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When a small, transparent replica of a seismic section is illuminated by a homogeneous beam of coherent, monochromatic parallel light a diffraction pattern is created that is representation of the double Fourier spectrum of the recorded seismic waves, i.e. their spectrum in terms of frequency, f, and apparent wave number, k. Masking selected parts of this diffraction pattern causes the spectrum to be filtered: the recomposition of the filtered spectrum then provides a filtered section. The ideal seismic section for this purpose would be a continuous variable density section obtained from recording made at every point of the seismic line. The light transmission coefficient (in terms of light amplitude) at each spot of the replica should be linearly related to the instantaneous seismic signal strength at the spot on the seismic section to which it refers. Unfortunately we cannot make recordings at every point of a seismic line and in our practically realisable recordings we have to be content with sampling in the direction of the location coordinate x. This means that with variable density recordings aliasing will be present and evident in the spectrum obtained in the direction of k; furthermore, the aliased spectrum is also multiplied by a sine function of k because the recording obtained at a given station is not presented on the seismic section as a single line along the time axis, but occupies the entire width of the trace. The diffraction patterns created by variable density recordings of dipping sine waves, including clipped recordings, and of the effect of dip filtering in such sections are discussed. The efficiency of dip rejection is shown to decrease with increasing dip. The diffraction pattern of a variable density recording is found to be characterised by a relationship between point pairs in the pattern. No such simple relationship has been found for the diffraction pattern of a variable area section; the spectra of such VAR sections belong to a very special class, because the amplitude transmission coefficient has only two values, viz. 0 and 1. Consequently, selective masking of the diffraction pattern of a VAR section may give rise to a filtered profile that does not look like a VAR section at all. General statements about the diffraction pattern of VAR sections are hard to give, because the transmission coefficient at a given point in the replica is not proportional to the signal level in the seismic section at the relevant point. In the case of VAR presentation of harmonic waves it was found that, as well as the aliasing effect in the k direction, higher harmonics of the frequency are also introduced. Some synthetic examples are given that show dip filtering to be less effective with VAR than with variable density recordings. Some arguments are advanced in favour of the opinion that high-pass filtering of VAR sections will have less success than low-pass filtering. This is demonstrated by two synthetic examples.  相似文献   
Cinquième de la serie des rapports d'étude coopérative sur les standards géochimiques du CRPG, ce rapport est consacré exclusivement aux éeléments en traces dans trois éahantillons en circulation depuis 1963: les Granites GA et GH et le Basalte BR. La pré-sentation de plus de 2000 données analytiques réporties sur 50 éléments est accompagnée d'une évaluation statistique et critique, échantillon par éahmtillon et élément par élément. La discussion est menée dans le sens d'un dialogue direct avec I'utilisateur en nuançant et en hiérarchieant les valeurs que nous veoamnandons ou proposons. Quant à I'analyste practician, il trouvera une table des valeurs "utilisables" pour une trentaine d'éléments dans les trois échantillons de référence (Table 4). Rappelons que ces échantillons sont déjà bien caractérises en ce qui concerne leurs constituants majeurs et mineurs, grâce aux quatre rapports d'étude coopérative dont le dernier est paru en 1370.  相似文献   
A graphical interpretation method is presented by which separately the depth and the product of conductivity and thickness of a vertical plate-shaped conducting orebody can be determined. The method is based on the result of model experiments.  相似文献   
Restricted occurrences of early, syn- and late-kinematic kyanite adjacent to large domal batholiths in the Archean granite–greenstone terrane of the east Pilbara craton, Australia, are considered to result from partial convective overturn of the crust. The analogue models of Dixon & Summers (1983) and thermo-mechanical models of Mareschal & West (1980), involving gravitionational overturn of dense greenstone crust that initially overlay sialic basement, successfully explain the geometry, dimension, kinematics and strain patterns of the batholiths and greenstone rims. Application of these models suggests that andalusite and sillimanite are the stable aluminosilicate polymorphs in domal crests and rims, where prograde clockwise P–T–t paths, with small pressure changes, should be recorded. Both aluminosilicates