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A Holocene tephra record from the Lofoten Islands, Arctic Norway   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pilcher, J., Bradley, R. S., Francus, P. & Anderson, L. 2005 (May): A Holocene tephra record from the Lofoten Islands, Arctic Norway. Boreas , Vol. 34, pp. 136–156. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
A tephrochronology has been established for a peat bog in the Lofoten Islands that provides a dating framework for future lake and bog studies of climate variation in this climatically sensitive area. Twenty-three tephra layers were identified, all apparently of Icelandic origin. These included the historically dated tephras of AD 1875 (Askja), AD 1362 (Öraefajökull), AD 1158 (Hekla), AD 1104 (Hekla) and the Landnam tephra identified at AD 875 in the GRIP ice core. Other layers, previously radiocarbon dated in Ireland and elsewhere, include the Hekla eruptions of c. 2310 BC and c. 5990 BC. The basal clays below the peat contain tephra of both the Askja eruption of c. 9500 BC (10 000 radiocarbon years BP) and the well-known Vedde Ash of c. 12 000 BP (10 030 80 BC in GRIP ice core).  相似文献   
Authigenic gypsum was found in a gravity core, retrieved from the top of Mound Perseverance, a giant cold‐water coral mound in the Porcupine Basin, off Ireland. The occurrence of gypsum in such an environment is intriguing, because gypsum, a classic evaporitic mineral, is undersaturated with respect to sea water. Sedimentological, petrographic and isotopic evidence point to diagenetic formation of the gypsum, tied to oxidation of sedimentary sulphide minerals (i.e. pyrite). This oxidation is attributed to a phase of increased bottom currents which caused erosion and enhanced inflow of oxidizing fluids into the mound sediments. The oxidation of pyrite produced acidity, causing carbonate dissolution and subsequently leading to pore‐water oversaturation with respect to gypsum and dolomite. Calculations based on the isotopic compositions of gypsum and pyrite reveal that between 21·6% and 28·6% of the sulphate incorporated into the gypsum derived from pyrite oxidation. The dissolution of carbonate increased the porosity in the affected sediment layer but promoted lithification of the sediments at the sediment‐water interface. Thus, authigenic gypsum can serve as a signature for diagenetic oxidation events in carbonate‐rich sediments. These observations demonstrate that fluid flow, steered by environmental factors, has an important effect on the diagenesis of coral mounds.  相似文献   
The aim of seismic inversion methods is to obtain quantitative information on the subsurface properties from seismic measurements. However, the potential accuracy of such methods depends strongly on the physical correctness of the mathematical equations used to model the propagation of the seismic waves. In general, the most accurate models involve the full non-linear acoustic or elastic wave equations. Inversion algorithms based on these equations are very CPU intensive. The application of such an algorithm on a real marine CMP gather is demonstrated. The earth model is assumed to be laterally invariant and only acoustic wave phenomena are modelled. A complete acoustic earth model (P-wave velocity and reflectivity as functions of vertical traveltime) is estimated. The inversion algorithm assumes that the seismic waves propagate in 2D. Therefore, an exact method for transforming the real data from 3D to 2D is derived and applied to the data. The time function of the source is estimated from a vertical far-field signature and its applicability is demonstrated by comparing synthetic and real water-bottom reflections. The source scaling factor is chosen such that the false reflection coefficient due to the first water-bottom multiple disappears from the inversion result. In order to speed up the convergence of the algorithm, the following inversion strategy is adopted: an initial smooth velocity model (macromodel) is obtained by applying Dix's equation to the result of a classical velocity analysis, followed by a smoothing operation. The initial reflectivity model is then computed using Gardner's empirical relationship between densities and velocities. In a first inversion step, reflectivity is estimated from small-offset data, keeping the velocity model fixed. In a second step, the initial smooth velocity model, and possibly the reflectivity model, is refined by using larger-offset data. This strategy is very efficient. In the first step, only ten iterations with a quasi-Newton algorithm are necessary in order to obtain an excellent convergence. The data window was 0–2.8 s, the maximum offset was 250 m, and the residual energy after the first inversion step was only 5% of the energy of the observed data. When the earth model estimated in the first inversion step is used to model data at moderate offsets (900 m, time window 0.0–1.1 s), the data fit is very good. In the second step, only a small improvement in the data fit could be obtained, and the convergence was slow. This is probably due to the strong non-linearity of the inversion problem with respect to the velocity model. Nevertheless, the final residual energy for the moderate offsets was only 11%. The estimated model was compared to sonic and density logs obtained from a nearby well. The comparison indicated that the present algorithm can be used to estimate normal incidence reflectivity from real data with good accuracy, provided that absorption phenomena play a minor role in the depth interval considered. If details in the velocity model are required, large offsets and an elastic inversion algorithm should be used.  相似文献   
