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By means of 18 traps, 124 species (including 4 fossil ones) with a total of 3.5×105 cells/m2 have been identified an determined as transported by wind. 119 species have been detected on the feet and bills of waterbirds (Gallinago gallinago). Large migratory insects are capable of transporting diatoms over long distances, whereas small insects partake in the microdistribution. An average of 13.5 diatoms per insect (43 diatom species) were found on 44 insects.  相似文献   
The Tokaido east coast road has been the main road of Japan since Mediaeval times, and the journey from Tokyo at one end to Kyoto or Osaka at the other, which used to take a fortnight, can now be completed in about three hours by bullet train, and an even faster linear-motor car is likely to be in operation in the near future.Already during the 18. cent., Edo (Tokyo) was the largest city in the world, with a population over a million, and the rapid urbanization of Japan's population since Meiji times, and particularly during the post-WW II period, has been quite unprecendented. In 1950, the median size of place was 13,000 and by 1975 it was 140,000. About 60 million lived in the Tokaido zone.The Kanto, Nobi and Osaka plains, adjacent to the good harbours of Tokyo, Ise and Osaka bays, enjoying the relatively mild climate of the Pacific coast, and being within 600 km of each other, have been the focii of urban and industrial development in Japan. The emergence of Tokaido megalopolis was boosted by capital investment in this zone, and was contingent upon the industriousness and high level of education of the people.The concept of megalopolis in Japan is popularly associated with rapid urbanization, poly-nuclear and linear form, and concentration of population, capital and information, all of which elements are typified by the Tokaido zone. The linear megalopolis pattern has been postulated as a more efficient growth form for high-dense society than the radial metropolitan pattern. It has even been suggested that megalopolis is a concept perceived by the intellect, its physical structure determined by information networks, metropolis being perceived by the eye and its physical structure being determined by transport and energy networks.Quite irrespective of the concept of megalopolis, there can be no denying that Japan's society is a high-dense society. In 1975, 57% of the population lived in Densely Inhabited Districts (DIDs) at minimum densities of 40 persons per hectare, and these DIDs covered only 2.2% of the land area of Japan. The current trend is for more and more people to live in DIDs, but for overall DID densities to decrease. During the past 25 years, there has been a huge influx of population into the Tokaido zone, and while until 1960 the greatest increases were in the three main metropolitan centres, as these became saturated, rapid urbanization spread into the neighbouring prefectures. Since the mid-sixties, the central metropolitan wards have begun to lose residents, but the daytime population has continued to increase, giving rise to increasingly complex commuting patterns. To give an example, the commuting field of Yokohama includes almost all the prefectures of Tokaido megalopolis.Like the image of megalopolis itself, life in Tokaido megalopolis has its good and bad aspects. Although per capita space in dwellings is increasing somewhat, housing is extremely expensive and people commute long distances. Incomes are high but environmental problems persist. There is a U-turn phenomenon, but metropolitan suburbs remain a popular choice of residence.Central management functions and knowledge and information oriented occupations are predominantly concentrated in Tokyo and Osaka, the two main nodes of Tokaido megalopolis. In the intermediate cities, new employment opportunities are stimulated by the expansion of second-level managerial functions. The transport and communications networks of Tokaido are becoming congested as mobility and information flow increase.Planning in the eighties will be affected by the switch from industries dependent on raw materials to knowledge intensive industries; from investment in production to investment in public facilities and pollution control. Within Tokaido megalopolis, there is room for local governments to expand efforts to improve the existing situation, and at its fringes to avert some of the less desirable consequences of rapid urbanization.  相似文献   
Conclusions Central place preference by social geographic groups is in the Tokyo area less determined by social status than by age and life cycles differentiated by sex.In case of the tributary area of Shibuya a simple classification into young people (male and female bachelors) and married people (husbands and housewives) indicates essential differences in central place preferences between these groups.The bachelors, particularly the young men, are most important for central place orientations in that they show distinctive spatial behavioural patterns in terms of complexity, mobility and intensity of distance-movements. The young people being employed — today joculously called dokushin kizoku (bachelors' aristocracy) because of their salary raised remarkably as well as of their extensive concumer demands and high buying power — are representative for the present-day economically independent young generation. The bachelors judge urban center attractiveness on the basis of shopping