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Rainfall on the subtropical east coast of Australia has declined at up to 50?mm per decade since 1970. Wavelet analysis is used to investigate eight station and four station-averaged rainfall distributions along Australia??s subtropical east coast with respect to the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the inter-decadal Pacific oscillation (IPO) and the southern annular mode (SAM). The relationships are examined further using composite atmospheric circulation anomalies. Here we show that the greatest rainfall variability occurs in the 15?C30?year periodicity of the 1948?C1975 or ??cool?? phase of the IPO when the subtropical ridge is located sufficiently poleward for anomalous moist onshore airflow to occur together with high ENSO rainfall variability and high, negative phase, SAM variability. Thus, the mid-latitude westerlies are located at their most equatorward position in the Australian region. This maximizes tropospheric interaction of warm, moist tropical air with enhanced local baroclinicity over the east coast, and hence rainfall.  相似文献   
The numerical predictions obtained with the Melanie and MIT-E3 models are compared. Firstly, the performance of the constitutive models is checked against undrained triaxial tests. The models are then used to replicate the behaviour of an embankment built on soft clay. The numerical results are compared with the field data in terms of settlements, lateral displacements and excess pore pressures. Additionally, the numerical predictions are also analysed in terms of yield area, contours of vertical effective stresses, horizontal effective stresses and shear stresses and in terms of effective stress paths.  相似文献   
In the Segura area, Variscan S-type granites, aplite veins and lepidolite-subtype granitic aplite-pegmatite veins intruded the Cambrian schist-metagraywacke complex. The granites are syn D3. Aplite veins also intruded the granites. Two-mica granite and muscovite granite have similar ages of 311.0 ± 0.5 Ma and 312.9 ± 2.0 Ma but are not genetically related, as indicated by their geochemical characteristics and (87Sr/86Sr)311 values. They correspond to distinct pulses of magma derived by partial melting of heterogeneous metapelitic rocks. Major and trace elements suggest fractionation trends for: (a) muscovite granite and aplite veins; (b) two-mica granite and lepidolite-subtype aplite-pegmatite veins, but with a gap in most of these trends. Least square analysis for major elements, and modeling of trace elements, indicate that the aplite veins were derived from the muscovite granite magma by fractional crystallization of quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar and ilmenite. This is supported by the similar (87Sr/86Sr)311 and δ18O values and the behavior of P2O5 in K-feldspar and albite. The decrease in (87Sr/86Sr)311 and strong increase (1.6‰) in δ18O from two-mica granite to lepidolite-subtype aplite-pegmatite veins, and the behaviors of Ca, Mn and F of hydroxylapatite indicate that these veins are not related to the two-mica granite.  相似文献   
The conservation of large water resources is essential for the preservation of human life. The quantification and, more importantly, the speciation of chemical substances that indicate the presence of anthropogenic contamination in water resources are of great importance. This paper presents the results of analysis for the determination of organic, inorganic and total phosphorus, pseudo‐sulfur, and iron and manganese, in five fractions, in water sediments collected from the Capivara Hydroelectric Power Plant, Brazil. A study on the seasonal variation of these parameters was conducted, with data having been collected in the winter and in the summer, at two sites along the dam, 5 km apart, close to the city of Primeiro de Maio. Phosphorous was found in sediments and adjacent soil in the organic form (OP), and was used as an indicator of anthropogenic influence on the reservoir banks. Speciation of potentially toxic Mn showed that it is present in the exchangeable fraction of the 0–5 cm depth layer (sediment/water interface), making its transfer to the water column possible. Results from this study showed that domestic and industrial effluent treatment measures are needed for the preservation of the quality of aquatic environments.  相似文献   
Southern right whales—Eubalaena australis (Desmoulins, 1822)—migrate seasonally from high‐latitude feeding grounds to coastal breeding and calving grounds at lower latitudes such as the southern coast of Brazil. Understanding how these whales are distributed along the coast is important for monitoring their postwhaling recovery and defining management strategies. In this study, we applied Kernel density estimators to aerial survey data to determine main occurrence and concentration areas of right whales in southern Brazil and investigate inter‐ and intra‐annual distribution patterns between 2003 and 2012. Our results show considerable variation in area usage within and among years, and changes in the general distribution pattern of right whales in the last years of the study. Intra‐annually, higher concentration area tended to expand from July to September and decrease in November. Some areas stood out as high‐density areas for right whales: Ribanceira/Ibiraquera, Itapirubá Sul/Sol, and from Arroio to Gaivota. Some evidences also suggest preferential areas for mother–calf pairs. The higher concentration area of right whales in southern Brazil was estimated at 52,541 km2 and the occurrence area was 682.69 km2, which is the whole study area. As right whale distribution in the region is likely expanding due to this population's current recovery, our study provides essential information for management plan of the Right Whale Environmental Protection Area.  相似文献   
