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The location of trade and services in Guadalajara, Mexico, is in flux as suburban commercial centers compete with the traditional downtown for new businesses and employment. Since the mid‐1990s a factor driving the change has been the introduction of American‐style big‐box retailers, corporate franchise supermarkets, and large suburban shopping malls. In this article I analyze the changing patterns of commercial and service businesses and employment from 1994 to 2004 in order to compare suburban and urban growth. My analysis includes comparative measures of change in neighborhoods immediately surrounding Walmart stores and by disaggregated types of commercial districts. Results indicate that a complementary relationship has developed: Suburbs are increasingly strong in the services, but the downtown remains a commercial hub. Moreover, some traditional small vendors in close proximity to Walmart may suffer, but growth in employment and in the service sector near Walmarts is high.  相似文献   
This paper describes the morphological and sedimentological evolution of a macrotidal beach over a 20 day period under varying hydrodynamic conditions (significant breaker heights of 0·3–2 m and tidal ranges of 2–5 m). During the field campaign, an intertidal bar developed around the mid‐tide level, migrated onshore, welded to the upper beach and was then flattened under energetic wave conditions. The bar had a wave breakpoint origin and its formation was triggered by a reduction in tidal range, causing more stationary water‐level conditions, rather than an increase in wave height. Most of the onshore bar migration took place while the bar was positioned in the inner to mid‐surf zone position, such that the bar moved away from the breakpoint and exhibited ‘divergent’ behaviour. The depth of disturbance over individual tidal cycles was 10–20% of the breaker height. Such values are more typical of steep reflective beaches, than gently sloping, dissipative beaches, and are considered to reflect the maximum height of wave‐generated ripples. The grain size distribution of surficial sediments did not vary consistently across the beach profile and temporal changes in the sedimentology were mostly unrelated to the morphological response. The lack of clear links between beach morphology and sedimentology may be in part due to shortcomings in the sampling methodology, which ignored the vertical variability in the sediment size characteristics across the active layer.  相似文献   
Geochemical data from back-arc volcanic zones in the Manus Basinare used to define five magma types. Closest to the New Britainarc are medium-K lavas of the island arc association and back-arcbasin basalts (BABB). Mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB), BABB andmildly enriched T-MORB (transitional MORB) occur along the ManusSpreading Center (MSC) and Extensional Transform Zone (ETZ).The MSC also erupted extreme back-arc basin basalts (XBABB),enriched in light rare earth elements, P, and Zr. Compared withnormal MORB, Manus MORB are even more depleted in high fieldstrength elements and slightly enriched in fluid-mobile elements,indicating slight, prior enrichment of their source with subduction-relatedcomponents. Chemical variations and modeling suggest systematic,coupled relationships between extent of mantle melting, priordepletion of the mantle source, and enrichment in subduction-relatedcomponents. Closest to the arc, the greatest addition of subduction-relatedcomponents has occurred in the mantle with the greatest amountof prior depletion, which has melted the most. Variations inK2O/H2O indicate that the subduction-related component is bestdescribed as a phlogopite and/or K-amphibole-bearing hybridizedperidotite. Magmas from the East Manus Rifts are enriched inNa and Zr with radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr, possibly indicating crustalinteraction in a zone of incipient rifting. The source for XBABBand lavas from the Witu Islands requires a mantle componentsimilar to carbonatite melt. KEY WORDS: Manus back-arc basin, mantle metasomatism, magma generation  相似文献   
Lichenometry curves were derived for the glacier forelands of Breidamerkurjokull and Skalafellsjökull using measurements of the collective species, Rhizocarpon geographicum , from independently dated surfaces deglaciated during the period since the late-19th century ice maximum episode in the area. The form of the curves appears to be linear. Several methods of predicting the ages of undated surfaces were compared for specific test examples, including single lichenometry curves, families of curves and multiple curves based on randomly selected largest lichens. The last method provided a useful means of assessing the reproducibility of predicted ages. Where substrate conditions were highly variable, a lichenometry curve based on single largest lichens provided a preferred result.  相似文献   
The Quérigut mafic–felsic rock association comprisestwo main magma series. The first is felsic comprising a granodiorite–tonalite,a monzogranite and a biotite granite. The second is intermediateto ultramafic, forming small diorite and gabbro intrusions associatedwith hornblendites and olivine hornblendites. A U–Pb zirconage of 307 ± 2 Ma was obtained from the granodiorite–tonalites.Contact metamorphic minerals in the thermal aureole providea maximum emplacement pressure of between 260 and 270 MPa. Petrographiccharacteristics of the mafic and ultramafic rocks suggest crystallizationat <300 MPa, demonstrating that mantle-derived magmas ascendedto shallow levels in the Pyrenean crust during Variscan times.The ultramafic rocks are the most isotopically primitive components,with textural and geochemical features of cumulates from hydrousbasaltic magmas. None of the mafic to ultramafic rocks havedepleted mantle isotope signatures, indicating crustal contaminationor derivation from enriched mantle. Origins for the dioritesinclude accumulation from granodiorite–tonalite magma,derivatives from mafic magmas, or hybrids. The granitic rockswere formed from broadly Proterozoic meta-igneous crustal protoliths.The isotopic signatures, mineralogy and geochemistry of thegranodiorite–tonalites and monzogranites suggest crystallizationfrom different magmas with similar time-integrated Rb/Sr andSm/Nd isotope ratios, or that the granodiorite–tonalitesare cumulates from a granodioritic to monzogranitic parent.The biotite granite differs from the other felsic rocks, representinga separate magma batch. Ages for Quérigut and other Pyreneangranitoids show that post-collisional wrenching in this partof the Variscides was under way by 310 Ma. KEY WORDS: Variscan orogeny; Pyrenees; Quérigut complex; epizonal magmatism; post-thickening; mafic–felsic association  相似文献   