facilities and also in terms of atmosphere — meeting friends, strolling through town and amusing themselves. The young people are very much courted by commercial enterprises and are regarded as special trend setters having great influence on the image and vitality of Tokyo's inner urban centers.Most attractive for the young people are the ring centers. In the southwestern suburban areas Shibuya predominates; however generally speaking it is Shinjuku, the western and leading (ring)-center, which draws the young people most strongly. Special centers such as Harajuku, Aoyama and Roppongi are also preferred by this group, often in combination with a ring-center visit. Towards the inner city core (Ginza-Nihonbashi) central place preferences chiefly of the young male bachelors are declining gradually.Compared with young people the married people prefer the ring centers only slightly before the Ginza area, which for shopping is primarily visited by housewives, for going out mainly by husbands. Particularly in the inner city core near the main office districts a typical feature for Tokyo of central place preference is evident. For the salaryman — the most representative business type in the Tokyo area — going out is identical with not going home. This phenomenon depends on the place of work in two aspects. First, spatially in terms of a close connection between office and inner city amusement/shopping centers and additionally distance-movements towards a ring center nearest of the place of work or residence. Second, socially — social activities after working hours mainly carried out with colleagues result in a behavioural pattern, in which a clear differentiation between company and private life appears to be difficult. For not going home there are many reasons — among others the constricted living conditions of Japanese homes as Westerners believe — however, other factors play a much more important role: (i) Mainly the extremely long commuting distances, which allow the salaryman a real leaving home to go out only on Sundays or holidays. Other reasons for this typically Japanese feature closely related to inner city tavern and bar visits, may be seen in (ii) the traditionally very limited participation of Japanese housewives to their husbands' out-door social activities; (iii) a system of charging and crediting expenses to one's personal bank account or the company account; (iv) the personal atmosphere of taverns and bars providing the best chances for communication/relaxation and for overcoming stress and frustrations experienced in the office.Shopping is particularly for housewives the most important motivation for visiting urban centers, in this respect two Japanese characteristics should be mentioned: First, fashion and being well-groomed are, as far as the mass of people particularly the young women is concerned, more highly esteemed than in other urban societies. As a consequence good clothes are much in demand. Purchases of these kinds of articles are most often made in department stores and cause the longest distance-movements. Second, in rank of central goods next to fashion and quality clothes follow standard gifts such as seibo and chugen. The purchase of these articles is apart from the unique custom of giving gifts twice a year typically Japanese also in so far as it contradicts the least-effort criterion in central place theory. Though these patterns mostly bought by housewives or middle-aged and older people are substantially more of daily or periodical than episodical demand, they are related to surprisingly long distance-movements because of usually being bought for image reasons in leading department stores located in higher-ranking more distant urban centers.Typical behaviour for all groups visiting higher-order urban centers is an often used combination of shopping and taking part in out-door activities such as meeting friends/acquaintances, strolling around, going to the cinema or other show performances, eating, drinking and chatting together. This is due to the outstanding facilities available not only in retail-trade but also in the gastronomic, entertainment and amusement sectors.Taken all together, complexity and intensity of central place preferences in Tokyo reflect the higher and different attractiveness of Japanese urban centers compared with that of other urban societies. The urban centers are highly esteemed because of their excellent facilities as well as of their vitality, crowds and activity. These latter characteristics are summarized by the word nigiyaka meaning vivacity, which is most typical for Japanese urban centers. The inner city centers of Tokyo can be regarded in the true sense of this term as urban foci compensating for diverse problems such as environmental pollution or lack of inner urban green areas, making life in the most densely populated area of the world worthwhile.  相似文献   
Summary The reflectance of oriented crystal faces parallel (100) and (001) of ilvaite was measured in air and in oil at different wavelengths with linearly polarized light. Refractive indices and absorption constants were calculated from the reflectance values. In contrast ton andn ,n has a strong dispersion. For the calculation ofn the absorption constant can be neglected. According to the unit cell ofBelov andMokeeva (1954) with the lattice constantsa 0=8.82,b 0=13.07,c 0=5.86 Å,n vibrates parallel to [001]n parallel to [100] andn parallel to [010]. Ilvaite is optically negative.
