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This study examined perceptions of the impacts of the antinatalist (OPP) and pronatalist (NPP) policies in Singapore. Data were obtained from a sample of 209 men and 280 women under 45 years old who lived in Ang Mo Kio New Town in the center of the island. Findings indicate that 53.4% of women said that fertility decisions were joint ones. 50% of women and 65% of men said that family size was jointly determined. Over 70% were aware of the OPP "stop at 2" policy. Those who gave accurate, detailed knowledge were mostly over 35 years old. Knowledge of OPP did not vary by education, but did vary by awareness of incentives and disincentives. 45.4% of women believed that OPP was a necessary state policy; 25.4% did not. 36.4% thought that OPP was fair; 28.3% did not. 60.3% of women said that OPP did influence family size in society, but 63.8% said it did not influence their individual family size. Finances, education, and child care were explanatory factors in individual planning. OPP is viewed as a successful policy not because of ideology, but because of the value placed on improved socioeconomic standards. 58.2% of women and 55.5% of men knew the details about the NPP. 51.9% of women said the NPP would encourage larger family size, but 87.8% said it would not affect them personally. Findings suggest that personal freedoms and public ideology are not binary, public-private concepts in fertility decision making.  相似文献   
我们的目的是说明大地测量学的近代发展如何为解决地球动力学的基本问题提供新的工具。例如:1.全球规模的重力场的知识将给出关于地幔中过渡带位置的信息,或关于地核-地幔交界面的地形的资料;2.在地球表面上的高精度定位将允许测量构造板块的位移,同时将对地震预报作出贡献;3.用新技术所确定的极移的分析,将能阐明其阻尼问题,维持这一运动的能源问题以及地核-地幔耦合等问题。  相似文献   
In the present study objective analyses of relative humidity (RH) at surface and at the levels of 850,700 and 500 hPa have been made using Gandin’s (1963) optimum interpolation scheme. As the horizontal resolution of the radiosonde stations is rather inadequate for upper air humidity analysis, a scheme has been developed, following Rasmussen (1982) to estimate the upper air RH from the surface observations like surface RH, present weather and cloud cover. The relative humidities at the levels 850, 700 and 500 hPa were related to the surface observations through three separate regression relations. The RH values at 850, 700 and 500 hPa levels were estimated from the surface RH, cloud coverage and present weather using the above regression relations and subsequently the objective analyses at 00 GMT for the period from 4 July to 8 July 1979, were made using these estimated data along with the observed radiosonde data. Objective analyses were also made for the same period using only the radiosonde data for comparison to study the impact of those estimated data. Root mean square errors were computed for all the five days by interpolating RH at the observing stations from the objectively analysed field and comparing them with the actually observed RH to examine how best the analyses (with and without estimated data) fitted the observations. Lastly they were compared with satellite cloud pictures. This study shows that the estimated upper air RH values have positive impact on the analysis of upper air RH and could be used over radiosonde date sparse region and even over oceanic regions.  相似文献   
继近几年来苏联使用的称为“CHIM—10”的野外勘探技术以来,一种基于电化学原理的利用原有设备的方法已用于寻找贱金属硫化物。这个方法利用了金属离子的正电性质,当大片土壤由于输入直流电而被人工电离时,靠近矿化带的潮湿土壤剖面中的金属离子势必会朝大功率大间隔电极系中的阴极运动。首先,进行了实试室模型试验,试验取得了振奋人心的结果。随后,组装了野外试验设备并用于在野外检验它的有效性。试验土壤剖面位于卡纳塔克邦哈桑县Aladahalli地区的贱金属硫化物带上,这里的矿床地质情况是众所周知的。在野外试验中获得的结果相当令人满意,并且与已知的地质情况完全一致。然而,在对该系统不同的可变参数做了必要的改正以后,仍然要对那些数据做细致的评价。以标准化和开发应用为目的,改进方法的工作正在进行,以便定性和定量评价给定地区的隐伏贱金属矿床,尤其是在那些常规地球化学勘查方法不适用的地方。本文论及该方法的细节并讨论在野外试验中所获得的结果。  相似文献   
自远古以来,世界上大部分人口的生活和活动都是同一定时期内的相对海平面及其变化的结果有关的。从此观点出发,那些实际上是全球性的有关洪水泛滥的传说,可能正代表着公元前18000—6000年之间海平面常以大于10毫米/年的速率上升了近100米,使人类的聚居地逐渐向内陆后退这个事件的人类记忆残迹。  相似文献   
新近的测量、统计分析和模型都支持大地震可以在出人意料的大距离和时间尺度上触发后续火山喷发的猜想。  相似文献   
南秦岭横丹浊积岩系是一套巨厚的浊流沉积,以向南或南东倾的单斜构造产出。由下而上,该沉积层序包括深水盆地、深水浊积扇和斜坡水道3个相序。相应地,沉积物粒度变粗,厚度变大,火山质组分含量增加,凝灰层大量发育,表明横丹浊积岩系为活动型浊积岩;其古水流方向为NNW—NNE向,物源区为南侧的碧口火山岩系。另外,横丹浊积岩系内还见石英岩、重结晶大理岩成分的砾石,说明其物源还包括被动陆缘环境的沉积物。相序、组构、沉积特征和物源区综合分析表明,横丹浊积岩系为弧前盆地充填物。构筑这一弧前盆地的动力学机制是洋壳板块向南俯冲于扬子板块被动陆缘之下,时代可能晚于中晚泥盆世。  相似文献   
介绍了正在建设中的全球湖泊数据库的情况,以及该数据库的水位资料所反映的晚更新世末期以来全球湿润状况的变化。通过大尺度湖水位变化的时空分析,结果显示当今湖泊水位状态较历史时期而言,位于低纬干旱或半干旱地区的湖泊水位较低,而中纬及高纬湿润地区的湖泊水位较高。自末次冰盛期以来,北美大陆中南部地区湖泊水位自高至低,反映出该地区气候条件由湿变干,至早、中全新世达最干旱。而在非洲及南亚季风地区,冷期偏干,暖期偏湿。特别是在早、中全新世的温暖时期,为历史上最湿润时期。北半球中纬度地带的气候干湿变化与北半球冰盖的存在及其消融导致的西风带的南北摆动有关;而北半球季风区在早、中全新世出现的高潮面与北半球夏季辐射的增加有密切联系。  相似文献   
一种滤膜取样冰核处理云室   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.引言测定气样中冰核浓度的一种方便方法是用滤膜取样,而后将此滤膜放在静态扩散云室中加以处理。在目前这是一种相当好的标准方法,由于滤膜取样设备便于携带,因此,它很适合外场使用。取样后的滤膜可以留待  相似文献   
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