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Fisher Island and Broknes Peninsula in the Larsemann Hills constitute part of a polar lowland periglacial environment between marine and glacial ecosystems. The landscape is characterized by gently rolling hills and broad valleys interspersed with lakes formed in glacially scoured basins. We analyzed the physieochemical parameters and the ionic constituents of water samples from 10 lakes in each of these two locations. Our results showed considerable differences between the two regions and demon- strated the influence of lithology and processes including weathering, evaporation, and atmospheric precipitation. All major cations and anions in the lake waters showed positive correlations indicating balanced ionic concentrations. Unconsolidated sediments were sparsely distributed and scattered over glacial deposits, valley fills, and occasional moraine ridges. The type and rate of sedi- mentation was mainly controlled by surface run-off and aeolian influx. The sediment samples from lake beds and the catchment area on Fisher Island were immature and poorly to very poorly sorted, consisting of gravelly sand with negligible silt and finer fractions. Sediments had a polymodal grain size distribution with the two major populations lying between -2 and 1 phi and be- tween 0 and 1.5 phi. The sediments were lithic arenite to arkosic in composition and the microtextures imprinted over quartz grains were dominated by mechanical textures resulting from several stages of glacial crushing and grinding. The presence of deep disso- lution cavities, cryptocrystalline precipitation, and euhedral crystal growth signified the effect of chemical activity after the deposition of grains in the lacustrine environment.  相似文献   
Hydrogeochemistry of the Koyna River basin,India   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Hydrogeochemistry of the Koyna River basin, famous for the Koyna earthquake (magnitude 7) of 1967, has been studied. Basalt is the primary aquifer; laterites, alluvium, and talus deposits form aquifers of secondary importance. Groundwater generally occurs under water table conditions in shallow aquifers. Deeper aquifers are associated only with basalts. One hundred and 87 water samples were collected from various sources, such as dugwells, borewells, springs, and surface water, including 40 samples for analysis of iron. Only major constituents were analyzed. Analyses show that the concentrations of Ca2+ exceed that of Mg2+ in almost all water samples; the concentrations of Na+ are generally next to Ca2+ and are always higher than that of K+; and CO3 2– and SO4 2– are very low and are often negligible. Groundwater in borewells tapping deeper aquifers has higher mineralization compared to that in dugwells representing shallow aquifers. Majority of the water samples are dominated by alkaline earths (Ca2+, Mg2+) and weak acids (HCO3 , CO3 2–). Groundwater from shallow aquifers is generally calcium-bicarbonate type (53%) and calcium-magnesium-bicarbonate type (27%). In case of deeper aquifer, it is mostly calcium-magnesium-bicarbonate type (29%), sodium-bicarbonate type (24%), calcium-bicarbonate type (19%), calcium-magnesium-sodium-bicarbonate type (19%) and sodium-calcium-bicarbonate type (9%). Groundwater water is generally fit for drinking and irrigation purposes, except in the lower reaches of the Koyna River basin, which is affected by near water logging conditions.  相似文献   

This study describes the assessment of reservoir sedimentation of the Patratu Reservoir using Satellite Remote Sensing (SRS). The sedimentation assessment was carried out using satellite data and reservoir water level data from 2006 to 2012. Water spread area was analysed from satellite data. The Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) has been used to delineate open water features and to enhance the presence of water surface in satellite imagery of the Patratu Reservoir. Water spread area of the reservoir at a particular elevation on the date of the passing of the satellite was used to develop an elevation-area curve. For the present case, fluctuation of water level was found to vary from 387.096 to 406.152 m. The linear interpolation/extrapolation technique has been employed to assess the water spread area of Patratu Reservoir at different elevations. Further, these areas were used to compute the live storage capacity of the reservoir between two elevations by the Prismoidal formula. From the study, it was found that due to sedimentation, the live storage capacity of Patratu Reservoir has reduced from 101.95 to 89.96 hm3, thus showing capacity loss of 11.76% in a span of 44 years. To increase the live storage capacity of the reservoir it is proposed to adopt manual and mechanical digging combined with flushing for desilting of the deposited sediment.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis ASSOCIATE EDITOR S. Kanae  相似文献   
Recurrent drought events in the Palamu district of Jharkhand state and the magnitude of drought losses primarily toward agricultural production in this dominantly monocropped region indicate the continuing susceptibility of the society to drought. This paper presents a method for spatial, geoinformatics-based assessment of agricultural, meteorological, and hydrological drought hazard in Palamu district. It was hypothesized that the key climatic, biophysical and social factors that define agricultural drought hazard were soils, geomorphology, drainage density, land use, and relief, whereas for meteorological drought hazard, it is rainfall, coefficient of variation of rainfall and for hydrological drought hazard, it is lithology, depth to water table, aquifer yield, and surface water bodies. The framework for the derivation of an agricultural, meteorological, and hydrological drought hazard map was created through the development of a numerical weighting scheme to evaluate the drought potential of the classes within each factor. A cumulative map created through spatial join of all the three types of drought provided a drought hazard scenario in totality. The area with different severity of drought hazards under cumulative drought hazards scenario (viz. very low (8.9?%), low (24.2?%), moderate (29.2?%), high (20.13), and very high (17.3?%)) revealed high drought proneness of the area and the usefulness of geoinformatics in better spatial prognosis of drought hazards.  相似文献   