Auflichtuntersuchungen zur Optik des Ilvaits
Zusammenfassung Auf orientiert geschliffenen (100) und (001) Kristallplatten von Ilvait wurde das Reflexionsvermögen in Luft und in Öl mit linear polarisiertem Licht bei verschiedenen Wellenlängen gemessen. Aus den Reflexionswerten wurden die Brechungsindices und Absorptionskonstanten berechnet.n zeigt im Gegensatz zun undn eine auffallend starke Dispersion. Für die Berechnung vonn kann die Absorptionskonstante vernachlässigt werden. Nach der Aufstellung der Elementarzelle vonBelov undMokeeva (1954) mit den Gitterkonstantena 0=8,82,b 0=13,07,c 0=5,86 Å schwingtn parallel [001],n parallel [100] undn parallel [010]. Der Ilvait ist optisch negativ.

With 2 Figures  相似文献   
The critical role played by national or central direction in Japan's modernization is well recognized, but the role of rural Japan in the nation's modernizing process has not been adequately understood. Ways of life in rural Japan, or buraku, are usually viewed negatively, and considered stumbling blocks in the process of modernization. However, acloser analysis of Ryumon, an ordinary Japanese village in W Japan which successfully transformed its agricultural system to become a citrus specialty area, has revealed that the villages achieved a new way of life through many years of grass-roots effort in the context of buraku society. Clearly, buraku society must be examined more thoroughly before our understanding of Japan's process of modernization becomes complete.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die einzelnen tektonischen Einheiten des Iran werden in ihrer faziellen und strukturellen Entwicklungsgeschichte dargestellt. Fazies und Paläogeographie sprechen dafür, daß vom Infrakambrium bis in die Trias der gesamte Raum zwischen dem Persischen Golf und dem Elburs-Gebirge eine einheitliche Entwicklung genommen hat. Eine zusammenhängende Plattformsedimentation in Schelffazies kennzeichnet dieses Gebiet während des gesamten Zeitraums. Es ist ein Teil Gondwanas. Paläomagnetische Befunde stützen diese Aussage. Ozeanische Kruste und damit Hinweise auf die Tethys als eine strukturelle Einheit fehlen während dieser Zeit in diesem Gebiet. Lediglich als Faunenprovinz in Flachmeerfazies ist sie wirksam. Das offene Meer lag vom Infrakambrium bis zur oberen Trias im Norden. In der Trias tritt mit einer Heraushebung, die mit tiefgreifender Lateritisierung verbunden ist, und einer anschließenden Transgression ein grundlegender Wechsel des geodynamischen Regimes ein. Von jetzt an erfolgen die Ingressionen in den Iran von Süden. Eine engräumige fazielle Differenzierung setzt ein. Kontinental beeinflußte Sedimente im Jura zeigen, daß im Iran ein Hochgebiet entstanden ist. Gleichzeitig tretenwahrscheinlich in Anlehnung an langlebige Geosuturen — Ophiolith-Radiolarit-Zonen auf, die als das Ergebnis intrakratonischer Zerbrechung gedeutet werden. Die Ingressionen gehen wahrscheinlich von Tiefseerinnen aus, in denen auch die Ophiolithe konzentriert sind. Der Aufstieg des ophiolithischen Materials an die Oberfläche erfolgte entlang von Linien, an denen sich flach geneigte Unterschiebungen von Kruste unter Kruste ereigneten. Dabei kam es zu erheblichen Krustenverkürzungen. Möglicherweise fällt der Umbruch des tektonischen Regimes in der Obertrias mit der Plattenkollision Arabia-Iran/ Eurasia zusammen. Die Grenze zwischen Arabia-Iran und Eurasia liegt aber nicht im Gebiet des Persischen Golfes und der Zagros-Ketten, sondern muß nördlich des Elburs-Gebirges gesucht werden.
