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红树林单宁的研究进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
林益明  向平  林鹏 《海洋科学》2005,29(3):56-63
植物单宁(vegetable tannin),又称植物多酚(plant polyphenol)是一类广泛存在于植物体内的多元酚化合物,在维管植物中的含量仅次于纤维素、半纤维素和木质素,主要存在于植物的皮、根、叶、果中,含量可达20%。作为皮革的一种传统鞣剂,单宁一般指的是相对分子质量为500~3000的多酚。Haslam提出了植物多酚这一术语,它包括了单宁及相关化合物(如单宁的前体化合物和单宁的聚合物)。根据化学结构的不同,  相似文献   
台风中心定位的微小误差会对台风路径预报造成较大的偏离,因此精确定位台风中心是台风路径预测和灾害预报的重要步骤。台风云系随时间不断变化且风力强弱不一,在卫星云图中呈现了多样性和复杂性,现有基于神经网络的模型由于缺少对台风特征图像多维度参数的权重合理分配,在自动提取台风图像特征上受到了限制。为此,提出一种融合通道注意力与坐标注意力的神经网络模型(TY-LOCNet),首先搭建深度卷积神经网络模型提取台风特征;其次引入通道注意力机制从台风特征中捕获通道级别的信息,提升模型对重要通道的关注度;然后将通道注意力结果输入到坐标注意力机制中全局标定台风位置信息,使模型能够在较大的区域关注到台风的形态结构;此外,均方误差损失函数未能融合计算坐标导致定位精度低,因此提出距离损失函数(DISTLoss)通过距离回归提高模型定位精度。实验结果表明,TY-LOCNet的平均位置误差(MLE)、平均定位误差(MAE)和检测速度分别为 3.502 像素,0.292 °和 17 FPS,优于其他模型。台风中心定位模型 TY-LOCNet可为台风预报提供实时性台风中心定位支持。  相似文献   
2022年9月19日墨西哥米却肯州发生MW7.6地震,该地震位于北美板块与科科斯板块交汇处。为进一步研究本次地震对周围断层和后续地震的影响,剖析该地震的孕震背景和发生条件,首先使用包括USGS在内的多个国外地震机构得到的墨西哥MW7.6地震以及后续的两次MW>5.0地震的震源机制解,分别计算出震源机制中心解,然后通过计算主震产生库伦破裂应力变化来研究本次地震对后续两次地震的触发作用,最后收集了1976年1月1日至2022年5月31日发生在本次地震附近的MW≥4.9的29条震源机制解数据,反演该地区的构造应力场,并模拟在局部构造及其作用下产生的各种断层形状及相对正应力和剪应力的分布情况。研究结果表明:①震源机制中心解表明主震和6.8级余震为逆冲型地震,而5.8级余震的震源机制为正断型地震; ②本次地震对5.8级和6.8级余震的库伦破裂力变化均超过0.01MPa的阈值,表明这两次强余震可能是在主震的触发下发生的; ③震源区应力场的主压应力轴为NNE-SSW向,主张应力轴近乎垂直。本地震序列的断层破裂近乎沿应力场的最大剪应力平面发生,最大限度地释放了构造运动积累的应力。  相似文献   
The increasingly large volume of trajectories of moving entities obtained through GPS and cellphone tracking, telemetry, and other location-aware technologies motivates researchers to understand the implicit patterns hidden in movement trajectories and understand how movement is influenced by the environmental context. Trajectory similarity serves as an important tool in computational movement analysis and as the foundation of revealing those patterns. However, there are various trajectory similarity measures, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we present a hierarchical clustering framework that integrates five commonly used similarity measures, including Fréchet distance, dynamic time warping, Hausdorff distance, longest common subsequence, and normalized weighted edit distance, a special kind of edit distance for movement analysis. The framework aims at clustering similar patterns and identifying variability in movement. The optimal number of clusters are first obtained. Then, the clusters are characterized by environmental variables to explore the associations between variability in movement and the environmental conditions. We evaluate the proposed framework using 15 years of tracking data of turkey vultures, tracked at 1- to 3-h sampling intervals, during their fall and spring migration seasons. The results suggest that, at 5% significance level, turkey vultures select their movement paths intentionally and those selections appear to be related to certain environmental context variables, including thermal uplift, vegetation state (observed indirectly through Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), temperature, precipitation, tailwind, and crosswind. And interestingly, there exist preferential differences among individuals. Although the preference of the same turkey vulture is not strictly consistent over different years, each individual tends to preserve a more similar preference over different years, compared with the preferences of other turkey vultures.  相似文献   
代鹏  邓晓红  王盛栋  张全 《地质通报》2022,41(2-3):253-261
依据磁性地层和14C年代结果,结合岩性分层特征,对永定河冲积平原南部QYJ01年代地层进行划分,并综合QGJ01和QHJ01钻孔年代地层划分成果讨论沉积速率特征。将QYJ01钻孔的年代地层划分为上新统、下更新统、中更新统、上更新统和全新统,其对应孔深分别为198.1~450.9 m、111.5~198.1 m、88.65~111.5 m、23.7~88.65 m和0~23.7 m。综合分析永定河冲积平原南部第四纪代表钻孔QYJ01、QGJ01和QHJ01的沉积速率特征,发现永定河冲积平原南部晚新生代地层沉积中心经历了2次偏移,第1次是始于早更新世、在中更新世完成的沉积中心由中东部向南部偏移,第2次是在全新世完成的沉积中心由南部向中东部回迁。研究结果为永定河冲积平原区新构造运动的活动强度和时限研究及深覆盖区第四纪地层对比提供参考。  相似文献   
Considerable debate on whether and how the Sulu Orogenic Belt extends eastward to the Korean Peninsula has remained over the past decade. New results reported here include the following: (1) an eclogite and retrograded eclogite-bearing complex (Hongseong Complex) is discovered in South Korea, in which the eclogite occurs as lenses in circa  810–820 Ma granitic gneiss. SHRIMP zircon dating of the eclogite yields  230 Ma for the metamorphic age and  880 Ma for the protolith age; (2) The basement of the Rangnim, Gyeonggi and Yeongnam massifs have affinities to the basement of the North China Block (NCB). However the Gyeonggi Massif encloses a minor amount of large or small slabs of the Hongseong Complex that are similar to the rocks of the Sulu Belt. (3) Two main Paleozoic basins within the Rangnim and Gyeonggi massifs have a similar Paleozoic tectono-stratigraphy to the NCB. (4) The