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O. M. Turkina 《Petrology》2010,18(2):158-176
Newly obtained U-Pb and Sm-Nd isotopic data on Early Precambrian metamorphic and granitoid complexes in the southwestern margin of the Siberian craton (Sharyzhalgai basement uplift) are synthe-sized in order to elucidate the crustal evolution starting at the Paleoarchean (∼3.6 Ga) to Late Paleoproterozoic (∼1.85 Ga), evaluate the lateral extent of the Paleo-Mesoarchean crust, and identify major stages in its growth and recycling. Two crustal growth stages were determined in the Onot and Bulun granite-greenstone terranes: at 3.6–3.3 and 2.8–2.9 Ga. The earliest recycling processes (at ∼3.4 and 3.2 Ga) involved partial melting, metamorphism, and migmatization and produced a stable continental crust. Crustal growth in the Mesoarchean (∼2.8–2.9 Ga) due to basaltoid magmatism was associated with the recycling of the Paleoarchean crust, which served as a source of felsic melts and of detrital material for terrigenous sediments. The Archean crust of the Irkut granulite-gneiss terrane was formed by two pulses of intermediate-felsic and basic volcanism at ∼3.6-3.4 and ∼2.7 Ga. In the terminal Archean (at ∼2.55 Ga), the preexisting crust was involved in metamorphic and magmatic processes. Traces of recycling of the Paleoproterozoic crust are identified in the isotopic parameters of the intermediate-felsic granulites. Two discrete stages in the influx of juvenile material are identified in the Paleoarchean: at ∼2.0 and 1.88–1.85 Ga, with the latter stage associated with the large-scale recycling of the Archean crust during the origin of granitoids.  相似文献   
Major, trace element, and Sm-Nd isotope data are presented for the garnet-biotite and cordierite-garnet-biotite gneisses from the Early Precambrian granulite complex of the Irkut Block (Sharyzhalgai Uplift, Siberian Craton). The garnet-biotite and cordierite-bearing gneisses of the Irkut Block were formed owing to the granulite metamorphism of metaterrigenous rocks. The chemical index of weathering and the content of clayey (pelitic) components in the normative mineral composition increase from the garnet-biotite gneisses to the cordierite-bearing gneisses, thus reflecting the maturation degree of initial sediments. Protoliths of the studied paragneisses correspond to a rock series ranging from the graywacke siltstones to clayey rocks. The trace and rare-earth element distribution indicates that the terrigenous material of the paragneisses was derived from felsic and mafic provenance. Increase in contents of Fe, Ti, Cr, Ni, and Sc and the Cr/Th ratio and decrease in the La/Sc ratio from the garnet-biotite to the cordierite-bearing gneisses reflect growth of the abundance of mafic rocks in the provenance. Potential sources of the detrital material were intermediate-felsic and mafic volcanic rocks (orthogneisses and basic crystalline schists) of the Irkut Block. The paragneisses show a distinct negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.38–0.85), which suggests the input of crustal melting products, such as the potassium granites. A wide range of model Nd age (TNd(DM) = 2.4–3.1 Ga) of the paragneisses indicates the Archean to Early Paleoproterozoic age of their protoliths. The complex of isotopic, geochemical, and geochronological data, as well as the character of association of metaterrigenous rocks (mature pelites and carbonate rocks included), implies that sedimentation was separated in time from volcanism. The sedimentation was preceded by metamorphism, granite formation, and tectonic stabilization of the Irkut Block crust.  相似文献   
We study migmatized aluminous gneisses in the northwest of the Irkut granulite complex in the southeastern Sharyzhalgai uplift of the Siberian Platform basement. Migmatized gneisses with the mineral assemblage Grt + Sil + Bt + Kfs + Pl + Qz (+ Crd + Opx + Spl) contain a leucosome and widespread cordierite-bearing (+ orthopyroxene, quartz, and spinel) symplectites developed after garnet and sillimanite. Study of the microstructural relationships of minerals and modeling using the PERPLEX 672 software have shown a retrograde P-T path of metamorphism for the metasedimentary gneisses, close to the isothermal decompression (ITD). The parameters of the peak of metamorphism are T = 850-870 °C and P > 7 kbar. The weighted average age of zircon from the metasedimentary gneisses (1856 ± 13 Ma, SHRIMP) corresponds to the time of metamorphism. The decompression type of retrograde metamorphism of the rocks in the northwest of the Irkut block indicates their formation in the crust extension and thinning setting. The presence of domal structures in the section of the Irkut block on the shore of Lake Baikal suggests that the dome tectogenesis was involved in the exhumation processes. The Paleoproterozoic metamorphism and granite formation were associated with the same stage of collision processes, when the compression setting was changed by an extension one (1.88-1.85 Ga).  相似文献   
