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Frostquakes are generated by tensional fracturing of the ground due to relatively rapid freezing. They are often accompanied by explosive noise and may reach Intensity V effects, yet they are only felt in neighborhoods and are not recorded on seismic networks. Frostquakes may crack macadam, concrete slabs, shallow soil pipe and some foundation materials along the line of the fracture. They occur in the early hours of the morning in mid-winter during major cold snaps. The ones investigated occurred in glacial sand and silt and none were found on till or bedrock. The recognition of frostquakes is important in correcting the records for fault-caused earthquakes. Frostquakes in the historic record complicate the difficulty of predicting large earthquakes from small ones.  相似文献   
The NASA Office of Space Science has established a series of archivalcenters where science data acquired through its space science missionsis deposited. The availability of high quality data to the generalpublic through these open archives enables the maximization of sciencereturn of the flight missions. The Astrophysics Data Centers CoordinatingCouncil, an informal collaboration of archival centers, coordinates datafrom five archival centers distiguished primarily by the wavelength rangeof the data deposited there. Data are available in FITS format. Anoverview of NASA's data centers and services is presented in this paper.A standard front-end modifyer called Astrowbrowse is described. Othercatalog browsers and tools include WISARD and AMASE supported by theNational Space Scince Data Center, as well as ISAIA, a follow on toAstrobrowse.  相似文献   
Extensive simulations have been carried out with CORSIKA version 5.62 to investigate the general properties of giant cosmic air shower in the energy range 1–100 EeV. The comparison between protons, heavy nuclei and γ initiated showers exhibits unexpected and interesting features. The apparent muon electron ratio at great distances (1.5 km from axis) tends to be comparable at ultra-high energy in both photon-induced cascades and hadronic cascades (compensation between the enhancement versus energy of photo-production cross-section and of the decrease of both pair production cross-section and the bremsstrahlung cross-section, with Landau–Pomeranchuk–Migdal effect); for proton and nuclei primaries, a correlation with lateral electron profile suggests a new energy estimator, in complement to electrons size or density at 600 m, suitable for the determination of the total primary energy spectrum. Another tendency is the local contrast in the abundance of positive and negative muons (with a possible ellipticity in the lateral muon distribution) induced by the geomagnetic field, especially visible for some azimuthal and zenith angles. These distortions are more intense for heavy primaries; they can be exploited on the most favorable horizontal axis or areas, for the discrimination between nuclei and protons.  相似文献   
Doklady Earth Sciences - Speleological, geological and paleontological characteristics of the Lang Trang cave in northern Vietnam are presented. Primates Gigantopithecus blacki von Koenigswald,...  相似文献   
IUE has made very successful long term and intense short time-scale monitoring spectroscopic study of NGC 4151, a Seyfert 1 galaxy for over nearly 18 years from its launch in 1978 to 1996. The long-term observations have been useful in understanding the complex relation between UV continuum and emission line variability Seyfert galaxies. In this paper, we present the results of our studies on the short-timescale intense monitoring campaign of NGC 4151 undertaken during December 1–15, 1993. A most intense monitoring observation of NGC 4151 was carried out by IUE in 1993, when the source was at its historical high flux state with a shortest interval of 70 min between two successive observations. We present our results on emission line and continuum variability amplitudes characterized by \(F_{\mathrm{var}}\) method. We found highest variability of nearly 8.3% at 1325 \(\AA \) continuum with a smallest amplitude of 4% at 2725 \(\AA \). The relative variability amplitudes (\(R_\mathrm{max}\)) have been found to be 1.372, 1.319, 1.302 and 1.182 at 1325, 1475, 1655 and 2725 \(\AA \) continuum respectively. The continuum and emission line variability characteristics obtained in the present analysis are in very good agreement with the results obtained by Edelson et al. (1996) and Crenshaw et al. (1996) from the analysis of the same observational spectral data. The large amplitude rapid variability characteristics obtained in our study have been attributed to the continuum reprocessing of X-rays absorbed by the material in the accretion disk as proposed by Shakura and Sunyaev (1973). The continuum and emission light curves have shown four distinct high amplitude events of flux maxima during the intense monitoring campaign of 15 days, providing a good limit on the amplitude of UV variability and the BLR size in low luminosity Seyfert galaxies and are useful for constraining the continuum emission models. The decreasing \(F_{\mathrm{var}}\) amplitude of UV continuum with respect to increasing wavelength obtained in the present study and consistent with similar observations by Edelson et al. (1996) and Crenshaw et al. (1996) is a significant result of the intense monitoring observations.  相似文献   
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