Imjingang and Ogcheon belts do not exhibit any metamorphic characteristics of collisional orogenic belts. Based on these facts, we propose a crustal-detachment and thrust model and suggest that the collision belt between the Yangtze Block (YB) and NCB (Sino–Korea Craton) is preserved along the western margin of the Korean Peninsula. The lower part of the UHP metamorphosed lithosphere of the YB was subducted under the Korean Peninsula and not uplifted to the surface. The lower crust of the YB (the Hongseong Complex) was detached from the subducted lithosphere and thrust over the Korean Peninsula, and inserted into the basement rocks of the Gyeonggi Massif. The upper crust of the YB possibly was detached from the lower crust and overthrusted along the Honam and Chugaryong shear zones. The Imjingang and Ogcheon belts possibly represent the detached upper crust of YB and their present occurrences are controlled by a Mesozoic strike–slip shear structure. All these detached lower and upper crustal slabs were strongly deformed during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous tectonic event leading to their present geological distribution and characteristics.  相似文献   
Understanding the spatiotemporal dynamics of urban population is crucial for addressing a wide range of urban planning and management issues. Aggregated geospatial big data have been widely used to quantitatively estimate population distribution at fine spatial scales over a given time period. However, it is still a challenge to estimate population density at a fine temporal resolution over a large geographical space, mainly due to the temporal asynchrony of population movement and the challenges to acquiring a complete individual movement record. In this article, we propose a method to estimate hourly population density by examining the time‐series individual trajectories, which were reconstructed from call detail records using BP neural networks. We first used BP neural networks to predict the positions of mobile phone users at an hourly interval and then estimated the hourly population density using log‐linear regression at the cell tower level. The estimated population density is linearly correlated with population census data at the sub‐district level. Trajectory clustering results show five distinct diurnal dynamic patterns of population movement in the study area, revealing spatially explicit characteristics of the diurnal commuting flows, though the driving forces of the flows need further investigation.  相似文献   
当前盐岩的宏观力学模型通常是唯象模型,不能很好地解释盐岩受力变形破坏的真正物理基础。盐岩是由于化学沉积而形成的矿物集合体,是一种主要由NaCl和少量杂质组成的多晶体,其变形机制主要由晶粒与晶界的力学特性控制。通过扫描电镜(SEM),获得盐岩晶粒的微细观结构特征,采用分子动力学方法和纳米压痕技术,确定盐岩晶粒和晶界的微细观力学参数;将盐岩晶粒作为块体,基于Voronoi多边形技术,建立盐岩的微细观数值模型;利用离散元方法,对盐岩试件在单轴压缩和直剪条件下的宏观力学行为进行了数值模拟。数值模拟结果与宏观力学试验结果吻合度高,表明基于盐岩微细观晶粒结构特征并结合离散元数值模拟的方法能够较好地研究盐岩的宏观力学性能及其材料物理基础。  相似文献   
The current sheet in Earth’s magnetotail often flaps, and the flapping waves could be induced propagating towards the dawn and dusk flanks, which could make the current sheet dynamic. To explore the dynamic characteristics of current sheet associated with the flapping motion holistically and provide reasonable physical interpretations, detailed direct calculation and analysis have been applied to one approximate analytic model of magnetic field in the flapping current sheet. The main results from the model demonstrate: (1) the magnetic fluctuation amplitude is attenuated from the center of current sheet to the lobe regions; The larger wave amplitude would induce the larger magnetic amplitude; (2) the curvature of magnetic field lines (MFLs), with maximum at the center of current sheet, is only dependent on the displacement Z along the south-north direction from the center of current sheet, regardless of the tilt of current sheet; (3) the half-thickness of neutral sheet, h, the minimum curvature radius of MFLs, Rcmin, and the tilt angle of current sheet, δ, satisfies h=Rcmin cos δ; (4) the gradient of magnetic strength forms a double-peak profile, and the peak value would be more intense if the local current sheet is more tilted; (5) current density j and its jy, jz components reach the extremum at the center of CS. j and jz would be more intense if the local current sheet is more tilted, but it is not the case for jy; and (6) the field-aligned component of current density mainly appears in the neutral sheet, and the sign of it would change alternatively as the flapping waves passing by. To check the validity of the model, one simulation on the virtual measurements has been made, and the results are in well consistence with actual observations of Cluster.  相似文献   
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