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海南农村民居以砌体结构为主,具有门窗开口大、层高较高和整体性强等特点.为了研究分析这类民居的抗震性能与抗震对策,在收集大量当地农村民居样本的基础上,综合出典型结构模型,并对该典型模型及基于该模型的隔震模型和加强结构模型分别进行了模拟地震振动台试验.试验结果表明:隔震技术能明显降低结构地震反应,在高烈度地区应适当推广和运用.原结构模型基本满足7.5度设防标准.在8度大震作用下,结构遭遇严重破坏但未倒塌,说明其具有一定的抗倒塌能力.结构加固后,整体抗震性能得到了加强.结合试验结果,给出了相应对策与建议.  相似文献   
Introduction Now, shallow seismic reflection wave technique has been used extensively in geological ex-plorations of bridge, dam, high building and so on. Since shallow seismic reflection wave tech-nique is often implemented in industrial zone or city with dense population, the background dis-turbance including industrial noise, life noise, etc is very serious. Furthermore, the disturbance of seismic source is also serious due to short array length and offset of the method. In general, shal-lo…  相似文献   
隧道开挖时的爆破震动对周边建筑物安全影响很大,但目前对不同爆破参数、周边建筑的距离与爆破开挖之间关系的研究成果不多,实际工程中也难以把握。以宁夏固原市某水工隧道工程为依托,采用现场试验的方法,对地表关键位置质点爆破振动频率与振动速度进行测试和分析。结果表明:(1)经测试发现房屋主振频率在10~60Hz间,而一般房屋建筑的频率均小于10Hz,说明此次试验中爆破震动不能与房屋产生共振。(2)对试验数据进行分析,并依据爆破震动规范安全振速标准进行判别,发现此次试验中土坯房的安全距离为160 m,一般砖房为60 m。研究结果可为隧道爆破的设计与施工提供理论依据,为类似隧道的爆破工程及解决由爆破引起的纠纷提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Evapotranspiration is an important component of the hydrological cycle, which integrates atmospheric demands and surface conditions. Research on spatial and temporal variations of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) enables understanding of climate change and its effects on hydrological processes and water resources. In this study, ETo was estimated by the FAO‐56 Penman–Monteith method in the Jing River Basin in China, based on daily data from 37 meteorological stations from 1960 to 2005. ETo trends were detected by the Mann–Kendall test in annual, seasonal, and monthly timescales. Sensitivity coefficients were used to examine the contribution of important meteorological variables to ETo. The influence of agricultural activities, especially irrigation on ETo was also analyzed. We found that ETo showed a decreasing trend in most of the basin in all seasons, except for autumn, which showed an increasing trend. Mean maximum temperature was generally the most sensitive parameter for ETo, followed by relative humidity, solar radiation, mean minimum temperature, and wind speed. Wind speed was the most dominant factor for the declining trend in ETo. The more significant decrease in ETo for agricultural and irrigation stations was mainly because of the more significant decrease in wind speed and sunshine hours, a mitigation in climate warming, and more significant increase in relative humidity compared with natural stations and non‐irrigation stations. Changes in ETo and the sensitivity coefficient of meteorological variables in relation to ETo were also affected by topography. Better understanding of ETo response to climate change will enable efficient use of agricultural production and water resources, which could improve the ecological environment in Jing River Basin. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
下热尔断裂位于巴颜喀拉块体东北边界变形带即东昆仑断裂带东段与迭部-白龙江断裂2条剪切断裂之间挤压变形带内,在空间上属于“玛曲空段”范围.经野外考察及遥感资料验证,确定下热尔断裂走向为310°,长度约为20km,运动学特征表现为左旋走滑为主兼少量倾滑分量,沿断裂发育大量断错地貌,水平位移主要分布在3.5~5m,而未发现垂向断错地貌;垂直断裂走向开挖2处探槽,揭示断层切穿晚第四纪地层,被地表沼泽相泥炭层覆盖,结合相关地层年龄资料,初步得出平均水平滑动速率约为6.3mm/a.该断裂在几何学与运动学方面与东昆仑断裂带具有较好的一致性,推测两者之间存在一定相关性,属于东昆仑断裂带走滑断裂体系内的一条次级断裂或过渡性断裂.  相似文献   
The treatment capacity of an integrated constructed treatment system (CTS) was explored which was designed to reduce phosphorus (P) from secondary effluents. The integrated CTS was combined with vertical-flow constructed wetland, floating bed and sand filter. The vertical wetland was filled from the bottom to the top with gravels, steel slag and peat. Vetiverzizanioides (L.) Nash was selected to grow in the vertical constructed wetland while Coixlacrymajobi L. was grown in floating bed. The results suggested that integrated CTS displayed excellent removal efficiency for chemical oxygen demand (COD), dissolved phosphorus (DP), and total phosphorus (TP). The average COD removal efficiency of the integrated CTS was 90.45% after 40 days of operation, the average DP and TP removal efficiencies of the integrated CTS were 97.43% and 96.40%, respectively. The integrated CTS has good potential in removing COD as well as P from secondary effluents.  相似文献   
