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Summary Rare-metals mineralization of the Brockman deposit (Halls Creek Mobile Zone, NW Australia) is hosted in a fluorite-bearing, rhyolitic volcaniclastic unit informally termed the Niobium Tuff. The Tuff, more correctly described as a tuffaceous volcaniclastic deposit, is the lowermost unit of a sequence of trachyte-to-rhyolite lavas, trachyandesite subvolcanic rocks, and volcaniclastic units of the Brockman volcanics located within the Halls Creek Group, a thick, early Proterozoic volcano-sedimentary sequence. High precision SHRIMP ion-microprobe zircon dating of the Niobium Tuff gives an eruption age of 1870 ± 4 Ma. Regional geochronological constraints indicate the Niobium Tuff was deposited about 15 Ma before major orogenic activity affected the area. Despite folding, faulting and low-grade metamorphism, the Brockman volcanics show excellent preservation of primary volcanological features, including pillow-lavas and pillow-breccias, that suggest a dominantly subaqueous, below-wave-base emplacement environment. The style of eruption products and magma volume constraints suggest the trachyte-dominated volcanics were erupted from a small shield volcanic complex probably in a rift-related basin in a shallow-marine setting. The tectonic setting was intraplate but differs from most Tertiary to recent trachyte volcanic complexes which are largely subaerial, are built on relatively thick continental crust, and show no post-eruptive orogenic history. Brockman-style rare-metal deposits are characterized by preservation of subaqueous volcanics beneath a thick sedimentary sequence, eruption of early incompatible-element enriched products followed by less differentiated magmas, and fine-grained mineralogy influenced by alteration processes. Prospects exist for discovery of analogous deposits, particularly in early Proterozoic mobile belts and Tertiary intraplate shield volcanic provinces.
Geologie der an Vulkanite gebundenen Seltene-Metalle-Lagerstätte Brockman, Halls Creek Mobile Zone, Nordwest-Australien. I. Vulkanologie, Geochronologie und Petrographie der Brockman-Vulkanite
Zusammenfassung Selten-Metall-Vererzung der Brockman-Lagerstätten (Halls Creek Mobile Zone, NW Australien) sitzt in einer Fluorit-führenden, rhyolitischen vulkanoklastischen Einheit auf, die informell als der Niob-Tuff bezeichnet wird. Es handelt sich hier um ein vulkanoklastisches Tuff-Sediment; dieses ist die unterste Einheit einer Abfolge vor Trachyt bis Rhyolit-Laven, trachyandesitischen Subvulkaniten and vulkanoklastischen Einheiten der Brockman Vulkanite innerhalb der Halls Creek Gruppe, einer mächtigen frühproterozoischen vulkanosedimentdren Abfolge. Prüzisionsdatierungen des Niob Tuffs mit der SHRIMP Ionen-Mikrosonde ergeben ein Eruptionsalter von 1870 +-4 Millionen Jahren. Regionale geochronologische Zusammenhänge zeigen, daß der Niob Tuff etwa 15 Millionen Jahre vor einer größeren Orogenese, die das Gebiet betroffen hat, abgelagert wurde. Trotz Faltung, Bruchtektonik and niedriggradiger Metamorphose zeigen die Brockman-Vulkanite einen hervorragenden Erhaltungszustand primärer vulkanologischer Erscheinungen. Diese urnfassen auch Kissenlaven und KissenBreckzien, die eine vorwiegend subaquatische Ablagerung in ruhigem Wasser erkennen lassen. Die Art der Eruptionsprodukte and das Magmavolumen zeigen, daß die Trachytdominierten Vulkanite von einem kleinen Schildvulkan stammer, wahrscheinlich in einem Becken in einer Rift-Situation im seichten marinen Milieu. Die tektonische Situation war intraplate, aber unterscheidet sich von den meisten tertiären bis rezenten trachytischen Vulkan-Komplexen, die hauptsächlich subaerisch sind, auf einer relativ mächtigen kontinentalen Kruste aufsitzen, and keine post-eruptive orogene Entwicklung zeigen. Seltene-Metalle-Lagerstatten des Brockman-Typs rind durch die Erhaltung subaquatischer-Vulkanite unterhalb einer machtigen sedimentdren Abfolge gekennzeichnet; welters durch frühe Eruptionsprodukte, die an inkompatiblen Elementen angereichert sind, auf die dann weniger differenzierte Magmen folgten, und schließlich durch einen feinkörnigen Mineralbestand, der vor Umwandlungsprozessen betroffen war. Es besteht die Möglichkeit der Entdeckung analoger Lagerstätten, besonders in frühproterozoischen mobilen Gürteln und in tertidren intraplate Schildvulkan Provinzen.

