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下架式陀螺经纬仪逆转点观测方法探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出基于下架式陀螺经纬仪的逆转点观测方法,阐述逆转点观测法的意义,着重分析逆转点观测方法的原理及其与积分法测量的差别,并通过分别在室内和室外的实测数据对其进行验证。最后得出结论,认为逆转点观测方法也可以运用于下架式陀螺经纬仪。  相似文献   
基于Oracle的高光谱影像数据库研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为有效地组织和管理高光谱影像,本文提出了基于Oracle数据库平台的高光谱影像存储和管理的解决方案。基于对象关系-模型设计了光谱数据表组+属性数据表组的存储规范以及波段独立顺列式、波段集中整合式以及表单位式的三种存储模式。采用地形瓦片和影像金字塔的快速索引结构设计和建立了高光谱影像数据库的原型。  相似文献   
新一代“西北干旱监测预测服务综合业务系统”,是一个具有较好物理基础,较强的监测、预测、服务能力,较高自动化程度并具有西北地域特色的业务服务综合系统。本系统以短期气候预测为依托,集气象信息采集、加工、信息存储为一体,并充分利用互联网技术和已有的系统、资料及信息,吸纳了项目其它子专题的系统和成果,节省了计算机海量空间,避免了许多重复劳动,在近几年日常监测、预测业务服务工作中发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   
黔北镇远牛蹄塘组黑色页岩沉积环境与有机质富集关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏鹏  付勇  杨镇  郭川  黄金强  黄明勇 《地质学报》2020,94(3):947-956
通过矿物组分、主量元素、微量元素、碳氧同位素等特征,分析了黔北地区镇远县ZX井牛蹄塘组黑色页岩的岩相类型和不同岩相页岩的沉积环境及其与有机质富集间的关系。结果表明,牛蹄塘组下段以硅质页岩为主,TOC含量4.96%~10.10%;上段以富泥硅质页岩为主,TOC含量1.43%~9.04%。下段硅质页岩沉积于水流停滞的深水陆棚环境,沉积古水体为贫氧的还原状态;上段富泥硅质页岩沉积时期,仍为贫氧的还原环境,但水体滞留程度、还原性较下段硅质页岩沉积期弱。贫氧的还原环境是影响牛蹄塘组黑色页岩有机质富集的主要因素,热液作用和陆源碎屑对牛蹄塘组黑色页岩有机质富集的影响较小。  相似文献   
中国是世界上遭受泥石流灾害最为严重的国家之一,灾害发生数量大,造成的人员伤亡和财产损失较高,同时监测和防治难度极大。本文收集了2005-2015年间发生的全部泥石流灾害共计10 927起,对灾害发生时间、地点、灾害规模、灾害损失以及灾害成因进行了统计,发现泥石流灾害具有近年来发生数量明显下降、集中分布在西部和东南沿海省份、特大型和大型灾害损失最为惨重等时空分布特点及成灾特点。通过对具体案例剖析后发现,预警技术有待提高、山区城镇建设场地选址不当、多年来泥石流灾害防治标准偏低、震区灾害防治形势严峻、灾害防治意识淡薄为我国泥石流灾害危害严重的主要原因。同时,我国正在积极应对泥石流灾害的威胁,如:主动提高震区泥石流灾害防治标准,研发新型的拦挡技术;研发具备实时可视化等功能的监测预警系统,提高监测预警效率;提高群众防灾意识,大力发展群测群防监测预警体系;转变观念,将泥石流灾害防治与城镇化发展规划有机结合。  相似文献   
彭章旷  马云麒  彭齐鸣 《地质学报》2021,95(7):2160-2168
建立温度与硼同位素变化的关系是研究沉积硼酸盐成岩-变质作用中硼同位素地球化学行为的关键,这有助于准确认识硼酸盐δ11 B值所代表的地质意义.本文以自然产出的三方硼砂和钠硼解石为材料,结合热分解特征研究了不同热作用过程中硼同位素变化.200℃下硼酸盐经历结晶水的脱水反应,此过程中三方硼砂和钠硼解石δ11B值分别由6.48...  相似文献   
有杆抽油系统的故障诊断技术是国内外采油工程技术中的一个重要研究课题。通过示功图的不同形状特征可以反映抽油机的不同工作状态。将自组织竞争神经网络应用于示功图的识别与分类,建立了一个自组织竞争神经网络模型对示功图进行自动聚类,从而实现故障诊断的自动化。应用江苏油田的实测示功图数据进行实验,可以看出自组织竞争神经网络具有良好的分类能力和泛化性能,是实现油田抽油系统故障诊断的有效技术,具有很强的实用价值和广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   
The study presented in this paper addresses the issue of engineering validation of Graves and Pitarka's (2010) hybrid broadband ground motion simulation methodology with respect to some well‐recorded historical events and considering the response of multiple degrees of freedom (MDoF) systems. Herein, validation encompasses detailed assessment of how similar is, for a given event, the seismic response due to comparable hybrid broadband simulated records and real records. In the first part of this study, in order to investigate the dynamic response of a wide range of buildings, MDoF structures are modeled as elastic continuum systems consisting of a combination of a flexural cantilever beam coupled with a shear cantilever beam. A number of such continuum systems are selected including the following: (1) 16 oscillation periods between 0.1 and 6 s; (2) three shear to flexural deformation ratios to represent respectively shear‐wall structures, dual systems, and moment‐resisting frames; and (3) two stiffness distributions along the height of the systems, that is, uniform and linear. Demand spectra in terms of generalized maximum interstory drift ratio (IDR) and peak floor acceleration (PFA) are derived using simulations and actual recordings for four historical earthquakes, namely, the 1979 Mw 6.5 Imperial Valley earthquake, 1989 Mw 6.8 Loma Prieta earthquake, 1992 Mw 7.2 Landers earthquake, and 1994 Mw 6.7 Northridge earthquake. In the second part, for two nonlinear case study structures, the IDR and PFA distributions over the height and their statistics, are obtained and compared for both recorded and simulated time histories. These structures are steel moment frames designed for high seismic hazard, 20‐story high‐rise and 6‐story low‐rise buildings. The results from this study highlight the similarities and differences between simulated and real records in terms of median and intra‐event standard deviation of logs of seismic demands for MDoF building systems. This general agreement, in a broad range of moderate and long periods, may provide confidence in the use of the simulation methodology for engineering applications, whereas the discrepancies, statistically significant only at short periods, may help in addressing improvements in generation of synthetic records. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
通过对六安地区BBVS-60与KS-2000地震计系统记录台基噪声功率谱密度计算,和正弦标定数据处理,尤其通过对仪器系统记录地震震相分析,比较两种类型宽频带地震计系统的性能差异,为台站地震记录震相分析与仪器维护提供技术支持.  相似文献   
The paper gives an overview of the current status of education in geoinformatics in China. First, the paper provides a brief introduction to the history of geoinformatics education in China and a general review of the scientific and technological development. It then presents how the development affects the education and training in China. In the paper, universities and institutes in China that can award academic degrees related to geoinformatics are summarized, and undergraduate majors are briefly introduced. Next, the paper reports the work having been done by the national expert group on Surveying and Mapping, including the revision of discipline catalog and guide for graduate education and requirements. A list of typical curricula in geoinformatics education is suggested. Activities on promoting the graduate student exchange platform are presented. Finally, a case study of geoinformatics education in Wuhan University is discussed.  相似文献   
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