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Microstructure and hydraulic conductivity of a compacted lime-treated soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Under a given compaction energy and procedure, it is known that maximum dry density of a soil is lowered due to lime addition. This modification of maximum dry density could alter the hydraulic conductivity of the soil. The main object of this study was to assess the impact of lime-stabilization on a silt soil microstructure and then on saturated hydraulic conductivity. An investigation at the microscopic level with mercury intrusion porosimetry showed that lime treatment induced the formation of a new small class, with a diameter lower than 3 × 103 Å in the compacted soil. This class is responsible for the difference in dry density between the treated and the untreated sample after compaction. It is shown that this small pores class was not altered by the compaction water content, the compaction procedure or the dry density. As in untreated soils, only the larger pores were modified by the compaction water content and the compaction procedure in the lime treated samples. The hydraulic conductivity appeared to be only related to the largest pores volume of the tested silt, regardless of lime treatment. Therefore, this study demonstrated that even if addition of lime resulted in a dramatic change of the maximum dry density of the tested silty soil, its effect on hydraulic conductivity is limited.  相似文献   
Haplognathia ruberrima is a cosmopolitan gnathostomulid species found in sulfur bacterial mats in mangroves in Guadeloupe (French West Indies). Haplognathia ruberrima presents a δ13C value lower than all measured meiofaunal grazers and lower than the available measured food sources of this environment. This low δ13C value can not be due to specific ingestion of 13C‐depleted methanogenic bacteria because abundances of those bacteria are reduced in surficial and deep sediments as revealed by δ13C of bacterial fatty acid. According to scanning electron microscope observations, no bacterial ectosymbionts were observed at the surface of the gnathostomulids, and transmission electron microscope views revealed the absence of bacterial endosymbionts. Energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy analysis detected low levels of sulfur (0.32%±0.8) in biological tissues of H. ruberrima, confirming the absence of thioautotrophic bacterial symbionts in these animals. Consequently, the low δ13C value of H. ruberrima can not be due to the presence of sulfur‐oxidizing symbionts but more probably to the selective and exclusive consumption of free‐living, sulfur‐oxidizing bacteria.  相似文献   

Les modèles pluie–débit sont fortement utilisés dans la gestion des risques hydrologiques et la prévision des crues. Dans cette étude, nous présentons un modèle pluie–débit pour la prévision des débits horaires basé sur la technique des réseaux de neurones artificiels (RNA). Ce modèle a été développé et appliqué sur le bassin versant de l’Eure au Nord-Ouest de la France afin de dépasser les problèmes dus à la non-linéarité de la relation pluie–débit et à l’imprécision des données collectées. La création de ce modèle a nécessité plusieurs étapes pendant lesquelles nous avons pu déterminer les paramètres du modèle permettant la compréhension de la complexité hydrologique et la production des informations nécessaires à la prévision. Elles ont abouti à un modèle de réseau de neurones artificiels capable d’effectuer, en quelques secondes, des prévisions des crues efficaces jusqu’à un horizon de prévision de 48 h. Ces résultats confirment que les modèles RNA peuvent jouer un rôle important dans le domaine de la prévision car capables de modéliser la non-linéarité des relations pluie–débit rencontrées sur certains bassins hydrologiques.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz Associate editor E. Gargouri  相似文献   
The abundance of different size classes of perch and roach in the littoral zone of Lake Geneva was compared between submerged aquatic vegetation and unvegetated zones. Samples were taken with gillnets during four periods between June and October 1993. During the vegetation period (June to September), perch 9 cm and roach 10 cm were more abundant in vegetation whereas roach > 20 cm were more abundant in open water. Perch larger than 18 cm and medium roach were equally distributed in both habitats whatever the period, whereas medium perch distribution fluctuated according to the period. In October, after the decline of the vegetation, no more differences in fish distribution were observed except for small roach, which were always more abundant in the vegetated sites.  相似文献   
