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Rare-earth element (REE) distribution patterns have been determined for samples of Amîtsoq gneiss from the Godthåb and Isua areas. All have fractionated REE patterns with light REE enrichment, but some leucocratic components show extreme depletion in heavy REE. Various different crystal-liquid equilibria appear to have been involved in their petrogenesis. Fractional crystallization of garnet from a basic or intermediate magma, or partial melting of a basic or intermediate source with a high modal garnet content are considered as possible mechanisms for the generation of the leucocratic components. Anorthosites from Ameralik and Buksefjord show slight light REE enrichment with small or undetectable Eu anomalies, possibly due to crystallization under a high fO2.  相似文献   
New U–Pb SHRIMP zircon ages combined with geochemical and isotope investigation in the Sierra de Maz and Sierra de Pie de Palo and a xenolith of the Precordillera basement (Ullún), provides insight into the identification of major Grenville-age tectonomagmatic events and their timing in the Western Sierras Pampeanas. The study reveals two contrasting scenarios that evolved separately during the 300 Ma long history: Sierra de Maz, which was always part of a continental crust, and the juvenile oceanic arc and back-arc sector of Sierra de Pie de Palo and Ullún. The oldest rocks are the Andino-type granitic orthogneisses of Sierra de Maz (1330–1260 Ma) and associated subalkaline basic rocks, that were part of an active continental margin developed in a Paleoproterozoic crust. Amphibolite facies metamorphism affected the orthogneisses at ca. 1175 Ma, while granulite facies was attained in neighbouring meta-sediments and basic granulites. Interruption of continental-edge magmatism and high-grade metamorphism is interpreted as related to an arc–continental collision dated by zircon overgrowths at 1170–1230 Ma. The next event consisted of massif-type anorthosites and related meta-jotunites, meta-mangerites (1092 ± 6 Ma) and meta-granites (1086 ± 10 Ma) that define an AMCG complex in Sierra de Maz. The emplacement of these mantle-derived magmas during an extensional episode produced a widespread thermal overprint at ca. 1095 Ma in neighbouring country rocks. In constrast, juvenile oceanic arc and back-arc complexes dominated the Sierra de Pie de Palo–Ullún sector, that was fully developed ca. 1200 Ma (1196 ± 8 Ma metagabbro). A new episode of oceanic arc magmatism at ~1165 Ma was roughly coeval with the amphibolite high-grade metamorphism of Sierra de Maz, indicating that these two sectors underwent independent geodynamic scenarios at this age. Two more episodes of arc subduction are registered in the Pie de Palo–Ullún sector: (i) 1110 ± 10 Ma orthogneisses and basic amphibolites with geochemical fingerprints of emplacement in a more mature crust, and (ii) a 1027 ± 17 Ma TTG juvenile suite, which is the youngest Grenville-age magmatic event registered in the Western Sierras Pampeanas. The geodynamic history in both study areas reveals a complex orogenic evolution, dominated by convergent tectonics and accretion of juvenile oceanic arcs to the continent.  相似文献   
A stock of biotite-muscovite-garnet leucogranite crops out in the lower course of Río Cisnes as an unusual minor lithology within the predominantly dioritic to tonalitic North Patagonian Batholith. Foliated and unfoliated varieties are present—the former are nearer to the main lineament of the Liquin˜e-Ofqui Fault Zone (LOFZ). Two-feldspar thermometry indicates equilibration temperatures above 600°C, for pressures probably not over 3 kbar, as suggested by the Mn-rich garnet composition. A Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron age of 9.6 ± 0.4 Ma (1σ error) probably indicates the time of magma crystallization. 40Ar-39Ar ages of 6.6 ± 0.3 Ma on muscovite and 5.5 ± 0.4 Ma on biotite are cooling ages from which a moderate average uplift/denudation rate ( 1 mm/yr) may be calculated. Paucity of occurrence, distribution close to the LOFZ and a near minimum-melt composition all suggest that the leucogranite magma was derived by partial melting of the lower crust, perhaps by decompression melting at a time when uplift/denudation rates were high (4 mm/yr or more are required). Regional evidence for rapid Holocene uplift in the immediate vicinity of the LOFZ substantiates the feasibility of the proposed petrogenetic model, which may be valid in other strike-slip orogenic environments.  相似文献   