Based on calculations of the tidal Coulomb failure stress and investigations of the correlation between the Earth tide and the Ning’er earthquake sequence, the processes of fault nucleation and failure were simulated. In these simulations we consider the influence of tidal stresses using the rate- and state-dependent friction laws. Furthermore, the effects on tidal triggering due to the stress amplitude and periodic oscillation properties were investigated, and the triggering effects between the tidal normal and tidal shear stresses were compared. The results showed that the Ning’er earthquake sequence was a physical consequence of tidal effects. A transition period T0 exists between the nucleation and failure processes of a seismic fault. When the period T of stress is equal to or becomes larger than T0, the fault response becomes dependent on the periodic features of the loading stress; however, for T < T0, the response of the fault is nearly independent of the period. Both the tidal normal and tidal shear stresses have similar effect in the nucleation and failure processes; the clock changes generally increase with the maximum amplitudes of the tidal stresses. Tidal normal and tidal shear stresses with positive amplitudes mainly induce earthquake triggering; however, the triggering effects induced by negative tidal stresses are smaller and faults are not sensitive to negative tidal stresses. Our results primarily reveal the physical mechanisms of tidal stress triggering.  相似文献   
Soil erodibility is an essential parameter used in soil erosion prediction. This study selected the Liangshan town watershed to quantify variation in the vertical zonality of rill erodibility (kr) in China's ecologically fragile Hengduan Mountains. Soil types comprised of yellow–brown (soil A), purple (soil B), and dry-red (soil C) in a descending order of occurrence from the summit to the valley, which roughly corresponds to the vertical climate zone (i.e. cool-high mountain, warm-low mountain, and dry-hot valley sections) of the study area. With elevation, vertical soil zonality varied in both soil organic matter (SOM) content and soil particle-size fractions. A series of rill erosion-based scour experiments were conducted, using water discharge rates of 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 mL min-1. Additionally, detachment rates (Dr) were measured under three hydrological conditions (the drainage, saturation, and seepage treatments). Results show that both Dr and flow shear stress (Ʈ) values increased as discharge increased. As elevation increased, the kr values decreased, while the vertical zonality of critical shear stress (Ʈc) values showed no obvious variation. The highest kr values were observed during the seepage treatment, followed by the saturation treatment then drainage treatment, indicating that variation in vertical hydraulic gradients could significantly alter kr values. This study also found that land-use types could also alter kr and Ʈc values. Further research, however, is necessary to better quantify the effects of subsurface hydrological conditions and land-use types on kr under different soil zonalities in China's Hengduan Mountains. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
<正>Basic characteristics of Ordovician carbonate reservoir beds in the Lungudong region of northeastern part of the Tarim Basin are described in detail and the reservoir-forming conditions of oil and gas are preliminarily discussed in this paper by collecting and sorting out a large amount of data.The carbonate reservoir beds are mainly developed in open-platform and platform marginal facies;the reservoir beds have large changes in and low average values of physical property;the main type is fractured reservoir beds with the fracture-porous type second.The reservoir bed development is chiefly controlled by the distribution of sedimentary facies,tectonic activity and karstification. Whereas the accumulation and distribution of hydrocarbons in the region are controlled by an advantageous structural location,a good reservoir-caprock combination and a favorable transporting system,with the distribution characterized by zones horizontally and belts vertically,the oil and gas are mainly concentrated in areas with structural uplift,densely developed fractures,and surface karst,a vertical vadose zone,and a horizontal undercurrent belt of palaeokarst.  相似文献   
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