From 1967 until 1986, uranium mine dewatering increased dissolved gross alpha, gross beta, uranium and radium activities and dissolved selenium and molybdenum concentrations in the Puerco River as indicated by time trends, areal patterns involving distance from the mines and stream discharge. Additionally, increased dissolved uranium concentrations were identified in groundwater under the Puerco River from where mine discharges entered the river to approximately the Arizona-New Mexico State line about 65 km downstream. Total mass of uranium and gross alpha activity released to the Puerco River by mine dewatering were estimated as 560 Mg (560 × 106 g) and 260 Ci, respectively. In comparison, a uranium mill tailings pond spill on 16 July 1979, released an estimated 1.5 Mg of uranium and 46 Ci of gross alpha activity. Mass balance calculations for alluvial ground water indicate that most of the uranium released did not remain in solution. Sorption of uranium on sediments and uptake of uranium by plants probably removed the uranium from solution.  相似文献   
The Late Ordovician-Early Silurian Mallowa Salt of the Carribuddy Group, Canning Basin, north-west Australia, is the largest halite deposit known in Australia, attaining thicknesses of 800 m or more within an area of approximately 200 000 km2. Study of 675 m of drill core from BHP-Utah Minerals’ Brooke No. 1 well in the Willara Sub-basin indicates that the Mallowa Salt accumulated within a saltern (dominantly subaqueous evaporite water body) that was subject to recurrent freshening, desiccation and exposure. Textures and bromine signatures imply a shallow water to ephemeral hypersaline environment typified by increasing salinity and shallowing into evaporitic mudflat conditions toward the top of halite-mudstone cycles (Type 2) and the less common dolomite/anhydrite-halite-mudstone cycles (Type 1). The borate mineral priceite occurs in the capping mudstones of some cycles, reinforcing the idea of an increasing continental influence toward the top of mudstone-capped halite cycles. The rock salt in both Type 1 and Type 2 cycles typically comprises a mosaic of large, randomly orientated, interlocking halite crystals that formed during early diagenesis. It only partially preserves a primary sedimentary fabric of vertically elongate crystals, some with remnant aligned chevrons. Intraformational hiati, halite karst tubes and solution pits attest to episodic dissolution. Stacked Type 2 cycles dominate; occasional major recharges of less saline, perhaps marine, waters in the same area produced Type I cycles. The envisaged saltern conditions were comparable in many ways to those prevailing during the deposition of halite cycles of the Permian Salado Formation in New Mexico and the Permian San Andres Formation of the Palo Duro Basin area in Texas. However, in the Canning Basin the cycles are characterized by a much lower proportion of anhydrite, implying perhaps a greater degree of continental restriction to the basin. The moderately high level of bromine in the Mallowa Salt (156·5 ± 43·5 ppm Br for primary halite, 146·1 ± 54·7 ppm Br for secondary halite) accords with evolved continental brines, although highly evaporative minerals such as polyhalite and magnesite are absent. The bromine levels suggest little or no dissolution/reprecipitation of primary halite and yet, paradoxically, there is little preservation of the primary depositional fabric. The preservation of early halite cements and replacement textures supports the idea of an early shutdown of brine flow paths, probably at burial depths of no more than a few metres, and the resultant preservation of primary bromine values in the secondary halite.  相似文献   
My hypothesis on onchocerciasis, or river blindness, appeared in the Geographical Review of 1966. It led to an invitation from the World Health Organization in 1972 to revisit the problem area for two months to provide information to assist in the planning of a twenty‐year program of intervention. This article presents unpublished maps selected from my 1972 report. The issues discussed have relevance today regarding international health projects, air‐mass climatology, and human geography.  相似文献   
Guest editorial     
The past decade has witnessed extensive development of measures that examine characteristics of spatial subsets (local spaces) defined with respect to a complete data set (global space). Such procedures have evolved independently in fields such as geography, GIS, cartography, remote sensing, and landscape ecology. Collectively, we label these procedures as local spatial methods. We focus on those methods that share a common goal of identifying subsets whose characteristics are statistically ‘significant’ in some way. We propose the concept of local spatial statistical analysis (LoSSA) both as an integrative structure for existing methods and as a framework that facilitates the development of new local and global statistics. By formalizing what is involved when a particular local statistic is used, LoSSA helps to reveal the key features and limitations of the procedure. These include a consideration of the nature of the spatial subsets, their spatial relationship to the complete data set, and the relationship between a given global statistic and the corresponding local statistics computed for the data set.  相似文献   
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