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A Kalman filter-based method combining the energy of both L1 C/A and L2C GPS signals in a combined tracking loop method to
enhance performance under adverse conditions is developed. Standard tracking methods and the ionospheric effect on GPS signals
are reviewed and compared to a new Kalman filter that simultaneously estimates delay, phase and total electron content by
combining L1 C/A and L2C code and phase discriminator outputs. The new filter is tested and compared to standard methods for
tracking L1 C/A and L2C using both simulated and real data. The new method is found to have improved sensitivity of 3 dB compared
to standard L1 tracking and 4.5 dB compared to standard L2C tracking while at the same time providing an accurate estimate
of the total electron content along the signal path. 相似文献
岩石热破裂是高放废物地质处置工程中需深入研究的课题。对我国高放废物重点预选场址甘肃北山的花岗岩开展室内热破裂模拟试验研究,采用多通道温度测试仪、声发射、波速层析成像和数码显微镜等手段研究了该花岗岩热破裂过程。试验表明,(1)热破裂从试件端部开始产生,逐步向内缓慢扩展,表现出分段性和独立性;(2)根据声发射撞击率可将热破裂可分为稳定热损伤、宏观裂纹形成、宏观裂纹扩展、裂纹冷却闭合4个阶段,声发射定位的时空演化规律清楚地揭示了裂纹从试件上端部向内部扩展的规律;(3)波速层析成像指示了宏观裂纹位置及高温对岩石造成显著损伤的区域,热应力产生的损伤集中在试件边界,范围小,损伤严重,高温造成的损伤集中在钻孔附近高温区,范围较大,损伤略轻微;(4)监测多通道温度,获得了试件内的温度场并为数值模拟参数选取提供验证,采用有限元程序进行了热力耦合数值模拟,从机制上初步解释了热破裂现象,研究认为综合声发射实时监测热破裂过程和波速层析成像能实现对热损伤的量化的特性可实现岩石热破裂的动态监测和损伤量化,为今后地下实验室相关试验的开展和认识高放废物处置长期稳定性做了有意义的探索。 相似文献
上气道为人体重要的组成部分,随着多种影像学手段的应用,对其认识逐步深入。以往研究有其局限性或不可靠性,目前锥形束CT(CBCT)已成为研究气道形态大小的主要手段。总结应用CBCT研究气道的多种气道划分标准、多种分析测量软件及方法,主要通过测量气道容积、长度、不同截面矢状径、横径和面积等项目,研究不同骨面型患者的气道特点,得出差异所在,用以指导气道疾病的治疗及错颌畸形的正畸正颌手术等。 相似文献
以黄河三门峡地区为研究对象,构建适用于流域尺度植被生态用水估算的生态水文模型,对三门峡地区20世纪50年代以来植被生态用水量进行了定量模拟,得到研究区植被生态用水时空结构差异.在此基础上,对三门峡地区不同植被类型绿水资源消耗效用进行了分析,提出该区域植被结构调整方案.结果表明:三门峡地区植被生态用水量自20世纪50年代以来,由于气候和土地利用状况的变化,总体呈现出降低-稳定-上升的趋势;生态用水空间结构主要表现在不同植被类型下生态用水量差异上:林地最大,其次为农作物、灌丛,草地最小;林地高效消耗比例最大,其次为草地和灌丛,农用地最小.基于不同植被类型绿水资源消耗效用分析,提出三门峡地区植被结构调整方案.在一定水资源消耗量状况下,减少无效和低效消耗量,增加高效消耗量,是缓解该地区生产、生活、生态用水矛盾,提高总体生态效益的重要途径. 相似文献
I. O. Leont’yev 《Oceanology》2008,48(3):428-437
A method for predicting the coast evolution based on the calculated estimates of the components of the sediment budget is discussed. The approaches outlined in a series of previous publications of the author [9, 10, 11] are further developed. The prerequisites and concepts used as the basis of the suggested method for forecasting are characterized. The sediment budget parameters under typical conditions are presented. The contributions of natural processes and the anthropogenic impact are compared. Different approaches for calculating the principal sediment budget components, including the cross-shore flux through the lower boundary of the coastal zone, the eolian flux of sand material through the upper limit of the coastal zone, and the alongshore sediment flux gradients, are considered. The examples of forecasting the development of coasts in the Baltic and Kara seas and the Sea of Okhotsk are given for the period from 100 to 500 years. The results obtained show that, in the case of a balanced budget of the sediments, the future behavior of the coast would be mainly governed by the variations in the sea level. This factor is capable of determining the changes in the coastline, whose recession and advancing would depend on the rate of the sea level rise. Under specific conditions, an enhanced sea level rise can trigger destructive processes (for example, the erosion of a coastal bar or the thermal abrasion of a cliff). In the case of a strong imbalance in the sediment budget, sea-level changes play a subordinate role. 相似文献
