Stage in the Songliao basin, forming widespread deep-water deposits. Eleven types of microfacies of deep-water deposits have been recognized in the continuous core rocks from the SKII, including mudstone of still water, marlite, dolostone, oil shale, volcanic ashes, turbidite, slump sediment, tempestite, seismite, ostracoda limestone and sparry carbonate, which are divided into two types: microfacies generated due to gradually changing environments (I) and microfacies generated due to geological events (II). Type I is composed of some special fine grain sediments such as marlite, dolomite stone and oil shale as well as mudstone and Type II is composed of some sediments related to geological events, such as volcanic ashes, turbiditie, slump sediment, tempestite, seismite, ostracoda limestone. The formation of sparry carbonate may be controlled by factors related to both environments and events. Generally, mudstone sediments of still water can be regarded as background sediments, and the rest sediments are all event sediments, which have unique forming models, which may reflect controlling effects of climatics and tectonics.  相似文献   
Based on the volume magnetic susceptibility and specific gravity measurements and mineral and lithologic identification results for 540 samples,the rock type,density,and magnetic susceptibility of rocks from northern Borneo were analyzed,and the applicability of gravity and magnetic data to the lithologic identification of the Mesozoic strata in the southern South China Sea was assessed accordingly.The results show that there are 3 types and 25 subtypes of rocks in northern Borneo,mainly intermediate-mafic igneous rocks and exogenous clastic sedimentary rocks,with small amounts of endogenous sedimentary rocks,felsic igneous rocks,and metamorphic rocks.The rocks that are very strongly-strongly magnetic and have high-medium densities are mostly igneous rocks,tuffaceous sandstones,and their metamorphic equivalents.The rocks that are weakly magnetic-non-magnetic and have medium-very low densities are mostly conglomerates,sandstones,siltstones,mudstones,and coal.The rocks that are weakly magnetic-diamagnetic and have highmedium densities are mostly limestones and siliceous rocks.The Cenozoic rocks are characterized by low densities and medium susceptibilities;the Mesozoic rocks are characterized by medium densities and medium-high susceptibilities;and the pre-Mesozoic rocks are characterized by high densities and low magnetism.Based on these results and the distribution characteristics of the various rock types,it was found that the pre-Mesozoic rocks produce weak regional gravity anomalies;the Mesozoic sedimentary rocks produce negative regional gravity anomalies;whereas the Mesozoic igneous rocks produce positive regional gravity anomalies;and the Cenozoic igneous rocks produce positive regional gravity anomalies.The regional high magnetic anomalies in the southern part of the South China Sea originate from the Mesozoic mafic igneous rocks and their metamorphic equivalents;and the regional medium magnetic anomalies may be produced by the felsic igneous rocks and their metamorphic equivalents.Accordingly,the identification of the Mesozoic lithology in the southern South China Sea shows that the Mesozoic sedimentary rocks are distributed over a large area of the southern South China Sea.Thus,it is concluded that the Mesozoic strata in this area have the potential for oil and gas exploration.  相似文献   
松辽盆地断陷期白垩纪营城组的时代归属   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
本文结合生物地层,同位素年代学,古地磁及地层序列的最新研究成果,探讨了松辽盆地断陷期营城组的时代归属。营城组孢粉组合多繁盛于白垩纪早—中期的Hauterivian期—Albian期;营城组同位素年龄分布表现出两个峰值135 ~ 120Ma和115 ~ 110Ma,结合采样层位及地层序列特征认为135~130Ma代表营城组下段中基性火山岩的年龄,130 ~ 120Ma代表营城组一段酸性火山岩的年龄,115~110Ma代表营城组三段基性火山岩及顶部酸性火山岩的年龄;古地磁研究表明在Hauterivian期底界偏上的135Ma发生过磁性的倒转以及松辽盆地的快速北移。这些特征表明营城组的时代为Hauterivian期—Albian早期,同位素年龄为135 ~ 110Ma。  相似文献   
下扬子区三叠纪层序地层的发育特征反映出巨大的沉积环境改变和气候变迁 ,即从海相环境过渡为海陆交互环境 ,进而转变为陆相环境 ;从热带气候过渡为副热带干旱气候 ,进而转化为温暖潮湿气候。相应的层序类型也由Ⅱ型碎屑岩与碳酸盐混合层序、Ⅰ型台地碳酸盐层序、Ⅰ型碳酸盐潮坪—泻湖层序转变为Ⅱ型海陆过渡湖泊层序和陆相湖沼层序。各种类型层序的发育、分布和保存揭示了背景的构造控制作用与改变。华北板块与扬子板块碰撞是地史上的重大地质事件 ,但在碰撞时间上存在着争议。下扬子区三叠纪层序地层类型转化及其反映出的海平面变化与全球海平面变化的不一致性是扬子板块与华北板快碰撞的响应。碰撞作用开始于中三叠世 ,下扬子区大规模海退比全球性海退提前约 2 2Ma ,碰撞前和碰撞过程中的构造条件控制了层序地层的发育与类型转化  相似文献   
The reservoir volcanic rocks in Songliao Basin include the Lower Cretaceous (Klyc Form., 114~135 Ma,acidic rocks) and the Upper Jurassic (J3hs Form., 145~158 Ma, intermediate rocks). Vesicles coupled with faults make the volcanic reservoir spaces which do not as badly getting worse with buried depth as those of sediments generally doing. The flood rhyolites of the Lower Cretaceous cover ca. 100 000 km2 with relict thickness from 100 m to more than 1000 m. They are high-silica, rich in aluminum and potassium, high REE contents with large negative Eu anomalies,thus believed also be formed by the large-scale sialic crust partial-melting. The andesitic rocks of the Upper Jurassic are rich in Al and K, but with lower REE contents and minor negative Eu anomalies, as well as dispersal patterns of HREE.They are believed to be produced by progressively shallower partial-melting where the fractionation of garnet and/or zircon may be involved. The most probable heat sources provided for the long-lasting volcanisms in the Songliao Basin is the subduction of the Okhotsk plate.  相似文献   
1IntroductionThe Tibet plateau consists of terranes which were accreted in a southward-younging succession from Late Permian to Mid-Eocene (Dewey etal., 1988; Mattern etal., 1998; Mattern and Schneider, 2000). The Songpan-Ganzi terrane was accreted to the Kunlun during Late Permian along Kunlun-Qin-ling suture. The Qiangtang block was added onto the Songpan-Ganzi terrane at the Jinsha suture dur-ing Late Triassic-Early Jurassic. The Lhasa block became attached to the Qia…  相似文献   
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