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王延斌  韩德馨  姜亮  杨青  王拯 《地球化学》2000,29(2):167-174
利用飞行时间二次离子质谱仪(简称TOF-SIMS)对渤海湾地区C-P太原组和山西组煤中基质镜质体进行了对比研究,结果表明,在接收到的正二次离子中都含有一定的烯基和烷基碎片,这些脂族碎片离子的出现说明它们具有富氢及较好的生烃性质。同时,该仪器的实际应用结果表明,它对研究煤及源岩中有机显微组分的化学成分和结构具有独特的优势。  相似文献   
地表剥蚀、下地壳流变与造山作用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
岩石圈的流变特性研究已经成为固体地球科学研究中的重要领域,是地球科学新理论、新观点的重要渊源。最近的研究表明,下地壳普遍存在的韧性流是造山作用的重要制约因素。在下地壳物质层流变作用机制的调节下,地表剥蚀作用并不仅仅是传统意义上地表夷平的因素,它还能打破地壳动力学和热力学平衡,引起地壳内物质和结构的重置,进而促成山脉的加剧隆升;地表剥蚀作用的强度既受控于造山带的抬升,也受制于地球外圈层(大气圈、水圈、生物圈)。以天山山脉和喜马拉雅山山脉的隆起、喜马拉雅山山脉的变质作用以及相关的构造活动为例,说明在造山过程中,尽管传统意义上的造山作用与地球内部动力过程,即构造作用有密切联系,但是与构造运动的时空尺度不同,地表剥蚀作用也能够在相对较小的时空尺度内,通过影响和控制造山带下地壳的韧性流动,成为地壳抬升和造山带构造演化的重要动力因素。对地壳的流变特性和变质变形研究是当前地球系统科学研究的一个重要切入点。  相似文献   
中天山东段古生代淡色花岗岩的发现及其构造意义   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
在吐鲁番地区底坎尔南的中天山构造带,新发现含电气石和石榴石的淡色花岗岩侵入于富铝泥质片岩系中。SHRIMP U-Pb锆石年代学分析,表明淡色花岗岩的形成不晚于354±16Ma,同时还给出了600~1200Ma的原岩继承锆石年龄。淡色花岗岩的发现及其形成年龄的确定,表明中天山在354Ma前具有与陆缘弧背景相似的构造环境,并在354Ma前完成碰撞过程,为进一步研究古生代天山构造演化提供了新的证据。  相似文献   
介绍了正在建设中的全球湖泊数据库的情况,以及该数据库的水位资料所反映的晚更新世末期以来全球湿润状况的变化。通过大尺度湖水位变化的时空分析,结果显示当今湖泊水位状态较历史时期而言,位于低纬干旱或半干旱地区的湖泊水位较低,而中纬及高纬湿润地区的湖泊水位较高。自末次冰盛期以来,北美大陆中南部地区湖泊水位自高至低,反映出该地区气候条件由湿变干,至早、中全新世达最干旱。而在非洲及南亚季风地区,冷期偏干,暖期偏湿。特别是在早、中全新世的温暖时期,为历史上最湿润时期。北半球中纬度地带的气候干湿变化与北半球冰盖的存在及其消融导致的西风带的南北摆动有关;而北半球季风区在早、中全新世出现的高潮面与北半球夏季辐射的增加有密切联系。  相似文献   
受到历史、地理和地缘政治等因素的影响,德国的国家发展轨迹迥异于欧洲其他国家。1871年德国才建立真正意义上的民族国家,其民族国家的构建过程复杂而波折,演进历程又始终伴随着对“到底什么是德国?而德国又在哪里?”的讨论与思考。在国家发展进程中,德国先后采取了多种地缘战略,不同的地缘战略选择又直接影响着国家战略和民族命运,或迅速崛起,或迅速衰落。本文以历史上德国所采取的地缘战略为主线,探究不同历史时期地缘战略的产生背景、主要策略和重要影响。总结出特殊的地缘区位、落后时代的政治体制、独具特色的民族性格、良莠不齐的哲学根基和高度发达的教育科技五个因素为德国地缘战略的主要影响因素,进一步分析各因素的影响。剖析在这些地缘战略影响因素的交织作用下,德国在地缘战略的构划、制定、实施等方面形成的强烈自身特点。  相似文献   
<正>1.Overview In July 2018, the Antarctic community came together to meet at the 13th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate (WAMC) in Madison, Wisconsin, USA (Fig. 1); and in the following year in June 2019, the 14th WAMC was held in  相似文献   
The application of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) as a shell extractant for preparation of soft body parts with reference to tissue metal concentrations (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) in shellfish has been evaluated on the example of the mud snail Hydrobia ulvae, a small marine prosobranch densely present in rocky and soft-bottom habitats of the eastern Atlantic. A solution of 0.1 M TCA was tested on individuals treated according to two different protocols: (1) thawed after freezing ("non-dried") and (2) thawed and air-dried to a constant weight ("dried"). Two points were investigated in detail to improve the method: individual soft tissue dry weight and tissue metal concentration following a standard digestion method. In both instances, the results were compared with those from manually dissected snails. Conditions for total shell decalcification of 60 individuals (3-4 mm long) were 5.5 h in 20 ml of 0.1 M TCA.No differences in individual soft tissue weight were observed between the treatments, indicating good efficiency of the TCA extraction with respect to weight of soft body parts. In contrast, tissue metal concentrations varied among treatments. The TCA extraction of the dried animals had a good recovery for Cd, most likely due to the lower solubility of Cd vital cellular components (proteins and mineral concretions) from the dried tissue. Satisfactory recoveries of the tissue concentrations of Cu and Pb were obtained for the non-dried individuals. This might be related to the specific distribution of metals in the organism (namely in the digestive glands and gonads) and their different chemical reactivity with TCA after the tissue was dried. Limited susceptibility of Zn-bearing protein bindings to complexing with TCA also accounts for significantly lower concentrations of Zn in the mud snail's soft tissue that was extracted. The 0.1 M TCA solution is therefore recommended for extraction of the shells of Hydrobia ulvae for tissue determination of Cd, Cu and Pb; however the treatment protocol does affect metal recovery and thus a consistent procedure should be followed.The extracted metals from the soft tissues and shells of the mud snails (on the basis of both metal concentrations and contents) were ranked in order of increasing contribution of soft body parts to the total (shell+tissue): Pb相似文献   
仁怀市喀斯特地区建设用地适宜性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设用地适宜性评价是土地利用规划和资源管理的基础性工作.为合理确定贵州喀斯特地区城镇扩展方向,在GIS的支持下,以贵州省仁怀市为例,文章选取地形地貌、开发利用条件、地质因子3方面6个单因子,构建该研究区低丘缓坡建设用地适宜性评价指标体系,并对仁怀市低丘缓坡建设用地适宜性进行综合评价.结果表明:适宜建设用地和比较适宜建设用地主要分布仁怀在市中部和西南地区.  相似文献   
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