A long-term study (monthly sampling, 1992 to 2007) was conducted in the surf zone of Cassino Beach, Southern Brazil, in order to detect possible natural and/or anthropogenic disturbances. Surface water temperature (6–29°C) was the only parameter with predictable seasonal variation; salinity (14–38) was inversely related to rainfall (3.1–485.2 mm month−1) and low values followed extreme precipitation periods in 1997/1998 and 2002/2003 (El Ni?o years). Asterionellopsis glacialis and chlorophyll a presented high concentrations and peak frequency until 1998, when an intense mud deposition occurred with concomitant extreme rainfall. It affected the surf zone and beach, changing the hydrology and dissolved inorganic nutrient availability. Six phytoplankton species groups were recognized with distinct responses to this mud deposition. We conclude that large-scale climatic changes, like El Ni?o Southern Oscillation, in conjunction with human activities significantly altered the phytoplankton ecology of the highly dynamic Cassino Beach surf zone.  相似文献   
Laser-melted magnesium silicate droplets, supercooled 400–750°C below their equilibrium liquidus temperatures before crystallization, were examined to provide a comparison with meteoritic and lunar chondrules and to examine physicochemical parameters that may indicate the conditions of their formation. Internal textures of the spherules strikingly resemble textures observed in some chondrules. Definite trends in crystal morphology, crystal width and texture were established with respect to nucleation temperature and bulk composition. Such trends provide a framework for determining the nucleation temperature of chondrules. The only phase to nucleate from the supercooled forsterite-enstatite normative melts was forsterite, which was present in more-than-normative amounts. Highly siliceous glass (~65wt. % SiO2) was identified interstitially to the forsterite crystals in seven of the spherules and is thought to be present in all. The presence of enstatite and the large proportion of crystals in some meteoritic chondrules implies that they were maintained at temperatures considerably in excess of 600°C at some point in their history.  相似文献   
Abstract— Calculations of the formation of seven types of chondrules in Semarkona from a gas of solar composition were performed with the FACT computer program to predict the chemistries of oxides (including silicates), developed by the authors and their colleagues. The constrained equilibrium theory was used in the calculations with two nucleation constraints suggested by nucleation theory. The first constraint was the blocking of Fe and other metal gaseous atoms from condensing to form solids or liquids because of very high surface free energies and high surface tensions of the solid and liquid metals, respectively. The second constraint was the blocking of the condensation of solids and the formation of metastable liquid oxides (including silicates) well below their liquidus temperatures. Our laboratory experiments suggested subcooling of type IIA chondrule compositions of 400 degrees or more below the liquidus temperature. The blocking of iron leads to a supersaturation of Fe atoms, so that the partial pressure of Fe (pFe) is larger than the partial pressure at equilibrium (pFe(eq)). The supersaturation ratio S = pFe/pFe(eq) becomes larger than 1 and increases rapidly with a decrease in temperature. This drives the reaction Fe + H2O ? H2 + FeO to the right. With S = 100, the activity of FeO in the liquid droplet is 100 times as large as the value at equilibrium. The FeO activities are a function of temperature and provide relative average temperatures of the crystallization of chondrules. Our calculations for the LL3.0 chondrite Semarkona and our study of some non‐equilibrium effects lead to accurate representations of the compositions of chondrules of types IA, IAB, IB, IIA, IIAB, IIB, and CC. Our concepts readily explain both the variety of FeO concentrations in the different chondrule types and the entire process of chondrule formation. Our theory is unified and could possibly explain the formation of chondrules in all chondritic meteorites as well as provide a simple explanation for the complex chemistries of chondrites, and especially for type 3 chondrites.  相似文献   
14C has been measured in three North American and seven Antarctic meteorites with the Chalk River MP tandem accelerator. In most cases cosmogenic14C, which is tightly bound, was separated from absorbed atmospheric radiocarbon by stepwise heating extractions. Terrestrial ages obtained by comparing cosmogenic14C in the meteorite to that in Bruderheim are (7.2 ± 0.6) × 103 years for Yamato 7304, (11.6 ± 0.4) × 103 years for Estacado, and range from (32.7 ± 0.5) × 103 to (41.0 ± 0.8) × 103 years for six meteorites recovered at Allan Hills and its vicinity. The present upper limit to age determination by the accelerator method varies from 50 × 103 to 70 × 103 years depending upon mass and carbon content of the sample. The natural limit caused by cosmic ray production of14C in silicate rocks at 2000 m elevation is estimated to be (55 ± 5) × 103 years. “Weathering ages” were estimated for the Antarctic meteorites from the specific activity of loosely-bound CO2 considered to be absorbed from the terrestrial atmosphere on weathering. The accelerator measurements are in accordance with previous low-level counting measurements but have higher precision and sensitivity.  相似文献   
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