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Francesca Barnaba Ferdinando De Tomasi Gian Paolo Gobbi Maria Rita Perrone Anna Tafuro 《Atmospheric Research》2004,70(3-4):229-259
Functional relationships linking at λ0=351 nm aerosol extinction αλ0aer and backscatter coefficient βλ0aer of maritime and desert type aerosols are determined to allow for inversion of the single-wavelength lidar signals. Such relationships are derived as mean behavior of 20,000 extinction versus backscatter computations, performed for aerosol size distributions and compositions whose describing parameters are randomly chosen within the naturally observed variability. For desert-type aerosols, the effect of the particle non-sphericity is considered and it is shown that the extinction to backscatter ratio of non-spherical dust particles can be up to 60% larger than the values obtained for spherical particles. Aerosol extinction and backscatter coefficient profiles obtained inverting the single-wavelength lidar signal with the modeled relationships are then compared to the same profiles measured by a combined elastic-Raman lidar operating at 351 nm. Analytical back trajectories and satellite images are used to characterize advection patterns during lidar measurements and to properly choose the modeled functional relationship. A good accordance between the two techniques is found for advection patterns over the lidar site typical of maritime and dust conditions. Maximum differences between the model-based αλ0aer and βλ0aer vertical profiles and the corresponding ones measured by the combined elastic-Raman lidar technique are of 30% and 40% in maritime and desert dust conditions, respectively. The comparison of elastic-Raman lidar measurements and model-based results also reveals that particle non-sphericity must be taken into account when mineral dust-type aerosols are directly advected over the measurement site. 相似文献
Francesca Barbagallo Melina Bosco Edoardo M. Marino Pier Paolo Rossi Paola R. Stramondo 《地震工程与结构动力学》2017,46(7):1099-1119
In the world, many existing buildings with RC framed structure were designed according to old seismic standards and present structural deficiencies. Buckling Restrained Braces (BRBs) can be effective for seismic upgrading of these structures, as pointed out by many studies. Nevertheless, Eurocode 8 (EC8) does not provide any rules for design of BRBs. This lack represents a big obstacle for application of this seismic upgrading technique in Europe. For this reason, a method for the design of seismic upgrading interventions by BRBs is proposed in this paper. The method is obtained as the best between two variants developed, investigated and compared in this paper. Based on a numerical investigation, the parameters that control the design method are calibrated to ensure the fulfillment of the Near Collapse performance objective stipulated in EC8. Finally, the capability of the proposed design method in fulfilling also performance objectives not explicitly considered in design is investigated. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A hydrology–sediment modelling framework based on the model Topkapi-ETH combined with basin geomorphic mapping is used to investigate the role of localized sediment sources in a mountain river basin (Kleine Emme, Switzerland). The periodic sediment mobilization from incised areas and landslides by hillslope runoff and river discharge is simulated in addition to overland flow erosion to quantify their contributions to suspended sediment fluxes. The framework simulates the suspended sediment load provenance at the outlet and its temporal dynamics, by routing fine sediment along topographically driven pathways from the distinct sediment sources to the outlet. We show that accounting for localized sediment sources substantially improves the modelling of observed sediment concentrations and loads at the outlet compared to overland flow erosion alone. We demonstrate that the modelled river basin can shift between channel-process and hillslope-process dominant behaviour depending on the model parameter describing gully competence on landslide surfaces. The simulations in which channel processes dominate were found to be more consistent with observations, and with two independent validations in the Kleine Emme, by topographic analysis of surface roughness and by sediment tracing with 10 Be concentrations. This research shows that spatially explicit modelling can be used to infer the dominant sediment production process in a river basin, to inform and optimize sediment sampling strategies for denudation rate estimates, and in general to support sediment provenance studies. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Paolo Paruolo Ben Murphy Greet Janssens-Maenhout 《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA)》2015,29(1):93-107
This paper analyzes the relation between income and emissions in the period 1970–2008, for all world countries. We consider time-series of CO2, SO2 and GWP100, and use Vector Autoregressive models that allow for nonstationarity and cointegration. At 5 % significance level, income and emissions are found to be driven by unrelated random walks with drift (respectively by a common random walk with drift) in about 70 % (respectively 25 %) of cases; in the remaining cases the variables are trend-stationary. Tests of Granger-causality show evidence of both directions of causality. For the case of unrelated stochastic trends, we almost never find income driving emissions, as predicted by a consumption-function interpretation. These causality results and the absence of a common trend challenge the main implications of the Environmental Kuznets Curve, namely that the dominant direction of causality should be from income to emissions, and that for increasing levels of income, emissions should tend to decrease. 相似文献
This paper presents a procedure for seismic design of reinforced concrete structures, in which performance objectives are formulated in terms of maximum accepted mean annual frequency (MAF) of exceedance, for multiple limit states. The procedure is explicitly probabilistic and uses Cornell's like closed‐form equations for the MAFs. A gradient‐based constrained optimization technique is used for obtaining values of structural design variables (members' section size and reinforcement) satisfying multiple objectives in terms of risk levels. The method is practically feasible even for real‐sized structures thanks to the adoption of adaptive equivalent linear models where element‐by‐element stiffness reduction is performed (2 linear analyses per intensity level). General geometric and capacity design constraints are duly accounted for. The procedure is applied to a 15‐storey plane frame building, and validation is conducted against results in terms of drift profiles and MAF of exceedance, obtained by multiple‐stripe analysis with records selected to match conditional spectra. Results show that the method is suitable for performance‐based seismic design of RC structures with explicit targets in terms of desired risk levels. 相似文献
