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Hummocky cross-stratification is a sedimentary structure which is widely interpreted as the sedimentary record of an oscillatory current generated by energetic storm waves remobilizing surface sediment on the continental shelf. Sedimentary structures named hummocky cross-stratification-like structures, similar to true hummocky cross-stratification, have been observed in the Turonian–Senonian Basque Flysch Basin (south-west France). The bathymetry (1000 to 1500 m) suggests that the observed sedimentary structures do not result from a hydrodynamic process similar to those acting on a continental shelf. The morphology of these three-dimensional structures shares similarities with the morphology of hummocky cross-stratification despite a smaller size. The lateral extent of these structures ranges from a few decimetres to many decimetres; they consist of convex-up domes (hummock) and concave-up swales with a non-erosive base. Four types of hummocky cross-stratification-like geometries are described; they occur in association with structures such as climbing current ripple lamination and synsedimentary deformations. In the Basque Flysch, hummocky cross-stratification-like structures are only found in the Tc interval of the Bouma sequence. Hummocky cross-stratification-like structures are sporadic in the stratigraphic series and observed only in few turbidite beds or bed packages. This observation suggests that hummocky cross-stratification-like structures are linked genetically to the turbidity current but form under a very restricted range of parameters. These structures sometimes show an up-current (upslope) migration trend (antidunes). In the described examples, they could result from standing waves forming at the upper flow interface because of Kelvin–Helmholtz instability.  相似文献   
Petrological studies and electron microprobe dating of monazitefrom the mafic Andriamena unit, north–central Madagascar,indicate that an apparently continuous PT path inferredfor Mg-granulites is actually discontinuous, resulting fromthe superposition of two distinct metamorphic events at 2·5Ga and  相似文献   
Upper Visean limestones in the Campine Basin of northern Belgium are intensively fractured. The largest and most common fractures are cemented by non-ferroan, dull brown-orange luminescent blocky calcite. First melting temperatures of fluid inclusions in these calcites are around -57°C, suggesting that precipitation of the cements occurred from NaCl-CaCl2-MgCl2 fluids. The final melting temperatures (Tmice) are between -5 and -33°C. The broad range in the Tmice data can be explained by the mixing of high salinity fluids with meteoric waters, but other hypotheses may also be valid. Homogenization temperatures from blocky calcite cements in the shelf limestones are interpreted to have formed between 45 and 75°C. In carbonates which were deposited close to and at the shelf margin, precipitation temperatures were possibly in the range 70-85°C and 72-93°C, respectively. On the shelf, the calcites have a δ18O around -9.3‰ PDB and they are interpreted to have grown in a fluid with a δ18O between −3.5 and +1.0‰ SMOW. At the shelf margin, blocky calcites (δ18O∼ - 13.5‰ PDB) could have precipitated from a fluid with a δ18O betweenn -4.0 and -1.1‰ SMOW. The highest oxygen isotopic compositions are comparable to those of Late Carboniferous marine fluids (δ18O= - 1‰ SMOW). The lowest values are more positive than a previously reported composition for Carboniferous meteoric waters (δ18O= -7‰ SMOW). Precipitation is likely to have occurred in marine-derived fluids, which mixed with meteoric waters sourced from near the Brabant Massif. Fluids with a similar negative oxygen isotopic composition and high salinity are actually present in Palaeozoic formations. The higher temperature range in the limestones near the shelf margin is explained by the upward migration of fluids from the ‘basinal’ area along fractures and faults into the shelf.  相似文献   
