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It is shown that the productive reservoir received considerable quantities of meteoric water during the operation of the Pauzhetka geothermal field (1960–2007), which amounted to 30% of the total with-drawal of heat carrier. This led to cooling of the productive reservoir and reduced steam extraction. Modeling the operation process with the infiltration zones sealed shows that steam extraction can be enhanced by 23.2%. Multi-option modeling for the operation of the Dachnyi site of the Mutnovskii geothermal field shows that the most-likely scenario is infiltration of meteoric water with a discharge of about 60 kg/s into the productive reservoir from above. These results are consistent with the decrease in the steam concentration during the first 4 years of operation.  相似文献   
The identification and protection of essential habitats for early life stages of fishes are necessary to sustain fish stocks. Essential fish habitat for early life stages may be defined as areas where fish densities, growth, survival, or production rates are relatively high. To identify critical habitats for young-of-year (YOY) alewives (Alosa pseud oharengus) in Lake Michigan, we integrated bioenergetics models with GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to generate spatially explicit estimates of potential population production (an index of habitat quality). These estimates were based upon YOY alewife bioenergetic growth rate potential and their salmonine predators’ consumptive demand. We compared estimates of potential population production to YOY alewife yield (an index of habitat importance). Our analysis suggested that during 1994–1995, YOY alewife habitat quality and yield varied widely throughout Lake Michigan. Spatial patterns of alewife yield were not significantly correlated to habitat quality. Various mechanisms (e.g., predator migrations, lake circulation patterns, alternative strategies) may preclude YOY alewives from concentrating in areas of high habitat quality in Lake Michigan.  相似文献   
The chemical and trace-element features of the Late Cretaceous and Early Paleogene ignimbrite complexes of East Sikhote Alin are discussed. The Turonian-Campanian volcanic rocks of the Primorsky Complex compose linear structure of the Eastern Sikhote Alin volcanic belt. They are represented by crystalrich rhyolitic, rhyodacitic, and dacitic S-type plateau ignimbrites produced by fissure eruptions of acid magmas. The Maastrichtian-Paleocene volcanic rocks occur as isolated volcanic depression and caldera structures, which have no structural and spatial relations with the volcanic belt. This period is characterized by bimodal volcanism. The Samarginsky, Dorofeevsky, and Severyansky volcanic complexes are made up of basalt-andesite-dacite lavas and pyroclastic rocks, while the Levosobolevsky and Siyanovsky complexes are comprised of rhyolitic and dacitic tuffs and ignimbrites. Petrogeochemically, the felsic volcanic rocks are close to the S-type plateau ignimbrites of the Primorsky Complex. The Paleocene-Early Eocene silicic volcanics of the Bogopolsky Complex are represented by S- and A-type dacitic and rhyolitic tuffs and ignimbrites filling collapsed calderas. The eruption of A-type ferroan hyaloignimbrites occurred at the final stage of the Paleogene volcanism (Bogopolsky Complex). The magmatic rocks show well expressed mineralogical and geochemical evidence for the interaction between the crustal magmas and enriched sublithospheric mantle. It was shown that the revealed differences in the mineralogical and geochemical composition of the ignimbrite complexes are indicative of a change in the geodynamic regime of the Asian active continental margin at the Mesozoic-Cenozoic transition.  相似文献   
The paper presents a review of investigations in the field of the theory and practice of the interpretation of geological and geophysical data with geodynamic models that were carried out mainly by researchers of the Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences. Evolutionary models of platform structures, passive continental margins, rift zones, and orogens are examined. The review presents formulations of inverse problems and results of interpretation for various regions, including sedimentary basins of the East European Platform, Atlantic Ocean margins, the Caucasus, the South Urals, and others.  相似文献   
Summary The formation of the Madjarovo polymetallic ore deposit is closely related to Paleogene magmatism of intermediate character represented by subvolcanic and volcanic rocks. Six stages of vein type mineralization were established: 1. quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite with Bi-sulphosalts; 2. quartz-hematite-chlorite with gold; 3. quartz-galena-sphalerite; 4. quartz-barite-chalcedony with Sb-sulphosalts; 5. quartz-arsenic sulphosalts; 6. calcite-siderite. Ag-bearing galena and Fe-poor sphalerite are the main minerals. Galena of early formation is Bi-bearing, while in late stages it carries more Sb. Gold was found in two generations in different parageneses. The early gold is Ag-poor and related to hematite, while the late one is Ag-rich and closely associated with quartz and sulphosalts. Three groups of sulphosalts were established: Se-bearing Bi-sulphosalts; Sb-sulphosalts, a part of them Cl-bearing, and As-sulphosalts with more or less Ag. Fluid inclusion data obtained in quartz, amethyst, sphalerite and barite from several representative ore veins show formation temperatures in the range of 370° to 150°C for different stages of mineralization. Evidence of boiling fluids suggests pressures of 70 to 180 bars which correspond to an average depth of mineralization near 1.000 m. The low salinities of the fluids (a/v 3.5 eq. wt% NaCI) indicate influx of meteoric waters during mineralization. On the basis of mineralogical and fluid inclusion data physicochemical conditions and source of the ore forming fluids are discussed.
