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We have re-examined the prospects of HOCl as an inert reservoir for atmospheric chlorine in the light of new theoretical calculations and available experimental measurements of its photodissociation cross-sections. The theoretical calculations and most recent laboratory studies imply that the broad maxima 3200 Å observed in two other experimental spectra may not belong to HOCl. On the basis of this implication HOCl could have a long lifetime against photodissociation in the stratosphere, and could, thereby, become a reservoir for atmospheric chlorine comparable to ClONO2 or even HCl. In this capacity HOCl could reduce the predicted ozone destruction due to any given level of total chlorine burden. We have also examined the difficulties in laboratory measurements of the HOCl absorption spectrum with particular emphasis on identifying the impurities which may be present in the experimental system. It appears that specialized new experiments are needed to clearly establish the nature and strength of HOCl absorption in the neighbourhood of 3200 Å. Some refinements in the theoretical calculations also seem desirable. In view of the difficulties involved in the laboratory determination of HOCl photodissociation cross-sections, it is suggested that a search for possible stratospheric HOCl by atmospheric spectroscopists would be worthwhile.  相似文献   
The equilibrium structure of two-dimensional magnetic current sheets is investigated for systems in which the plasma pressure dominates the bulk flow energy, as appears appropriate for the quiet time plasmasheet in the geomagnetic tail. A simple model is studied in which the field is contained between plane parallel boundaries and varies exponentially along the system, while the plasma pressure is anisotropic, the anisotropy being arbitrary but constant along the centre plane. When the field is highly inflated by the plasma current it is found that adiabatic solutions exist only when the plasma pressure is close to isotropic. For the case P > P it is argued that a thin, non-adiabatic current layer will in general form at the sheet centre, usually embedded within a much broader adiabatic current distribution. When P > P, a broad region of very depressed fields develops about the centre of the current sheet, terminated at its outer boundary by a spike in the current density. This central region becomes unstable to the mirror mode well before the limiting adiabatic solution is reached.  相似文献   
By considering the integrals of the motion of charged particles moving in one-dimensional current sheets, a simple and exact proof is given that particles which are either magnetically or electrostatically trapped about such a current sheet exhibit zero net drift. The transition to the special case of a strictly neutral sheet, a limit remaining unclear from previous studies, is also elucidated. Finally, the relationship between the results and existing self-consistent current sheet solutions is discussed.  相似文献   
A crossed Yagi antenna array at 35 MHz was employed in conjunction with a polarization switch so as to enable spectral observations of solar noise storm activity in R and L polarizations. Intense decametric solar noise storms were recorded during the third week of November 1975 and fourth week of March 1976 with the help of a high resolution spectroscope operating near 35 MHz.The paper describes some of the new microscopic spectral features observed during these two noise storms. Three sets of high resolution dynamic spectra of decametric solar bursts, two of which are explained in terms of induced scattering of Langmuir waves by thermal ions and the third in terms of additional propagation effects through dense coronal irregularities, are presented. The microscopic bursts, classified as inverted U U and dots, represent small-scale (104 km) phenomena with durations of less than a second.Some burst spectra appear as chain of dots with individual bandwidths 40 kHz and durations 0.3 sec. It is suggested that the bandwidth of such dot emissions (40 kHz) provides an evidence that they might indeed be generated by the process of induced scattering of plasma waves which predicts emission bandwidth f × 10–3, where f is the center frequency.Some bursts are observed as a chain of striations showing curvature along the frequency axis which is attributed to dispersion in propagation delays through the dense coronal irregularities.  相似文献   
Stepwise pyrolysis-gas chromatography is used to examine and characterize the carbonaceous matter in sedimentary rocks. Low-temperature steps remove material normally volatile or extracted by benzene-methanol. Successively-higher temperature steps degrade the insoluble carbonaceous matter (kerogen) into smaller molecular pieces. The sequential pyrolysis steps have the advantage of breaking the kerogen at several temperatures which may be related to bond type or strength. The pyrolysis product chromatograms from each step can be compared. The molecular sizes (chain length) of kerogens fragments can be determined. The results presented here show the molecules in the range C11 to C23 because: (1) they can be compared to normal petroleum source rock extractables; and (2) these large molecules give a feeling for the molecular construction of the kerogen.Green River and Antrim shales show low-temperature material which is indigenous and not modified compared to the pyrolyzed kerogen fragments in the range C11C23. Kupferletten shows low-temperature material of a narrow molecular weight range of C15C19 which is probably derived from the kerogen. Monterey shale low-temperature material appears to be unrelated to the kerogen as represented by its pyrolysis products. The Pierre shale kerogen shows molecules over the range C11C23. Kerogen from the Romney shale has no molecules large than C8 in its pyrolysis products and no petroleum potential due to thermal and tectonic diagenesis.  相似文献   
