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The location of the regions with maximum subsidence within the Siberian platform and the age volumes of the structural stages have been determined in relation to the location and periods of development of the adjacent geosynclines. The western and eastern parts of the platform differ in the character of the structures and magmatism, in the volume and age of the structural stages, as well as in the asynchronism of the main tectonic stages, which is connected with the boundary location of the platform between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean segments of the earth's crust. The Siberian platform sharply differs from other ancient platforms of the northern hemisphere by the intensity of magmatism and style of tectonic deformation in the Meso-Cenozoic, and it is similar in this respect to the southern ancient platforms. The subcrustal processes in the adjacent geosynclines have played a leading role in the development of the platform structure; but the release of the stresses during the epochs of the magmatism and rift formation took place directly on the platform itself. 相似文献
Yu Zhou Yanxin Wang Yilian Li François Zwahlen Julie Boillat 《Environmental Earth Sciences》2013,68(3):765-778
The central Jianghan Plain is the semi-closed basin in the middle reaches of Yangtze River. A total of 78 water samples targeting groundwater were collected from 75 sites in this study site, the area between Yangtze River and Han River, including rivers and lakes for temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS) and ion composition measurements. Correlation matrix was used to assess the geochemical and anthropogenic processes. The most confined groundwater was grouped into HCO3–Ca–Mg, while phreatic groundwater and surface water had a more diversified hydrochemistry. The spatial variation in overall water quality as well as comparison with WHO (World Health Organization) standards for drinking water is illustrated. Mn, As and NO3 ? concentrations were found to exceed the allowable limits for drinking water of WHO guidelines, and they also show remarkable spatial variations. Abnormally high nitrate concentration, up to 150–190 mg/l, was found only in phreatic groundwater, which suggested that the nitrate pollution might be caused by agricultural activities. The present study may be helpful in further studies concerning water quality issues in this area where groundwater is a vital source for drinking and other activities. 相似文献
近年来,水产养殖用地分布广泛,但由于其在影像上所表现的复杂性和不均匀性,造成该用地类型提取中的困难,尤其针对中分辨率遥感影像。对此,本文提出了一种基于纹理和空间特征的养殖用地提取方法,该方法主要包括3个步骤:首先,利用纹理熵和归一化差异水体指数NDWI实现水产养殖用地的粗提取;然后,依据相邻地物间的关系实现同类型地物合并;最后,本文构建一种相对宽度作为地物的近似宽度,再次利用NDWI实现水产养殖用地的准确识别。本文以越南万丰湾为研究区域,以Landat-8融合影像(融合后的像元大小为15 m)的目视解译结果为标准,对本文方法与最小距离法分类结果进行比较。实验结果表明,该方法的精度可达91.13%,远高于传统的面向对象方法,并且所提方法的错误率和虚假率分别为0.09%和8.87%,表明了该方法可靠性,因而该方法可为基于中分辨率影像的地物类型提取提供一种有效手段。 相似文献
扇三角洲作为重要的油气储集场所,其成因单元类型及分布特征控制着油气的差异分布及采出效率。关于扇三角洲分流河道沉积特征已有共识,但河口坝沉积特征尤其是韵律特征尚存在争议。以滦平盆地桑园剖面下白垩统西瓜园组湖盆扇三角洲沉积体为例,通过人工实测及无人机观测相结合的方法,对河口坝沉积特征、尤其是韵律特征进行研究,利用水槽模拟实验阐明河口坝韵律特征的形成机理。结果表明,河口坝在整个剖面中占砂(砾)岩体的45.27%,分流河道和席状砂分别占53.42%和1.31%。河口坝在剖面上呈底平顶凸状,通常由多期增生体组成。当增生体主要由砂岩组成时,呈粒度反韵律特征; 而当增生体主要由砾岩组成时,呈粒度正韵律特征。河口坝整体韵律受控于增生体的垂向叠置样式,既可呈反韵律特征又可呈正韵律特征。当流量、沉积底形坡度等地质条件一定时,河口坝内部增生体韵律性主要受沉积物粒度控制。当沉积物粒度较细时,河口水流扩散模式为底床摩擦力主控,增生体呈现反韵律特征; 而当沉积物粒度较粗时,河口水流扩散模式为惯性力主控,河口坝增生体则呈现正韵律特征。 相似文献
成都经济区天降水与下渗水元素地球化学特征及土壤元素输入输出通量 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
论文研究了成都经济区天降水和下渗水中元素含量、在农田耕层中的输入输出通量及其影响因素.研究表明,研究区雨水中含有大量SO2-4、NO-3等酸性物质,雨水中SO2-4 >NO-3>Cl-.雨水中Ca2 和NH 4含量最高,且NH 4>Ca2 >K >Na >Mg2 .雨水的pH与阴、阳离子摩尔浓度差值具有显著相关性.下渗水中以Ca2 为主要阳离子,且Ca2 >Na >Mg2 >K >NH 4;HCO-3为主要阴离子,且HCO-3>NO-3>SO2-4>Cl->F-,下渗水pH与阳、阴离子摩尔浓度差值具有显著相关性.不同地区雨水中Pb>As>Cd>Se>Hg,下渗水中Pb>As>Se>Cd>Hg,因此,Cd、Pb、Se和Hg等元素累积在耕层中,而As则被下渗水携带迁移出耕层进入地下水.由降雨输入土壤中的Cd通量均大于下渗水输出Cd的通量,局部地区As下渗通量高于雨水输入通量的5.45~13.16倍.土壤中元素的下渗比与土壤质地、pH有关. 相似文献
