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Particulate trace metals (PTM), organic carbon (POC), and organic nitrogen (PON) were measured in a series of surface bucket samples collected between the New England coast of the United States and Bermuda. PTM concentrations were lower or equivalent to the lowest PTM concentrations reported in the literature. Examination of the relative variations in PTM with respect to particulate aluminum and carbon led to the conclusion that organic matter was the probable regulator of PTM abundance in open-ocean surface waters and was important in this respect for continental shelf and slope waters as well.Enrichment factors of trace metals relative to their crustal abundances were found to be similar in the atmosphere sampled in Bermuda and in Sargasso Sea surface water particulate matter. A simplistic vertical flux model was constructed which showed atmospheric input of trace metals to the Sargasso Sea to be of the same approximate magnitude as the rate of removal of PTM from the mixed layer by sinking in association with POC. Essentially all of the particulate Al, Fe, and Mn in the Sargasso Sea mixed layer was attributed to aeolian sources. The fate of other atmospherically derived trace metals in the Sargasso Sea mixed layer was suggested to be a function of their solubility in seawater.  相似文献   
Controversy has arisen in recent years over the creation of so-called “ghost cities” across China. The ghost city term tends to describe large-scale urban areas, sometimes planned as new towns, featuring an abundance of new built space and appearing to also have extremely low tenancy. This article examines key questions related to the ghost city phenomenon, such as: what is a ghost city? Are ghost cities driven by a tendency toward over-supply in housing? How are local-level political incentives aligned to foster the production of ghost cities? Are ghost cities temporary anomalies or structural features of China’s urban-led economic growth model? We discuss recent scholarly research into ghost cities and present original findings to show how an excess of urban space may plague certain Chinese cities.  相似文献   
On the basis of the idea in our work (Jiang and Wallace, 1991) , the horizontal structure of SST pattern, the atmospheric response to SST change and the atmospheric forcing of the ocean in the Northern Pacific during the cold season are discussed. The results show that PNA pattern is the most prominent normal mode in the atmosphere-ocean interaction in the Northern Pacific during the cold season.  相似文献   
Halogen ratios (Br/Cl and I/Cl) and concentrations provide important information about how sedimentary formation waters acquire their salinity, but the possible influence of organic Br derived from sedimentary wall-rocks is rarely quantified. Here, it is demonstrated that Br/Cl versus I/Cl mixing diagrams can be used to deconvolve organic Br contributions; that organic matter has a limited range of Br/I ratios; and that organic Br is a more significant component in Zn–Pb deposit ore fluids than previously recognised. The significance of these findings is illustrated for the Lennard Shelf Zn–Pb deposits of Western Australia.Fluid inclusions related to Lennard Shelf Zn–Pb mineralisation have variable salinity and hydrocarbon contents. The halogen data from these fluid inclusions require mixing of three fluid end-members: (1) an evaporated seawater bittern brine (30 wt.% NaCl equiv.) with greater than seawater Br/Cl ratio; (2) a lower salinity pore fluid (?5 wt.% NaCl equiv.) with moderately elevated Br/Cl and I/Cl; and (3) fluids with Br/Cl ratios of ~5 times seawater and extremely elevated I/Cl ratios of ~11,500 times seawater. The first two fluids have 40Ar/36Ar of 300–400 and greater than air saturated water 36Ar concentrations that are typical of fluid inclusions related to Zn–Pb mineralisation. The third ‘organic-rich’ fluid has the highest 40Ar/36Ar ratio of up to 1500 and a depleted 36Ar concentration.Mineralisation is interpreted to have resulted from mixing of Zn-rich evaporitic brines and H2S present in hydrocarbons. It is suggested that aqueous fluids acquired organic Br and I from hydrocarbons, and that hydrocarbons exsolving from the aqueous fluid removed noble gases from solution. Interaction of variably saline brines and hydrocarbons could account for the variable Br/Cl and I/Cl composition, and 36Ar concentrations, recorded by Lennard Shelf fluid inclusions. The distinct 40Ar/36Ar signature of the fluid with the highest I/Cl ratio suggests the hydrocarbons and brines were sourced independently from different parts of the sedimentary basin. These data indicate the complementary nature of halogen and noble gas analysis and provide new constraints on important mixing processes during sediment-hosted Zn–Pb mineralisation.  相似文献   
The ability of wetlands to improve the quality of water has long been recognized and has led to the proliferation of wetlands as a means to treat diffuse and point source pollutants from a range of land uses. However, much of the existing research has been undertaken in temperate climates with a paucity of information on the effectiveness of wetlands, particularly natural wetlands, in tropical regions. This paper contributes to addressing this issue by presenting a comprehensive measurement based assessment of the potential for a naturally occurring tropical riverine wetland to improve the quality of the water entering it. We found small net imports and exports of sediment to/from the wetland in individual years, but over the longer term this kind of wetland is neither a sink nor source of sediment. In contrast, phosphorus was continually removed by the wetland with an overall net reduction of 14%. However, it should be noted that there is no ‘permanent’ gaseous loss mechanism for phosphorus, and its removal from the water column is equal to its accumulation in the wetland soil. We found very little removal of nitrogen by this type of wetland from several analyses including: (i) Surface and groundwater fluxes, (ii) Estimation of water column and soil denitrification rates, (iii) Wetland residence times, and (iv) Hydraulic loading. We also found no clear evidence for transformation of nitrogen to more or less bio‐available forms. Hence, while the benefits of using wetlands to improve water quality in controlled environments have been demonstrated in the literature, these benefits may not always be directly translated to unmanaged natural wetland systems when there is strong seasonality in flows and short residence time during the periods of maximum sediment and nutrient load. