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Sampling efforts are constrained by limited availability of resources. Therefore, methods to reduce the number of samples, while still achieving reasonable accuracy are needed. Land-surface segmentation (LSS) has proven a powerful technique to partition digital elevation models (DEMs) and their derivatives into relatively homogeneous areas, which can be further employed as support in soil sampling. Though topography is one of the main soil forming factors, a robust assessment of the potential of this technique to digital soil mapping (DSM) is still missing. In this study, we aimed at evaluating the potential of LSS in stratifying a landscape into relatively homogeneous areas, which can be used as strata for guiding the selection of sampling points in DSM. The experiments were carried out in two study areas where soil samples were available. Land-surface derivatives were derived from DEMs and segmented with a tool based on the multiresolution segmentation algorithm, into objects considered as homogeneous soil-landscape divisions. Thus, one sample was randomly selected within each segment from the existing sample data, based on which predictions of soil classes/sub-orders and properties, i.e. soil texture and A-horizon thickness, were made. Results were compared with predictions based on simple random sampling (SRS) and conditioned Latin hypercube (cLHS). The segmentation-based sampling (SBS) scheme performed better than SRS and cLHS schemes in predicting the A-horizon thickness, soil texture fractions and soil classes, showing a high potential of LSS in stratifying a landscape for the purposes of DSM. The novelty of this study is in the way strata are constructed, rather than in the sampling design itself. Further research is needed to demonstrate the value of a SBS design for practical use. The analyses presented here further highlight the importance of considering locally adaptive techniques in optimization of sampling schemes and predictions of soil properties.  相似文献   
Two lakes, Lake Gänseweiher (LGW) and Lake Fechenheimer Weiher (LFW) occupy groundwater filled abandoned gravel pits which serve as fishing grounds and are part of recreational areas, respectively.Both lakes are cut into a near-surface groundwater aquifer, which is located in the pleistocene River Main gravel terrace t6. They are sealed at the base by miocene clays and above by overlying flood deposits of the River Main. The latter provide protection from pollutants derived from wet and dry deposition of atmospheric contaminants.Groundwater chemistry determines the pool of dissolved constituents in lake water. The temporal and spatial distribution patterns of chemical compounds in lake water are brought about by endo-biogenic processes, of which the indicators are nitrate-nitrogen and dissolved silica. The latter illustrates an instantaneous response to pulses of diatom blooms.Both lakes are eutrophic (polytrophic) according to the classification guidelines presented in literature.  相似文献   
Summary A detailed study of the compositional variations of 22 different platinum-group minerals, of Os-Ir-Ru- and Pt-Fe alloys, Pt-Pd- and Ru-Os-Ir sulfides, RhIr-Pt sulfarsenides and Pd-Pt tellurides from various deposits resulted in verification of extensive solid solution series and element substitution within different mineral groups. On the basis of representative new microprobe analyses and related spectral reflectance curves of the platinum-group minerals investigated significant correlations between chemical composition and reflectance are discussed.
Chemische Variation und Reflexion der wichtigsten Minerale der Platingruppe
Zusammenfassung Die Untersuchung der chemischen Variation bei 22 Platinmineralen aus der Gruppe der Os-Ir-Ru- und Pt-Fe-Legierungen, Pt-Pd- und Ru-Os-Ir-Sulfide, Rh-Ir-Pt-Sulfarsenide und Pd-Pt-Telluride ergibt signifikante Mischkristallbildung und Element-Substitutionen innerhalb der unterschiedlichen Mineralgruppen. Anhand neuer Mikrosondenanalysen und der zugehörigen spektralen Reflexionskurven der betreffenden Platinminerale werden die Korrelationen zwischen Chemismus und Reflexion diskutiert.