The individual tectonic units of Iran are represented with respect to the history of the development of their facies and structure. Facies and paleogeography indicate that the entire area between the Persian Gulf and the Elburz Mountains had a uniform development until the Triassic. During the whole period a coherent platform sedimentation remained characteristic of this area, which is part of Gondwana. Paleomagnetic data support this statement. Oceanic crust and thus any indications of the Tethys as a structural unit are absent in this area for that period of time. Its existence is only demonstrated in faunal provinces in shallow-marine facies. From the Infra-Cambrian to the Late Triassic the northern part of the area was open sea. During the Triassic, uplifting processes combined with deep lateritization and subsequent transgression initiated a basic change in the geodynamic regime. From this time on the ingressions into Iran proceeded from the south. At this time differentiation of facies began within small areas. Continental influences in the Jurassic sediments show that an elevated area was formed in Iran. At the same time ophiolite-radiolarite zones occurred, probably along long-lived geosutures. These zones are interpreted to be the result of processes breaking up the craton. Probably, the ingressions started from deep-sea furrows where ophiolite concentrations are found. The ascension of the ophiolitic material to the surface occurred along lines where gently dipping subduction of crust under crust took place. During this process it came to considerable crustal shortening. It is possible that the change in the tectonic regime during the Late Triassic coincided with the collision of the Arabia-Iran and Eurasia plates. The boundary between the Arabia-Iran and Eurasia plates is, however, not to be found in the area of the Persian Gulf and the Zagros mountain ranges, but is assumed to be north of the Elburz Mountains.

Résumé Chacune des unités tectoniques de l'Iran font l'objet d'un exposé concernant leur développement du point de vue de leur facies et de leur structure. Le facies et la paléogéographie indiquent que, de l'Infracambrien au Trias, tout le territoire compris entre le Golf persique et la chaîne de l'Elbours a eu un développement unitaire. Une sedimentation de plateforme cohérente, à facies de shell, caractérise cette région pendant toute cette période. C'est une partie du Gondwana. Des données paléomagnétiques appuient cette affirmation. Toute croûte océanique et, de ce fait toute indice d'une Téthys en temps qu'unité structurale, sont absent dans cette région à ce moment. Une mer ouverte s'y étend au nord de l'Infracambrien jusqu'au Trias supérieur. Au Trias, un soulèvement, auquel est liée une forte latéritisation, et la trangression qui lui est liée, entraînent un changement radical du régime géodynamique. A partir de ce moment, des ingressions se produisent en Iran à partir du sud introduisant des différences de facies. Des sédiments montrant une influence continentale montrent qu'au Jurassique un fort soulèvement s'est produit en Iran. En même temps, vraisemblablement suivant une géosuture depuis longtemps active, apparurent des zones ophiolothiques à radiolarites, qui indiquent une rupture intracratonique. Les ingressions émanent vraisemblablement d'un sillon océanique profond dans lequel sont également concentrées les ophiolithes. La montée du matériau ophiolithique à la surface s'en suivit le long de lignes suivant lesquelles se sont produits dessous-charriages intracrustaux, d'où sont résultés de notables racourcissements de la crôute. Il est possible que cette rupture du régime tectonique coïncide, au Trias supérieur, avec la collision des plaques de l'Arabie Iran et de l'Ewrasie. La limite entre l'Arabie-Iran et l'Eurasie ne se trouve donc pas dans la région du Golfe persique et des chaînes du Zagros, mais doit être recherchée au nord de la Chaîne de l'Elbours.

P . , , . , . , , , , . . . , , . . . , . -, , , , , . , , , . , , , . . , - . , .
Following a general review of the Cretaceous and Paleogene geology of Ecuador, we propose a geologic history from early Cretaceous through Oligocene time with emphasis on the coastal part of the country that is based on the interpretive interaction of three oceanic plates (the Bolívar, proto-Nazca, and Nazca) and the continental South American plate. The proposed history invokes large lateral displacements, the intervention of the previously unrecognized Bolívar plate, the development of three successive subduction zones, the formation of a distant oceanic island arc and its subsequent collision with the South American plate, the emplacement of a major olistostrome complex, and an intricate record of displacement on a currently inactive transform fault. The proposed history offers a viable solution to four major problems of the geology of coastal Ecuador.