Based upon a re-interpretation of previous data and a new field campaign, a structural evolution is proposed for the early history of Piton de la Fournaise volcano from 500,000 to 50,000 years. Conceptually, it is shown that the formation of a caldera in which lava flows are contained inside the caldera depression, gives time for erosion to excavate deep canyons on the external slopes of the volcano, for example, the Rivière des Remparts, the Rivière Langevin and the Rivière de l'Est canyons on Piton de la Fournaise volcano. These canyons are infilled when lavas, filling the caldera and overflowing its rim, are able again to flow on the external slopes of the volcano. In the past, this excavating/infilling process has occurred twice following the formation of the Rivière des Remparts and Morne Langevin calderas. The formation of the third caldera, the Plaine des Sables caldera, was followed by the excavation of the current canyons. In addition to this process, two large landslides have been documented in the field. The first, which happened about 300,000 years ago, is apparently the first episode of the break up of Piton de la Fournaise volcano, predating the formation of the four large calderas. The second landslide, which occurred 150,000 years ago and is considered to be less extensive, has carried away the entire southern flank of the Rivière des Remparts caldera.  相似文献   
A method allowing isolation of phytoplancton algae for unialgal cultures is briefly described. Advantages and limits of the method are discussed.  相似文献   
A new flat embedding method is commented. This method allows embedding of the same phytoplankton sample for light and transmission electron microscopy. Rare or interesting field specimens can then be easily selected and sectioned without the need of cultures. A great range of biological material can be handled with this method.  相似文献   
This microstructural and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility study of the internal structures of the Hercynian Néouvielle granite pluton (100 km2) provides new data indicating that the pluton was emplaced during the main Hercynian tectonic event recognized in the Pyrenees. It also provides new data about the later Alpine deformation localized along narrow mylonitic bands. These bands acted as reverse faults and have not rotated the Hercynian structures that define the main part of the pluton. The pluton is composed of two structural domains: the northern half of the pluton displays a beak shape in map view, with subhorizontal E-W trending lineations of magmatic origin; the southern half is semi-circular and displays rather steeply northward plunging lineations corresponding to magmatic and high temperature (HT) solid-state microstructures. These features are associated with magma deformation during emplacement. Magma deformation corresponds, in the northern half of the pluton, to an E-W strike-slip deformation recognized in the enveloping pelitic metasediments of Carboniferous age and, in the southern half of the pluton, to southward overthrusting recognized in the enveloping quartzites of Devonian age. Juxtaposition in a single granite body of transcurrent and compressive domains is viewed as a strain partitioning in the magma. This strain partitioning is linked to both the transpressive character of the main regional deformation event and the rheological contrast between the pelitic country rocks and quartzose country rocks.  相似文献   
Trace element distributions in the source waters of the Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) show the existence of elevated total acid-soluble iron concentrations. This region has been suggested to contribute enough bioavailable iron to regulate interannual and interglacial variability in biological productivity downstream in the high-nitrate low-chlorophyll upwelling zone of the eastern equatorial Pacific. We investigated the advection and first-order biogeochemical impact of an imposed, data-based iron maximum in the western Pacific EUC using an ecosystem model forced by a global dynamical model. We imposed two source profiles of iron constrained by total acid-soluble iron measurements. Though the data for total acid-soluble iron included both dissolved and acid-soluble particulate iron species, we treated all of the total acid-soluble iron as if it was dissolved and bioavailable. A deeper (270 m) source was centered in the density horizon of the observed iron maximum and a shallower (180 m) source was located in the core of our model's EUC, where a dissolved iron maximum has been frequently postulated. These source runs were compared with a control run that contained no specific source of iron associated with the EUC. In the source runs elevated iron concentrations were simulated in the EUC across its entire zonal span, evident as a subsurface plume of dissolved iron slightly below the core of the EUC. In the control run there was no iron maximum associated with the EUC. Upwelling of iron-replete water in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific increased integrated primary productivity in the Wyrtki box (180°W:90°W, 5°S:5°N, 0:200 m) by 41% and 66% for the deeper and shallower iron perturbation, respectively. The source runs increased the realism of the zonal extent of HNLC conditions and the meridional distributions of biological productivity, relative to the control run. However, in the source simulations surface chlorophyll concentrations were too high by a factor of two and maximum surface nitrate concentrations were too low, relative to climatologies. The relative abundance of diatoms roughly doubled upon the input of additional iron, exceeding field observations. Though biogeochemical data are limited and we did not adjust parameters to optimize the model fits to observations, these results suggest that acid-soluble particulate iron supplied to the EUC in the western equatorial Pacific is unlikely to be entirely bioavailable.  相似文献   
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