The present study analyzes the built-up expansion of Ranchi urban agglomeration over a period of about 8 decades from 1927–2005. Satellite images and topographical maps were used to evaluate land use dynamics during these periods. Built-up growth of 473.7% during 1927–2005 was primarily at the expense of agricultural land along with reduction of natural water bodies reflects negative impacts of built-up expansion, which increased many folds in recent decades. The built-up growth is also analyzed with reference to population growth, land consumption rate and land transformation. The land loss due to increasing built-up growth of Ranchi were compared with other capital regions and cities along with population increase to provide insight into the possible scenario of built-up expansion in Ranchi urban area.  相似文献   
The Muth Formation is one of the most characteristic marker horizon traced throughout the northwestern Himalaya. The present studies were carried out in the Farakah Muth (Pin Valley) section of Spiti Basin. The formation uniformly consists of quartzarenite with a high textural and compositional maturity. The development of carbonate beds in the upper part of the Muth Formation separates it conformably from the overlying Lipak Formation. A variety of traces were observed throughout the succession, includes: Metaichna, Planolites, Skolithos, vertical and horizontal burrows. The presence of ichnofossils in the Muth Formation of the Farakah section indicates subtidal settings having soft sandy substrate, whereas, the gradual maturity of the quartz grains from base to top indicates deposition under high energy condition.  相似文献   
In the present paper, the analysis of a strip footing resting on a layered soil system has been carried out considering the elastic moduli of soil layers as random variables. Three layers of soil have been considered and the analysis employs Monte Carlo simulation. The modulus of elasticity has been considered as random variable having lognormal distribution. Factors of safety with respect to settlement of footing and the interfacial stresses have been determined and have been related to the associated risk factor and coefficient of variation of the random variable. A detailed parametric study revealed that for a given risk level, the factors of safety is strongly dependent on the coefficient of variation of elastic modulus and only mildly upon other parameters of the soil?Cfoundation system. This facilitated the development of closed form equations for the upper bounds on factors of safety only in terms of allowable risk of failure and the coefficient of variation of elastic modulus.  相似文献   
We have carried out BVR photometric and H spectroscopic observations of the star HD 61396 during 1998 March 20 to 1999 April 3. We have discovered regular optical photometric variability from this star, with an inferred period of 31.95±0.10 d, and an amplitude of 0.18 mag. A possible period of 35.34±0.12 d, as determined with Hipparcos , cannot be completely ruled out, however. Modelling of its photometric light curve with two circular spots indicates that 521 per cent of the stellar surface is covered by dark starspots which are 830 K cooler than the surrounding photosphere, and produce the observed rotational modulation of the optical flux. Optical spectroscopy reveals a variable H emission feature, indicating that it is an unusually active star.
In addition, we have analysed archival X-ray data of HD 61396, obtained from serendipitous observations with the ROSAT X-ray observatory, and we also discuss the radio properties of this star, based on both published Green Bank and unpublished VLA observations. The strong photometric variability and H emission, the relatively hard X-ray spectrum, and the high X-ray and radio luminosities imply that HD 61396 is most likely to be a member of the RS CVn class of evolved active binary stars. Its X-ray and radio luminosities place it among the five most luminous active binaries detected so far.  相似文献   
Changes in glacial lakes and the consequences of these changes, particularly on the development of water resources and management of glacial lake outburst flood(GLOF) risk, has become one of the challenges in the sustainable development of high mountain areas in the context of global warming. This paper presents the findings of a study on the distribution of, and area changes in, glacial lakes in the Koshi basin in the central Himalayas.Data on the number of glacial lakes and their area was generated for the years 1977, 1990, 2000, and 2010 using Landsat satellite images. According to the glacial lake inventory in 2010, there were a total of 2168 glacial lakes with a total area of 127.61 km~2 and average size of 0.06 km~2 in the Koshi basin. Of these,47% were moraine dammed lakes, 34.8% bedrock dammed lakes and 17.7% ice dammed lakes. The number of glacial lakes increased consistently over the study period from 1160 in 1977 to 2168 in 2010, an overall growth rate of 86.9%. The area of glacial lakes also increased from 94.44 km~2 in 1977 to 127.61 km~2 in 2010, a growth rate of 35.1%. A large number of glacial lakes in the inventory are small in size(≤ 0.1km~2). End moraine dammed lakes with area greater than 0.1 km~2 were selected to analyze the change characteristics of glacial lakes in the basin. The results show that, in 2010, there were 129 lakes greater than 0.1 km~2 in area; these lakes had a total area of 42.92km~2 in 1997, increasing to 63.28 km~2 in 2010. The distribution of lakes on the north side of the Himalayas(in China) was three times higher than on the south side of the Himalayas(in Nepal).Comparing the mean growth rate in area for the 33 year study period(1977-2010), the growth rate on the north side was found to be a little slower than that on the south side. A total of 42 glacial lakes with an area greater than 0.2 km~2 are rapidly growing between 1977 and 2010 in the Koshi basin, which need to be paid more attention to monitoring in the future and to identify how critical they are in terms of GLOF.  相似文献   
Two new classes of solutions with constant observed proper and rest mass densities are described. Unlike the well-known solution of constant coordinate mass density, these solutions pertain to realistic physical situations. For these solutions, the various relevant parameters, viz. the redshifts (dP/d)0 and binding coefficients have been calculated.  相似文献   
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