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Despite significant technological advances in emerging economies, the further development of clean energy technologies in developing countries remains crucial to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions associated with economic development. In this paper we address two significant gaps in the growing body of literature that has assessed the role of the Clean Development Mechanism in promoting the transfer of clean technologies to developing countries. First, we present a qualitative analysis of the governance of the Clean Development Mechanism in India. This provides a basis for understanding the extent to which and the ways in which governance may impact upon the likelihood that projects promote technology transfer. Second, we provide a novel quantification of the level and nature of technology transfer that has occurred in Indian Clean Development Mechanism projects, based on insights from literature on technological capability building. We find that the Clean Development Mechanism in India has produced a negligible number of projects that promote technology transfer if technology transfer is understood as a process of learning about technology. Together these qualitative and quantitative analyses show how politics and governance have contributed to the current form of the Clean Development Mechanism market in India, in which processes of building indigenous technological capabilities have been neglected.  相似文献   
This article continues from the earlier feature in Geology Today (2011, v.27, n.4) and looks at the influence of chemical reactivity within concrete due to the presence of unsound aggregates or deleterious material incorporated in the aggregate used in the concrete mix. Some of the more disruptive problems from chemical unsoundness come from the presence of chlorides, which cause rusting in reinforced concrete or, sulphate attack from ground waters. Both of these reactions are relatively common in Britain. Alkali–silica reactions with aggregates and cement is not too prevalent in Britain but can be very prevalent and disruptive elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   
This meta-analysis of land-cover transformations of the past 10–15 years in tropical forest-agriculture frontiers world-wide shows that swidden agriculture decreases in landscapes with access to local, national and international markets that encourage cattle production and cash cropping, including biofuels. Conservation policies and practices also accelerate changes in swidden by restricting forest clearing and encouraging commercial agriculture. However, swidden remains important in many frontier areas where farmers have unequal or insecure access to investment and market opportunities, or where multi-functionality of land uses has been preserved as a strategy to adapt to current ecological, economic and political circumstances. In some areas swidden remains important simply because intensification is not a viable choice, for example when population densities and/or food market demands are low. The transformation of swidden landscapes into more intensive land uses has generally increased household incomes, but has also led to negative effects on the social and human capital of local communities to varying degrees. From an environmental perspective, the transition from swidden to other land uses often contributes to permanent deforestation, loss of biodiversity, increased weed pressure, declines in soil fertility, and accelerated soil erosion. Our prognosis is that, despite the global trend towards land use intensification, in many areas swidden will remain part of rural landscapes as the safety component of diversified systems, particularly in response to risks and uncertainties associated with more intensive land use systems.  相似文献   
A riparian ecosystem downstream of a small dam in central Texas was instrumented for sap flow, soil moisture content, and stream level from 2001. Stable isotopes in water (D and 18O) were analysed from rainfall, stream, lake, and cored sapwood cellulose from cedar elm (Ulmus crassifolia). The isotope signature of water source to cedar elm was identified by back calculation starting with the water isotopes in cellulose, and accounting for leaf‐water evaporation and biological fractionation during cellulose synthesis. The estimated mean isotope of the source water to cedar elm was enriched above rainfall in similarity to stream water during 2002. Flow paths that may have contributed to estimated variability from regional base flow and recharge water were identified using the variably saturated HYDRUS‐2D model. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Despite a clear need, little research has been carried out at the regional-level to quantify potential climate-related impacts to electricity production and delivery systems. This paper introduces a bottom-up study of climate change impacts on California's energy infrastructure, including high temperature effects on power plant capacity, transmission lines, substation capacity, and peak electricity demand. End-of-century impacts were projected using the A2 and B1 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change emission scenarios. The study quantifies the effect of high ambient temperatures on electricity generation, the capacity of substations and transmission lines, and the demand for peak power for a set of climate scenarios. Based on these scenarios, atmospheric warming and associated peak demand increases would necessitate up to 38% of additional peak generation capacity and up to 31% additional transmission capacity, assuming current infrastructure. These findings, although based on a limited number of scenarios, suggest that additional funding could be put to good use by supporting R&D into next generation cooling equipment technologies, diversifying the power generation mix without compromising the system's operational flexibility, and designing effective demand side management programs.  相似文献   
Microcomputer graphics should be an essential tool for geologists. The CROSSX program serves as a computer-assisted drafting tool for geologic cross sections on microcomputers running the MS-DOS operating system with an Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA). CROSSX combines two inputs: digital elevation model, available already digitized; and local stratigraphic column. The user can create templates for final hand drafting of sections, and include folds, faults, and uniformly dipping stratigraphy. CROSSX automates tedious parts of cross section preparation by drawing the topographic profile, calculating apparent dip in the line of section, and scaling each unit for the chosen scale. Although the computer cannot replace the geologist's judgment, it can handle details and perform many checks to help the geologist better spend time on interpretation.This paper was presented at Emerging Concepts, MGUS-87 Conference, Redwood City, California, 13–15 April 1987.  相似文献   
Deduced from empirical and theoretical work, a model is proposed for the rheology of bi- and polyphase rocks based on the rheology of the components, their volume fractions, and their geometrical distribution. The model is formulated for the common case where some minerals deform by crystall plasticity at steady state and others, stronger ones, deform in the vincinity of the brittle-ductile transition.The model results from a combination of a load-carrying framework model and a two-block model. The first model is valid for the field, where stress is mainly accommodated by interconnecting stronger phases. The second model describes the case where strain is concentrated mainly within the weaker phase. The transition-point from one partial-model to the other depends on the material properties of the minerals involved. With increasing strain, it shifts first to higher then to lower contents of weaker materials, due to an increase of contrast in competence and to the development of a mechanically induced compositional foliation. Finally, the rheology of the resulting well foliated rock is dominated by the rheology of the weakest component.