Field mapping and structural studies in northern Sierra Leone by an I.G.S. team have established a stratigraphic sequence in this part of the Archaean of the West African Craton. An older “Leonian” granite-greenstone terrain is identified which experienced a tectonic-metamorphic event before the formation of the granite-greenstone terrain which ended with the Liberian tectonic-metamorphic event. Granite gneisses in the Fadugu district with Leonian structures yield statistically acceptable but discordant Pb-Pb and Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron ages of 2959±50 Ma and 2753±61 Ma, respectively (2 σ errors). These ages may be correlated with radiometric ages for the Leonian and Liberian structures elsewhere in Sierra Leone, and it is concluded that the Fadugu Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron has been reset by the Liberian event. The Pb-Pb whole-rock isochron for the Fadugu gneisses and a previously determined (but recomputed and partially checked) Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron age of 2980+80 Ma for granite gneisses from southeastern Sierra Leone provide a definitive age for the Leonian tectonic-metamorphic event at about 2970 Ma. Both the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios and present-day first-stage model 238U/204Pb value for the Leonian granitoids are indistinguishable from mantle values, but do not preclude the possibility that these granitoids were derived from parental material with a short history in the crust or lower crust. The Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron age of 2753+61 Ma for the Fadugu granite gneiss provides a definitive age for the Liberian event in northern Sierra Leone. A succession of rocks older than the Leonian (i.e., older than 2970 Ma) has been identified in the field but not yet dated.  相似文献   
The development is described of a mixed-solvent ion-exchange technique for separating trace amounts of rare-earth elements from silicate rocks and minerals. A two-column method is used, bulk separation of rare earths from other elements being accomplished on the first, and separation into three groups for mass-spectrometric analysis on the second. This has been applied to the determination of nine REE (La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Er and Yb) in standard rock samples. Smooth variation of the chondrite-normalized abundance distributions and comparison with other published results indicate that the accuracy of the method, with the exception of La, is generally ± 2%.  相似文献   
The Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian amalgamation of SW Gondwana through the Brasiliano/Pan-African orogeny is reviewed with emphasis on the role of the Río de la Plata craton of South America in the light of new evidence from a borehole at the eastern end of the Tandilia belt (38°S). U–Pb, Hf and O isotope data on zircon indicate that this un-reworked Palaeoproterozoic craton abuts against a distinct continental terrane to the east (Mar del Plata terrane). The craton is bounded everywhere by transcurrent faults and there is no evidence to relate it to the Neoproterozoic mobile belts now seen on either side. The Punta Mogotes Formation at the bottom of the borehole contains 740–840 Ma detrital zircons that are assigned to a widespread Neoproterozoic rifting event. The data suggest that the Mar del Plata terrane rifted away from the southwestern corner of the Angola block at c. 780 Ma. Negative εHft values and δ18O > 6.5‰ suggest derivation by melting of old crust during a protracted extensional episode. Other continental terranes may have formed in a similar way in Uruguay (Nico Pérez) and southeastern Brazil, where the Schist Belt of the Dom Feliciano orogenic belt is probably a correlative of the Punta Mogotes sequence, implying that the Dom Feliciano belt must extend at least as far as 38°S. A new geodynamic scenario for West Gondwana assembly includes at least two major oblique collisional orogenies: Kaoko–Dom Feliciano (580–680 Ma) and Gariep–Saldania (480–580 Ma), the latter resulting from oblique impingement of the Rio de la Plata craton against the Kalahari craton. Assembly of this part of South-West Gondwana was accomplished before the Ordovician (to Silurian?) siliciclastic platform sediments of the Balcarce Formation in the Tandilia Belt covered the southern sector of Río de la Plata craton.  相似文献   
A deformed ca. 570 Ma syenite–carbonatite body is reported from a Grenville-age (1.0–1.2 Ga) terrane in the Sierra de Maz, one of the Western Sierras Pampeanas of Argentina. This is the first recognition of such a rock assemblage in the basement of the Central Andes. The two main lithologies are coarse-grained syenite (often nepheline-bearing) and enclave-rich fine-grained foliated biotite–calcite carbonatite. Samples of carbonatite and syenite yield an imprecise whole rock Rb–Sr isochron age of 582 ± 60 Ma (MSWD = 1.8; Sri = 0.7029); SHRIMP U–Pb spot analysis of syenite zircons shows a total range of 206Pb–238U ages between 433 and 612 Ma, with a prominent peak at 560–580 Ma defined by homogeneous zircon areas. Textural interpretation of the zircon data, combined with the constraint of the Rb–Sr data suggest that the carbonatite complex formed at ca. 570 Ma. Further disturbance of the U–Pb system took place at 525 ± 7 Ma (Pampean orogeny) and at ca. 430–440 Ma (Famatinian orogeny) and it is concluded that the Western Sierras Pampeanas basement was joined to Gondwana during both events. Highly unradiogenic 87Sr/86Sr values in calcites (0.70275–0.70305) provide a close estimate for the initial Sr isotope composition of the carbonatite magma. Sm–Nd data yield Nd570 values of +3.3 to +4.8. The complex was probably formed during early opening of the Clymene Ocean from depleted mantle with a component from Meso/Neo-proterozoic lower continental crust.  相似文献   