地下隐蔽水库的高密度电法探测研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
地下空间开发过程中,要尽量避开地下已建成的建筑物和市政设施,然而由于各种原因造成地下已建成的建筑物、市政设施等具体位置不明确,形成为地下空间开发过程中的障碍物,对设计和施工造成不利影响.高密度电法具有成本低,效率高,信息丰富,解释方便等特点,威为解决这些地下障碍物问题的物探方法之一.为了探测在地铁选线过程中遇到的地下隐蔽水库,选用了高密度电法进行探测,并且依据调研到的资料建立了正演模型.模拟结果表明高密度电法可以圈定地下隐蔽水库的边界范围.最终的探测结果和正演结果基本一致.这说明在地下空间开发过程中采用高密度电法探测地下隐蔽水库具有可行性,探测的结果能为设计和施工提供参考依据.同时,在探测实施时根据已知条件进行正演模拟有助于解译高密度电法实测结果. 相似文献
Calculated Phase Relations in the System Na2O-CaO-K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O with Applications to UHP Eclogites and Whiteschists 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Pressuretemperature grids in the system Na2OCaOK2OFeOMgOAl2O3SiO2H2O and its subsystems have been calculatedin the range 1545 kbar and 550900°C, usingan internally consistent thermodynamic dataset and new thermodynamicmodels for amphibole, white mica, and clinopyroxene, with thesoftware THERMOCALC. Minerals considered for the grids includegarnet, omphacite, diopside, jadeite, hornblende, actinolite,glaucophane, zoisite, lawsonite, kyanite, coesite, quartz, talc,muscovite, paragonite, biotite, chlorite, and plagioclase. Compatibilitydiagrams are used to illustrate the phase relationships in thegrids. Coesite-bearing eclogites and a whiteschist from Chinaare used to demonstrate the ability of pseudosections to modelphase relationships in natural ultrahigh-pressure metamorphicrocks. Under water-saturated conditions, chlorite-bearing assemblagesin Mg- and Al-rich eclogites are stable at lower temperaturesthan in Fe-rich eclogites. The relative temperature stabilityof the three amphiboles is hornblende > actinolite > glaucophane(amphibole names used sensu lato). Talc-bearing assemblagesare stable only at low temperature and high pressure in Mg-and Al-rich eclogites. For most eclogite compositions, talccoexists with lawsonite, but not zoisite, in the stability fieldof coesite. Water content contouring of pressuretemperaturepseudosections, along with appropriate geotherms, provides newconstraints concerning dehydration of such rocks in subductingslabs. Chlorite and lawsonite are two important H2O-carriersin subducting slabs. Depending on bulk composition and pressuretemperaturepath, amphibole may or may not be a major H2O-carrier to depth.In most cases, dehydration to make ultrahigh-pressure eclogitestakes place gradually, with H2O content controlled by divariantor higher variance assemblages. Therefore, fluid fluxes in subductionzones are likely to be continuous, with the rate of dehydrationchanging with changing pressure and temperature. Further, eclogitesof different bulk compositions dehydrate differently. Dehydrationof Fe-rich eclogite is nearly complete at relatively shallowdepth, whereas Mg- and Al-rich eclogites dehydrate continuouslydown to greater depth. KEY WORDS: dehydration; eclogites; phase relations; THERMOCALC; UHP metamorphism; whiteschists 相似文献
城乡关系是以流为载体的社会大系统中的两个子系统之间的相互关系,反映了城市与乡村区域的动态演变过程,是影响区域发展的重要因子;城乡关联是城市与乡村地域相互作用的表现形式,对区域发展具有制约性影响,探讨城乡关联度对促进区域一体化与区域协调发展具有重要战略意义。在现状分析的基础上,用主成分分析法分析了武汉城市圈城乡关联度,从产业转移与产业链构建、现代农业发展、区域公共服务体系、基础设施一体化等方面提出了促进武汉城市圈城乡关联与协调发展的主要对策。 相似文献
高空间分辨率遥感影像(特别是城区场景)常表现出高的光谱异质性、地物细节丰富且地物拓扑关系复杂等特点,这对影像分类产生较大干扰,导致分类精度不高。针对以上情况提出一种新的非监督多相位水平集分类方法:该方法以基于区域竞争思想及Bayes准则的多相位水平集分类框架作为高分辨率遥感影像分类的基础,通过采用Parzen窗非参数密度估计方法来改善复杂场景下样本概率密度估计的准确性,从而增加分类模型的抗干扰能力;此外,为提高多水平集模型演化效率,在模型求解中提出一种简单而有效的水平集函数重初始化方案。通过与前人工作的试验对比及分析,验证了提出的模型在复杂场景及存在上述干扰的情况下表现出好的分类效果。 相似文献