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A method for chemical separation of Lu and Hf from rock, meteorite and mineral samples is described, together with a much improved mass spectrometric running technique for Hf. This allows (i) geo- and cosmochronology using the176Lu176Hf+
– decay scheme, and (ii) geochemical studies of planetary processes in the earth and moon.Chemical yields for the three-stage ion-exchange column procedure average 90% for Hf. Chemical blanks are <0.2 ng for Lu and Hf. From 1 g of Hf, a total ion current of 0.5×10–11 Ampere can be maintained for 3–5 h, yielding 0.01–0.03% precision on the ratio176Hf/177Hf. Normalisation to179Hf/177Hf=0.7325 is used.Extensive results for the Johnson Matthey Hf standard JMC 475 are presented, and this sample is urged as an international mass spectrometric standard; suitable aliquots, prepared from a single batch of JMC 475, are available from Denver.Lu-Hf analyses of the standard rocks BCR-1 and JB-1 are given. The potential of the Lu-Hf method in isotope geochemistry is assessed. 相似文献
Evolution of the magmatic plumbing system at Mt Etna: new evidence from gravity and magnetic data 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
New gravity and aeromagnetic data from Mt Etna volcano are presented which provide evidence for and constraints on relatively dense, high magnetization bodies at shallow levels below the summit craters. These are modelled and interpreted in terms of dyke/sill complexes, which may be the sites of short-term magma storage. A similar but larger body with high density and high magnetization is modelled below the southern wall of the Valle de Bove and may be the remnant of a prehistoric storage system. This body is close to the Valle del Bove, a major collapse feature, and may have influenced its geometry by buttressing and/or focusing zones of weakness. 相似文献
U–Pb baddeleyite ages and Hf,Nd isotope chemistry constraining repeated mafic magmatism in the Fennoscandian Shield from 1.6 to 0.9 Ga 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Ulf?S?derlundEmail author Clark?E.?Isachsen G?ran?Bylund Larry?M.?Heaman P.?Jonathan Patchett Jeff?D.?Vervoort Ulf?B.?Andersson 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》2005,150(2):174-194
The Palaeoproterozoic (1.90–1.60 Ga) crust of central Fennoscandia was intruded repeatedly by dolerite dikes and sills during the Neo- and Mesoproterozoic eons. We report 17 new baddeleyite U–Pb dates comprising six generations of dolerites (in Ma):
The favoured tectonic model implies that the majority of these suites were related to active margin processes somewhere west (and possibly south) of the Fennoscandian Shield. Dolerite intrusions are interpreted to reflect discrete events of back-arc extension as the arc retreated oceanward. Initial Hf and Nd isotope compositions of the dolerite swarms fall between CHUR and normal-depleted mantle, and suggest a variably depleted and re-enriched mantle as the source for the here investigated 1.6 to 0.95 Ga old mafic rocks. Repeated recycling of older crustal components, mainly sediments (dominated by material with short residence ages) in earlier subduction systems may have been very efficient at producing geochemically and isotopically variably enriched lithospheric mantle sections beneath the Fennoscandian Shield.
Blekinge-Dalarna dolerites | 946–978 |
Protogine Zone dolerites | 1,215–1,221 |
Central Scandinavian Dolerite Group | 1,264–1,271 |
Tuna dikes and age equivalents in Dalarna | 1,461–1,462 |
Värmland dolerites | ~1,568 |
Breven-Hällefors dolerites | ~1,595 |
Evolution of continental crust and mantle heterogeneity: Evidence from Hf isotopes 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
P. Jonathan Patchett Olavi Kouvo Carl E. Hedge Mitsunobu Tatsumoto 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》1982,78(3):279-297
We present initial 176Hf/177 Hf ratios for many samples of continental crust 3.7-0.3 Gy old. Results are based chiefly on zircons (1% Hf) and whole rocks: zircons are shown to be reliable carriers of essentially the initial Hf itself when properly chosen on the basis of U-Pb studies. Pre-3.0 Gy gneisses were apparently derived from an unfractionated mantle, but both depleted and undepleted mantle are evident as magma sources from 2.9 Gy to present. This mantle was sampled mainly from major crustal growth episodes 2.8, 1.8 and 0.7 Gy ago, all of which show gross heterogeneity of 176Hf/177Hf in magma sources from Hf=0 to +14, or about 60% of the variability of the present mantle.The approximate Hf=2Nd relationship in ancient and modern igneous rocks shows that 176Lu/177Hf fractionates in general twice as much as 147Sm/144Nd in mantle melting processes. This allows an estimation of the relative value of the unknown bulk solid/liquid distribution coefficient for Hf. DLu/DHf= 2.3 holds for most mantle source regions. For garnet to be an important residual mantle phase, it must hold Hf strongly in order to preserve Hf-Nd isotopic relationships.The ancient Hf initials are consistent with only a small proportion of recycled older cratons in new continental crust, and with quasi-continuous, episodic growth of the continental crust with time. However, recycling of crust less than 150 My old cannot realistically be detected using Hf initials. The mantle shows clearly the general positive Hf resulting from a residual geochemical state at least back to 2.9 Gy ago, and seems to have repeatedly possessed a similar degree of heterogeneity, rather than a continuously-developing depletion. This is consistent with a complex dynamic disequilibrium model for the creation, maintenance and destruction of heterogeneity in the mantle. 相似文献
Yemane Asmerom P. Jonathan Patchett Paul E. Damon 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》1991,107(1):124-134
Arc magmas ranging in composition from basaltic andesites to rhyolites and intrusive equivalents were emplaced into the western
margin of the North American craton starting in Late Triassic time giving way to rift0related sedimentation in the Late Jurassic.