Metamorphism of Grenvillian age (ca. 1.2 Ga; U–Pb zircon dating) is recognized for the first time in the Western Sierras Pampeanas (Sierra de Maz). Conditions reached granulite facies (ca. 780 °C and ca. 780 MPa). Comparing geochronological and petrological characteristics with other outcrops of Mesoproterozoic basement, particularly in the northern and central Arequipa-Antofalla craton, we suggest that these regions were part of a single continental crustal block from Mesoproterozoic times, and thus autochthonous or parautochthonous to Gondwana.  相似文献   
A new database of 70 U–Pb zircon ages (mostly determined by SHRIMP) indicates that the South Patagonian batholith resulted from the amalgamation of subduction-related plutons from the Late Jurassic to the Neogene. Construction of the batholith began with a voluminous, previously undetected, Late Jurassic bimodal body mainly composed of leucogranite with some gabbro, emplaced along its present eastern margin within a restricted time span (157 to 145 Ma). This episode is, at least in part, coeval with voluminous rhyolitic ignimbrites of the Tobífera Formation, deposited in the deep Rocas Verdes Basin east of the batholith; this was the last of several southwestward-migrating silicic volcanic episodes in Patagonia that commenced in an Early Jurassic extensional tectonic regime. The quasi-oceanic mafic floor of the basin was also contemporaneous with this Late Jurassic batholithic event, as indicated by mutually cross-cutting field relationships. Changes in subduction parameters then triggered the generation of earliest Cretaceous plutons (Cretaceous 1: 144–137 Ma) west of the Late Jurassic ones, a westward shift that culminated at 136–127 Ma (Cretaceous 2) along the present western margin of the batholith. Most mid- to Late Cretaceous (Cretaceous 3: 126–75 Ma) and Paleogene (67–40 Ma) granitoids are represented by geographically restricted plutons, mainly emplaced between the previously established margins of the batholith, and mostly in the far south; no associated volcanic rocks of similar age are known at present in this area. During the final Neogene stage of plutonism (25–15 Ma) a recurrence of coeval volcanism is recognized within and east of the batholith. Typical εNdt values for the granitoids vary from strongly negative (− 5) in the Late Jurassic, to progressively higher values for Cretaceous 1 (− 4), Cretaceous 2 (− 0.7), Cretaceous 3 (+ 2) and the Paleogene (+ 5), followed by lower and more variable ones in the Neogene (− 1 to + 5). These variations may reflect different modes of pluton emplacement: large crustal magma chambers developed in the early stages (Late Jurassic to Cretaceous 1), leading to widespread emplacement of plutons with a crustal signature, whereas the Cretaceous 2, Cretaceous 3 and Palaeogene parts of the batholith resulted from incremental assembly of small plutons generated at greater depths and with higher εNdt. This does not in itself justify the idea of a reduction in crustal character due to progressive exhaustion of fusible material in the crust through which the magmas passed.  相似文献   
RbSr and UPb isotope analyses are reported for two pre-metamorphic Caledonian granites which intrude Dalradian rocks in the Central Highlands of Scotland. These data indicate that the origin of the granitic magmas involved partial fusion of old crustal material.UPb systems of zircon size and magnetic fractions from the Ben Vuirich granite are strongly discordant. However, U/Pb isotopic ratios precisely define a chord which intersects concordia at 514?7+6 m.y. and 1316?25+26 m.y. Geological constraints suggest that the lower intersection records the post-F2, pre-M3 emplacement age of the granite. The upper intersection reflects the presence of old zircon xenocrysts incorporated into the granite magma without complete isotopic resetting. The ultimate source of these xenocrysts is probably a metamorphic basement complex which formed about 1320 m.y. ago, but the immediate source region of the granites could have been Dalradian sediments derived therefrom.RbSr whole-rock systems of the Ben Vuirich granite are also strongly discordant, although 8 out of 13 data points scatter about an “errorchron” of 564 ± 24 m.y. with an initial87Sr/86Sr ratio of about 0.716. This is interpreted as a spurious result due to incomplete homogenization of Sr isotopes in the source region during partial fusion. Initial87Sr/86Sr ratios at the time of emplacement indicated by the zircon data ranged from 0.7173 to 0.7191. Whole-rock samples from the Dunfallandy Hill granite have Rb/Sr ratios 2–3 times higher than those from Ben Vuirich and define a reasonably good isochron age of 491 ± 15 m.y. with an initial87Sr/86Sr of 0.7185 ± 0.0008. This may date granite emplacement or subsequent resetting of the high Rb/Sr rocks during Caledonian metamorphism. RbSr systematics indicate that the crustal source regions of these and other Caledonian granites separated from the upper mantle at least ca. 800 m.y. ago and probably ca. 1300 m.y. ago, thus confirming the interpretation of the upper intersection age of the zircon UPb data.  相似文献   
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