An unusual series of C22–C27 monounsaturated sterenes and C24–C30 tetracyclic terpanes (17,21-secohopanes) were detected in relatively high concentrations in an immature evaporitic marl sediment of the Jinxian Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, North China. The site of unsaturation in these novel sterenes is assigned tentatively to the D ring on the basis of mass spectral interpretation, which also distinguishes them from reported unsaturated sterenes. Other hydrocarbon biomarker or stable isotope characteristics are indicative of microbial (e.g. methyl hopanes), phytoplankton or higher plant (depleted δ13C values of isoprenoids and hopanes) inputs and an anoxic carbonate depositional environment (hexacyclic hopanes; tetracyclic terpanes). The hydrocarbon composition showed no obvious biodegradation and the relatively high concentration of unsaturated terpenoids (e.g. gammacerene) and low values of other established maturity parameters (Ts/Tm = 0.23; Ro = 0.44%; Tmax = 417 °C), are consistent with sediments of low maturity. The novel, low molecular weight sterenes and the tetracyclic terpanes may be early diagenetic products of microbial sources in a carbonate environment. 相似文献
Cyclone Sidr, a Category IV storm, struck the southwestern coast of Bangladesh on November 15, 2007 killing 3,406 people.
Despite a similar magnitude, Sidr claimed far fewer lives than Cyclone Gorky, also a Category IV storm, which struck Bangladesh
in 1991 causing an estimated 140,000 fatalities. The relatively low number of deaths experienced with Sidr is widely considered
the result of Bangladesh government’s efforts to provide timely cyclone forecasting and early warnings, and successful evacuation
of coastal residents from the projected path of Cyclone Sidr. Using information collected from both primary and secondary
sources, this study identified several other reasons for the unexpectedly lower mortality associated with Cyclone Sidr relative
to Cyclone Gorky. Fewer casualties may be attributed to a number of physical characteristics of Cyclone Sidr, such as duration
of the storm and storm surge, landfall time and site, varied coastal ecology, and coastal embankment. This article recommends
improvements to the cyclone warning systems, establishment of more public cyclone shelters, and implementation of an education
campaign in coastal areas to increase the utilization of public shelters for future cyclone events. 相似文献
The high-K calc-alkaline granitoids in the northern part of the Mandara Hills are part of the well-exposed post-collisional plutons in northeastern Nigeria. The calc-alkaline rock association consists of quartz monzodiorite, hornblende biotite granite, biotite granites and aplite which intruded the older basement consisting mainly of low-lying migmatitic gneisses and amphibolites during the Neoproterozoic Pan-African Orogeny. Petrological and geochemical studies have revealed the presence of hornblende, iron oxide, and metaluminous to slightly peraluminous characteristics in the granitoids which is typical of I-type granite. The granitoids are also depleted in some high field strength elements (e.g. Nb and Ta) as well as Ti. Plots of Mg# versus SiO2 indicate that the granite was derived from partial melting of crustal sources. Lithospheric delamination at the waning stage of the Pan-African Orogeny possibly triggered upwelling of hot mafic magma from the mantle which underplated the lower crust. This, in turn, caused partial melting and magma generation at the lower to middle-crustal level. However, the peculiar geochemical characteristics of the quartz monzodiorite especially the enrichment in compatible elements such as MgO, Cr, and Ni, as well as LILE element (e.g. K, Ce, Cs, Ba, and Sr), signify that the rock formed from an enriched upper mantle source. The emplacement of high-K granites in the Madara Hill, therefore, marked an important episode of crustal reworking during the Neoproterozoic. However, further isotopic work is needed to confirm this model.