We analysed interannual and decadal changes in the atmospheric CO2 concentration gradient (ΔCO2) between Europe and the Atlantic Ocean over the period 1995–2007. Fourteen measurement stations are used, with Mace-Head being used to define background conditions. The variability of ΔCO2 reflects fossil fuel emissions and natural sinks activity over Europe, as well as atmospheric transport variability. The mean ΔCO2 increased by 1–2 ppm at Eastern European stations (∼30% growth), between 1990–1995 and 2000–2005. This built up of CO2 over the continent is predominantly a winter signal. If the observed increase of ΔCO2 is explained by changes in ecosystem fluxes, a loss of about 0.46 Pg C per year would be required during 2000–2005. Even if severe droughts have impacted Western Europe in 2003 and 2005, a sustained CO2 loss of that magnitude is unlikely to be true. We sought alternative explanations for the observed CO2 build-up into transport changes and into regional redistribution of fossil fuel CO2 emissions. Boundary layer heights becoming shallower can only explain 32% of the variance of the signal. Regional changes of emissions may explain up to 27% of the build-up. More insights are given in the Aulagnier et al. companion paper.  相似文献   
Two new long sediment cores (EC1 and EC3), recovered from different locations within the infilled basin at Les Echets, France, provide a new high-resolution record of terrestrial and lacustrine responses to climatic changes during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 3 and 2. The lithologies of the cores are described in detail and correlated with each other by stratigraphic marker horizons, fluctuations in organic matter and AMS radiocarbon ages. The tentative correlation of the new cores to those described and analysed by de Beaulieu et al. (1980) and de Beaulieu & Reille (1984a) provides a preliminary chronostratigraphic framework. Sedimentation during MIS3 started with accumulation of sands and silts and was followed by alternating gyttja and clayey gyttja silts. Exceptionally high sedimentation rates during MIS2 led to the infilling of the basin. Alternating organic-rich and minerogenic-rich sediments appear to coincide with changes in pollen assemblages (de Beaulieu & Reille 1984a) and suggest that millennial-scale climatic changes controlled lake productivity and catchment stability during most of MIS3.  相似文献   
The French Transportable Laser Ranging System (FTLRS), a highly transportable Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) instrument, was set up in Corsica (from January to September 2002) for participating to the JASON-1 altimeter verification phase. In addition to the tracking of oceanographic satellite missions and in order to perform an accurate positioning, the FTLRS also acquired laser ranging data on geodetic satellites, STARLETTE and STELLA essentially.

The paper describes the analysis strategy mainly based on the use of a short-arc orbit technique to compute accurate 1 cm local orbits, and then the geocentric positioning (2–3 mm relative to GPS). Finally, we established the JASON-1 absolute calibration value, based on 9 SLR short-arcs (between cycles 1 and 26), at 108.2 ± 8.7 mm; the 10-day repeatability is of 26.1 mm showing that a great accuracy has been reached.  相似文献   
The Pozalagua Quarry in the Basque–Cantabrian Basin of northern Spain exposes a unique set of fault‐associated dolomites that can be studied on a decametre scale. The dolomites developed along the Pozalagua Fault system in slope‐deposited limestones of Albian age. Following marine phreatic diagenesis, the limestones were subject to meteoric karst formation. The resulting cavities were filled either by angular limestone fragments in a black clay‐rich matrix, or by cave floor/pond (now dolomitized) sediments. The subsequent diagenetic history reflects repeated periods of fracturing, fluid expulsion, dissolution and cementation. Contrasting fluid pulses resulted in the formation of a network of hydrothermal karst and the subsequent development of coarse‐crystalline calcite cement, zebra dolomite, recrystallized coarse‐crystalline dolomite, elongated blue–grey coarse‐crystalline dolomite cement in the open fault and, finally, coarse‐crystalline saddle dolomite. Decimetre‐size reworked host‐rock fragments present in the latter two dolomite phases probably reflect roof collapse fragments of a cave system that developed along the Pozalagua Fault system. However, there are also metre‐scale host‐rock fragments that apparently ‘float’ in the coarse‐crystalline saddle dolomites, implying that either fragment assimilation was a widespread process or violent expulsion of fluids occurred along the Pozalagua Fault system. The presence of pre‐dolomite and post‐dolomite stylolites, parallel to bedding, supports a linkage between the diagenetic events and the Late Albian tectonism that affected the region.  相似文献   
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