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双点后方交会的数学模型及解算程序   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨祖泽 《四川测绘》1995,18(4):179-181
迄今为止,双点后方交会尚无简捷适用的数学模型。本文推导了双点后方交会四种图形通用的解算公式,并据此编写了适于可编程序计算器fx-4500P的解算程序。  相似文献   
文章通过应用遥感资料对昌平黑山寨乡植被生长分布状况与水系、岩性、土壤、地形地貌等 自然条件的相关分析,结合各种果树的适宜生长条件,对该区果林生产进行了规划。规划意见已被 地方政府采纳,取得了良好的社会经济效益。 1984年我们采用不同时间、不同比例尺的金色航片和彩色红外航片对昌平县黑山寨乡果林分布现状、水系、地形坡度、地貌一土壤侵蚀状况、岩性进行了调查,编制了一套比例尺为1:25000的果林生产系列图件。通过果林生长状况与水系、岩性、土壤、地形等条件的相关分析,我们发现各种果树都有一定适宜生长的条件。据此,我们结合该地自然条件,对果林生产进行了规划。  相似文献   
为调查广西大厂锡多金属矿田和高龙金矿区近20 a来生态环境人为破坏情况,采用了Quickbird-2和SPOT-1卫星遥感技术.研究表明,Quickbird-2的1、4、2或2、4、1波段与Pan波段融合影像具有很好的矿山生态环境识别效果,可以用于米级尺度的大比例尺矿山环境调查任务.SPOT-1 Pan波段与Landsat-7 ETM+ 7、5、4波段数据融合可以用于10 m级的中比例尺矿山环境调查任务.本文还从遥感角度讨论了矿山生态环境破坏对地球生态系统造成的影响.  相似文献   
火山口地下构造详细的地震成像对于增进这些高危险火山的构造和火山学的知识是必不可少的。然而,在火山地带,尤其是在岸上,很难获得高质量的地震数据。我们报道了拉福萨火山口(意大利武尔卡诺岛)西部地区的高分辨率地震剖面结果。利用高分辨率的振动源及交替采集和处理技术,我们能够克服由火山煤岩类型带来的大多数困难。本研究提供了火山堆积的地下分布和一些重要内部喷火山口构造的识别。我们确定了埋于拉福萨火山口下面的寄生火山口或玄武碎屑岩丘的位置,它在约1km的深度记录到地震的地方正在消散CO2。此外,在剖面最南部发现的变形模式与穹隆侵入后破火山口塌陷是一致的。结果表明,使用高分辨率振动源结合交替地震采集技术和非常规处理方法,可以帮助恢复火山地区浅层构造的详细信息。  相似文献   
Cores taken from 16 stations within Eight Day Swamp, a highly contaminated marsh in the Hackensack Meadowlands, were analyzed for metal concentrations and for benthic community structure. Metal levels were compared with the benchmark ERM values, and expressed in terms of toxic units. Mercury was the most important metal in all the samples in terms of its contribution to the total toxic units. The overall abundance and taxa richness in the benthic community were associated with the height of the location relative to the tidal cycle, but were generally not significantly correlated with metal concentrations at the sites. Ordination of the communities showed that the communities that were low-lying (on the mudflat) were most similar to one another, and those that were higher up on the marsh were most similar to one another. However, diversity indices (Shannon-Wiener H' and Simpson's) were significantly associated with concentrations of the metals (except As) and with the sum of the toxic units at a station.  相似文献   
The rapid and high bioaccumulation of mercury in marine mammals and its spatial and temporal variations have been a major puzzle in the Arctic. While extensive efforts have been focussed on the monitoring and chemistry of atmospheric mercury depletion events, a recent mass budget estimate of mercury in the Arctic suggests that we have overlooked the role of the ocean itself. Only through focussed studies on Hg dynamics in the Arctic Ocean under a changing climate are we going to understand what the risk of mercury is to those marine ecosystems and the people who rely on them.  相似文献   
地壳“轧展效应”及其地震方面的证据   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
宋贯一  杨同林 《地震》1991,(4):49-56
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