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Visible photometry of the RS CVn system AR Lac is presented. We find some interesting features in the light curves. Also a possible oscillation with period 1.05 hr arises from the data. A new determination of the geometrical parameters of the system is given.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   
The main shock of the West-Bohemian earthquake swarm, Czechoslovakia, (magnitudem=4.5, depthh=10 km) exhibits an irregular areal distribution of macroseismic intensities 6° to 7° MSK-64. Four lobes of the 6° isoseismal are found and the maximum observed intensity is located at a distance of 8 km from the instrumentally determined epicentre. This distribution can be explained by the energy flux of the directS wave generated by a circular source, the hypocentral location and focal mechanism of which are taken from independent instrumental studies. The theoretical intensity, which is assumed to be logarithmically proportional to the integrated squared ground-motion velocity (i.e.,I=const+log v 2 (t)dt), fits the observed intensity with an overall root-mean-square error less than 0.5°. It is important that the present intensity data can also be equally well explained by the isotropic source. The fit was attained by means of a horizontally layered model though large fault zones and an extended sedimentary basin suggest a significant lateral heterogeneity of the epicentral region. The results encourage a broader application of the simple modelling technique used.  相似文献   
Effects of collisions with interplanetary particles are investigated. To this purpose, collision probabilities for comets with different orbital elements are computed. It is found that collisions may have a non-negligible effect on the physical evolution of comets. In this connection, it is shown that under certain conditions collisional lifetimes may be shorter than dynamical or vaporization lifetimes. In particular, collisional lifetimes are on average shorter for comets in retrograde orbits than those for direct ones. It is further suggested that catastrophic collisions may contribute to prevent long-period comets in retrograde orbits from reaching short-period orbits by orbital diffusion. Collisions may also produce irregularities of the nucleus brightness by leaving exposed regions of fresh volatile material and may in this way lead to a rejuvenation of old dusty short-period comets. Catastrophic collision probabilities are too low to account for the observed comet splittings, so other trigger mechanisms should be at work. However, it is shown that collisional mini-bursts (increases in brightness of one magnitude or so) caused by decimeter-sized bodies may occur rather frequently on short-period comets when they pass through the asteroid belt. The burst observed in comet Tempel-2 at 3 AU in December, 1978 could be an example of such collisional mini-bursts. The systematic observation of periodic comets when they pass through the asteroid belt could give valuable information about the spatial density of decimeter and meter-sized bodies. In particular, collisional effects for comet Halley, for which a continuous surveillance is planned, are evaluated.  相似文献   
A new method to determine semi-analytical solutions of one-dimensional contaminant transport problem with nonlinear sorption is described. This method is based on operator splitting approach where the convective transport is solved exactly and the diffusive transport by finite volume method. The exact solutions for all sorption isotherms of Freundlich and Langmuir type are presented for the case of piecewise constant initial profile and zero diffusion. Very precise numerical results for transport with small diffusion can be obtained even for larger time steps (e.g., when the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition failed).  相似文献   
Significant intrusion of geothermal water into fresh groundwater takes place in the Puebla Valley aquifer system, Mexico. The decline in the potentiometric surface due to the overexploitation of the groundwater induces this intrusion. This hydrological system comprises three aquifers located in Plio-Quaternary volcanic sediments and Mesozoic calcareous rocks. The hydraulic balance of the aquifer shows that the annual output exceeds the natural inputs by 12 million m3. Between 1973 and 2002, a drop in the potentiometric surface, with an 80 m cone of depression, was identified in a 5-km-wide area located southwest of the city of Puebla. Chemical analyses performed on water samples since 1990 have shown an increase in total dissolved solids (TDS) of more than 500 mg/L, coinciding with the region showing a cone of depression in the potentiometric surface. A three-dimensional flow and transport model, based on the hydrogeological and geophysical studies, was computed by using the MODFLOW and MT3D software. This model reproduces the evolution of the aquifer system during the last 30 years and predicts for 2010 an additional drawdown in the potentiometric surface of 15 m, and an increase in the geothermal water intrusion.  相似文献   