1 IntroductionIt is well known that varying dietary fatty acidprofile affects the tissue fatty acid composition and e-ven the growth performance in fish ( Bell et al.,2002; Figueiredo -Silva et al., 2005; Harel andPlace, 2003; Schulz et al., 2005; Tocher et al.,2003). Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an importantessential fatty acid for marine species, has the effectnot only on the fatty acid profile of fish body tissue,but also on biological and physiological conditions(Ishizaki et al., 2000; …  相似文献   
Analysis of the litho-geochemistry of fine-grained terrigenous rocks (metapelites, shales, and mudstones) of sedimentary megasequences in the Southern Urals, Uchur-Maya area, and the Yenisei Kryazh indicates that Riphean sequences in these regions are dominated by chlorite-hydromica rocks, with montmorillonite and potassic feldspar possibly occurring only in some of the lithostratigraphic units. According to the values of their hydrolysate modulus, most clay rocks from the three Riphean metamorphosed sedimentary sequences are normal or supersialites, with hydrosialites and hydrolysates playing subordinate roles. The most lithochemicaly mature rocks are Riphean clays in the Yenisei Kryazh (Yenisei Range). The median value of their CIA is 72, whereas this index is 70 for fine-grained aluminosilicate rocks from the Uchur-Maya area and 66 for fine-grained terrigenous rocks of the Riphean stratotype. Hence, at ancient water provenance areas from which aluminosilicate clastic material was transported in sedimentation basins in the southwestern (in modern coordinates) periphery of the Siberian Platform, the climate throughout the whole Riphean was predominantly humid. At the same time, the climate at the eastern part of the East European Platform was semiarid-semihumid. The K2O/Al2O3 ratio, which is employed as an indicator of the presence of petro-and lithogenic aluminosilicate clastic component in Riphean sedimentary megasequences, shows various tendencies. According to their Sc, Cr, Ni, Th, and La concentrations and the Th/Sc ratio, the overwhelming majority of Riphean shales and mudstones notably differ from the average Archean mudstone and approach the average values for post-Archean shales. This suggests that mafic Archean rock in the provenance areas did not play any significant role in the origin of Riphean sedimentary megasequences. The Co/Hf and Ce/Cr ratios of the terrigenous rocks of the three Riphean megaseqeunces and their (Gd/Yb) N and Eu/Eu* ratios place these rocks among those containing little (if any) erosion products of primitive Archean rocks. According to various geochemical data, the source of the great majority of fine-grained aluminosilicate clastic rocks in Riphean sediment megasequences in our study areas should have been mature sialic (felsic), with much lower contents of mafic and intermediate rocks as a source of the clastic material. The REE patterns of the Riphean shales and metapelites in the Bashkir Meganticlinorium, Uchur-Maya area, and Yenisei Kryazh show some features that can be regarded as resulting from the presence of mafic material in the ancient provenance areas. This is most clearly seen in the sedimentary sequences of the Uchur-Maya area, where the decrease in the (La/Yb) N ratio up the sequence of the fine-grained terrigenous rocks from 15–16.5 to 5.8–7.1 suggests that mantle mafic volcanics were brought to the upper crust in the earliest Late Riphean in relation to rifting. Analysis of the Sm-Nd systematics of the Riphean fine-grained rocks reveals the predominance of model age values in the range of 2.5–1.7 Ga, which can be interpreted as evidence that the rocks were formed of predominantly Early Proterozoic source material. At the same time, with regard for the significant role of recycling in the genesis of the upper continental crust, it seems to be quite possible that the ancient provenance areas contained Archean complexes strongly recycled in the Early Proterozoic and sediments formed of their material. An additional likely source of material in the Riphean was mafic rocks, whose variable contribution is reflected in a decrease in the model age values. Higher Th and U concentrations in the Riphean rocks of the Yenisei Kryazh compared to those in PAAS indicate that the sources of their material were notably more mature than the sources of fine-grained aluminosilicate clastic material for the sedimentary megaseqeunces in the Southern Urals and Uchur-Maya area.  相似文献   
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