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A mathematical model was developed to predict the coal bed methane (CBM) production and carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration in a coal seam accounting for the coal seam properties. The model predictions showed that, for a CBM production and dewatering process, the pressure could be reduced from 15.17 MPa to 1.56 MPa and the gas saturation increased up to 50% in 30 years for a 5.4 × 105 m2 of coal formation. For the CO2 sequestration process, the model prediction showed that the CO2 injection rate was first reduced and then slightly recovered over 3 to 13 years of injection, which was also evidenced by the actual in seam data. The model predictions indicated that the sweeping of the water in front of the CO2 flood in the cleat porosity could be important on the loss of injectivity. Further model predictions suggested that the injection rate of CO2 could be about 11 × 103 m3 per day; the injected CO2 would reach the production well, which was separated from the injection well by 826 m, in about 30 years. During this period, about 160 × 106 m3 of CO2 could be stored within a 21.4 × 105 m2 of coal seam with a thickness of 3 m.  相似文献   
Physicochemical and microbiological characterization of anoxic sediments taken from seven highly polluted sites of the Marmara Sea was carried out. The 16S rRNA based microbial community structure analyses were performed using domain-specific PCR followed by denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and sequencing of characteristic bands. The results showed that the microbial communities in these sediments were diverse and evenly distributed. Relating the prokaryotic and geochemical variables through statistical tools revealed that the microbial diversity in the sediments significantly related to depth, and S, Mn and Fe content of the sediments. Fermentative bacteria, denitrifying bacteria and hydrogenotrophic methanogens were dominant whereas sulfate reducing bacteria were absent in the DGGE patterns. This unusual microbial community structure implied that the newly discovered anaerobic methane oxidation coupled to denitrification process may occur in these subseafloor environments.  相似文献   
Utilizing the rainfall intensity, and slope data, a fuzzy logic algorithm was developed to estimate sediment loads from bare soil surfaces. Considering slope and rainfall as input variables, the variables were fuzzified into fuzzy subsets. The fuzzy subsets of the variables were considered to have triangular membership functions. The relations among rainfall intensity, slope, and sediment transport were represented by a set of fuzzy rules. The fuzzy rules relating input variables to the output variable of sediment discharge were laid out in the IF-THEN format. The commonly used weighted average method was employed for the defuzzification procedure.The sediment load predicted by the fuzzy model was in satisfactory agreement with the measured sediment load data. Predicting the mean sediment loads from experimental runs, the performance of the fuzzy model was compared with that of the artificial neural networks (ANNs) and the physics-based models. The results of showed revealed that the fuzzy model performed better under very high rainfall intensities over different slopes and over very steep slopes under different rainfall intensities. This is closely related to the selection of the shape and frequency of the fuzzy membership functions in the fuzzy model.  相似文献   
The COVID-19(coronavirus)disease has affected over 100 countries in a matter of weeks.The way humans live and work on planet Earth has changed profoundly over the last months.Many lives and livelihoods have been lost.Ways of working,shopping,and social interactions are all vastly different for most of us.We do not know when the current crisis will end,or how far we will"return"to the way things were before the pandemic.The world is experiencing one of the most transformative moments of the last 100 years.The social,economic,and political influences of the COVID-19 crisis have already been hugely momentous,we do not utterly understand it.Looking ahead,we have inevitably had to make important public health,economic,governance,and ecological decisions with less information than usual and to reverse recently adopted policies,which can lead to an era of disruptive transformations to sustainability.During these historic times,we must understand the hidden reality of the earth system and attempt to transform our needs so that we all have a sustained future on our planet.  相似文献   
Early Cenozoic (48–50 Ma) adakitic volcanic rocks from the Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey, consist of calc-alkaline and high-K calc-alkaline andesite and dacite, with SiO2 contents ranging from 56.01 to 65.44 wt.%. This is the first time that Early Eocene volcanism and adakites have been reported from the region. The rocks are composed of plagioclase, amphibole, quartz, and Mg-rich biotite. They have high and low-Mg# values ranging from 55 to 62 and 13 to 42, respectively. High-Mg# rocks have higher Ni and Co contents than low-Mg# samples. The rocks exhibit enrichments in large ion lithophile elements including the light rare earth elements, depletions in Nb, Ta and Ti and have high La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios. Their relative high ISr (0.70474–0.70640) and low εNd (50 Ma) values (? 2.3 to 0.8) are inconsistent with an origin as partial melts of a subducted oceanic slab. Combined major- and trace element and Sr–Nd isotope data suggest that the adakitic magmas are related to the unique tectonic setting of this region, where a transition from a collision to an extension stage has created thickening and delamination of the Pontide mafic lower crust at 50 Ma. The high-Mg adakitic magmas resulted from partial melting of the delaminated eclogitic mafic lower crust that sank into the relatively hot subcrustal mantle, and its subsequent interaction with the mantle peridotite during upward transport, leaving garnet as the residual phase, elevates the MgO content and Mg# of the magmas, whereas low-Mg# magmas formed by the melting of newly exposed lower crustal rocks caused by asthenospheric upwelling, which supplies heat flux to the lower crust. The data also suggest that the mafic lower continental crust beneath the region was thickened between the Late Cretaceous and the Late Paleocene and delaminated during Late Paleocene to Early Eocene time, which coincides with the initial stage of crustal thinning caused by crustal extensional events in the Eastern Pontides and rules out the possibility of an extensional regime before ~ 50 Ma in the region during the Late Mesozoic to Early Cenozoic.  相似文献   