With 17 Figures

Contribution to the Ore Mineralogy Symposium (IMA/COM) at the 14th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, at Stanford, California, in July, 1986.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Das hier vorgestellte Modell basiert auf der Annahme, daß sich unter großen Landmassen, wie Pangäa zum Beispiel, in tektonischen Ruheperioden Wärme aus dem Erdinneren anstaut. Infolgedessen entwickelte sich vom Perm bis zur Kreide ein weites Konvektionstumorsystem; Pangäa zersplitterte und die kontinentalen Platten bewegten sich vom afrikanischen Zentrum weg. Die ozeanischen Rücken des Atlantiks und Indiks folgten den abwandernden Platten wie sich »öffnende Ringe«. Panthalassa, der Eo-Pazifik, wurde von allen Seiten überdriftet. Es muß einen Gegenstrom vom Pazifik im Mantel geben, welcher für die Auffüllung der zwischen den Pangäabruchstücken entstehenden ozeanischen Räume mit Mantelmaterial sorgt. Auch die ozeanischen Platten des Pazifiks bewegen sich vom zentralen »Darwin-Rise« weg. Der ostpazifische Rükken folgte der Bewegung und bildet heute einen ausgedehnten ostwärts gekrümmten Bogen. In den ozeanischen »Außenbögen« bildeten sich infolge der Dehnung Querrifts. Die Transformstörungen sind in beiden Systemen radial angeordnet. Die Terrains an Nordamerikas Westküste können nur östlich eines ostpazifischen Rückens aus ihrer ursprünglichen Position im zentralen Pazifik herausgewandert sein, also synchron mit dem sich öffnenden Pazifik. Die Kontinente bewegen sich möglicherweise solange von ihrer ursprünglichen Position weg, bis erneut eine große Landmasse zusammengedriftet ist. Unterhalb einer solchen »Neogäa« könnte sich wieder ein Konvektionstumor infolge von Wärmestau entfalten. Das findet vielleicht in Intervallen von einigen hundert Millionen Jahren statt und könnte die WILSON-Zyklen der Erdgeschichte erklären.
The tectonic evolution of the earth from Pangea to the present a plate tectonic model
The model proposed here is based on the assumption that beneath giant landmasses (e.g. Pangea) heat from the inner earth is stored up and accumulated during periods of tectonic inactivity. Consequently below Pangea a huge convection bulge system developed from the Permian to the Cretaceous; Pangea split up and the continental plates moved away from the African centre. The oceanic ridges of the Atlantic and the Indic also followed the movement of the withdrawing continents like »opening rings«. The oceanic ridges always maintained their position in the middle of the spreading oceans above unidirectional flows in the upper mantle. Panthalassa which surrounded Pangea, was over-drifted from all sides. Since the »expansion« of Pangea is continuing even today, there must be a counter current of mantle material from the Pacific area, compensating the gaps between the fragments of Pangea. Consequently at the subduction zones a suction should exist, which pulls the Pacific plates under the advancing plates of the former Pangean continent. In the centre of Panthalassa another bulge from the upper mantle developed simultaneously with the bulge under Pangea. The Pacific oceanic plates moved away outwards from this central »Darwin rise«. The Eastpacific ridge also followed this movement eastwards and forms today a wide, ringlike arc. In the outer arcs of the Pangean and Pacific spreading ocean systems transverse ridges developed as a result of the extension of the older oceanic crust. The transform faults are radial structures in both »expanding« systems. The hotspot spurs of the Hawaii and Polynesian islands can be explained as the result of material derived from an independent slowly ESE moving deeper part of the mantle. The terrains on North Americas West cost moved away from their original position in the central Pacific ocean synchronously with the opening ocean on the east side of the advancing East Pacific ridge.The energy which drives the whole system is residual plus radioactive heat. Kinetic movements compensate the heat surplus of the earth. The continental plates of the Pangean system are moving away from their original position until a new giant landmass is formed by collision. Below such a stationary »Neogea« a heat bulge can develop again. This may take place perhaps in intervals of hundred of million years, explaining the WILSON-cycles in earth history.

Résumé Le modèle présenté ici est basé sur l'hypothèse qu'endessous des grandes masses continentales — comme la Pangée p.ex. - il s'accumule, pendant les périodes de calme tectonique, de la chaleur d'origine interne. En conséquence, depuis le Permien jusqu'au Crétacé, un vaste système de convection s'est développé; la Pangée s'est morcelée et les plaques continentales se sont éloignées du centre africain. Les dorsales océaniques circum-africaines ont suivi le mouvement de ces plaques à la manière d'»anneaux concentriques«. La Panthalassa, précurseur du Pacifique, a été chevauchée de tous les côtés. Il doit s'être établi, dans le manteau, à partir du Pacifique, un contre-courant qui compense l'ouverture des océans en formation entre les fragments de la Pangée. Le Pacifique a donné lieu, lui aussi, à une expansion centrifuge; la dorsale est-pacifique a suivi le mouvement et forme aujourd'hui un arc bombé vers l'est. Dans les arcs océaniques extérieurs, l'expansion a provoqué la formation de dorsales transverses. Les failles transformantes montrent, dans les deux systèmes, des dispositions radiales. Les terrains de la côte W de l'Amérique du N ne peuvent provenir que d'une région située à l'Est de la dorsale est-pacifique dans sa position d'origine. Les continents s'éloigment et forme aujourd'hui un arc bombé vers l'est. Dans les arcs océaniques extérieurs, l'expansion a provoqué la forSous une telle »Néogée«, une nouvelle cellule de convection pourrait ensuite se développer. Ces phénomènes pourraient se dérouler dans un intervalle de quelques centaines de millions d'années, expliquant ainsi les cycles de Wilson dans l'histoire de la Terre.

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Bohra DM 《GeoJournal》1979,3(1):63-68
In this research paper attempts have been made to analyze the distribution of 68 urban settlements in 14 regions of the country. The value of near-neighbour statistic (R) shows nearly random pattern of urban settlements in some regions and approachingly uniform distribution of urban settlements in other regions. Regional distribution of urban settlements and their growth have been explained in context of region's geographical, economic and industrial frameworks.  相似文献   
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