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The likelihood that the carbon fluxes measured as part of the US-JGOFS field program in the equatorial Pacific ocean (EgPac) during 1992 yielded a balanced carbon budget for the surface ocean was determined. The major carbon fluxes incorporated into a surface carbon budget were: new production, particulate organic carbon (POC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export, CaC03 export, C02 gas evasion, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) supply, and the time rate of charge. The ratio of the measured concentration gradients of DOC and DIC provided a constraint on the ratio of POC/DOC export. Uncertainties of ±30–50% for individual carbon flux measurements reduce the likelihood that a carbon balance can be measured during a JGOFS process-type study. As a benchmark, carbon fluxes were prescribed to yield a hypothetical surface carbon budget that was, on average, balanced. Given the typical errors in the individual carbon fluxes, however, there was only about a 30% chance that this hypothetical budget could be measured to be balanced to ±50%. Using this benchmark, it was determined that there was a 95 % chance that the carbon flux measurements yielded a surface DIC budget balanced (to ±50%) during El Nino conditions in boreal spring 1992, when the total organic carbon export rate was - 5 mmol C m-2 day- 1 and the POC export was 3 mmol C m−2 day−1. In boreal fall 1992, during cold period conditions, there was a 70% chance that the surface carbon DIC budget was balanced when the total organic carbon export rate was 20 mmol C m−2 day−1 and export was -13 mmol C m-2 day-'. The DOC to DIC concentration gradient ratio of - -0.15, measured in depth profiles down to 100m and in surface waters, was used as an important constraint that most (> 70%) of the organic carbon exported from the euphotic zone was POC rather than DOC. If a balanced surface DIC budget was used to test the compatibility of individual carbon fluxes measured during EgPac, then a three- to four-fold increase in total and particulate organic carbon export between spring and fall is indicated. This increase was not reflected in the POC loss rates measured by drifting sediment trap collections or estimated by234Th deficiencies coupled with the C/Th measured on suspended particles.  相似文献   
The Alleret maar (Massif Central, France) provides a long lacustrine sequence (40.6 m) attributed to the early Middle Pleistocene. Sediment, pollen and diatoms analysis of its upper part (AL2 core, 14.6 m) indicates two temperate phases marked by high lake levels, forest development and vegetation expansion. They are separated by a cold period during which lake level drops, coarse sediment input increases and steppic and xerophilous plants develop. Pollen data suggests that this sequence belongs to the upper part of the Cromerian complex. These results are in agreement with the 557 ± 3 ka (±12 ka, including all errors) 40Ar/39Ar age obtained from an interbedded tephra layer emitted by the Mont-Dore/Sancy strato-volcano and establish that this sequence probably covers the MIS 15 substages.  相似文献   
Hydrogeology Journal - Thanks to recent technological advances, hydrogeologists now have access to large amounts of data acquired in real time. Processing these data using traditional modelling...  相似文献   
We report on the detection of H2 as seen in our analysis of twilight observations of the lunar atmosphere observed by the LAMP instrument aboard NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Using a large amount of data collected on the lunar atmosphere between September 2009 and March 2013, we have detected and identified, the presence of H2 in the native lunar atmosphere, for the first time. We derive a surface density for H2 of 1.2 ± 0.4 × 103 cm−3 at 120 K. This is about 10 times smaller than originally predicted, and several times smaller than previous upper limits from the Apollo era data.  相似文献   
The unique occurrence of abundant (~1 vol%) near‐pure‐Fe metal in the Camel Donga eucrite is more complicated than previously believed. In addition to that component of groundmass metal, scattered within the meteorite are discrete nodules of much higher kamacite abundance. We have studied the petrology and composition of two of these nodules in the form of samples we call CD2 and CD3. The nodules are ovoids 11 (CD2) to 15 (CD3) mm across, with metal, or inferred preweathering metal, abundances of 12–17 vol% (CD2 is unfortunately quite weathered). The CD3 nodule also includes at its center a 5 mm ovoid clumping (6 vol%) of F‐apatite. Both nodules are fine‐grained, so the high Fe metal and apatite contents are clearly not flukes of inadequate sampling. The metals within the nodules are distinctly Ni‐rich (0.3–0.6 wt%) compared to the pure‐Fe (Ni generally 0.01 wt%) groundmass metals. Bulk analyses of three pieces of the CD2 nodule show that trace siderophile elements Ir, Os, and Co are commensurately enriched; Au is enriched to a lesser degree. The siderophile evidence shows the nodules did not form by in situ reduction of pyroxene FeO. Moreover, the nodules do not show features such as silica‐phase enrichment or pyroxene with reduced FeO (as constrained by FeO/MgO and especially FeO/MnO) predicted by the in situ reduction model. The oxide minerals, even in groundmass samples well away from the nodules, also show little evidence of reduction. Although the nodule boundaries are generally sharp, groundmass‐metal Ni content is anti‐correlated with distance from the CD3 nodule. We infer that the nodules represent materials that originated within impactors into the Camel Donga portion of the eucrite crust, but probably were profoundly altered during later metamorphism/metasomatism. Origin of the pure‐Fe groundmass metal remains enigmatic. In situ reduction probably played an important role, and association in the same meteorite of the Fe‐nodules is probably significant. But the fluid during alteration was probably not (as previously modeled) purely S and O, of simple heat‐driven internal derivation. We conjecture a two‐stage metasomatism, as fluids passed through Camel Donga after impact heating of volatile‐rich chondritic masses (survivors of gentle accretionary impacts) within the nearby crust. First, reduction to form troilite may have been triggered by fluids rich in S2 and CO (derived from the protonodules?), and then in a distinct later stage, fluids were (comparatively) H2O‐rich, and thus reacted with troilite to form pure‐Fe metal along with H2S and SO2. The early eucrite crust was in places a dynamic fluid‐bearing environment that hosted complex chemical processes, including some that engendered significant diversity among metal+sulfide alterations.  相似文献   