The region of this study cuts across Proterozoic basements of contrasting Nd model ages, 1.7–1.8 Ga (average ɛNd∼−11) in eastern Arizona and 2.0 to 2.3 GA (average ɛNd∼−18) in western Arizona and eastern California (Bennett and DePaolo 1987). The Mesozoic rocks have initial ɛNd of -3.4 to-6.4 in the eastern part of the study area and -7.1 to -9.2 in the western part. All of the rocks have elevated
87Sr/87Sr initial ratios (>0.706). Trends in initial ɛNd values of Mesozoic arc rocks are directly correlated with the Nd model ages of the basement through which they passed. Simple
two-component mixing calculations indicate that recycled continental crust in the arc magmas represents on average about 65%.
A minimum of 35% mantle input into continental arc magmas, as recent as the Mesozoic, represents a significant contribution
to the growth of the continental crust, in the absence of a return flow of continental material into the mantle of similar
magnitude. In a detailed study in the Santa Rita Mountains. Arizona, there is a pattern of increase of ɛNd with time: early basaltic andesites have more negative ɛNd than later felsic rocks. A correlated pattern of depletion with time is also observed with trace element and major element
data. We attribute this either to progressive hybridization of the lower crust by repeated injection of mantle magmas, or
the progressive thinning of the continental crust during prolonged arc magmatism. The present data do not allow distinction
between the two models. Progressive decrease in crustal contribution to arc magmas with time may be an important feature of
continental arc evolution. Hybridization of the lower crust due to repeated injection of mantle melts during arc magmatism
may help contribute to small-scale heterogeneities in lower crust inferred from seismic and xenolith data. Similarly, whether
there is a well defined MOHO or sharp crust-mantle boundary in any given segment of the continental crust may in part depend
on the extent of crust modification as a result of continental arc magmatism. 相似文献
Katherine F. Fornash P. Jonathan Patchett George E. Gehrels Jon E. Spencer 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》2013,165(6):1295-1310
The Santa Catalina Mountains, SE Arizona, was one of the first metamorphic core complexes to be described. Despite its status as a type example, relatively little is known about precise ages and origins of the intrusive rocks that make up most of the crystalline core. U–Pb and Hf isotopic data by laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry from zircons and Nd isotopic results from whole rocks were obtained for 12 granitoids ranging from 1,440 to 26 Ma. Results confirm that the 1.44-Ga Oracle Granite extends through the Catalina Range as variably mylonitic granite and banded gneiss. Laramide intrusions (67–73 Ma) display initial εNd values ?5 to ?8 and εHf from ?7.5 to ?9. Magmatic ages for the prominent white granite sills of the Wilderness suite are 46–57 Ma, in agreement with Terrien (2012), and these granites have initial εNd values ?8 to ?10 and εHf from ?7 to ?14. Lastly, the undeformed Catalina Granite has an age of 26 Ma, with an initial εNd and εHf of ?6 and ?8, respectively. Our Nd results agree with limited results from Farmer and DePaolo (89:10141–10160, 1984). Although the Catalina Granite seems to have a significant juvenile component based on Nd and Hf, most of the Laramide and Wilderness intrusions contain Nd and Hf compositions lying close to the evolution of 1.44-Ga Oracle Granites, a fact that is confirmed by the U–Pb data, which show both 1.7- and 1.4-Ga zircon cores in these samples, with 1.4 Ga as the dominant core age. In order to become the dominant source of most of the 72–45-Ma magmas, the Oracle pluton must not only extend across the whole Catalina region, but also have abundant deep-seated equivalents to provide magma sources. 相似文献
Initial Nd isotopic ratios are reported for 23 samples representing magmatic crustal components in the Svecokarelian terrain of South Finland. U-Pb zircon ages are determined for all geologic units, involving 21 separate upper concordia intercept ages based on more than 100 UP-b analyses. The ages range for all the rocks from 1.90 Ga for primitve plutonic rocks to 1.79 Ga for post-tectonic intrusions. The well-known gabbro-diorite-tonalite-trondhjemite association of the Kalanti district appears to consist of components with different ages: trondhjemites are probably 1.90 Ga or older, diorites/tonalites belong to the main Svecokarelian plutonic eposide at 1.89-1.87 Ga, and at least some gabbro has a post-tectonic age of 1.80 Ga.
