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The current practice of slope stability analysis for a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill usually overlooks the dependence of waste properties on the fill age or embedment depth. Changes in shear strength of MSW as a function of fill age were investigated by performing field and laboratory studies on the Suzhou landfill in China. The field study included sampling from five boreholes advanced to the bottom of the landfill, cone penetration tests and monitoring of pore fluid pressures. Twenty-six borehole samples representative of different fill ages (0 to 13 years) were used to perform drained triaxial compression tests. The field and laboratory study showed that the waste body in the landfill can be sub-divided into several strata corresponding to different ranges of fill age. Each of the waste strata has individual composition and shear strength characteristics. The triaxial test results showed that the MSW samples exhibited a strain-hardening and contractive behavior. As the fill age of the waste increased from 1.7 years to 11 years, the cohesion mobilized at a strain level of 10% was found to decrease from 23.3 kPa to 0 kPa, and the mobilized friction angle at the same strain level increasing from 9.9° to 26°. For a confinement stress level greater than 50 kPa, the shear strength of the recently-placed MSW seemed to be lower than that of the older MSW. This behavior was consistent with the cone penetration test results. The field measurement of pore pressures revealed a perched leachate mound above an intermediate cover of soils and a substantial leachate mound near the bottom of the landfill. The measurements of shear strength properties and pore pressures were utilized to assess the slope stability of the Suzhou landfill.  相似文献   
地理信息标准化是很漫长的道路,在实践中常常由于规范性的缺乏而带来很多问题.本文试从提高数据字典的通用性、灵活性和可维护性角度出发,提出了通用基础地理信息数据字典系统的概念,并从规范数据生产过程的角度出发,产生了建立一套全新独立的、由向导生成的数据字典建库方案流程的思路.最后根据以上思路研制开发了空间数据库辅助设计系统.  相似文献   
陶玲  曹田  吕莹  张文杰  任珺 《中国沙漠》2017,37(2):276-280
由于具有提高沙土的稳定性和保水性等特征,复合高吸水性固沙材料在荒漠化土地治理方面具有一定的潜力和应用前景。研究了蓝藻结皮在不同比例凹凸棒基高分子固沙材料中的生长状态和生理特性。结果表明:蓝藻结皮与经4 mol·L-1硫酸改性后的凹凸棒基高分子固沙材料以1∶3质量比配比生长情况最佳;比较了复配材料喷洒量为400、500g·m-2处理下蓝藻叶绿素a、丙二醛、可溶性蛋白及可溶性糖含量等生理指标,喷洒量为500 g·5m-2的蓝藻结皮与经4 mol·L-1硫酸改性后的凹凸棒基高分子固沙材料生理特性较好。  相似文献   
南水北调中线降水丰枯遭遇风险分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
受降水丰枯变化不确定性和差异性的影响,南水北调中线工程水源区与受水区降水的丰枯遭遇状态各不相同,给南水北调工程水资源调度运行带来风险。联合copula函数和贝叶斯网络理论,建立了南水北调中线工程水源区和受水区降水丰枯遭遇风险分析模型,对南水北调中线工程调水最不利的丰枯遭遇风险概率进行了研究。利用copula函数建立了水源区和受水区年降水量联合分布函数,计算条件概率,结合贝叶斯网络进行丰枯遭遇风险分析。结果表明南水北调中线4个受水区调水风险的概率均在25%以下,并对不同情景的调水风险进行了仿真分析。  相似文献   
RegCM3模式对青藏高原温度和降水的模拟及检验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
为了检验RegCM3区域气候模式对青藏高原地区的模拟能力,利用NCEP再分析资料和观测站点资料,采用三种不同的对流参数化方案,对青藏高原地区2006年夏季进行了模拟分析,并重点对温度和降水进行了细致的检验。结果表明:模式能较好地再现青藏高原地区大尺度的环流特征,具有对青藏高原地区的温度和降水分布特征的模拟能力;对于量值的模拟,三种对流参数化方案均模拟出了与实况温度一致的变化趋势,但均存在5~6 ℃的冷偏差;Grell方案模拟的降水量均大于实况,Kuo-Anthes方案对于高原地区的降水量的模拟较为接近于实况,但模式对降水量的模拟能力仍有待进一步提高。  相似文献   
赵玲  齐铎  李树岭  张月 《气象科技》2017,45(1):102-107
探讨了黑龙江省2000年以来浓雾时空分布特征以及秋季浓雾异常环流特征和环流分型。结果表明:黑龙江省浓雾春季和冬季少,夏季最多,但多发生在山区,持续时间短,局地性强;范围大、持续时间长、灾害重的浓雾天气主要出现在秋季,其中10—11月持续性浓雾天气过程均发生在2010年以后。黑龙江省秋季浓雾多发生在暖湿空气较强的环境条件下,根据500 hPa高度场和距平场特征把秋季偏暖背景下浓雾发生的主要环流型分为西低东高型和纬向型,黑龙江省中低层正高度距平、850 hPa距平风场上反气旋环流以及西北太平洋副热带高压常偏北偏强等异常环流特征对浓雾中短期预报有较好的指示意义。  相似文献   
