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Preliminary results are given from an excimer 157 nm laser ablation multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (LA-MC-ICP-MS), used for the isotopic measurements of solid materials. Elements of geological interest with different volatilities such as Pb and U (e.g. zircon geochronology) and Cu and Zn (as examples of geochemical/biochemical tracers) were analysed. The range of ablation rates of 20-150 nm s-1 enabled us to ablate the sample down to a depth of 45 μm for a 50 μm diameter pit. The Cu and Zn isotopic measurements gave values that were very stable with, on average, a 0.01 % standard error, comparable with that achieved in liquid mode measurements.  相似文献   
Exhumation during crustal folding in the Namche-Barwa syntaxis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Geological observation in the eastern end of the Himalaya shows that the Asia/India Suture is folded. Metamorphic rocks derived from India occur structurally below the suture, in the core of a regional antiform. Isotopic and fission track dating establish cooling-exhumation of rocks from c.30 km depth within the last 4 Myr. We argue that exhumation is caused by ~ 10 mm yr-1 erosion coeval with crustal scale folding.  相似文献   
Curvature analysis of triangulated surfaces in structural geology   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper addresses the problem of characterizing the shape of a geological surface on the basis of its principal curvatures. The surface is assumed to be modeled as a set of adjacent triangles defined by the location of their vertices and a method is proposed for estimating numerically the principal curvatures at the vertices of the triangles using a local C2 interpolant. Also shown is how principal curvatures can be useful for studying the deformation of a geological surface (with application to 3D balanced unfolding), and analyzing the folding or faulting of the interface between two adjacent layers.  相似文献   
Tracer tests are carried out in a heterogeneous porous medium that has a 3D correlated random distribution of the permeabilities. The fitting of numerical models provides the values of equivalent permeability and macrodispersivity characterizing a 2D homogeneous horizontal medium. Different flow configurations are studied: uniform, radial and pump and treat (doublet). The fitted parameter sets are independent of the flow type, except for the doublet. They are greater than the values predicted by stochastic theories, due to the small number of correlation lengths explored by the tracer and the limited extension of the experimental set-up. To cite this article: C. Danquigny, P. Ackerer, C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
The potential of radar imagery in geological exploration was investigated at a study site in Mauritania (Akjoujt region). Compared with optical images, the results obtained show how radar imagery can help not only in detecting surface geological structures such as dykes and veins, but also mapping subsurface structures beneath a shallow layer of sand (palaeochannels). The mapping potential was found to be much better at long wavelengths than at short ones (L-band, compared with C- and X-band). As for optical images, their contribution is much more limited in the mapping of surface geological structures, and inappropriate for detecting subsurface structures. We conclude that spatial remote sensing enables the improvement of existing geological maps and the optimization of cartographic surveying. To cite this article: N. Baghdadi et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
The present study investigates the interaction between microbial growth and activity and the redox dynamics in natural porous media. The impact the transport regime has on this interaction is also addressed. Expressions for microbial growth are incorporated into a geochemical reaction network linking redox reaction rates to the activity of the microorganisms. A flexible simulation environment, the Biogeochemical Reaction Network Simulator (BRNS) is used for this purpose. Two reactive transport applications relevant to fields of contaminant hydrology and early diagenesis are simulated with the BRNS. Model results are evaluated based on a comparison with comprehensive datasets on the biodegradation of lactate in a sand column experiment and on the distribution of redox-sensitive chemical species in marine sediments of the Skagerrak, Denmark. It is shown that, despite quite different transport regimes, the geomicrobiological model performs equally well in the reproduction of measured chemical species distribution for both applications. This result emphasizes the broad applicability of the proposed approach. Our simulations support that the competitive behavior between various microbial groups is a process controlling the development of redox stratified environments. Furthermore, it is also shown that the transport regime is a key controlling factor for the degree of spatial correlation between microbial biomass