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This work is concerned with the precision measurement of the magnitudes of the stars across a large field of the galactic globular cluster M5. The colours of the red giants are subjected to a thorough statistical analysis in order to quantify the extent of any star-to-star variations in metal abundance within the cluster. Use is made of an extensive optical/near-infrared observational data set acquired with a large-array CCD detector and the Johnson V and I filters. The results of this photometry, which is accurate to within a few millimagnitudes for the brighter stars, are used to compile a colour–magnitude diagram.
The analysis finds that in a metal-rich M5 ([Fe/H]=−1.2) the extent of any metal inhomogeneity, Δ[Fe/H], is less than ±0.1 dex, and in a metal-poor M5 ([Fe/H]=−1.5) then     . (The literature contains a range of derived values of metallicity for M5.)  相似文献   
The boundary-element method has been widely used as a design tool in the offshore and ship building industry for more than 30 years. Its application to wave energy conversion is, however, more recent. This is the second of two papers on a comparison of numerical and physical modelling of a free-floating sloped wave energy converter. In the first paper the numerical modelling formulation for the power take-off mechanism was derived using the boundary-element method package WAMIT. It was verified against numerical benchmark data. In this paper, the outcome of the modelling of the whole device is compared with experimental measurements obtained from model testing in a wave tank. The agreement is generally good.  相似文献   
Summary. The lithospheric stretching model for the formation of sedimentary basins was tested in the central North Sea by a combined study of crustal thinning and basement subsidence patterns. A profile of crustal structure was obtained by shooting a long-range seismic experiment across the Central Graben, the main axis of subsidence. A seabed array of 12 seismometers in the graben was used to record shots fired in a line 530 km long across the basin. The data collected during the experiment were interpreted by modelling synthetic seismograms from a laterally varying structure, and the final model showed substantial crustal thinning beneath the graben. Subsidence data from 19 exploration wells were analysed to obtain subsidence patterns in the central North Sea since Jurassic times. Changes in water depth were quantified using foraminiferal assemblages where possible, and observed basement subsidence paths were corrected for sediment loading, compaction and changes in water depth through time. The seismic model is shown to be compatible with the observed gravity field, and the small size of observed gravity anomalies is used to argue that the basin is in local isostatic equilibrium. Both crustal thinning and basement subsidence studies indicate about 70 km of stretching across the Central Graben during the mid-Jurassic to early Cretaceous extensional event. This extension appears to have occurred over crust already slightly thinned beneath the graben, and the seismic data suggest that total extension since the early Permian may have been more than 100km. The data presented here may all be explained using a simple model of uniform extension of the lithosphere.  相似文献   
The coals of the upper part of the Mansfield, Brazil, and the lower part of the Staunton Formations (Atokan and Desmoinesian, Pennsylvanian) in Indiana (Illinois Basin) are characteristically thin and discontinuous. As a result, problems with correlation and identification of the seams have persisted for both researchers and industry. These discrepancies affect coal exploration, mine planning, and subsequently coal-fired utilities. This study presents exploration and operational examples demonstrating some of the correlation problems associated with the coals of the Brazil Formation, and the Upper Block and Lower Block, in particular, and the surrounding upper part of the Mansfield Formation and lower part of the Staunton Formations. Based on exploration boreholes, mine scale observations, and coal quality and petrographic data, this study suggests that (1) the coal mapped as the Upper Block Coal Member of Clay County may, in fact, be the same seam as the Lower Block Coal Member of Daviess County; and (2) the Lower Block coal of Clay County is not present south of the Switz City area of central Greene County, IN.  相似文献   

We present a binned annual product (BINS) of sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity (SSS), and sea surface density (SSD) observations for 1896–2015 of the subpolar North Atlantic between 40° N and 70° N, mostly excluding the shelf areas. The product of bin averages over spatial scales on the order of 200 to 500 km, reproducing most of the interannual variability in different time series covering at least the last three decades or of the along-track ship monitoring. Comparisons with other SSS and SST gridded products available since 1950 suggest that BINS captures the large decadal to multidecadal variability. Comparison with the HadSST3 SST product since 1896 also indicates that the decadal and multidecadal variability is usually well-reproduced, with small differences in long-term trends or in areas with marginal data coverage in either of the two products. Outside of the Labrador Sea and Greenland margins, interannual variability is rather similar in different seasons. Variability at periods longer than 15 years is a large part of the total interannual variability, both for SST and SSS, except possibly in the south-western part of the domain. Variability in SST and SSS increases towards the west, with the contribution of salinity variability to density dominating that of temperature in the western Atlantic, except close to the Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current in the southwest area. Weaker variability and larger relative temperature contributions to density changes are found in the eastern part of the gyre and south of Iceland.

