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Abstract Two Archaean synvolcanic stocks with contact aureoles occur in the Wawa greenstone belt near Wawa, Ontario, Canada. The Gutcher Lake and Jubilee stocks consist mainly of granitoid trondhjemite with feldspar laths mottled by white mica + calcite + epidote and rimmed by clear albite. Biotite is partly or wholly pseudomorphosed by chlorite + sphene; some epidote is partly altered to calcite + chlorite. The granitoid phase grades into a foliated phase of quartz + albite + white mica + calcite + chlorite near fracture zones traversing the stocks.
The alteration of the Gutcher Lake stock along its foliated margin involved addition of K2O, H2O + CO2, MnO, plus Rb; loss of CaO plus Sr; and a shift in Fe+2/Fet from 0.66 to 0.81. The alteration of the Jubilee stock along the Darwin Shear involved addition of H2O + CO2; loss of Sr; and no significant shift in Fe+2/Fet. The greenschist alteration also modified the contact aureoles bordering both stocks.
One interpretation is that regional metamorphism in the Archaean overprinted a greenschist assemblage on both stocks. The alteration was intense near fracture zones and sporadic remote from fractures. Lower integrated water to rock ratios along the Darwin Shear compared to the margin of the Gutcher Lake stock may explain the comparatively lower perturbation of the element abundances and redox state of iron.  相似文献   
Regression between two blocks(usually called‘dependent’or Y and‘independent’or X)of data is a veryimportant scientific and data-analytical tool.Regression on multivariate images is possible and constitutesa meaningful addition to existing univariate and multivariate techniques of image analysis.The regressioncan be used as a modeling tool or for prediction.The form of the regression equation chosen is dependentupon problem specification and information at hand.This paper describes the use of principal componentregression(PCR).Both model building and prediction are presented for continuous Y-variables.The finalgoal is to supply new image material that can be used for visual inspection on a screen.Also,visual toolsfor diagnosis of model and prediction are provided,often based on derived image material.Examplesof modeling and prediction are given for six channels in a seven-channel satellite image  相似文献   
This paper will consider the use of an iterative ratio technique called Gold's ratio method as an alternativeto iterative constrained deconvolution methods for the restoration of overlapped and noisychromatograpic peaks.The study will consist of first describing the technique and then evaluating itsperformance with respect to Jansson's deconvolution procedure.A Hewlett-Packard 5890A gaschromatograph will be used to generate most of the test data.The evaluation criteria will includeconvergence rates,peak area errors and variances,retention time variances and noise performance.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The search for a perfected place on earth is rarely easy or forgiving. Utopias and dystopias demonstrate the practical frailties of attempts to build better human associations, whether as literary efforts or in actual, on‐the‐ground experiments. With a proprietary interest in evaluating the dimensions of place making, geographers can lay claim to be frontline critics of efforts that attempt to craft a better world. The catalog of personality cultists, charismatically murderous leaders, and apocalyptic mass death is long. The Church Universal and Triumphant, currently of Paradise Valley, Montana, is examined as the home for twenty‐five years of an ongoing effort to “improve” lives. If its dilemmas and apparent failures are in keeping with the history of past utopian ventures, geographical lessons remain to be learned about the costs of planning for perfection.  相似文献   
Hurricane control on shelf-edge-reef architecture around Grand Cayman   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Rimming the outer shelf of Grand Cayman is a submerged, 87 km long shelf-edge reef that rises to within 12 m of mean sea level. It consists of an array of coral-armoured buttresses aligned perpendicular to shore and separated by steep-sided sediment-floored canyons. Individual buttresses have a diverse coral-dominated biota and consist of three architectural elements: a shield-like front wall colonized by platy corals, a dome-shaped crown colonized by head corals, and a shoreward-projecting spur covered by varying amounts of branching coral. Buttresses are commonly fronted by coral pinnacles that, in some areas, have amalgamated with buttress walls to produce pinnacle-and-arch structures. As margin orientation changes, shelf-edge-reef architecture shows systematic variations that are consistent with changes in fetch and height of hurricane waves. Along margins exposed to fully