本文根据搭载于Cluster卫星的CIS/CODIF和RAPID仪器的观测数据,统计研究了等离子体片中的H+、O+离子在磁暴期间的时间变化特性,及其对太阳风条件的响应.观测结果表明:(1) 磁暴开始前,O+离子(0~40 keV)数密度保持在较低水平.随着磁暴的发展,O+数密度缓慢上升,其峰值出现在Dst极小值附近;H+离子(0~40 keV)数密度在磁暴开始之前的较短时间迅速增加并达到峰值,在磁暴开始之后迅速降低,并在整个主相和恢复相期间保持在相对较低水平.更高能量的离子则在磁暴开始后迅速增多,并在低能O+离子达到峰值之前达到峰值.因此我们推测磁暴初期从等离子体片注入环电流的主要是H+离子,主相后期O+离子可能扮演更为重要的角色.(2)在地磁活动时期,太阳风密度和动压强与等离子体片中的H+、O+数密度存在一定相关性.等离子体片中的H+离子对北向IMF Bz较为敏感,而IMF Bz南向条件下更有利于太阳风参数对等离子体片中O+数密度的影响.在地磁活动平静期,太阳风条件对等离子体片中的离子没有明显影响.  相似文献   
作物对土壤中重金属的吸收受作物种类、采集部位及土壤理化性质等多方面因素的影响。近年来,金衢盆地土壤酸化面积逐年增大,酸化程度逐渐加深,其对土壤-作物系统中重金属元素的活动影响尚不明确。本文基于金衢盆地典型地区264组根系土壤-稻米样品分析数据,开展土壤、作物的重金属含量特征及其影响因素的研究,重点讨论了土壤pH对作物吸收重金属的影响。结果表明:①264件土壤中多数重金属元素的变异系数大于0.5,As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni和Zn元素之间呈显著正相关(P<0.01)。土壤Cd超标样品23件,超标率为8.7%;As、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb和Zn超标样品均未超过2件。②稻米中Cu、Zn与Cd含量呈显著正相关,Cd的富集系数(BCF)高于植物营养元素Cu、Zn。③稻米中Zn和Cu在P<0.1水平上与pH值呈显著正相关。Cd、Cr、Hg的BCF与pH值之间存在一定的负相关性。研究认为,适当调低土壤的酸碱度会削减土壤中Cd、Hg等重金属元素的活性,从而减少农作物对重金属的吸收转运。研究结果可为当地粮食安全生产决策提供科学数据,为土地管护提供参考依据。  相似文献   
对北京地区1994~2005年暖季(5~9月)雷暴、冰雹、暴雨和大风等各种对流天气进行了气候统计和分析。统计结果表明:北京地区暖季发生对流的概率很高,按日数统计的气候概率达47.77%,有雷暴相伴的强对流天气大风、暴雨和冰雹气候概率分别为27.29%、10.84%和6.29%。另外,北京地区对流天气一般可连续出现3 d,强对流天气也可连续出现2 d。北京地区对流季节长达4个月,其中6、7、8月为主要的对流月,这三个月中雷暴发生的气候概率均超过50%。暴雨多发季节为7月中旬到8月上旬。冰雹集中于6月中、下旬。在对流天气的地理分布上,北京西北部、东北部山区及西南部山区多对流天气,中心区和东南部平原地区对流天气较少。暴雨呈西南-东北方向带状分布,东北部山区、中部和东南部平原地区多发生暴雨,而西北部和西南部山区很少发生暴雨。山区冰雹明显多于平原。西北部和东北部山区大风偏多,西南部霞云岭大风最少。暴雨有明显的夜发性,即夜间次数多,降水量更大。冰雹集中发生在午后到傍晚,占冰雹总站次的76.72%。夜间发生冰雹的概率非常小,上午到中午也不多。  相似文献   
According to climate features and river runoff conditions, Xinjiang could be divided into three research areas: The Altay-Tacheng region, the Tianshan Mountain region and the northern slope of the Kunlun Mountains. Utilizing daily observations from 12 sounding stations and the annual runoff dataset from 34 hydrographical stations in Xinjiang for the period 1960-2002, the variance of the summertime 0℃ level height and the changing trends of river runoff are analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively, through trend contrast of curves processed by a 5-point smoothing procedure and linear correlation. The variance of the summertime 0℃ level height in Xinjiang correlates well with that of the annual river runoff,especially since the early 1990s, but it differs from region to region, with both the average height of the 0℃ level and runoff quantity significantly increasing over time in the Altay-Tacheng and Tianshan Mountain regions but decreasing on the northern slope of the Kunlun Mountains. The correlation holds for the whole of Xinjiang as well as the three individual regions, with a 0.01 significance level. This indicates that in recent years, climate change in Xinjiang has affected not only the surface layer but also the upper levels of the atmosphere, and this raising and lowering of the summertime 0℃ level has a direct impact on the warming and wetting process in Xinjiang and the amount of river runoff. Warming due to climate change increases the height of the 0℃ level, but also speeds up, ice-snow melting in mountain regions, which in turn increases river runoff, leading to a season of plentiful water instead of the more normal low flow period.  相似文献   
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