We report results from the Seismic Wide-Angle and Broadband Survey carried out over the Mid North Sea High. This paper focuses on integrating the information from a conventional deep multichannel reflection profile and a coincident wide-angle profile obtained by recording the same shots on a set of ocean bottom hydrophones (OBH). To achieve this integration, a new traveltime inversion scheme was developed (reported elsewhere) that was used to invert traveltime information from both the wide-angle OBH records and the reflection profile simultaneously. Results from the inversion were evaluated by producing synthetic seismograms from the final inversion model and comparing them with the observed wide-angle data, and an excellent match was obtained. It was possible to fine-tune velocities in less well-resolved parts of the model by considering the critical distance for the Moho reflection. The seismic velocity model was checked for compatibility with the gravity field, and used to migrate and depth-convert the reflection profile. The unreflective upper crust is characterized by a high velocity gradient, whilst the highly reflective lower crust is associated with a low velocity gradient. At the base of the crust there are several subhorizontal reflectors, a few kilometres apart in depth, and correlatable laterally for several tens of kilometres. These reflectors are interpreted as representing a strike section through northward-dipping reflectors at the base of the crust, identified on orthogonal profiles by Freeman et al. (1988) as being slivers of subducted and imbricated oceanic crust, relics of the mid-Palaeozoic Iapetus Ocean.  相似文献   
We report the 3.5σ detection of dust in the core of the metal-rich ([Fe/H] =−0.4) globular cluster NGC 6356. The dust mass in the core is ∼ 4–17 × 10−3 M⊙, depending on the dust equilibrium temperature. We rule out sputtering as a grain destruction mechanism in NGC 6356, unless grains are very small (∼30 Å). We also place the upper limit of 6.6 × 10−3 on the CO-to-dust ratio in this cluster. This value is significantly smaller than the CO-to-dust ratio in the general Galactic interstellar medium, and in the outflows of evolved stars.  相似文献   
Particle fluxes to 3100 m depth at 45°50′N, 19°30′W were measured using time-series sediment traps during a 17 month period encompassing 1989 and 1990 JGOFS spring bloom process studies in the northeast Atlantic. There was a marked intra-annual variability in fluxes of mass, particulate inorganic carbon (PIC), particulate organic carbon (POC) and opal, appearing as two major flux events in each year. In 1989, the first flux event represented the settlement of spring bloom-type material, whereas the second, in autumn, was heavily enriched in mucopolysaccharides. In 1990, in contrast, the two flux events comprised spring bloom-type material and arrived at depth at different times relative to the 1989 events. The intra- and interannual variability evident for all three biogenic components was most notable for POC: (i) the autumn 1989 event supplied twice as much POC to 3100 m as the earlier spring bloom settlement—a quite unexpected observation—and (ii) the annual average POC flux in 1989 was 3–4 times more than in 1990. A synthesis of process study datasets with sediment trap data enables an evaluation of the coupling of deep fluxes with surface-water events. Spatial variability of the 1989 deep flux events is assessed by comparing the sediment trap data reported here with those from a second site 100 km away (Honjo and Manganini,Deep-Sea Research II,40, 587–607, 1993). The timing and magnitude of the 1989 spring bloom settlement was indistinguishable in the two datasets, indicating no spatial variability in flux between these sites. In contrast, the autumn 1989 flux event was barely recorded at the second site. Given the biogeochemical importance of this latter event to deep waters, most notable in terms of its contribution to POC flux, this observation of deep-water mesoscale flux variability indicates a significant problem in determining regional carbon budgets. Construction of basin-scale budgets is a central goal of JGOFS and for this to be achieved further studies of mesoscale variability of particle flux are essential.  相似文献   
This article proposes and tests a model of the causes and consequences of Americans’ judgments of the national seriousness of global warming. The model proposes that seriousness judgments about global warming are a function of beliefs about the existence of global warming, attitudes toward it, the certainty with which these beliefs and attitudes are held, and beliefs about human responsibility for causing global warming and people’s ability to remedy it. The model also proposes that beliefs about whether global warming is a problem are a function of relevant personal experiences (with the weather) and messages from informants (in this case, scientists), that attitudes toward global warming are a function of particular perceived consequences of global warming, and that certainty about these attitudes and beliefs is a function of knowledge and prior thought. Data from two representative sample surveys offer support for all of these propositions, document effects of national seriousness judgments on support for ameliorative efforts generally and specific ameliorative policies, and thereby point to psychological mechanisms that may be responsible for institutional and elite impact on the public’s assessments of national problem importance and on public policy preferences.  相似文献   
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