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Some recent advances in the modelling of soft rock joints in direct shear   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a review of recent developments made by the authors into the modelling of rock joints in direct shear. Careful observation of laboratory direct shear testing on concrete/rock joints containing two-dimensional roughness has allowed theoretical models of behaviour to be developed. The processes modelled include asperity sliding, asperity shearing, post-peak behaviour, asperity deformation and distribution of stresses on the joint interface. Model predictions compare extremely well with laboratory test results. These models were then applied to direct shear tests on rock/rock joints, and although behaviour in general was well predicted, the strength of rock/rock joints was over-predicted. Direct shear tests have also been carried out on samples containing both two- and three-dimensional roughness to test the accuracy of the two-dimensional approximation to roughness adopted in the theoretical models.  相似文献   
Three groups of thermal springs with temperatures close to 70 °C discharge both in the core (at Bagni di Vinadio and Terme di Valdieri) and on the external margin (at Berthemont-Les-Bains) of the Argentera Massif. Detailed structural field analysis carried out on the hydrothermal sites allows us to delineate both a model of Alpine tectonic evolution of the Argentera Massif and the patterns of hydrothermal circulation that were active during its final exhumation. The observed fault rock assemblages provide information relative to deformation that occurred in viscous, frictional-to-viscous and frictional crustal regimes. During the Early Miocene, the Bersezio Fault Zone and the Fremamorta Shear Zone, two main mylonitic shear zones, mainly accommodated regional transpression and provided pathways for fluid flow promoting mineral reactions in greenschist facies. During the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene, frictional-to-viscous deformation affected the massif, which underwent predominant transpression in the internal sectors and extension on the external margin. During the Plio-Pleistocene, deformation in frictional condition accompanied the final exhumation of the massif in a transpressive regime and resulted in the development of the NW–SE striking cataclastic zones. The hydraulic properties of these structures mainly influence the patterns of the active thermal circulations and the localization of the recharge and discharge zones. At Berthemont these faults represent conduits, whereas at Vinadio and Valdieri they form complex systems of conduits and barriers. In these two latter sites, the cataclastic faults compose flower structures that constrain laterally the thermal fluid flows while intensely fractured granites sited at depth constitute a highly-transmissive geothermal reservoir. Less permeable migmatitic gneisses overlaying the granites prevent a massive infiltration of the cold fluids at depth. This context favours within the high-permeability fractures granites the development of buoyancy-driven flows which combined with topographically-driven flows, provided the conditions for the upflow of the high-temperature waters.  相似文献   
中国上海地区地铁隧道一般位于第④层淤泥质黏土层中,在地铁行车荷载作用下隧道周围土体变形引起隧道轴线沉降,有些区段隧道轴线沉降量已超过20cm,引起了一系列环境地质问题。本文以上海第④层原状淤泥质黏土为研究对象,通过室内循环三轴试验,模拟地铁运营过程中产生的振动荷载,研究荷载作用下上海淤泥质黏土的累积应变、孔隙水压力及再固结后的Cu抗剪强度的变化规律,并分析加载过程中排水状态因素对土体特性的影响,得到一些重要结论,为上海地区地铁运营阶段行车荷载作用下土体变形,引起隧道轴线沉降的预测和防治提供了有价值地参考。  相似文献   
利用NOAA NDVI数据集监测冬小麦生育期的研究   总被引:39,自引:2,他引:39       下载免费PDF全文
探索了利用NDVI研究作物生育期的方法,对黄淮海冬麦区的返青期、抽穗期、成熟期进行了估测,并利用地面实际观测资料进行了验证。结果表明,NDVI数据对大范围农作物生育期监测是可行的。冬小麦遥感反青期由南到北依次推迟,符合春季绿波由南到北推移规律。对冬小麦遥感生育期年际变化分析表明,黄淮海平原返青期变化相对较大,而抽穗期和成熟期变化较小。根据历年月平均温度与返青期分析,冬小麦返青日期与2月份平均温度密切相关。对于局部地区,利用5d合成1km分辨率数据,且按农业生态分区分别制定生育期判别标准,估测效果将更好。  相似文献   
In the central Aegean, the Cycladic island of Amorgos consists of two high‐pressure (HP) units, the marble‐rich Amorgos unit, which is correlated to the Mesozoic ‘cover’ sequence of the Menderes Massif, and the Cycladic Blueschist unit. New structural data show that the deformation history of the Amorgos HP‐rocks was principally governed by early Oligocene (or late Eocene)–early Miocene ductile to brittle thrusting (D1–D3) followed by middle–late Miocene oblique contractional movements (D4–D5). The D1 phase caused syn‐blueschist‐facies ductile thrusting of the Cycladic Blueschist unit over the Amorgos unit, with ambiguous kinematics. Progressive deformation under continuous NW–SE compression produced a sequence of imbricate NW‐directed thrusts (D2/3) characterized by a stratification of fault‐related rocks, with mylonitic zones (D2) giving way downwards to cataclastic zones (D3). Ductile D2 thrusting synchronous to greenschist‐facies retrogression, was accompanied by mega‐sheath folding during constrictional and general shear deformation. Brittle D3 thrusting was associated with NW‐verging F3 folds trending at a high‐angle to the transport direction. Orthogonal contraction gave way to transpression during which the compression orientation changed from NW–SE (D4) to NE–SW (D5). Back‐arc related NW–SE pure extension (D6) seems to have been established in post‐late Miocene times and related high‐angle normal faulting affected HP‐rocks only after they had already reached the uppermost crustal levels. Oligocene–early Miocene deformation history is interpreted to indicate syn‐compressional exhumation of HP‐rocks possibly in an extrusion wedge. In this case, Amorgos HP‐rocks should have occupied the base of the extrusion wedge. