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A large fire of 233 ha in Huascarán National Park in Peru provided an opportunity to compare plant and bird responses in burned and nearby unburned zones of the puna. Heights and live diameters of flagship Puya raimondii rosettes(assigned to four broad developmental phases), plant communities(66 species in 24 families and nine growth forms) and bird communities(77 species in six trophic guilds) were monitored after the fire. Although no mortality was observed, Puya raimondii plants were affected...  相似文献   
SCE-UA方法在新安江模型参数优化中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以前在使用新安江模型时人们遇到的最大困难可归因于缺乏有效的参数全局优化的数学方法,事实上对于一个缺乏经验的人来说,模型参数的人工试错计算的过程是一个相当不容易的过程,并且耗时颇多,为此,近些年来研究者们正在探索把概念性水文模型中的专家经验与自动优化计算相结合的方法或者数学优化中的全局优化方法,如SEC-UA方法,本文首先简述新安江模型,而后采用3个大小和气候条件各不相同的流域对SCE-UA算法就在新安江模型计算的参数优化进行了研究,研究结果表明,SCE-UA算法用来进行新安江模型的参数优化所取得的效果是好的,从率定和检验的结果来看,SCE-UA算法可以使得率定的新安江模型的参数达到全局最优并且从概念上也合理。  相似文献   
As a rule, the hydrodynamic modeling of processes in fresh waters is performed with the use of potential temperature θ and potential density ρ*. However, the formulae of potential temperature for natural waters given by Phillips (1977), Gill (1982) and others take into account only adiabatic correction. They do not consider such important characteristics of natural waters as temperature of maximal density Tmd (S,P) remoting of real temperatures T(S,P) in situ from Tmd (T -Tmd), changes of Tmd with decreasing of pressure P (depth Z), and the equation of water state. Tmd=Tmd(P) is the property of molecular structures of water (Horne, 1969). It is determined by the equation of water state:for example, for lacustrine waters in the form of Chen, Millero, (1986) ρ=ρ(S,T,P), where ρ,S are density and salinity natural water. There is given and discussed a new formula for the calculation of potential temperature. It is established that potential densities calculated according to the new formula suggested by us show the entire thermodynamic similarity of characteristics within T in situ. It is not observed while using the old formulae.  相似文献   
This paper proposed the use of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) for lake observation. The performance of the proposed system is demonstrated at the lake Biwa in Japan using the test-bed AUV the "Twin-Burger 2" available at the University of Tokyo. The proposed AUV system is capable of moving autonomously to predetermined locations carrying different kinds of sensing equipment for lake survey and sensors for navigation. In this system, the predetermined path of the AUV is marked by laying an underwater cable. At the lake Biwa the Twin-Burger 2 successfully followed the cable while collecting information on the environment. In situations where the cable was lost from the image a search algorithm was activated and if not recovered the vehicle will come to the surface.  相似文献   
Impact pile driving is an interesting technique for the construction of deep foundations from a practical and economical point of view. However, the generalization of this technique can be restricted due to the excessive vibration levels that can be generated, which can be especially problematic in residential areas. However, different mitigation measures can be applied to prevent excessive vibration levels inside buildings located near construction sites. To compare its efficiency through a num...  相似文献   
In the north-western part of Szechwan Basin is the famous Chengtu Plain,with an area of 8,000 sq. km. and at 500-700 m. above the sea level. It is a huge alluvial plain formed by cohesion of many alluvial fans, among which the Minking fan is the largest, constituting 2/3 of the area of Chengtu Plain.  相似文献   
通过对塔里木地块北部的一套二叠-三叠纪地层的古地磁研究,确认了石炭-二叠纪反极性超带的上界。这一界线为在中国和世界范围进行二叠-三叠系层序的对比提供了一个重要的标志。同时给出了塔里木地块二叠-三叠纪的古地磁极位置为71.8°N,187.6°E。通过与中国和亚洲相邻地块的同一时期极位置的对比指出,当时塔里木地块与中朝地块还相隔甚远,而与哈萨克斯坦地块已很接近,但尚未完全拼合在一起。  相似文献   
一、引言 Sheppard和Gude(1968)在更新世特科帕湖(Lake Tecopa)小于2μm的泥岩碎片中辨认出了海泡石。他们推断海泡石是自生的,而别的粘土矿物则是碎屑成因的,而且他们还建议进一步取样,以确定海泡石的分布及其与别的粘土矿物的关系。本文作者在特科帕湖的粘土中采了158个样品,只有43个样含海泡石,本文只涉及那些含海泡石的样品,不管其含量多少。更新世特科帕湖约23公里长,18公里宽,位于Mojave Desert地区,在加利福尼亚因约县(Inyo County)东南的死谷(Death Val-  相似文献   
前言苏联的可用水一般从北向南减少,南方需要额外的水(图1)。除伏尔加河外,最大的河流都流经人口稀疏、不发达的北部与东部地区,这些地区的需水量则是不高的。流过这些地区的河流流量大约为4700立方公里,占年径流量的84%。西伯利亚、远东和苏联北欧与西北欧部分目前供水充足,其他地区目前或不久的将来由于人口稠密和工农业高度发展,将面临供水短缺问题。苏联大约75%的人口和80%的工农业生产集中在苏联欧洲部分南部,哈萨克和中亚,而这些地区的河流径流量却只占全国的16%。  相似文献   
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