Estimates of spatial and temporal variations in suspended sand concentrations (SSC) made with a multi-transducer Acoustic Backscatter Sensor (ABS) under a repeated wave group over a mobile rippled bed in the wave research flume at the National Hydraulics Laboratory in Ottawa, Canada, reveal an number of complex and intriguing patterns. Ensemble averages of 8 nearly identical wave groups provided much more robust estimates of SSC and allowed a detailed examination of the wave group effects. The largest SSC near the bed (< 0.10 m) occurs in phase with the largest waves in the group. Above approximately 0.10 m elevation, SSC lags behind the near bed SSC by as much as 2–3 waves; introducing significant curvature (on a semi-log plot) to the SSC profile. The log linear segments of the SSC profile grow and decay systematically on the scale of the wave group. The range in lengths of log-linear profile segments ( 0.03–0.355 m) suggest that the boundary layer thickness also fluctuates throughout the passage of the wave group. Furthermore, there are significant variations in the patterns of SSC, which occur under the largest and smallest waves in the group. Under the largest waves vertical bands of alternating high and low SSC produce an intra-wave modulation in the upper water column ( 0.075–0.30 m). The equivalent horizontal excursion of these bands scales to the ripple length. Under the smaller waves the intra-wave modulation of the SSC disappears and is replaced by temporally homogenous suspension that expands vertically through several individual wave cycles. The former pattern of homogenous suspension appears to be associated with growth of a boundary layer due to the persistent uni-directional horizontal flow during this part of the group together with the persistence of antecedent bed generated turbulence and vorticity which maintains the suspension. The latter pattern of bands of high and low SSC indicates a strong temporal and spatial constraint on the SSC (phase coupling) induced by the presence of the bedforms which may be enhanced by strong reversals in both flow and vorticity under the large waves in the group. 相似文献
It is desirable to design proxy investigations that target regions where properties reconstructed from calibrated parameters potentially carry high-fidelity information concerning changes in large-scale climate systems. Numerical climate models can play an important role in this task, producing simulations that can be analyzed to produce spatial “fingerprints” of the expected response of various properties under a variety of different scenarios. We will introduce a new method of fingerprinting the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) that not only provides information concerning the sensitivity of the response at a given location to changes in the large-scale system, but also quantifies the linearity, monotonicity and symmetry of the response. In this way, locations that show high sensitivities to changes in the AMOC, but that exhibit, for example, strongly nonlinear behavior can be avoided during proxy investigations. To demonstrate the proposed approach we will use the example of the response of seawater temperatures to changes in the strength of the AMOC. We present results from an earth-system climate model which has been perturbed with an idealized freshwater forcing scenario in order to reduce the strength of the AMOC in a systematic manner. The seawater temperature anomalies that result from the freshwater forcing are quantified in terms of their sensitivity to the AMOC strength in addition to the linearity and monotonicity of their response. A first-order reversal curve (FORC) approach is employed to investigate and quantify the irreversibility of the temperature response to a slowing and recovering AMOC. Thus, FORCs allow the identification of areas that are unsuitable for proxy reconstructions because their temperature versus AMOC relationship lacks symmetry. 相似文献
Abstract Uptake rates of ammonium (NH4+ ), nitrate (NO3? ), and urea by three subgroups of phytoplankton (< 200, < 20, < 2 μm) off Westland, were measured using 15 N tracer techniques in midwinter 1988, after a recent upwelling. For all size fractions at surface irradiance (I100), nitrogen (N) was taken up primarily as NO3?. This accounted for 67–85% of total N uptake (SρN), whereas at 40 and 7% of surface irradiance, the regenerated N (NH4+ ) and urea) made up 31–72% of SρN. Depth profile experiments for all three size components showed that uptake of NO3? was most light‐sensitive, followed by that of NH4+ and urea. The irradiance and nutrient availability plot indicated that light was substantially more important than the nutrient concentrations in controlling the assimilation of N by microplankton (20–200 μm). Nano‐ (2–20 μm) and picoplankton (< 2 μm) however, were not as sensitive to either light or nutrient concentrations. High winds and the resulting deep mixing, combined with offshore and alongshore advection in the midwinter, were suggested to be the major cause of the low biomass and N productivity. 相似文献
Fourteen whole-rock samples from three traverses through the contact aureole of the Stillwater Complex were analyzed for Rb, Sr and87Sr/86Sr. Twelve of these samples yielded an age of 2750 ± 45m.y.; (87Sr/86Sr)0 = 0.705 ± 0.003 (2σ). In addition one whole rock and a biotite separate derived from it gave an age of 2544 m.y.; (87Sr/86Sr)0 = 0.714. These data support a minimum age of 2750 m.y. for the intrusion of the complex. 相似文献