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Abrupt climate change revisited   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Taken together, evidence from east Greenland's mountain moraines and results from atmospheric models appear to provide the answer to a question which has long dogged abrupt climate change research: namely, how were impacts of the Younger Dryas (YD), Dansgaard–Oeschger (D–O) and Heinrich (H) events transmitted so quickly and efficiently throughout the northern hemisphere and tropics? The answer appears to lie in extensive winter sea ice formation which created Siberian-like conditions in the regions surrounding the northern Atlantic. Not only would this account for the ultra cold conditions in the north, but, as suggested by models, it would have pushed the tropical rain belt southward and weakened the monsoons. The requisite abrupt changes in the extent of sea ice cover are of course best explained by the turning on and turning off of the Atlantic's conveyor circulation.  相似文献   
Primitive chemical characteristics of high-Mg andesites (HMA) suggest equilibration with mantle wedge peridotite, and they may form through either shallow, wet partial melting of the mantle or re-equilibration of slab melts migrating through the wedge. We have re-examined a well-studied example of HMA from near Mt. Shasta, CA, because petrographic evidence for magma mixing has stimulated a recent debate over whether HMA magmas have a mantle origin. We examined naturally quenched, glassy, olivine-hosted (Fo87–94) melt inclusions from this locality and analyzed the samples by FTIR, LA-ICPMS, and electron probe. Compositions (uncorrected for post-entrapment modification) are highly variable and can be divided into high-CaO (>10 wt%) melts only found in Fo > 91 olivines and low-CaO (<10 wt%) melts in Fo 87–94 olivine hosts. There is evidence for extensive post-entrapment modification in many inclusions. High-CaO inclusions experienced 1.4–3.5 wt% FeOT loss through diffusive re-equilibration with the host olivine and 13–28 wt% post-entrapment olivine crystallization. Low-CaO inclusions experienced 1–16 wt% olivine crystallization with <2 wt% FeOT loss experienced by inclusions in Fo > 90 olivines. Restored low-CaO melt inclusions are HMAs (57–61 wt% SiO2; 4.9–10.9 wt% MgO), whereas high-CaO inclusions are primitive basaltic andesites (PBA) (51–56 wt% SiO2; 9.8–15.1 wt% MgO). HMA and PBA inclusions have distinct trace element characteristics. Importantly, both types of inclusions are volatile-rich, with maximum values in HMA and PBA melt inclusions of 3.5 and 5.6 wt% H2O, 830 and 2,900 ppm S, 1,590 and 2,580 ppm Cl, and 500 and 820 ppm CO2, respectively. PBA melts are comparable to experimental hydrous melts in equilibrium with harzburgite. Two-component mixing between PBA and dacitic magma (59:41) is able to produce a primitive HMA composition, but the predicted mixture shows some small but significant major and trace element discrepancies from published whole-rock analyses from the Shasta locality. An alternative model that involves incorporation of xenocrysts (high-Mg olivine from PBA and pyroxenes from dacite) into a primary (mantle-derived) HMA magma can explain the phenocryst and melt inclusion compositions but is difficult to evaluate quantitatively because of the complex crystal populations. Our results suggest that a spectrum of mantle-derived melts, including both PBA and HMA, may be produced beneath the Shasta region. Compositional similarities between Shasta parental melts and boninites imply similar magma generation processes related to the presence of refractory harzburgite in the shallow mantle.  相似文献   
冬季北大西洋地区海表温度与500百帕高度的奇异值分解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍奇异值分解方法的原理及其在分析两个要素场之间线性关系中的应用。并用其对冬季北大西洋地区海表温度与500百帕高度标准化距平进行分析。结果表明,冬季北大西洋地区海表温度主要分布型与该地区的大气遥相关型密切相关。理论分析和实际计算结果都表明,奇异值分解方法在分析两个要素场之间的线性关系是很有效的。  相似文献   
 Canonical discriminant function analysis was employed to discriminate between electron microprobe-determined titanomagnetite and hornblende analyses from Egmont volcano and Tongariro Volcanic Centre. Data sets of 436 titanomagnetite and 206 hornblende analyses from the two sources were used for the study. Titanomagnetite chemistry provided the best discrimination between these two sources with classification efficiencies of 99% for sample averages and 95% for individual analyses. The difference between sources for hornblende chemistry was less marked, but classification efficiencies of 100% for sample averages and 87% for individual analyses were achieved. Using the same methods a preliminary discrimination of individual Egmont volcano-sourced tephras was attempted. Titanomagnetite chemistry enabled the discrimination of several individual tephras or at least pairs of tephra units, but hornblende chemistry provided little discrimination. This technique provides an improvement on previous methods for chemically distinguishing distal tephra from the two sources as well as potentially identifying individual tephras from a particular source. A major advantage over previous discrimination techniques is that individual analyses can be classified with a known probability of group membership (with groups such as volcano source or an individual tephra unit). Tephras in a depositional environment where mixing is common such as within soil, loess and marine sequences, can be sourced or identified more easily with classification of individual grains. Received: 19 July 1995 / Accepted: 13 February 1996  相似文献   
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