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Chatham Islands, at the eastern end of the Chatham Rise in the South‐west Pacific, are the emergent part of a Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic stratovolcano complex that is variably covered with limestones and fossiliferous tuffs. Most of these deposits accumulated in relatively shallow, high‐energy, tide‐influenced palaeoenvironments with deposition punctuated by periods of deeper‐water pelagic accumulation. Carbonate components in these neritic deposits are biogenic and dominated by molluscs and bryozoans – a heterozoan assemblage. The widespread Middle to Late Eocene Matanginui Limestone contains local photozoan elements such as large benthonic foraminifera (especially Asterocyclina) and calcareous green algae, reflecting the general Palaeogene sub‐tropical oceanographic setting. More localized Late Eocene to Oligocene deposits (Te One Limestone) as well as Pliocene carbonates (Onoua Limestone) are, however, wholly heterozoan and confirm a generally cooler‐water oceanographic setting, similar to today. Early sea floor diagenesis is interpreted to have removed most aragonite components (infaunal bivalves and epifaunal gastropods). Lack of aragonite resulted in the absence of intergranular calcite cementation during subaerial exposure, such that most carbonates are friable or unlithified. Cementation is, however, present at nodular hardground–firmground caps to metre‐scale cycles. Such cements are microcrystalline or micrometre‐thick isopachous circumgranular rinds with insufficient definitive attributes to pinpoint their environment of formation. The overall palaeoenvironment of deposition is interpreted as mesotrophic, resulting in part from upwelling about the Chatham volcanic massif and in part from nutrient element delivery from the adjacent volcanic terrane and coeval volcanism. Biotic diversity in tuffs is two to three times that in limestones, supporting the notion of especially high nutrient availability during periods of volcanism. These mid‐latitude deposits are strikingly different from their low‐latitude, tropical, photozoan counterparts in the volcanic island–coral reef ecosystem. Ground water seepage and fluvial runoff attenuate coral growth and promote microbial carbonate precipitation in these warm‐water settings. In contrast, nutrients from the same sources feed the system in the Chatham Islands cool‐water setting, promoting active heterozoan carbonate sedimentation.  相似文献   
The analysis of texture, major element and oxygen isotope compositions of cloudy garnet crystals from a metapelite sampled on Ikaria Island (Greece) is used to assess the model of growth and re‐equilibration of these garnet crystals and to reconstruct the pressure–temperature–fluid history of the sample. Garnet crystals show complex textural and chemical zoning. Garnet cores (100–200 μm) are devoid of fluid inclusions. They are characterized by growth zoning demonstrated by a bell‐shaped profile of spessartine component (7–3 mol.%), an increase in grossular from 14 to 22 mol.% and δ18O values between 9.5 ± 0.3‰ and 10.4 ± 0.2‰. Garnet inner rims (90–130 μm) are fluid inclusion‐rich and show a decreasing grossular component from 22 to 5 mol.%. The trend of the spessartine component observed in the inner rim allows two domains to be distinguished. In contrast to domain I, where the spessartine content shows the same trend as in the core, the spessartine content of domain II increases outwards from 2 to 14 mol.%. The δ18O values decrease towards the margins of the crystals to a lowest value of 7.4 ± 0.2‰. The outer rims (<10 μm) are devoid of fluid inclusions and have the same chemical composition as the outermost part of domain II of the inner rim. Garnet crystals underwent a four‐stage history. Stage 1: garnet growth during the prograde path in a closed system for oxygen. Garnet cores are remnants of this growth stage. Stage 2: garnet re‐equilibration by coupled dissolution–reprecipitation at the temperature peak (630 < T < 650 °C). This causes the creation of porosity as the coupled dissolution–reprecipitation process allows chemical (Ca) and isotopic (O) exchange between garnet inner rims and the matrix. The formation of the outer rim is related to the closure of porosity. Stage 3: garnet mode decreases during the early retrograde path, but garnet is still a stable phase. The resulting garnet composition is characterized by an increasing Mn content in the inner rim’s domain II caused by intracrystalline diffusion. Stage 4: dissolution of garnet during the late retrograde path as garnet is not a stable phase anymore. This last stage forms corroded garnet. This study shows that coupled dissolution–reprecipitation is a possible re‐equilibration process for garnet in metamorphic rocks and that intra‐mineral porosity is an efficient pathway for chemical and isotopic exchange between garnet and the matrix, even for otherwise slow diffusing elements.  相似文献   
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