distributions and redox reaction rates. Although all our simulations yield a pronounced stratification of the redox processes in the system, the biomass distribution is related to the associated reaction rates only in case of the advection controlled column experiment. In the early diagenetic application, mixing due to bioturbation is the dominant transport process for particulate matter, hence leading to fairly homogeneous distribution of bacterial biomasses which are unrelated to the spatial distribution of redox reaction rates. This homogeneous biomass distribution combined with the 1G carbon degradation model approach might explain why the steady state concentration profiles in such systems can be reproduced by diagenetic models without explicit representation of microbial growth.  相似文献   
Adsorption of copper, cadmium and nickel at low concentrations on goethite was studied in the presence of the simple organic ligands oxalate, salicylate, and pyromellitate. The experimental metal adsorption behavior was compared to calculations with a surface complexation model to evaluate the most important interactions. Oxalate mostly decreased Cu and Ni adsorption at high pH-values by competition between solution and surface complexation but had no effect on Cd adsorption. Cu adsorption in the presence of oxalate below pH 6 could best be described by defining a ternary complex of type A (surface-metal-ligand). Salicylate had only minor effects on metal adsorption. The adsorption of Cu in the presence of salicylate above pH 5 could be explained by a ternary complex of type A. Pyromellitate increased the adsorption of Cu and Cd in the acidic pH-range, likely by formation of ternary surface complexes of type B (surface-ligand-metal).  相似文献   
The room-temperature Raman spectra of aragonite, magnesite and dolomite have been recorded up to 30 GPa and 25 GPa, respectively and no phase changes were observed during compression, unlike calcite. The effect of temperature on the room-pressure Raman spectra of calcite, aragonite, magnesite and dolomite is reported up to 800–1100 K. The measured relative pressure and temperature-shifts of the Raman lines are greater for the lattice modes than for the internal modes of the CO3 groups. These shifts are used to calculate the mode anharmonic parameters of the observed Raman modes; they are negative and their absolute values are smaller (close to 0) for the internal CO3 modes than for the lattice modes (4–17 10?5 K?1). The temperature shifts of the lattice modes in calcite are considerably larger than those for dolomite and magnesite, and a marked non-linear increase in linewidth is observed above 400° C for calcite. This is consistent with an increasing relaxational component to the libration of the CO3 groups about their threefold axes, premonitory to the rotational order-disorder transition at higher temperature. This behaviour is not observed for the other calcite structured minerals in this study. We examine systematic variations in the lattice mode frequencies and linewidths with composition, to begin to understand these differences in their anharmonic behaviour. Finally, we have used a simple Debye-Waller model to calculate atomic displacements in calcite, magnesite and dolomite with increasing temperature from the vibrational frequency data, to provide a direct comparison with atomic positional data from high-temperature structure refinements.  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal distributions of major elements were investigated in the surface waters and in associated suspended matter at two sites of the upper Loire basin (Orleans and Brehemont) between 1995 and 1998.According to geochemical and isotopic patterns, the dissolved load appears to result from a process of mixing rainwater inputs, weathering processes of carbonate and silicate bedrock, and agricultural and urban inputs. Natural inputs influence 60% of water chemical composition at both sites. Annual dissolved fluxes were estimated to be 1300 103 t/y at Orleans and 1620 103 t/y at Brehemont. Major elements are transported mainly in the dissolved fraction. After correcting for atmospheric and anthropogenic inputs, the silicate specific export rate was calculated to be 11 t/y/km2 throughout the basin and the carbonate specific export rate to be from 47 t/y/km2 at Orleans to 23 t/y/km2 at Brehemont.The suspended load appears to result from at least two particle reservoirs: a silicate reservoir and a carbonate reservoir. The silicate reservoir has a detrital origin, mainly during periods of high flow, while the carbonate reservoir has a detrital origin during periods of high flow and an authigenic origin during periods of low flow. Of the total annual flow of suspended matter, this authigenic material represents 16% at Orleans, 25% at Brehemont and 37% in the fluvial part of the estuary. After correcting authigenic inputs, the specific export rate due to mechanical weathering was estimated to be 8 t/y/km2 throughout the Loire basin.  相似文献   
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