Grains ejected from stars at velocities of 107 cm s–1 and/or grains accelerated by the pressure of starlight in the intercloud medium to velocities in the range 2×106–107 cm s–1 are slowed to velocities of about 2×105 cm s–1 in a typical interstellar cloud. The interaction of fast grains with gas atoms as they are slowed in clouds could provide (a) the dominant heat source for interstellar clouds; (b) sites for molecule formation; and (c) a mechanism of providing a pressure balance between clouds and the intercloud medium.Paper presented at the Symposium on Solid State Astrophysics, held at the University College, Cardiff, Wales, between 9–12 July, 1974.  相似文献   
We have used Pollack et al.'s 1976 calculations of the quasi-equilibrium contraction of Saturn to study the influence of the planet's early high luminosity on the formation of its satellites and rings. Assuming that the condensation of ices ceased at the same time within Jupiter's and Saturn's primordial nebulae, and using limits for the time of cessation derived for Jupiter's system by Pollack and Reynolds (1974) and Cameron and Pollack (1975), we arrive at the following tentative conclusions. Titan is the innermost satellite at whose position a methane-containing ice could condense, a result consistent with the presence of methane in this satellite's atmosphere. Water ice may have been able to condense at the position of all the satellites, a result consistent with the occurrence of low-density satellites close to Saturn. The systematic decrease in the mass of Saturn's regular satellites with decreasing distance from Saturn may have been caused partially by the larger time intervals for the closer satellites between the start of contraction and the first condensation of ices at their positions and between the start of contraction and the time at which Saturn's radius became less than a satellite's orbital radius. Ammonia ices, principally NH4SH, were able to condense at the positions of all but the innermost satellites.Water ice may bave been able to condense in the region of the rings close to the end of the condensation period. We speculate that the rings are unique to Saturn because on the one hand, temperatures within Jupiter's Roche limit never became cool enough for ice particles to form before the end of the condensation period and on the other hand, ice particles formed only very early within Uranus' and Neptune's Roche limits, and were eliminated by gas drag effects that caused them to spiral into the planet before the gas of these planets' nebula was eliminated. Gas drag would also have eliminated any rocky particles initially present inside the Roche limit.We also derive an independent estimate of several million years for the time between the start of the quasi-equilibrium contraction of Saturn and the cessation of condensation. This estimate is based on the density and mass characteristics of Saturn's satellites. Using this value rather than the one found for Jupiter's satellites, we find that the above conclusions about the rings and the condensation of methane-and ammonia-containing ices remain valid.  相似文献   
Comprehensive measurements of the temporal variations of the Z 6 charge composition in the 4 July 1974 solar event made with experiments aboard IMP-7 and 8 show that large variations in the charge composition occur in three-hour-averaged intensities. Hourly averaged fluxes show variations as large as factors of 3 to 4 from one hour to the next and 3 hour averages show nearly a factor of 10 peak to minimum over the event. The precision of the measurements are limited by counting statistics of the Fe-group channel. Iron to oxygen variations are established by both rate channel and pulse height analysis techniques. Comparison of measurements from IMP-7 and 8, separated by about 70 R E shows that, while significant differences in composition and intensity exist for brief periods, the gross compositional variations are reproduced well at both spacecraft. These observations provide particularly stringent conditions for theories of the acceleration, release, and propagation of solar energetic particles.  相似文献   
The occurrence at a heliocentric distance of 1 AU of alpha particle streaming velocities larger than proton streaming velocities,v /v p >1 (Ogilvie, 1975) is investigated on the basis of the theory suggesting the existence in the solar wind of an accelerating force acting preferentially on the alpha particles.Accurate solution of the three-fluid model equations for the quiet solar wind indicates that anecessary andsufficient condition for (v /v p )1 AU>1 is the presence of a relativelyweak accelerating forceacting in a limited region in the vicinity of 1 AU. If the force is effectiveonly at small heliocentric distances, the alpha particle streaming velocity excess vanishes at distances less than 1 AU, because of the (equalization) action of the dynamical friction force.  相似文献   
We here investigate the motion of particles in a dipole magnetic field under the assumption of conservation of the first two adiabatic invariants. The results are then combined with Liouville's theorem to obtain the variation of the distribution function, and hence the plasma bulk parameters with L-shell. A comparison of the numerical results with recently published analytical approximations is made. Finally, the results are used to describe the structure of the ring current plasma in the outer radiatoin zone, the effects of the Alfvén layers being quantitatively evaluated for a simple electric field model.  相似文献   
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