Zusammenfassung Basierend auf empirischen und theoretischen Arbeiten wird ein Modell für zwei- und mehrphasige Gesteine vorgestellt, mit dem die Gesamt-Rheologie als Funktion der Rheologien der einzelnen Phasen, ihren volumenmäßigen Anteilen am Gesamtgestein und ihrer geometrischen Verteilung formuliert werden kann.Das Modell entsteht durch die Verbindung zweier Teil-Modelle. Das eine nimmt ein tragendes Gerüst, aufgebaut durch härtere, vorwiegend spröd bis kataklastisch deformierende Mineralien an. Das zweite gilt für den Bereich, wo die Verformung vollständig durch weiche Komponenten aufgenommen wird.Der Übergang vom Gültigkeitsbereich des einen in denjenigen des anderen Teilmodells ist eine Funktion der Materialeigenschaften der beteiligten Mineralien. Er verlagert sich mit zunehmender Deformation zuerst in Richtung höherer, dann in Richtung niedrigerer Anteile von weicheren Komponenten, bedingt einerseits durch einen zunehmenden Kompetenzkontrast, andererseits durch die zunehmende, mechanisch bedingte Ausbildung einer Stoffbänderung. Die Rheologie des schlußendlich vollständig gebänderten Gesteins wird weitgehendst von der Rheologie der weichsten Komponente kontrolliert.

Résumé L'auteur, à partir de données empiriques et de travaux théoriques, présente un modèle de la rhéologie des roches biet poly-phasées, dans lequel cette propriété apparaît comme une fonction de la rhéologie de chacune des phases, des proportions en volume de celles-ci et de leurs relations géométriques. Ce modèle s'applique au cas le plus répandu dans lequel certains minéraux ont un comportement proche de la transition cassant-ductile, tandis que les autres fluent plastiquement à contrainte constante à l'intervention de processus intra-cristallins.Le modèle est la synthèse de deux modèles partiels. Le premier correspond au cas où la phase compétente forme un squelette absorbant la plus grande part de la contrainte («load-carrying framework model»). Le deuxième s'applique au cas où la déformation se concentre presque uniquement dans la phase incompétente («two bock model»). La transition d'un modèle partiel à l'autre dépend des propriétés physiques de ces deux phases. Lors d'une déformation progressive cette transition se déplace dans un premier temps vers les plus grandes teneurs en matériau moins compétent, en raison de l'accroissement de la différence de compétence. Puis elle glisse, au contraire, vers les plus petites teneurs en raison du développement d'un rubanement compositionnel d'origine mécanique. Finalement la rhéologie d'une roche ainsi entièrement rubanée est déterminée essentiellement par la rhéologie du matériau le moins compétent.

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Pliocene, non-tropical, widespread and locally thick (up to 100 m) limestones occur in Hawke's Bay, eastern North Island, where they are intimately associated with very thick ( > 5 km), terrigenous-dominated, Neogene sequences that formed in a tectonically active convergent margin setting. The non-tropical character of the limestones is shown unequivocally by (1) the complete dominance of skeletal calcarenites and calcirudites, (2) the occurrence of oyster banks as the only in situ organic structures, (3) the dominance of barnacles, epifaunal molluscs, bryozoans, echinoderms, foraminifers, brachiopods and calcareous red algae as skeletal components, and (4) the preponderance of calcite over aragonite in the mineralogy of the skeletal grains and cements. The abundance of barnacle fragments in the limestones, and the related exclusive occurrence of only one major organic association, a barnacle-(epifaunal) bivalve-bryozoan assemblage, is striking and unusual given the extent of the limestones. Pecten and oyster valves acted as substrates for barnacle attachment, and their growth was promoted by strong tidal paleocurrents that swept the depositional setting: a long (450 km), narrow (30–50 km) forearc basin seaway, which formed between an actively deforming subduction complex to the east and an uplifting structural ridge to the west. Synsedimentary deformation promoted limestone formation on the margins of the seaway by creating current-swept, clastic-free submarine ridges that acted as the sites of carbonate production. Tidal flows dispersed the carbonate constituents and organised them into a wide spectrum of tide-influenced, cross-bedded and horizontal structures. Most spectacular are occurrences of giant tabular cross-beds, with sets 10–40 m thick and foreset dips of 7–36°, some interpreted as the deposits of major sand bars on carbonate deltas marginal to the mouths of saddles traversing the rising antiforms, and others analogous to modern linear sand ridges. The small- to large-scale planar and trough cross-beds, and the horizontal and lenticular beds that are invariably associated with the giant cross-beds and dominate most sections, represent mainly the deposits of sand waves and sand sheets at inner- to mid-shelf depths in the seaway.  相似文献   
The scaling properties of the depth of the inner-layer of flow over low hills are studied by means of numerical solution of the equations. Two closure schemes are applied: the mixing-length model and the E- formulation. It is shown that the scale relation for the inner-layer depth lies between two formulations proposed in literature. It is also shown that the scale relation depends on the closure scheme.Presently at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Shinficld Park, Reading, Berkshire RG2 9AX, England.  相似文献   
Based on the results of an extensive parametric study of elastic and inelastic response of SDOF systems, in which the most important structural parameters were varied and ground motions of very different characteristics were taken into account, simple formulae for determining the seismic demand in SDOF systems with natural periods in the medium- and long-period range are proposed. Seismic demand is expressed in terms of the mean values of maximum relative displacements and maximum input energy. These results can be used to provide rough estimates of structural behaviour when different damage models are applied. As well as this, the proposed formulae can be used to construct design spectra of the Newmark-Hall type.  相似文献   
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