Zusammenfassung Aus der Kreide- und Paläogen-Geschichte Ecuadors läßt sich die Entwicklung der Küstenregion ableiten. Sie wird vom Zusammenwirken von drei ozeanischen Platten (Bolivar, Proto-Nazca und Nazca) und der kontinentalen Platte Südamerikas bestimmt. Die Entwicklung umfaßt ausgedehnte Seitenverschiebungen, das Auftreten einer bisher nicht erkannten Bolivar-Platte, die Anlage von drei aufeinanderfolgenden Subduktionszonen, die Bildung eines Inselbogens und die folgende Kollision mit der Südamerikanischen Platte, die Ablagerung eines großen Olisthostrom-Komplexes und die Verschiebungen entlang einer heute inaktiven Transform-Verwerfung. Damit sind eine Reihe von Problemen der Geologie des Küstenabschnittes Ecuadors gelöst.

Résumé Passant en revue la géologie de l'Equateur au Crétacique et Paléogène, les auteurs proposent une histoire géologique allant depuis le Crétacique inférieur à l'Oligocène en mettant l'accent sur la région cÔtière, et en se basant sur l'interaction de trois plaques océaniques (bolivienne, proto-Nasca et Nasca) et de la plaque continentale de l'Amérique du Sud. L'histoire proposée fait appel à de grands déplacements, à l'intervention de la plaque bolivienne non reconnue antérieurement, au développement de trois zones de subduction successives, à la formation d'une guirlande d'Îles océaniques distante et sa collision subséquente avec la plaque de l'Amérique du Sud, à la mise en place d'un grand complexe olistostromique et à un déplacement sur une faille transformante inactive. L'histoire proposée apporte une solution viable à quatre problèmes de la géologie de la Région cÔtière de l'Equateur.

. (, protoNazca Nazca) . : , , , , , Olistostrome . .

Contribution No. 6 A, Departamento de Geología, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Hauptdolomit (Ca2) und im Plattendolomit (Ca3) des mittleren Zechsteins bei Eschwege und Sontra in Hessen wurde 1974 erstmals Fluorit entdeckt. Durch Bohrungen, chemische und geochemische Untersuchungen konnte nachgewiesen werden, daß im Hauptdolomit der Fluorit schichtgebunden, gelegentlich in dunklen Lagen und Linsen bis 0,5 m mächtig, makroskopisch sichtbar auftritt. Häufiger kommt er in 18–20 m mächtigen Zonen vor, die aber wegen des geringen Fluoritgehaltes von unter 10 % CaF2 sich von dem grauweißen Dolomit ohne Fluorit nicht unterscheiden.In den dunklen bis schwarz gefärbten Lagen schwanken die Fluoritgehalte zwischen 10 und 50 % CaF2. Einzelproben enthalten bis 80 % CaF2. Die Dunkelfärbung ist teils durch den Gehalt von violettem Fluorit, mehr noch durch Bitumen bedingt.Fluorit wurde ferner im stratigraphisch höher gelegenen Plattendolomit (Ca3) der Leine-Serie Z3 gefunden. In Aufschlüssen und Steinbrüchen in der Nähe von Sontra enthält der Plattendolomit lokal 1–4 % CaF2.Die makro- und mikroskopisch sichtbare Wechsellagerung von Fluorit und Dolomit mit einem deutlichen Lagengefüge und das Fehlen von hydrothermalem Fluorit und anderen Mineralien auf Gängen und Klüften sind Beweise für eine synsedimentäre Bildung des Fluorites im Hauptdolomit (Ca2) und Plattendolomit (Ca3) in Hessen. Für den Hauptdolomit wird angenommen, daß er spätdiagenetisch entstanden ist. Dies dürfte auch für den Fluorit zutreffen. Als Bildungsbereich werden flache Lagunen mit salinärer Fazies angenommen. Das Fluor stammt aus dem normalen Gehalt des Meerwassers. Es muß aber angenommen werden, daß der Fluorgehalt des Meerwassers durch Zufuhr von Fluor aus dem Festlande, z. B. aus den fluorreichen Graniten des Harzes merklich erhöht wurde. Nur so sind die großen Fluoritmengen im Zechsteindolomit in Hessen zu erklären. Sie werden auf 5–7·106 + CaF2 geschätzt.
