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New gravity and aeromagnetic data from Mt Etna volcano are presented which provide evidence for and constraints on relatively dense, high magnetization bodies at shallow levels below the summit craters. These are modelled and interpreted in terms of dyke/sill complexes, which may be the sites of short-term magma storage. A similar but larger body with high density and high magnetization is modelled below the southern wall of the Valle de Bove and may be the remnant of a prehistoric storage system. This body is close to the Valle del Bove, a major collapse feature, and may have influenced its geometry by buttressing and/or focusing zones of weakness.  相似文献   
利用露头和钻井资料,通过显微镜观测、化学分析和电子探针分析,研究营城组中基性火山岩的矿物晶出系列和杏仁体充填及其储层效应。本区中基性火山岩包括玄武岩、安山岩、玄武安山岩、粗面玄武岩、玄武粗安岩和粗安岩。斑晶矿物的晶出顺序为:橄榄石最早并几乎全部蚀变为蛇纹石、伊丁石和磁铁矿,仅保留橄榄石假象;辉石被斜长石包含或与之交生,说明辉石晶出有的略早于斜长石、有的与之同时。基质呈间隐间粒结构,为比斑晶偏酸性/碱性的板条状微晶长石堆积搭成格架、内充填玻璃质及微晶粒状矿物(橄榄石、辉石和磁铁矿)。基质结晶晚于斑晶,晶出序列为微晶粒状矿物→微晶长石→玻璃质。有单成分和复成分两种杏仁体。单成分者主要见硅质和钙质,具结晶世代性,为后生流体沉淀充填形成,可作为储层变差或非储层的标志。复成分杏仁体是原生火山玻璃固态下水合与蚀变作用的结果:包括蛇纹石/绿泥石-火山玻璃、石英-方解石-皂石/方解石和石英-绿泥石-方解石等组合类型,通常可作为储层改善或有效性增加的标志。中基性火山玻璃蚀变分为四个阶段:新鲜火山玻璃(折光率1.57)→水合火山玻璃(折光率降至1.53)→橙玄玻璃(铁镁质微晶矿物集合体)→新生矿物(石英、方解石、蛇纹石、绿泥石、皂石);由火山玻璃变为新生矿物的体积减小或孔隙增加效应为7%~10%。  相似文献   
Extraction of lattice-bound tin from calc-silicate minerals in the determination of tin in skarn rocks by NH4I volatilisation is reported. This analytical technique has previously been regarded as specific for cassiterite and stannite. Although the NH4I volatilisation reaction does not decompose calc-silicate minerals there is an increase in the yield of NH4I-volatilised tin when the volatilisation temperature is raised above 500°C. The temperature effect is only observed for whole-rock samples and the type of behaviour appears related to the mineralogy of the rock. For instance, magnetite-bearing rocks have a different temperature yield curve to pyrrhotite-bearing rocks. When concentrates of single minerals are reacted with NH4I this temperature dependence is not observed, although there is an increase in tin yield with decreasing grainsize.  相似文献   
Quartz-topaz rocks from the New England district, New South Wales, have mineralogical, textural and field relationships suggesting a magmatic origin. These rocks (called topazites) occur as dykes and sills intruding a biotite granite and sediments in a roof pendant. Where they have intruded into sediments, the topazites have a narrow aureole of induration or hornfels. One type of primary solid inclusion, thought to be silicate glass, has a composition ranging from that of the topazite towards that of nearby granite. Primary fluid inclusions contain an aqueous solution of alkali chlorides with concentrations of total salts to 57 wt%. These fluid inclusions indicate crystallization temperatures in the range 570–620° C, close to the experimentally determined solidus of a vapour-saturated, topaz-normative melt. The presence of primary fluid inclusions indicates crystallization of topazite following saturation of a granitic magma with water and the formation of immiscible silicate and aqueous phases. Partitioning of alkali metals into the aqueous phase left a silicate melt that could only crystallize quartz and topaz.  相似文献   
The harlequin fish (Othos dentex) is the largest serranid found in the temperate waters of southern Australia. Acoustic telemetry was used to continuously track the movements and activity patterns of 10 harlequin fish (330–620?mm total length; 0.5–3?kg weight) for a 16-month period at a coastal reef site. Data showed that the harlequin fish is a site-attached, diurnal predator, with a relatively small home range in comparison with other temperate reef fishes from Australia and New Zealand. These characteristics indicate that the harlequin fish is susceptible to localised depletions from fishing, but that it can be protected within no-take marine protected areas and can be detected with appropriate daytime monitoring techniques. Individuals also displayed discrete depth preferences on the reef slope, evidence of a nocturnal home base, and homing ability following disturbance from an extreme storm event.  相似文献   
东昆仑牦牛山组流纹岩锆石U-Pb年龄及构造意义   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
东昆仑水泥厂地区造山后火山-沉积盆地内形成的牦牛山组磨拉石建造不整合覆盖在前泥盆系地层之上,其形成时代的研究对限定东昆仑早古生代洋盆关闭的时间具有重要意义。应用激光烧蚀多接收器电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(LAMC-ICPMS)方法,对火山-沉积盆地内牦牛山组不同层位的流纹岩夹层进行了精确的锆石U-Pb定年研究。结果表明,盆地北缘牦牛山组底砾岩之上的流纹岩(B743-2)中岩浆锆石~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄平均值为423.2±1.8Ma,盆地西缘牦牛山组底砾岩之上的流纹岩(B820-1)中岩浆锆石~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄平均值为408.2±2.4Ma,盆地西缘和南缘牦牛山组中上部碎屑岩中流纹岩夹层(B705-1和B656-1)的岩浆锆石~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄平均值分别为404.9±4.8Ma和399.6±2.8Ma。它们代表了牦牛山组不同层位火山岩的形成年龄,由此可以限定水泥厂地区牦牛山组形成时间为400~423Ma。上述年代学结果较为精确地限定了东昆仑早古生代洋盆关闭的构造年代。流纹岩中2486~920Ma元古代继承锆石的发现,说明东昆仑南的变质基底和扬子板块变质基底类似,是晋宁期0.9~1.0Ga罗迪尼亚超大陆形成时发育起来的。  相似文献   
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