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过去对Spitak,Loma Prieta和Guam地震的研究表明,大地震发生之前都会有相应的磁场异常。为了确认这一事实并详细研究超低频(ULF)现象,日本建立了一个超低频磁力仪的监测网络,开展了包括小型台阵在内的网络观测工作。文中同时介绍了在Matsukawa台站观测到的与Iwateken Nairiku Hokubu地震(震级M6.1级,发生在1998年9月3日,震源深度为10km)相关的地磁资料。分析了4.5年的资料,并对获得的结果进行了讨论。在地震前两个星期,水平和垂直分量之间的谱密度比的(极化)变化表现出异常情况。这是在相当长的数据分析中发现的一次独特的变化,它暗示了这种异常变化可能是大地震孕育期间的一个信号。  相似文献   
The physical stresses associated with emersion have long been considered major factors determining the vertical zonation of intertidal seaweeds.We examined Porphyra umbilicalis(Linnaeus) Kützing thalli from the vertical extremes in elevation of an intertidal population(i.e.upper and lower intertidal zones) to determine whether Porphyra thalli acclimate to different vertical elevations on the shore with different patterns of nitrate uptake and nitrate reductase(NR) and glutamine synthetase(GS) activities in response to different degrees of emersion stress.We found that the nitrate uptake and NR recovery in the emersed tissues took longer in lower intertidal sub-population than in upper intertidal sub-population;and GS activity was also significantly affected by emersion and,interestingly,such an activity was enhanced by emersion of thalli from both upper and lower intertidal zones.These results suggested that intra-population variability in post-emersion recovery of physiological functions such as nutrient uptake and NR activity enables local adaptation and contributes to the wide vertical distribution of P.umbilicalis.The high GS activity during periodic emersion stress may be a protective mechanism enabling P.umbilicalis to assimilate nitrogen quickly when it again becomes available,and may also be an evidence of photorespiration during emersion.  相似文献   
In the course of the past ten years,a constant outpouring of newfacts has continuously improved our views on the Late Cenozoic historyof North China.Hence a constant re-adjustement,not only of the  相似文献   
Variation in the concentrations of iodine-129 (129I, T1/2=15.7 Myr), a low-level radioactive component of nuclear fuel waste, is documented in surface waters and depth profiles collected during 2001 along a transect from the Norwegian Coastal Current to the North Pole. The surface waters near the Norwegian coast are found to have 20 times higher 129I concentration than the surface waters of the Arctic Ocean. The depth profiles of 129I taken in the Arctic Ocean reveal a sharp decline in the concentration to a depth of about 300-500 m followed by a weaker gradient extending down to the bottom. A twofold increase in the 129I concentration is observed in the upper 1000 m since 1996. Based on known estimates of marine transient time from the release sources (the nuclear reprocessing facilities at La Hague, France, and Sellafield, UK), a doubling in the 129I inventory of the top 1000 m of the Arctic Ocean is expected to occur between the years 2001 and 2006. As 129I of polar mixed layer and Atlantic layer of the Arctic Ocean is ventilated by the East Greenland Current into the Nordic Seas and North Atlantic Ocean, further dispersal and increase of the isotope concentration in these regions will be encountered in the near future.  相似文献   
Macroalgal beds in temperate rocky habitats provide shelter and food for many adult reef fishes and their juvenile stages. In the Mediterranean Sea, the fishery of the endolithic date-mussel Lithophaga lithophaga (which involves dismantling of rocky substrates inhabited by these bivalves) may cause formation of barrens in shallow rocky reefs. Preliminary data collected in SW Apulia (SE Italy) show that rocky reefs impacted by this destructive fishery display different distribution patterns of adult Coris julis (a common labrid fish in the Mediterranean basin), and lower abundance of juveniles. The ecological implications of date-mussel fishery for dynamics of fish populations and rocky-reef ecosystem functioning (e.g., nursery role) are discussed.  相似文献   
CRETACEOUS AND TERTIARY BOUNDARY IN THE TINGRI REGION OF SOUTHERN TIBETtheNNSFProject(49872 0 0 3)andtheNationalProject (G19980 40 80 0 )ofChina  相似文献   
2004年12月26日苏门答腊—安达曼地震激发的地球自由振荡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据300~500S的面波估计得到的哈佛大学矩心矩张量断层机制,当周期大于1000S时,地球的地震自由振荡的振幅将异常地大。我们对一个比较陡的断层应用根据地震的体波和面波得到的更真实的破裂模型,估计了自由振荡的振幅近似等于地震矩(6.5×1022N.M),这相当于矩震级为9.15。由于破裂的持续时间达600S,故断层破裂模型足以描述地震的观测结果,但却低估了大地测量位移,这些位移表明在尼科巴群岛和安达曼群岛下面发生了缓慢的断层运动。  相似文献   
海洋产业的发展对海洋资源具有高度依赖性,在建设“海洋强国”背景之下,研究海洋产业集聚、海洋资源禀赋与海洋经济增长具有重要意义。文章基于2006—2019年我国沿海11个省(自治区、直辖市)的数据,利用固定效应模型实证检验海洋产业集聚与海洋经济增长的关系基础上,分析海洋资源禀赋的调节效应,最后进一步利用空间杜宾模型分析海洋产业集聚对海洋经济增长的空间溢出效应。得出如下结论:海洋产业集聚与沿海地区的海洋经济增长之间存在“倒U”型关系;通过调节效应检验可知,海洋资源禀赋在海洋产业集聚影响海洋经济增长的过程中发挥调节效应,海洋资源禀赋既能够通过促进实物资本投资、降低交易成本等产生“资源福音”,也能挤出海洋产业科技创新与人力资本投资从而产生“资源诅咒”;通过空间计量分析可知,海洋产业集聚对海洋经济增长具有显著的空间溢出特征。  相似文献   
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