The articles that comprise this critical review serve to draw attention to research papers published in specific fields of interest during 2003, provide critical comment on the relevance and importance of individual publications in these fields, and offer an overview of the comparative importance of advances in particular areas. In this way, these articles aim to assist experts in the field by keeping them informed of relevant recent publications, as well as providing an important resource for students or early career researchers who are embarking on studies in an area new to them. This year, five papers provide summaries of developments in bulk sample determinations employing (1) ICP-AES and ICP-MS (trace elements), (2) XRF and atomic absorption spectrometry and INAA, (3) isotope ratio measurements (TIMS, MC-ICP-MS, ICP-MS, ToF), as well as in situ measurements conducted using (4) secondary ion mass spectrometry and (5) laser ablation ICP-MS (trace element and isotope ratio determinations).  相似文献   
Xenolith assimilation has been simulated with experiments involving melting wax spheres into hot water and aqueous solutions and characterised by a theoretical analysis. Both the cases of neutrally buoyant stationary spheres and spheres sinking through the hot host fluid are examined. Melt generated on a sphere's surface flows (compositional convection) in two regimes; as a sheet over one hemisphere and then detaching as finger plumes from the other. Positional variations in the melting rate are dominantly controlled by differences in the melt layer thickness which influence the thermal gradient and heat flux across the layer. The theoretical model predicts melt layer thicknesses and the heat flux from the surrounding fluid. Calculated melting rates agree well with experimental measurements. Partial melting of non-eutectic compositions produces a layer of crystal-melt mush at the xenolith's surface. The theoretical analysis is extended to account for variation in rheological properties across the mush layer. When stoped into typical magmas, xenoliths of common continental crust lithologies are predicted to melt at rates in the order of 2 mm/hour. Thicknesses of the mobile mush layer around xenoliths are predicted to be typically a few centimetres. Relatively mafic lithologies can melt quicker than silicic compositions because, although they are typically more refractory, their lower melt viscosities result in thinner mush layers and so higher heat fluxes. Especially quick melting of water-saturated lithologies occurs as a consequence of both the reduction in melting temperatures and melt viscosities. Due to hot ambient conditions in the lower continental crust the assimilation of xenoliths into underplated basaltic magma can be very rapid. For granulites and mafic-granulites the predicted melting rates are up to 17 mm/hour. Fast rates of melting and efficient mixing of melt into the host magma indicate that assimilation of xenoliths will have a significant influence on the compositional and thermal evolution of magmas. Received: 7 November 1996 / Accepted: 5 January 1998  相似文献   
Abstract On the island of Mustique, fresh and propylitized olivine–plagioclase–clinopyroxene basalt, plagioclase–clinopyroxene–orthopyroxene and plagioclase–clinopyroxene–amphibole andesite lavas and minor intrusions are interbedded with Oligocene pyroclastic and epiclastic rocks. Chemical data show that two isotopically identical, but chemically different, suites of lava are present: (i) the OPXS (87Sr/86Sr 0.70403–0.70454; 143Nd/144Nd 0.512952–0.512986; δ18Ocpx 5.49 and 5.61), comprising basalts and orthopyroxene‐bearing andesites; and (ii) the AMPHS (87Sr/86Sr 0.70401–0.70457; 143Nd/144Nd 0.512981–0.513037; δ18Ocpx 5.54), made up of basalts and amphibole‐bearing andesites. The OPXS has higher contents of TiO2, P2O5, light rare earth elements, Sm, Pb, Th, U, Zr, Y and Nb, and higher La/Yb ratios than the AMPHS. The isotopic data suggest that both suites formed from melts derived from the same subduction‐modified depleted mantle source as the volcanic rocks of nearby St Vincent and Bequia, and the northern islands of the Lesser Antilles Arc. The immobile trace element contents, and La/Yb ratios, of the OPXS are indicative of ~10% partial melting of the source, whereas those of the AMPHS are indicative of ~25% partial melting. The within‐suite chemical variation of the OPXS is consistent with ~45% fractional crystallization of its intratelluric mineral assemblages, and that of the AMPHS is consistent with the removal of ~65% of its intratelluric assemblages. Experimental evidence suggests that both suites of basalt crystallized at pressures <8 kbar from melts containing 1–2 wt% water. After extensive fractional crystallization, the andesites crystallized at pressures between approximately 5 and 2 kbar. The OPXS magmas appear to have lost more of their water content than the AMPHS magmas. Thus, the OPXS andesites formed from melts with an estimated water content of 2–3 wt%, whereas the AMPHS andesites formed from melts containing at least 4.5 wt% water.  相似文献   
Amino acids comprise from 15 to 36% by weight of humic substances from carbonate and non-carbonate sediments. Humic and fulvic acids extracted from carbonate sediments are characterized by an amino acid composition consisting primarily of the acidic amino acids, aspartic and glutamic acid. Humic substances from non-carbonate sediments have a distinctly different amino acid composition consisting primarily of glycine and alanine. Amino acid analyses of various molecular weight fractions of fulvic acids extracted from carbonates show that lower molecular weight fractions have appreciably higher relative abundances of the acidic amino acids compared to higher molecular weight fractions. Based on typical values for carboxyl group content in humic substances, acidic amino acids may be a significant contributor of these functional groups. Carbonate surfaces appear to selectively adsorb aspartic acid-enriched organic matter while non-carbonates do not have this property.  相似文献   
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