On 19 February 2007, a landslide occurred on the Alaard?ç Slope, located 1.6 km south of the town of Yaka (Gelendost, Turkey.) Subsequently, the displaced materials transformed into a mud flow in E?lence Creek and continued 750 m downstream towards the town of Yaka. The mass poised for motion in the Yaka Landslide source area and its vicinity, which would be triggered to a kinetic state by trigger factors such as heavy or sustained rainfall and/or snowmelt, poise a danger in the form of loss of life and property to Yaka with its population of 3,000. This study was undertaken to construct a susceptibility mapping of the vicinity of the Yaka Landslide’s source area and to relate it to movement of the landslide mass with the goal of prevention or mitigation of loss of life and property. The landslide susceptibility map was formulated by designating the relationship of the effecting factors that cause landslides such as lithology, gradient, slope aspect, elevation, topographical moisture index, and stream power index to the landslide map, as determined by analysis of the terrain, through the implementation of the conditional probability method. It was determined that the surface area of the Goksogut formation, which has attained lithological characteristics of clayey limestone with a broken and separated base and where area landslides occur, possesses an elevation of 1,100–1,300 m, a slope gradient of 15 °–35 ° and a slope aspect between 0 °–67.5 ° and 157 °–247 °. Loss of life and property may be avoided by the construction of structures to check the debris mass in E?lence Creek, the cleaning of the canal which passes through Yaka, the broadening of the canal’s base area, elevating the protective edges along the canal and the establishment of a protective zone at least 10-m wide on each side of the canal to deter against damage from probable landslide occurrence and mud flow.  相似文献   
In this study, a new, GIS-based solid waste site selection tool (DUPIT) is introduced to obtain a systematic and unbiased methodology during the evaluation phases of alternative solid waste disposal areas with regards to vulnerability to groundwater pollution. The proposed tool is an index technique based on the linear combination of five different hydrogeological parameters including Depth to groundwater table, Upper layer lithology, Permeability of the unsaturated zone, Impermeable layer thickness and Topographic slope. Five different categories are developed to classify each alternative based on the suitability of the site for a solid waste disposal area. As a result, each site is ranked according to the contamination risks for groundwater resources. The proposed technique is applied to the District of Torbali near Izmir, Turkey to determine the most appropriate solid waste disposal site location. The Torbali application is implemented by using a GIS database developed for the area. Based on the results of this application, the best alternative solid waste disposal site for Torbali is selected to be located in the northern portions of the city where the groundwater table is deep, the permeability is low and the topographic slope is mild.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine and evaluate the geochemical characteristics of the limestone of the Upper Cretaceous Mortas Formation and related terra rossa in a 50 km2 area which is located 20 km south of the city of Seydisehir, Central Anatolia, by using data obtained from the ICP-MS analysis of randomly collected 42 samples of limestone and 18 samples of the terra rossa.The limestone of the Mortas Formation is composed of fossilliferous, gray-cream colored, medium to thick bedded, partially dolomitic carbonate rocks, and generally has dismicrite, intrapelmicrite composition. It includes the largest bauxite reservior in Turkey and has many occurences of terra rossa formation on it. According to mean distance, the Ba, Be, Hg, Mo, Nb, Sb and Th concentrations in the limestones overlying and underlying the bauxite deposits are different, but the main oxides, REE and other trace elements are same. In factor analysis, the first component reflects relative enrichment of clay against to CaO contents of the limestone, the second component corresponds to the degree of dolomitization. The PAAS-normalized REEs pattern for the Mortas Formation limestone samples illustrate similar main features as seawater.The terra rossa soils in the study area are considered to be highly weathered and weakly mature soil with respect to their generally low Al2O3 (21%), but high CaO (2%) contents, and their alteration indices. The element ratios in the terra rossa and limestone show that in the process of the transformation from limestone to terra rossa, Ba, Si, Ti, Al and Fe were enriched together by staying in-situ. Except Ce, all lanthanides show similar behavior, but the HREE, which were richer in limestone, were consumed fast relative to the LREE during soil formation. The association and the enrichment of Co, Cu, Cr, Ni and Pb as well as Ba, Zr, Ga, Nb and Rb in soil relative to the limestone are interpreted as being resulted from eolian transportation. Ca, Au, Hg, Sr, Se, Sb, Mo, Ag, U, Cd and Na were found to be the most mobile elements during pedogenic transformation. According to main oxide composition ratios of the limestone and terra rossa, the soils were described as representing a well washed soil completing the leaching and accumulation phase, but not totally completing the silicate weathering phase. In the processes of soil formation, 97.76% of the limestone was washed away; only 2.24% of limestone was deposited as soil. Therefore, 61 times mass reduction was realized.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to generate a land productivity dynamics (LPD) map of a degraded catchment located in sub-humid terrestrial ecosystem via a land degradation assessment using three indicators, namely land use and land cover, land productivity, and soil organic carbon density. The study was carried out in two adjacent microcatchments located in Gediz River Basin and conducted between 2001 and 2015. For this purpose, Landsat satellite images were used to determine changing of land use and land cover and vegetation density. In addition, 319 soil samples were collected from surface and subsurface soil depths to detect soil organic carbon density of the study area in May 2015. According to the study results, in more than 23% of the catchments’ area of approx. 3896 ha, land productivity is observed to decline while about 24% shows early signs of decline level. Some of these areas used under agricultural cropping, overgrazed pasture, and artificial areas showed evidence of soil erosion problem. Only very small area of the catchment shows stable and increasing land productivity dynamics trend during the 14-year period.  相似文献   
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