With 5 Figures

Deceased  相似文献   
M. F. Rotar Dr. 《GeoJournal》1992,27(2):185-193
The generalization of the data available, field and laboratory investigations made it possible to estimate the pesticide inflow with large rivers to the NW part of the Black Sea, and the degree of pollution of the soil cover, bottom sediments of water bodies, confined aquifers with pesticides and ground water with nitrates. As a result of the uncontrolled use of agrochemicals their residual quantities were found in 66–93% of the samples. In connection with economic activities the greatest damage was caused to the ground water — the main source of water supply in the region: in some areas the depletion of their resources, intrusion of sea water and salt ground waters into aquifers as well as presence of residual quantities of pesticides in concentrations exceeding the maximum permissible limit were detected.Ideas on limitation of the harmful impact of agrochemicals upon the region's environment are presented here.  相似文献   
This paper discusses social network interactions among individuals who have been hospitalized with mental illness and who currently reside in different types of community housing programmes. First, a conceptualisation of social networks that focuses on network interactions, both supportive and non-supportive, between network interactions may be more important influences on successful or unsuccessful adaptation of current and former psychiatric patients to community life than the structural dimensions of social networks more commonly analysed in the literature. The design of a current longitudinal study of social network interactions is presented. The results of two pilot studies that examine social network interactions is presented. The results of two pilot studies that examine social network interactions with data from several community housing programmes in southern Ontario, Canada are reviewed and an agenda is stated for further data collection and analysis.  相似文献   
Continental cloudiness changes this century   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Surface-based observations of total cloud amount have been collected from historical records for four continents: North America, Europe, India and Australia. The records extend from 1900 to around 1985. Of the 350 individual station records investigated worldwide, 86% show an increase in total cloud amount or no change. In all four continents there is evidence of an increase in total cloud amount. This upward trend appears to be statistically significant for at least two regions: North America Australia. For North America this finding is corroborated by other recent studies.  相似文献   
Summary The crystal structure of the tetragonal fumarole mineral nabokoite, Cu7TeO4(SO4)5 · KCl (a=9.833 (1).Å,c=20.591(2) Å, space groupP 4/ncc, Z=4) was determined by single crystal X-ray methods on type material from Kamchatka. The structure contains complicated {[CU7TeO4(SO4)4]SO4} sheets that are intercalated by K and Cl ions. Nabokoite presents the first example of a Te(IV)O4 pyramid with exactly tetragonal symmetry. The K ions have a somewhat unusual, rather flat coordination.
Die Kristallstruktur des Nabokoits, Cu7TeO4(SO4)5 · KCl: Das erste Beispiel für eine Te(IV)O4-Pyramide mit exakt tetragonaler Symmetrie
Zusammenfassung Die Kristallstruktur des tetragonalen Fumarolenminerals Nabokoit, Cu7TeO4(SO4)5 · KCl (a=9,833(1)Å,c=20,591(2)Å, RaumgruppeP 4/ncc, Z=4) wurde an Typ-Material von Kamtschatka mit Röntgen-Einkristallmethoden bestimmt. Die Struktur enthält komplizierte [Cu7TeO4(SO4)4]SO4-Schichten, die durch K- und Cl-Ionen verbunden werden. Nabokoit liefert das erste Beispiel für eine Te(IV)O4-Pyramide mit exakt tetragonaler Symmetrie. Die K-Ionen haben eine etwas ungewöhnliche, ziemlich flache Koordination.