developed storm waves, shelf-edge-reef buttresses are deep, have large amplitudes, and are dominated by robust head corals. These characteristics are consistent with hurricane-induced pruning of branching corals and the flushing of significant quantities of sand from buttress canyons by return flows. Along margins impacted by fetch-limited storm waves, reef buttresses are shallower, have intermediate-amplitudes, and have a significantly higher proportion of branching corals. These characteristics are consistent with less coral pruning and sand flushing by weaker hurricane waves. Along margins fully protected from storm waves, the buttresses-canyon architecture of the shelf-edge reef breaks down producing a series of shallow, undulating, branching-coral-dominated ridges that merge laterally into an unbroken belt of coral. These characteristics correspond with negligible amounts of pruning and flushing during hurricanes. In addition to differences between margins, local intra-marginal changes in shelf-edge reef architecture are consistent with changes in the angle of hurricane-wave approach. Open sections of the shelf-edge reef, which face directly into storm waves, are pruned of branching corals and the fragments swept back onto the shelf producing extensive spurs. By contrast, on more sheltered, obliquely orientated sections, storm-waves sweep debris along and off shelf producing little or no spur development. Instead, the debris shed seawards accumulates in front of the buttress walls and initiates the development of coral pinnacles. Over time, repeated buttress pruning and canyon flushing during hurricanes not only controls reef architecture but may also influence accretion patterns. Vertical accretion is limited by the effective depth of storm-wave fragmentation. Once this hurricane-accretion threshold is reached the reef moves into a shedding phase and accretes laterally via pinnacle growth, amalgamation, and infilling. Consequently, the reef steps out over its own debris in a kind of balancing act between lateral growth and slope failure — a pattern widely recognized in ancient reefs.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The segregation of Catholics and Protestants varies spatially and temporally in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Using small-area statistics from the censuses of 1971, 1981, and 1991, taken during the recent “Troubles,” a strongly rising level of ethnic segregation is noted for the 1970s, followed by a more gentle rise in the 1980s. Segregation is shown to vary among subunits of the urban area. The basic cause of this segregation is ethnic violence, and the spatial variation in segregation can be attributed to spatial variation in this violence.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT A thin calcrete-crust horizon from the Lower Carboniferous Llanelly Formation of South Wales consists of two parts; an upper laminated unit and a lower peloidal unit. The former is interpreted as a subaerial stromatolite and the latter as an A horizon of a palaeosol. Comparisons are made with the A horizons of rendzinas and it is concluded that the calcrete-crust represents a complete rendzina profile. This fossil rendzina contains abundant evidence of a soil fauna in the form of fecal pellets and small burrows.  相似文献   
Paleosols in the Lower Carboniferous limestones of South Wales commonly contain needle-fibre calcite which is an unusual form of calcite recently shown to form by the calcification of fungal hyphae in present day soils. The needle-fibre calcite occurs in two associations in the paleosols: as coatings on sediment grains and as rhizocretions. The former can be compared with the microbial grain coatings of Quaternary calcretes. The latter represent the sites of fungal coats on roots and are interpreted as probable ectomycorrhizae, a symbiotic fungal sheath-root association. These findings suggest that biomineralization was important in the formation of soil fabrics during the Carboniferous as it is in present day soils.  相似文献   
Flow regimes in debris flow   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
PAUL ENOS 《Sedimentology》1977,24(1):133-142
The Bingham model has been suggested for the rheological behaviour of debris flow. Velocity plotted against yield strength uniquely defines turbulent and laminar flow in published experimental data on flow of Bingham materials. These regimes are not defined by a unique value of the Bingham number even though it includes both of the critical parameters, yield strength and velocity. Laminar flow in at least the final stages natural debris flows is suggested by sediments with parallel-to-flow or inclined clast fabric, preservation of delicate clasts, blocks projecting from the top of the deposit(?), and an absence of flutes.  相似文献   
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