Cretaceous to Palaeogene sedimentary series in two long, continously recovered boreholes from the Senegal coastal basin and adjacent Cape Verde deep-sea basin have been compared by mineralogical, geochemical, electron-microscope and microprobe investigations. The transition between the diagenetic influences related to the depth of burial and the palaeoenvironmental influences, identified in the thick coastal-basin successions, is complicated by the tectonic instability of the margin during periods of high subsidence rates and crustal thinning. As the deep-sea basin sediments are only slightly affected by diagenetic changes, the comparison between the deep sea and coastal series allows the relative effects of lithostatic pressure, tectonics and other palaeoenvironmental factors to be evaluated. The disappearance of synsedimentary signatures (tectonics, climate, depositional conditions, etc.) expressed by clay mineralogy occurs below 4.5 km; there are no significant diagenetic changes in sediments at less than 2 km depth. By comparing identical time slices in coastal and deep-sea basins, it is possible to recognize from the clay stratigraphic record the main African detrital sources, the hot and often semi-arid character of the continental climate during the Cretaceous, the existence of minor but extensive stages of tectonic activity (Barremian-late Aptian, late Albian-early Cenomanian), the temporary existence of semi-closed basins on the shelf (Late Cretaceous, early Palaeogene) and the complexity of transport and sedimentation relationships between proximal and distal environments.  相似文献   
Since July 1991, six altimeter missions have been launched successfully, and they have provided almost continuous wave height measurements for more than 12 years. Long-term series of wave height measurements are of major interest for climatology and oceanic wave modeling. Before using such data, the measurements have to be validated, and the homogeneity of the data from various satellites has to be checked. Significant wave height measurements from ERS, TOPEX/Poseidon, GEOSAT Follow-on, Jason-1 and ENVISAT altimeters are validated using cross-altimeter and buoy comparisons. Emphasis is put on the two recent missions Jason-1 and ENVISAT. Corrections for biases and trends are proposed for the six altimeters, allowing the generation of consistent and homogeneous data. Tests of these corrections are performed over global ocean simple statistics.  相似文献   

Le modèle proposé est un générateur stochastique d'averses couplé à un modèle empirique de calcul de leurs érosivités, calé à une série pluviographique de 15 ans d'observations. Notre objectif est de développer une démarche probabiliste, qui permettrait d'étudier les conséquences érosives des pluies dans le temps, en cumulant l'érosivité consécutive des pluies simulées durant plusieurs années, supposée proportionnelle à la dégradation des sols, ou au transport solide en suspension sur la même période. Cette génération peut en effet se faire sur plusieurs années calendaires, et nous permettrait de ce fait d'éviter d'être limité par la taille des échantillons. L'ensemble pouvant être utilisé en mode opérationnel, pour reconstituer de très longus séries d'épisodes pluvieux dans l'objectif d'étudier le cumul de leur érosivité dans le temps. Cette démarche ne contredit pas les approches expérimentales, qui ont une réalité concrète de terrain, bien au contraire elle les conforte et permet d'avancer davantage dans la réflexion posée par la problématique de l'érosion hydrique.  相似文献   
Among electromagnetic sounding techniques, the Mélos method possesses the specific feature of including an apparent resistivity computation. This acts as a normalizing scheme so that 2D modelling results can be obtained without accounting for a true 3D source. However, in order to get reliable numerical modelling results for a 2D magnetic dipole source, improved algorithms are required in order to apply the standard finite-element technique: quadratic basis functions must be used in place of linear basis functions, and a more sophisticated method than conventional ones is necessary for properly solving the resulting system of linear equations. Such modelling results have been used to study theoretical responses for the Mélos method in the search for conductive bodies in mineral exploration. Two sets of models are presented and discussed. They show that the typical Mélos response to a conductive target is a bipolar anomaly on the apparent resistivity pseudo-section, with a conductive pole at low frequency which is centred above the target.  相似文献   
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