With 2 Figures  相似文献   
Summary At Ririwai, Nigeria, a biotite granite has suffered extensive post-magmatic metasomatism to produce albitized, microclinized, and greisenized rocks; the latter two lithologies form the wallrocks adjacent to tin-zinc vein-style mineralization. All the rock-types carry accessory amounts of thorite, locally accompanied by trace amounts of paragenetically late coffinite and xenotime. Petrographical and electron-microprobe data are presented for these minerals. In the biotite granite, thorite and coffinite range to high Zr contents (25.1 wt% ZrO2 in thorite and 11.7 wt% in coffinite), exceeding the highest values previously reported in both minerals. In the lode wallrocks, yttrium contents range up to 13.9 wt% Y2O3 in thorite and 15.9 wt% in coffinite. From stoichiometric considerations, both minerals are inferred to contain OH. Petrographically, the thorites of the lode wallrocks are distinctive, and they are interpreted as having grown from the metasomatizing fluids. The albitized rocks and some of the lode wallrocks contain the thorites with the highest U contents, including one example of continuous zoning to coffinite. The unusual mineral compositions are interpreted as metastable solid-solution ranges formed from fluids that transported U, Th, Y and, over short distances, Zr.
Die Zirkon-Thorit Mineral Gruppe in metasomatisiertem Granit, Ririwai, Nigeria. 1. Geochemie und metastable feste Lösungen des Thorit und Coffinit
Zusammenfassung In Ririwai, Nigeria, wurde ein Biotit-Granit durch extensive Metasomatose in albitisierte, mikroklinisierte und vergreisete Gesteine umgewandelt. In Mikroklin-Gesteinen und Greisen sitzt eine Zinn-Zink-Gangvererzung! Sämtliche Gesteinstypen führen Thorit als akzessorischen Gemengteil, stellenweise mit Spuren von spätgebildetem Coffinit und Xenotim. Petrographische und Mikrosonden-Daten dieser Minerale werden präsentiert. Im Biotit-Granit erreichten die Zr-Gehalte im Thorit und Coffinit Werte, wie sie bisher noch nicht bekannt waren (25.1 Gew.-% ZrO2 im Thorit und 11.7 Gew.-% im Coffmit). In den Nebengesteinen reichen die Yttrium-Gehalte im Thorit bis 13.9 Gew.-% Y2O3, und im Coffinit bis 15.9 Gew.-%. Aus stöchiometrischen Überlegungen kann vermutet werden, daß beide Minerale OH enthalten. Petrographisch sind die Thorite aus den Nebengesteinen eindeutig definiert, und sie dürften aus metasomatischen Fluida entstanden sein. Die albitisierten Gesteine und auch einige Nebengesteine führen Thorite mit den höchsten U-Gehalten, darunter ein Beispiel mit einem kontinuierlichen Zonarbau bis zum Coffinit. Die ungewöhnlichen Mineralzusammensetzungen werden als metastabile feste Lösungen interpretiert, die aus Fluiden gebildet worden sind, welche U, Th, Y und über kurze Distanzen auch Zr transportiert haben.
During the past half century Moro society has undergone immense economic and social transformations. The Moro adopted rural-urban and rural-rural migration, among other things, to diversify their incomes and augment their sources of livelihood. Politically, the introduction of modern political parties since independence in 1956 and the emergence of regional movements have influenced Moro perception of their reality and relationship with their Hawazma and Jellaba neighbours.I argue in this paper that due to disappointments emanating from harsh living conditions in discordant Northern Sudanese towns, the Moro translate past experiences into a common identity. Migration, in this sense, is seen as a major factor in explaining the Moro crisis of identity and their oscillation between integration and aloofness or modernity and traditionalism.  相似文献   
Hurricane Gilbert made its landfall on the Yucatan peninsula on September 14, 1988, destroying valuable resort property in Cancun, Isla Mujeres, and Cozumel. Salt flats (salinas) in northern Quintana Roo and Yucatan were flooded by the storm surge and coastal marine ecosystem were devastated. Inland, the hurricane caused damages to houses, power lines, and farming land, but increased opportunities for garden hunting on destroyed fields. Twenty percent of tropical rain forest suffered losses of canopy and in the deciduous forests of north-central Yucatan noxiuous insects populations increased. Although damaging in its ultimate effects, hurricane Gilbert tested the resilience of Maya Indians and their readiness for post-disaster accommodation.  相似文献   
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