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Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende strahlungsklimatologische Studie verfolgt den Zweck, ausschließlich auf Grund von Meßergebnissen anhand ausgewählter Beispiele gegensätzlicher Großaumklimate zunächst die typischen Eigenschaften des Jahresganges der Globalstrahlung (T) und der diffusen Himmelsstrahlung (D) zu untersuchen. In Ergänzung hierzu werden häufigkeitsstatistische Betrachtungen über die Eigenheiten im Verhalten dieser Strahlungselemente im Bereich verschieden beschaffener geographischer Räume angestellt. Dabei zeigt sich, daß neben dem jahreszeitlichen Ablauf auch die Häufigkeitsverteilungen vonT undD sich zur Klimatypisierung heranziehen lassen. Ein besonderes Interesse beansprucht der jahreszeitliche Verlauf des VerhältnissesD/T in den Hauptklimazonen der Erde. Ferner wird die Breitenabhängigkeit der Globalstrahlung (T), der diffusen Himmelsstrahlung (D) und des VerhältnissesD/T behandelt. Hinsichtlich der Höhenabhängigkeit ergibt sich auf Grund des Verhaltens vonT undD für die gemäßigten Breiten eine Abnahme des QuotientenD/T. Den Abschluß bilden strahlungsklimatologische Überlegungen zur Frage der Abhängigkeit des VerhältnissesD/T von der Sonnenscheindauer im Bereich charakteristischer Klimazonen der Erde.
Summary The present study of radiation climatology, exclusively basing on results of measurements, presents selected examples of contrary large-scale climatic conditions and examines the typical features of the annual variation of global radiation (T) and diffuse sky radiation (D). Supplementary considerations on frequency statistics refer to the peculiarities in the behaviour of these two radiation elements in different geographical areas. It results that beside the seasonal variation frequency distributions ofT andD can be used for a characterization of radiation climates. The seasonal variation of the characteristic ratioD/T in the main climatic zones of the earth is of particular interest. Furthermore, the latitudinal dependency of global radiation (T), diffuse sky radiation (D) and of the ratioD/T is discussed. As to the dependence on altitude the ratioD/T shows a decrease in temperate latitudes on account of the behaviour ofD andT. Finally climatological reflections on the dependence of the ratioD/T on the duration of sunshine in characteristic climatic regions of the earth are discussed.

Résumé La présente étude de la climatologie du rayonnement a pour but de déterminer les propriétés typiques de l'évolution annuelle du rayonnement global (T) et du rayonnement diffus du ciel (D) et cela exclusivement sur la base de mesures faites et d'exemples choisis parmi des climats très différenciés. En complément, on prend en considération des statistiques de la fréquence des particularités de ces deux éléments à l'intérieur d'aires géographiques de climats divers. On en déduit que, à côté de l'évolution annuelle, la répartition des fréquences deT et deD permettent d'établir le type du climat. L'évolution saisonnière du rapportD/T est tout spécialement intéressant dans les principales zones climatiques de la terre. On considère ensuite la dépendance du rayonnement global (T), du rayonnement diffus du ciel (D) et du rapportD/T de la latitude du lieu. Dans les zones tempérées, le quotientD/T diminue avec l'altitude. L'auteur termine par des réflexions concernant la climatologie du rayonnement en relation avec la dépendance du rapportD/T de la durée d'insolation dans des zones climatiques caractéristiques de notre planète.

Mit 12 Textabbildungen  相似文献   
Summary Recently, a new theory of the subsidence of rock masses has been advanced byLitwiniszyn and coworkers, which is based on the notion that the individual rock particles perform random walks. It is shown in the present paper that the final equations of the random walk theory can be justified from general principles of statistical mechanics in which no specific theoretical model of particle behaviour has to be made. The theory appears to account appropriately for subsidence phenomena.The research reported in this paper was supported by the Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society. Acknowledgment is made to the donors of the Petroleum Research Fund administered by the American Chemical Society for support of this reseach.  相似文献   
A sonic well log was obtained within the basement complex of the Walvis Ridge during Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 74. The top of the basement complex is characterized by smooth acoustic reflectors. The rocks recovered within the basement complex consist of basalts with intercalated sediments. According to the log ~-50% of the upper 75 m of basement are igneous rocks and the other 50% sedimentary. Sonobuoy results indicate that the ratio of sediments to basalt increases with depth for an additional 225 m until a typical oceanic velocity structure is observed. Paleontological results suggest that the processes forming this upper 300 m of the basement complex was accomplished within a short time interval.  相似文献   
The solution to the problem of calculating the hydrodynamic forces on multiple floating bodies is summarised. The complex coefficients which characterise the forces at each frequency of oscillation are expensive to compute; interpolation of intermediate values and extrapolation to high frequencies appear difficult since the coefficients seem to vary arbitrarily with frequency. Interpolation and extrapolation schemes based on a novel representation of the coefficients are proposed and tested. The excellent numerical results indicate that the values of the coefficients at a few frequency points can characterise the hydrodynamics at all frequencies. These techniques can save economically significant amounts of computer time and permit investigations which would otherwise be prohibitively expensive.  相似文献   
Surface currents influenced by a wind-driven upwelling event in San Pedro Bay moved total suspended matter (TSM) confined to the inner shelf on 19 April 1978 seaward, so that by 27 April surface TSM had increased over the outer shelf. Near-bottom concentrations of TSM also increased across the shelf during this time. This is explained by sediment resuspended by large surface waves being advected from the inner shelf seaward by the mean flow after this flow had turned from southeasterly to southerly when upwelling ceased on 26 April. These complex shelf dynamics contribute to the off-shelf transport of mud to the slope and deep basins.  相似文献   
A new and inexpensive pop-up ocean-bottom hydrophone recorder has been developed for use in seismic refraction experiments. It is capable of operating in water depths of up to 4000 m and in very rugged topography, and uses an acoustic command system built by the U.K. Institute of Oceanographic Sciences for recovery. The instrument is mounted in an inexpensive cylindrical pressure case based on commercially available extruded aluminium alloy tubing, and uses glass spheres and syntactic foam for buoyancy. Hydrophone and clock signals are frequency modulated and recorded on tape cassettes, with a recording duration of three hours allowing up to 18 programmed shot windows. The prototype has made seven free descents on the Mid-Atlantic ridge and in the Gulf of Oman, and successfully recorded shots under operational conditions for the first time in September 1979. The total component cost of the prototype was £2740 (1979 prices).(Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge Contribution No. ES135).  相似文献   
Single-channel seismic reflection profiles show evidence for areas of significant gas accumulation at the head of the Cape Fear Slide on the continental rise off North Carolina. Gas accumulation appears to occur beneath a gas hydrate seal in landward-dipping strata and in domed strata associated with diapirism. In addition, gas venting may have occurred near diapirs located at the head of the slide.  相似文献   
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