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The main purpose of this work concerns the development and testing of an overland flow model based on the two‐dimensional fully dynamic shallow water equations. Three key aspects, fundamental to get accurate, efficient and robust computation of surface runoff at basin scale, are discussed by transferring the main findings obtained by the recent research on the topic of dam‐break wave and flood propagation in the context of rainfall–runoff modelling. In particular, attention is focused on the numerical flux and bottom slope source terms computation, on a numerical treatment of friction slope terms and on an algorithm for dealing with wetting/drying fronts. The performances of the numerical model have been preliminarily evaluated using experimental or ideal tests characterized by very critical conditions for the stability of a numerical model. Then, attention was focused on a real event occurred in a sub‐basin of Reno river in Italy to analyse the suitability of the model in simulating real flood situations. The numerical results highlight the good performances of the model in all the simulations discussed in the paper. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Recent O-isotope and fluid inclusion studies have provided evidence on the nature of the fluids associated with the late-Alpine quartz-gold deposits of the Monte Rosa district. The most abundant inclusions in quartz from these deposits contain a low salinity aqueous fluid (about 2% to 10% wt. NaCl eq.), and a CO2 phase (usually less than 20% mol), in places with minor methane. CO2 densities and total homogenization temperatures vary widely throughout the district, reflecting diverse conditions of trapping (P = 1 to 3 kb, T = 300° to 450°C). At Miniera dei Cani, unmixing between CO2-rich and H2O-rich fluids possibly occurred. A second type of inclusion contains an aqueous brine without recognizable CO2, and is especially abundant at Val Toppa. O-isotope studies suggest that fluids were largely equilibrated in a metamorphic environment. It is concluded that the gold-related fluids in the district were mainly of a metamorphic nature; at Val Toppa, both isotopic and fluid inclusion data point to contributions of unexchanged meteoric waters. Mechanisms of gold transport and precipitation are less contrained. A possible model involves transport of gold as bisulfide complexes, and precipitation due to one or more of the following processes: decrease of sulfur activity due to precipitation of sulfides, wall-rock reaction, cooling/dilution, and/or fluid unmixing.  相似文献   
We present the results of a program to obtain an accurate (better than 100 mas) astrometry of HST images of NGC 1068 and consequently a direct registration with radio images. The optical peak seen in the HST images is located at α = 02h42m40.711s, δ = -00°00′47.81 (J2000, FK5), with an error of 80 mas. The hidden nucleus, as determined by HST imaging polarimetry, falls at α = 02h42m40.710s, δ = -00°00′48.11. It is offset toward the South, i.e. along the radio axis, with respect to the inverted spectrum radio component, S1, by 170 mas (12 pc). This does not rule out that S1 is indeed associated with the obscuring torus and the central engine, but suggests that the nucleus of NGC 1068 might be radio silent or its emission absorbed also at radio wavelengths. An anti-correlation between radio and optical emission is revealed; the radio jet lies on a region of relatively low optical emission and is surrounded by line-emitting clouds. These results can be understood as due the interaction between the jet and the surrounding medium. The outflowing plasma is sweeping and heating the interstellar gas causing the line-emission to be highly enhanced along the edges of the radio jet. It appears that the morphology of the Narrow Line Region of NGC 1068 is dominated by the presence of a radio outflow, as already revealed by HST observations of several Seyfert galaxies with extended radio emission. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
We present optical positions in the improved IAU System at the standard epoch J2000.0 of some extragalactic radio sources obtained at Torino Astronomical Observatory. The primary reference stars are taken from the Carlsberg Automatic Meridian Catalogues 1 and 2 (CAMC).  相似文献   
Spiral galaxies show axial symmetry and an intrinsic 2D-chirality. Environmental effects can influence the chirality of originally isolated stellar systems and a progressive loss of chirality can be recognized in the Hubble sequence. We point out a preferential modality for genetic galaxies as in microscopic systems like aminoacids, sugars or neutrinos. This feature could be the remnant of a primordial symmetry breaking characterizing systems at all scales.  相似文献   
In this article we outline the structure of a general relativistic astrometric model which has been developed to deduce the position and proper motion of stars from 1 µarcsecond optical observations made by an astrometric satellite orbiting around the Sun. The basic assumption of our model is that the Solar System is the only source of gravity, hence we show how we modeled the satellite observations in a many-body perturbative approach limiting ourselves to the order of accuracy of (v/c)2. The microarcsecond observing scenario outlined is that for the GAIA astrometric mission.  相似文献   
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