重力异常资料显示, 库车坳陷南缘西秋构造带深层发育有基底隆起。本文通过地震资料解释确认了西秋构造带深层古隆起的结构, 分析了古隆起的形成和演化过程。西秋构造带南侧边缘存在一条区域性基底断裂, 断裂北侧新生界下伏中生界、古生界明显减薄或地层缺失, 总体上表现为断背斜形态的古隆起构造。结合区域构造演化分析认为, 泥盆纪—石炭纪(D—C)塔里木克拉通边缘隆升、二叠纪—三叠纪(P—T)受南天山负荷影响产生的克拉通边缘压陷的构造演化过程中, 西秋构造带处于"跷跷板"式地壳升降运动的"支点"部位, 发育古隆起和基底卷入高角度断层, 晚期南天山隆升向南斜向推挤的挤压剪切应力场使古隆起边界断层复活, 基底断裂活动并在新生界之下形成冲断隆起。 相似文献
This paper investigates rapid channelized debris flow related to rainfalls in small alpine basins. Its goal is to evaluate
and correlate different geological and technical aspects with predisposing and triggering factors that can control these phenomena.
The study area is the upper part of the Susa Valley where 12 small basins were selected. For each of them, lithological, geomorphological,
climatic and technical information were mapped and analysed. Debris-flow triggering conditions, flow and depositional processes
were related to physical characteristics of the basin that can be easily measured and quantified. At least three different
groups of basins were found: G1) basins with one event each 4–6 years, characterised by massive or blocky calcareous rocks,
G2) basins with more than one event per year that show an abundance of layered or sheared fine-grained rocks and G3) basins
with recurrence levels exceeding 10 years, activated only by heavy and prolonged rainfalls, marked by massive or blocky coarse-grained
igneous rocks. Furthermore, important morphometric differences were found. These considerations are useful in terms of hazard
zonation and risk mitigation. 相似文献
青土湖地区9500a BP以来的环境变化研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对青土湖地区ZY剖面的代用指标分析,研究了该区9500aBP以来的气候环境变化.在9500~6700aBP期间,剖面为风成砂沉积,平均粒径、磁化率、碳酸盐含量和C/N代用指标值均出现了的最低值,代表了湖泊干涸状态下强烈的风力搬运堆积,反映为一种暖干的古气候环境;6700~5800aBP期间,为碳酸盐粉砂质粘土沉积,代用指标的值均为高值,指示高水位、暖湿的古气候环境;5800~2700aBP为碳酸盐粉砂沉积,代用指标的值均表现为中等,代表了低水位状态下的碳酸盐沉积,反映夏季风减弱,区域降水量减少;2700~1100aBP期间为沼泽沉积,此时湖泊水量变化是以人为因素为主还是自然因素为主,需要进一步研究. 相似文献
中国西北干旱内陆河流域分布式出山径流模型 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In order to predict the futuristic runoff under global warming, and to approach to the effects of vegetation on the ecological environment of the inland river mountainous watershed of Northwest China, the authors use the routine hydrometric data to create a distributed monthly model with some conceptual parameters, coupled with GIS and RS tools and data. The model takes sub-basin as the minimal confluent unit, divides the main soils of the basin into 3 layers, and identifies the vegetation types as forest and pasture. The data used in the model are precipitation, air temperature, runoff, soil weight water content, soil depth, soil bulk density, soil porosity, land cover,etc. The model holds that if the water amount is greater than the water content capacity, there will be surface runoff. The actual evaporation is proportional to the product of the potential evaporation and soil volume water content. The studied basin is Heihe mainstream mountainous basin, with a drainage area of 10,009 km^2. The data used in this simulation are from Jan. 1980 to Dec. 1995, and the first 10 years‘ data are used to simulate, while the last 5 years‘ data are used to calibrate. For the simulation process, the Nash-Sutcliffe Equation, Balance Error and Explained Variance is 0.8681,5.4008 and 0.8718 respectively, while for the calibration process, 0.8799, -0.5974 and 0.8800 respectively. The model results show that the futuristic runoff of Heihe river basin will increase a little. The snowmelt, glacier meltwater and the evaportranspiration will increase. The air temperature increment will make the permanent snow and glacier area diminish, and the snowline will rise. The vegetation, especially the forest in Heihe mountainous watershed, could lead to the evapoWanspimtion decrease of the watershed, adjust the runoff orocess, and increase the soil water content. 相似文献