Andrea Columbu Veronica Chiarini Jo De Waele Russell Drysdale Jon Woodhead John Hellstrom Paolo Forti 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2017,42(10):1447-1459
Gypsum beds host the majority of the caves in the north‐eastern flank of the Apennines, in the Emilia Romagna region (Italy). More than six hundred of these caves have been surveyed, including the longest known epigenic gypsum cave systems in the world (Spipola‐Acquafredda, ~11 km). Although this area has been intensively studied from a geological point of view, the age of the caves has never been investigated in detail. The rapid dissolution of gypsum and uplift history of the area have led to the long‐held view that speleogenesis commenced only during the last 130 000 years. Epigenic caves only form when the surface drainage system efficiently conveys water into the underground. In the study area, this was achieved after the dismantling of most of the impervious sediments covering the gypsum and the development of protovalleys and sinkholes. The time necessary for these processes can by constrained by understanding when caves were first formed. The minimum age of karst voids can be indirectly estimated by dating the infilling sediments. U–Th dating of carbonate speleothems growing in gypsum caves has been applied to 20 samples from 14 different caves from the Spipola‐Acquafredda, Monte Tondo‐Re Tiberio, Stella‐Rio Basino, Monte Mauro, and Castelnuovo systems. The results show that: (i) caves have been forming since at least ~600 kyr ago; (ii) the peak of speleogenesis was reached during relatively cold climate stages, when rivers formed terraces at the surface and aggradation caused paragenesis in the stable cave levels; (iii) ~200 000 years were necessary for the dismantling of most of the sediments covering the karstifiable gypsum and the development of a surface mature drainage network. Besides providing a significant contribution to the understanding of evaporite karst evolution in the Apennines, this study refines our knowledge on the timescale of geomorphological processes in a region affected by rapid uplifting. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Numerous research studies have proved that numerical models aiming at an accurate evaluation of the seismic response of RC framed buildings cannot ignore the inelastic behaviour of infills and the interaction between infill and frame elements. To limit the high computational burden of refined non-linear finite element models, in the latest decades, many researchers have developed simplified infill models by means of single or multiple strut-elements. These models are low time-consuming and thus adequate for static and dynamic analyses of multi-storey structures. However, their simulation of the seismic response is sometimes unsatisfying, particularly in the presence of infill walls with regular or (particularly) irregular distributions of openings. This paper presents a new 2D plane macro-element, which provides a refined simulation of the non-linear cyclic response of infilled framed structures at the expense of a limited computational cost. The macro-element consists of an articulated quadrilateral panel, a single 1D diagonal link, and eight 2D links and is able to model the shear and flexural behaviour of the infill and the non-linear flexural/sliding interaction between infill and surrounding frame. The proposed macro-element has been implemented into the open source software OpenSees and used to simulate the response of single-storey, single-span RC infilled frame prototypes tested by other authors. The above prototypes are selected as made of different masonry units and characterised by full or open geometric configuration. 相似文献
Rocco Favara Fausto Grassa Paolo Madonia Mariano Valenza 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》2007,164(12):2411-2430
During a three-year discontinuous geochemical monitoring of some warm springs and cold discharges located in central-northern
Sicily, some hydro-geochemical changes were observed. Excluding a possible related to a moderate seismic activity were accidentally
identified. The observed anomalies showed amplitudes that were modulated by the different geometries and volumes of the feeding
aquifers. A poroelastic aquifer contraction, a shaking-induced dilatancy theory as well as seismogenetic-induced changes in
the properties of the aquifers have been proposed as possible mechanisms for the water flow and hydro-geochemical changes.
These preliminary results could be used to design a monitoring network aimed at surveilling the seismic activity of the studied
area from a geochemical standpoint. 相似文献
When performing loss assessment of a geographically dispersed building portfolio, the response or loss (fragility or vulnerability) function of any given archetype building is typically considered to be a consistent property of the building itself. On the other hand, recent advances in record selection have shown that the seismic response of a structure is, in general, dependent on the nature of the hazard at the site of interest. This apparent contradiction begs the question: Are building fragility and vulnerability functions independent of site, and if not, what can be done to avoid having to reassess them for each site of interest? In the following, we show that there is a non‐negligible influence of the site, the degree of which depends on the intensity measure adopted for assessment. Employing a single‐period (e.g., first‐mode), spectral acceleration would require careful record selection at each site and result to significant site‐to‐site variability of the fragility or vulnerability function. On the other hand, an intensity measure comprising the geometric mean of multiple spectral accelerations considerably reduces such variability. In tandem with a conditional spectrum record selection that accounts for multiple sites, it can offer a viable approach for incorporating the effect of site dependence into fragility and vulnerability estimates. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献