are predicted to overprint kyanite, which is observed locally around the east Pilbara domes. Kyanite is the predicted aluminosilicate polymorph in the deeper parts of domal rims and within sinking greenstone keels, reflecting rapid, near-isothermal burial. The narrow zones of kyanite-bearing schists adjacent to some batholiths in the Pilbara craton are metamorphosed, highly strained equivalents of altered felsic volcanic rocks in the low-grade greenstone succession, dragged to mid-crustal depths (6 kbar) during greenstone sinking. The schists rebounded as an arcuate tectonic wedge along the southern Mount Edgar batholith rim, during the later stages of doming, and were juxtaposed against regional, greenschist facies, low-strain greenstones. Thus, kyanite was preserved: if the walls had remained at depth, it would have been overprinted by the higher-temperature aluminosilicate polymorphs during thermal recovery. Kyanite growth in the Pilbara craton is unlikely to have resulted from ballooning of plutons, mantled gneiss doming, metamorphic core complex formation, or early crustal overthickening. The typical subvertical foliations and lineations of the tectonic wedge suggest that subvertical fabrics extended to mid-crustal depths (c. 20 km) before rebound, providing a three-dimensional glimpse of Archean dome-and-keel structures. The general occurrence of large granitoid domes in Archean granite–greenstone terranes, restriction of rare kyanite to the adjacent, high-strain batholith margins, and its absence from the batholiths, suggest that partial convective overturn of the crust may have been a common process at this early stage of Earth history.  相似文献   
This paper describes the deformation and metamorphism recorded in the Zoovoorby staurolite schist, a sliver of pelitic supracrustal material in the 1.3–1.0 Ga eastern Namaqua Province, South Africa. The supracrustal Biesjepoort Group, of which the schist is a part, has undergone at least four phases of deformation (D1–D4). D1 and D2 are preserved in the pelitic schists; staurolite and garnet grew during D1, with staurolite growth persisting to the very earliest D2 crenulation. Andalusite, found in more Mg-rich schists, grew during D2, overprinting both S1 schistosity and S0 banding. S2 has been rotated both with respect to S1 (preserved as parallel orientated inclusion trails in garnet and staurolite) and with respect to its original orientation (preserved as open D2 crenulations in staurolite). Staurolite is dissolved against S2 in zones of progressive shear. The pseudomorphing of staurolite and andalusite by cordierite, and the preservation of relic grains of both minerals in a wide range of garnet–cordierite pelites throughout the eastern Namaqua Province infers that what is preserved fortuitously in the Zoovoorby locality is representative of the early metamorphic history of a much larger terrane. The high thermal gradients needed to attain estimated conditions of 540–550° C and 1.6–2.4 kbar require substantial heat input. Large amounts of foliated (syn-D2) granite amongst the supracrustal succession are inferred to be the result of delamination of a thickened crust at a destructive plate margin, generating an elevated thermal gradient during D1–D2 times.  相似文献   
Two regionally significant microbial-foraminiferal episodes (∼150 kyr each) occur within the Early Aptian shallow marine platform in Oman and throughout eastern Arabia. The stratigraphically lower of these two intervals is characterized by isolated or coalescent domes that share similarities with modern, open-marine stromatolites from the Exuma Cays, Bahamas. The upper interval is predominantly built by a problematic Lithocodium/Bacinella consortium in buildup and massive boundstone facies. Based on high-resolution chemostratigraphy, these shoalwater intervals are coeval with oceanic anoxic event 1a (OAE1a; Livello Selli). Field evidence demonstrates that the buildup episodes alternate with stratigraphic intervals dominated by rudist bivalves. This biotic pattern is also recognized in other coeval Tethyan sections and is perhaps a characteristic shoalwater expression of the OAE1a. The short-lived regional expansions of this microbial-foraminiferal out-of-balance facies cannot be explained by local environmental factors (salinity and oxygen level) alone and the buildup consortia do not occupy stressed refugia in the absence of grazing metazoans. Judging from recent analogues, the main fossil groups, i.e. microbial assemblages, macroalgae, larger sessile foraminifera, and rudist bivalves, all favoured elevated trophic levels but with different tolerance limits. The implication of this is that the influence of palaeofertility events, possibly related to OAE1a, on carbonate platform community structures must be investigated. The observations made in these coastal sections are a significant first step for the improved understanding of the Early Aptian period of biotic, oceanic and climatic change.  相似文献   
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