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We expand the planetary Hamiltonian function with its two parts, the principal and the indirect, up to the seventh order in the planetary masses. We adopt the Jacobi-Radau system of origins. The expansiion is valid for any number of planets.  相似文献   
Ground penetrating radar is a noninvasive geophysical technique that can be used to infer subsurface geological, geotechnical, and petrophysical attributes. For water contamination studies, ultimate target, i.e., contaminant flow, is demarcated with the help of dielectric permittivity, water content, and porosity. The dielectric permittivity facilitates to evaluate water content; whereas the dielectric permittivity can be estimated by using the interval velocity, and porosity can be estimated by using the information of water content and dielectric permittivity. All these parameters are interlinked. This paper describes different empirical and mixing relationships to calculate approximately these parameters and their utilization in predicting the hydrogeological model of the area.  相似文献   
A part of the light curves of two detached (CD Tau and V909 Cyg) and one semi-detached (Algol) binaries have been analysed with the emphasis on the determinacy of the parameters of different systems from a part of their eclipse curves. A model light curve for whichr 1=0.050,r 2=0.150,i=90°, andL 1=0.800 were chosen, has also been considered for a further clarification of the determinacy problem of the eclipse parameters. Some insight into the determinacy is gained by varying one parameter and adjusting the others for the best fit to the light curves in the considered eclipse phases. It was realised that the determinacy problem of the unknown parameters is stored in the determinacy of the type of the eclipse minima. The attempts of the solutions with a false choice of initial elements result in finding (i) no minimum of 2 to give any acceptable solution, (ii) rapid departure from the false start and convergence on the correct solution, or (iii) a false solution mostly with a true inclinationi, but wrong sense of the ratio of the radii.  相似文献   
In this paper, we demonstrate the effectiveness of steerable filters as a method of delineating the boundaries of subsurface geological structures. Steerable filters, generally used for edge detection on 2-D images, have the properties of band pass filters with certain directions and are applied to many image processing problems. We first tested the method on synthetic data and then applied it to the aeromagnetic data of İskenderun Basin and adjacent areas.İskenderun Basin is located in the Northeastern Mediterranean where African–Arabian and Anatolian plates are actively interacting. The basin fill records a complex tectonic evolution since the Early Miocene, involving ophiolite emplacement, diachronous collision of Eurasian and Arabian plates and subsequent tectonic escape related structures and associated basin formation. Geophysical investigations of the tectonic framework of İskenderun Basin of Turkey provide important insights on the regional tectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. In this study we show geological structures, which are responsible for the magnetic anomalies in İskenderun Basin and enlighten the structural setting of the Northeastern Mediterranean triple junction using steerable filters. We obtained a magnetic anomaly map of the region from the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration as raw data and then evaluated this by steerable filters. We determined the magnetic anomaly boundaries for İskenderun Basin by using various types of steerable filters and correlated these to drilling data and seismic profiles from the Turkish Petroleum Corporation. The result of the steerable filter analysis was a clarified aeromagnetic anomaly map of İskenderun Basin. The tectonic structure of İskenderun Basin is divided into regions by an N–S trending oblique-slip fault defined by the steerable filter outputs. We propose a new tectonic structure model of İskenderun Basin and modify the direction of the East Anatolian Fault Zone. In our model, East Anatolian Fault Zone cross-cuts the basin as a narrow fault zone and continues towards the Cyprus arc.  相似文献   
The distances of three Sb galaxies NGC 224, NGC 2841 and NGC 7331 have been determined using the apparent size distribution of dark interstellar clouds in each of them. The distances of NGC 224, NGC 2841, NGC 7331 were found to be 727.7 ± 63 kpc, 8.07 ± 0.16 Mpc and 7.22 ± 0.15 Mpc, respectively.  相似文献   
Pyrite, chalcopyrite, and gold occur in quartz veins in granitic rocks and as scattered and disseminated impregnations in shear zones of the highly altered metavolcanics in the Hamash area, Southeastern Desert, Egypt. The minerals are associated in part with pyrrhotite, digenite, tetrahedrite, chalcocite, bornite, and covellite. Pyrite occurs in two forms: (1) idio- to hypidiomorphic coarse crystals with inclusions of preexisting sulfides, and (2) fine-crystalline aggregates. Chalcopyrite occurs in three forms: (1) idiomorphic coarse crystals, (2) fine-crystalline microinclusions, and (3) xenomorphic relicts. Three genetic phases of sulfide mineralization were identified. They are related to the successive cooling of the crystallizing solutions. Gold was hosted in the older sulfide minerals during a high-temperature disorder phase. Native gold was formed during the latest, decreasing-temperature phase through remobilization of auriferous pyrite. Microprobe analysis confirmed that gold and copper are relatively enriched in the late pyrite. Identified surface-alteration products include goethite, limonite, gold, carbonates, and sulfates of iron and copper.  相似文献   
An analytically tractable method of transforming the problem of light curve analysis of eclipsing binaries from the time domain into the frequency domain was introduced by Kopal (1975, 1979, 1990). This method uses a new general formulation of eclipse functions α, the so-called moments A 2m , and their combinations as g 2m = A 2m+2/(A 2m A 2m+4) functions for the basic spherical model. In this paper, I will review the use of these functions in the light curve analysis of eclipsing binaries.  相似文献   
Abstract Meatiq and Hafafit core complexes are large swells in the Eastern Desert of Egypt, comprising two major tectono‐stratigraphic units or tiers. The lower (infrastructure) unit is composed of variably cataclased gneissose granites and high‐grade gneisses and schists. It is structurally overlain by Pan–African ophiolitic mélange nappes (the higher unit). The two units are separated by a low‐angle sole thrust, along which mylonites are developed. Major and trace element data indicate formation of the gneissose granites in both volcanic arc and within‐plate settings. Nevertheless, all analyzed gneissose granites and other infrastructural rocks, exhibit low initial ratios (Sri) (<0.7027), positive εNd(t) (+4.9 to +10.3) and Neoproterozoic Nd model age (TDM) (592–831 Ma for the gneissose granite samples). Although these values are compatible with other parts of the Arabian– Nubian Shield considered to be juvenile, the εNd(t) values and several incompatible element ratios of the gneissose granites are too low to be derived from a mantle source without contribution from an older continental crust. Our geological, Sr–Nd isotopic and chemical data combined with the published zircon ages indicate the existence of a pre‐Neoproterozoic continent in the Eastern Desert that started to break up at ca 800 Ma. Rifting and subsequent events caused the formation of oceanic crust and emplacement within‐plate alkali basalts in the hinterland domains of the old continent. The emplacement of basaltic magma might have triggered melting of lower crust in the old continent and resulted in emplacement of the within‐plate granite masses between 700 Ma and 626 Ma. The granite masses and other rocks in the old continent have been subjected to deformation during the over‐thrusting of Pan–African nappes, probably because of the oblique convergence between East and West Gondwanaland. Rb–Sr isotopes of the gneissose granites in both Meatiq and Hafafit core complexes defines an isochron age of 619 ± 25 Ma with Sri of 0.7009 ± 0.0017 and mean squares of weighted deviates = 2.0. We interpret this age as the date of thrusting of the Pan–African nappes in the Eastern Desert. Continued oblique convergence between East and West Gondwanaland could have resulted in the formation northwest–southeast‐trending Meatiq and Hafafit anticlinoriums.  相似文献   
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