Mineralogie und Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse in polymetallischen Erzgngen der Lagerstätte Madjarovo, Ost-Rhodopen, Bulgarien
Zusammenfassung Die Bildung der polymetallischen Lagerstätte Madjarovo war eng verknüpft mit einem Paläogenen Magmatismus von intermediärem Charakter, der durch Subvulkanite und Vulkanite repräsentiert wird. Es wurden sechs Bildungsstadien der Gangvererzung festgestellt: 1. Quarz-Pyrit-Chalcopyrit mit Bi-Sulfosalzen; 2. Quarz-Hämatit-Chlorit mit Gold; 3. Quarz-Galenit-Sphalerit; 4. Quarz-Baryt-Chalzedon mit Sb-Sulfosalzen; 5. Quarz-As-Sulfosalze; 6. Calcit-Siderit. Ag-führender Galenit und Fe-armer Sphalerit sind die Hauptminerale. Früh gebildeter Galenit is Bi-haltig, während Galenite der späteren Bildungsstadien mehr Sb führen. Gold wurde in zwei Generationen in unterschiedlichen Paragenesen gefunden. Das Früh-Gold (Ag-arm) ist verknüpft mit Hämatit, während das Spät-Gold (Ag-reich) mit Quarz und Sulfosalzen eng assoziiert ist. Es wurden drei Gruppen von Sulfosalzen festgestellt: Se-führende Bi-Sulfosalze; Sb-Sulfosalze, die z.T. Cl-führend sind, und As-Sulfosalze mit mehr oder weniger Ag-Gehalten. Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse in Quarz, Amethyst, Sphalerit und Baryt aus mehreren repräsentativen Erzgängen zeigen Bildungtemperaturen von 370°–150°C für unterschiedliche Mineralisationsstadien. Siedende Lösungen weisen auf einen Druckbereich von 70–180 Bar hin, der einer durchschnittlichen Bildungstiefe von 1.000 m entspricht. Die durchweg niedrige Salinität der Lösungen (durchschnittlich 3.5. Gew.% NaCl äq.) wird auf einen Zufluß von meteorischen Wässern während der Mineralisation zurückgeführt. Auf der Basis der mineralogischen Ergebnisse und der Daten fluider Einschlüse werden die physikochemischen Bedingungen und die Herkunft der Erzlösungen diskutiert.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   
Strongly boudinaged sandstone beds in a Palaeozoic accretionary complex are exposed on Great Keppel Island, off the central Queensland coast. Viewed in profile, the boudins are folded around mesoscopic F2 hinge zones and overprinted by S2 foliation indicating formation either during Late Carboniferous subduction accretion (D1) or during a previously unrecognised discrete early phase of the Permian deformation (D2). Boudin profiles record an average stretch of 1.51, although the contribution of D2 and later deformation is not determined. Viewed in the plane of bedding, vein traces are variable and oblique to boudin necks by an average of 12° anticlockwise. The overall en echelon arrangement of veins in boudin necks is a primary feature of the structure and cannot be attributed to later deformation. This pattern of veining indicates oblique extension of the boudin necks by low‐vorticity non‐coaxial flow within the plane of bedding. One possible setting with such kinematics is the limb of a non‐cylindrical fold.  相似文献   
To estimate the seismic response according to Eurocode (EC8) and almost all other national codes, site conditions have to be properly characterized so that soil amplification and the corresponding peak ground motion can be calculated. In this work, different geophysical and geotechnical methods are combined in order to define the detailed ground conditions in selected sites of the Hellenic Accelerometric Network (HAN) in Crete. For this purpose, the geological information of the sites and shear wave velocity, calculated from surface wave measurements, is used. Additionally, ground acceleration data recorded through HAN have been utilized from intermediate depth earthquakes in the broader area of South Aegean Sea. Using the recorded ground motion data and the procedure defined in EC8, the corresponding elastic response spectrum is calculated for the selected sites. The resulting information is compared to the values defined in the corresponding EC8 spectrum for the seismic zone that includes the island of Crete. The comparison shows that accurate definition of ground type through geological, geotechnical and geophysical investigations is important. However, our current comparison focuses on the distribution of values rather than the absolute values of EC8-prescribed spectra, and the results should be considered in this context.  相似文献   
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