In 1974, fluorite was detected for the first time in the Hauptdolomit (Ca2) and in the Plattendolomit (Ca3) of the Middle Zechsteinformation near Eschwege and Sontra, Hessia. It was confirmed by means of drilling, chemical and geochemical investigations that the fluorite in the Hauptdolomit is stratabound. It occurs both locally in the form of macroscopic dark layers and lenses of up to 0,5 m thickness and moreoften, as zones up to 18–20 m thick which cannot macroscopically be distinguished from the greyish white dolomite without fluorite because of the low CaF2 content (less than 10 %).The fluorite contents vary between 10 an 50 % CaF2 in the dark black layers. Special samples may contain up to 80 % CaF2. The dark colour derives partly from the lilac fluorite but to a greater degree from bitumous material.Fluorite has also been detected in the stratigraphically higher Plattendolomit (Ca3) of the Leine-Series Z 3. Outcrops and quarries near Sontra have local contents of 1–4 % CaF2.The macroscopic and microscopic interstratification of fluorite and dolomite with clear layer textures and the absence of hydrothermal fluorite and other minerals in veins of fissures are evidence for a synsedimentary formation of the fluorite in the Hauptdolomit (Ca2) and the Plattendolomit (Ca3). The Hauptdolomit is thought to have developed during late diagenesis. This should be valid for the fluorite, too. Shallow lagoons of a salinar facies are thought to have been the depositional environment. The fluorite precipitated from the sea waters, which were apparently enriched in fluorine by erosion at the fluorine rich granites of the Harz mountains. This is the only obvious explanation of the large amounts of fluorine in the Zechstein dolomite, estimated at 5–7×106 tonnes CaF2.

Résumé En 1974, de la fluorine fut découverte dans la dolomie dite »Hauptdolomit« (Ca2) et dans la dolomie dite »Plattendolomit» (Ca3) du Zechstein moyen, près d'Eschwege et de Sontra, en Hesse. Les sondages effectués ainsi que les analyses chimiques et géochimiques ont montré que la fluorine se rencontre de façon stratiforme dans la »Hauptdolomit«, quelquefois en couches et lentilles foncées d'une épaisseur maximale de 0,5 m, ou elle est visible macroscopiquement. La fluorine est souvent présente en faibles teneurs (moins de 10% de CaF2) dans des couches de 18 à 20 m d'épaisseur; de ce fait, ces dernières ne se distinguent pas de la dolomie gris-blanche exempte de fluorine.La teneur en fluorine varie de 10 % à 50% de CaF2 dans les couches foncées à noires. Certains échantillons renferment jusqu'à 80% de CaF2. La coloration foncée est due en partie à la fluorine violette, mais plus encore à la présence de bitume.De la fluorine fut également localisée dans la »Plattendolomit« (Ca3) de la »LeineSerie Z 3«, qui est située à un niveau stratigraphique supérieur. Cette »Plattendolomit« telle qu'on la rencontre dans les affleurements et carrières des environs de Sontra, contient de 1–4% de CaF2.L'alternance de fluorine et de dolomie qui, avec sa structure en couches nettement développées, est visible tant macroscopiquement que microscopiquement, ainsi que l'absence de fluorine hydrothermale et d'autres minéraux dans les filons et cassures, sont considérées comme preuves de la formation syn-sédimentaire de la fluorine dans la »Hauptdolomit« (Ca2) et dans la »Plattendolomit« (Ca3) de la Hesse. On suppose que la formation de la »Hauptdolomit« est diagénétique tardive. Cette hypothèse devrait également s'appliquer à la fluorine. Il est probable que ce processus a eu lieu dans les lagunes peu profondes à faciès salin. Le fluor provient de l'eau de mer à teneur normale. On peut cependant supposer que la teneur en fluor de l'eau de mer s'est accrue suite à l'apport de fluor provenant du continent, p.ex. à partir de granites riches en fluor du Harz. C'est seulement ainsi que peuvent s'expliquer les grandes quantités de fluorine de la dolomie du Zechstein, en Hesse. Elles sont évaluées entre 5 et 7 · 106 de CaF2.

(Ca2) (Ca3) . , , , 0,5 . 18–20 , - — CaF2 10% — , . 10 50% CaF2. 80% CaF2. , . (Ca3). 1–4% CaF2. , , ; , . , Ca2 . . , . . , ., , . . 5–7 × 106 CaF2.

Unserem Lehrer, Herrn Professor Dr. Georg Fischer, München, zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
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