The hydraulic behaviour of the karst aquifer in the Hubelj spring catchment area (SW Slovenia) was studied by using an indirect research method based on natural tracers. The variations of natural tracers (in precipitation and in groundwater) during the storm event made possible the separation of the Hubelj spring storm hydrograph by the three-component separation technique. The results produced information on the aquifer recharge, storage and discharge processes, as well as on the mechanisms that affected them. They verified the so-called epikarst hypothesis presuming that an important part of a karst aquifer recharge reaches rapidly and intensively from the epikarst zone. It was demonstrated that epikarst water could occupy up to 50% of the spring discharge during precipitation events. This phenomenon could have important consequences on protection and management of the problems of karst aquifers, including engineering problems in karst areas. With this respect the results could give way to new engineering ideas.  相似文献   
Summary Lenses and pods of mafic rocks from the Monotonous Unit near Svetlik are characterized by eclogite facies mineral assemblages; however some inclusion patterns (oriented quartz rods in clinopyroxene and cuboids of disordered graphite in garnet) that are usually known from ultra-high pressure rocks were also observed in one sample. Conventional thermobarometry yielded maximum PT conditions of 2.0–2.5 GPa and 750 °C. Decompression and heating at amphibolite and granulite facies conditions resulted in the formation of at least five distinct types of symplectites. These include symplectitic intergrowth of ilmenite and clinopyroxene after titanite, described here for the first time from the Moldanubian Zone. In addition, symplectites of plagioclase and biotite with accessory amounts of spinel after tabular pseudomorphs (after phengite?) are also reported here. Mass balance relations indicate that symplectites of diopside + plagioclase after omphacite and plagioclase + spinel (sapphirine) after kyanite + garnet, formed by nearly isochemical reactions. All other symplectite-forming reactions were allochemical and were accelerated by the presence of fluid in the primary phases. Preserved zoning pattern in garnet with high compositional gradient in some samples suggests that the rocks were affected briefly by granulite facies overprint.  相似文献   
Karst aquifer components that contribute to the discharge of a water supply well in the Classical Karst (Kras) region (Italy/Slovenia) were quantitatively estimated during storm events. Results show that water released from storage within the epikarst may comprise as much as two-thirds of conduit flow in a karst aquifer following rainfall. Principal components analysis (PCA) and end-member mixing analysis (EMMA) were performed using major ion chemistry and the stable isotopes of water (δ18O, δ2H) and of dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13CDIC) to estimate mixing proportions among three sources: (1) allogenic river recharge, (2) autogenic recharge, and (3) an anthropogenic component stored within the epikarst. The sinking river most influences the chemical composition of the water-supply well under low-flow conditions; however, this proportion changes rapidly during recharge events. Autogenic recharge water, released from shallow storage in the epikarst, displaces the river water and is observed at the well within hours after the onset of precipitation. The autogenic recharge end member is the second largest component of the well chemistry, and its contribution increases with higher flow. An anthropogenic component derived from epikarstic storage also impacts the well under conditions of elevated hydraulic head, accounting for the majority of the chemical response at the well during the wettest conditions.  相似文献   
The Zlata Idka village is a typical mountainous settlement. As a consequence of more than 500 years of mining activity, its environment has been extensively affected by pollution from potentially toxic elements. This paper presents the results of an environmental-geochemical and health research in the Zlata Idka village, Slovakia. Geochemical analysis indicates that arsenic (As) and antimony (Sb) are enriched in soils, groundwater, surface water and stream sediments. The average As and Sb contents are 892 mg/kg and 818 mg/kg in soils, 195 mg/kg and 249 mg/kg in stream sediments, 0.028 mg/l and 0.021 mg/l in groundwater and 0.024 mg/l and 0.034 mg/l in surface water. Arsenic and Sb concentrations exceed upper permissible limits in locally grown vegetables. Within the epidemiological research the As and Sb contents in human tissues and fluids have been observed (blood, urine, nails and hair) in approximately one third of the village’s population (120 respondents). The average As and Sb concentrations were 16.3 μg/l and 3.8 μg/l in blood, 15.8 μg/l and 18.8 μg/l in urine, 3,179 μg/kg and 1,140 μg/kg in nails and 379 μg/kg and 357 μg/kg in hair. These concentrations are comparatively much higher than the average population. Health risk calculations for the ingestion of soil, water, and vegetables indicates a very high carcinogenic risk (>1/1,000) for as content in soil and water. The hazard quotient [HQ=average daily dose (ADD)/reference dose (RfD)] calculation method indicates a HQ>1 for groundwater As and Sb concentrations.  相似文献   
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