Nd (T) values range between +2 to +3 for meta-andesites, large gabbros and primitive granitoids to –0.5 for more evolved granitoids. A magma source with
Nd of at least +2 to +3 was available during 1.90 to 1.87 Ga, but evolved granitoids have
Nd close to zero. The preferred interpretation is that depleted mantle with
Nd=+4 to +5 was present beneath the Svecokarelian crust forming during 1.9-1.8 Ga, and that all rocks have been affected more or less by addition of an Archean crustal component with
Nd=–9 to –13. The primitive rocks with
Nd=+2 to + 3 were only slightly affected, while granitoids with
Nd close to zero include a 10% Archean component. The widespread nature of the Archean addition and the distance of up to 500 km to actual exposed Archean crust make it most realistic that the Archean component was added to the form of sediments delivered by subducting Proterozoic ocean crust. The plutonic rocks of the Finnish Svecokarelian crust in areas away from Archean cratons consist of 90% newly mantle-derived material. 相似文献
The harlequin fish (Othos dentex) is the largest serranid found in the temperate waters of southern Australia. Acoustic telemetry was used to continuously track the movements and activity patterns of 10 harlequin fish (330–620?mm total length; 0.5–3?kg weight) for a 16-month period at a coastal reef site. Data showed that the harlequin fish is a site-attached, diurnal predator, with a relatively small home range in comparison with other temperate reef fishes from Australia and New Zealand. These characteristics indicate that the harlequin fish is susceptible to localised depletions from fishing, but that it can be protected within no-take marine protected areas and can be detected with appropriate daytime monitoring techniques. Individuals also displayed discrete depth preferences on the reef slope, evidence of a nocturnal home base, and homing ability following disturbance from an extreme storm event. 相似文献
东昆仑牦牛山组流纹岩锆石U-Pb年龄及构造意义 总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9
东昆仑水泥厂地区造山后火山-沉积盆地内形成的牦牛山组磨拉石建造不整合覆盖在前泥盆系地层之上,其形成时代的研究对限定东昆仑早古生代洋盆关闭的时间具有重要意义。应用激光烧蚀多接收器电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(LAMC-ICPMS)方法,对火山-沉积盆地内牦牛山组不同层位的流纹岩夹层进行了精确的锆石U-Pb定年研究。结果表明,盆地北缘牦牛山组底砾岩之上的流纹岩(B743-2)中岩浆锆石~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄平均值为423.2±1.8Ma,盆地西缘牦牛山组底砾岩之上的流纹岩(B820-1)中岩浆锆石~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄平均值为408.2±2.4Ma,盆地西缘和南缘牦牛山组中上部碎屑岩中流纹岩夹层(B705-1和B656-1)的岩浆锆石~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄平均值分别为404.9±4.8Ma和399.6±2.8Ma。它们代表了牦牛山组不同层位火山岩的形成年龄,由此可以限定水泥厂地区牦牛山组形成时间为400~423Ma。上述年代学结果较为精确地限定了东昆仑早古生代洋盆关闭的构造年代。流纹岩中2486~920Ma元古代继承锆石的发现,说明东昆仑南的变质基底和扬子板块变质基底类似,是晋宁期0.9~1.0Ga罗迪尼亚超大陆形成时发育起来的。 相似文献
Oscillations in the emission in the ultraviolet lines of Cii, Oiv, and Mg x, detected by the Harvard College Observatory EUV spectroheliometer on Skylab are observed on August 7, 1973, during a loop brightening. The intensity of the EUV lines varies with a period of 141 s during the time of enhanced intensity of the coronal loop, lasting 10 min. The periodic oscillation is not only localized in the loop region but extends over a larger area of the active region, maintaining the same phase. We suggest that the intensity fluctuation of the EUV lines is caused by small-amplitude waves, propagating in the plasma confined in the magnetic loop and that size of the loop might be important in determining its perferential heating in the active region.On leave from the University of Torino, Italy. 相似文献