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Detailed comparisons of Culgoora 160 MHz radioheliograms of solar noise storms and Skylab EUV spectroheliograms of coronal loop structures are presented. It is concluded that: (1) there is a close association between changes in large-scale magnetic fields in the corona and the onset or cessation of noise storms; (2) these coronal changes result from the emergence of new magnetic flux at the photospheric level; (3) although new magnetic flux at the photospheric level is often accompanied by an increase in flare activity the latter is not directly responsible for noise storm activity; rather the new magnetic flux diffuses slowly outwards through the corona at rates 1–2 km s–1 and produces noise storms at 160 MHz 1–2 days later; (4) the coronal density above or in large-scale EUV loop systems is sufficiently dense to account for noise storm emission at the fundamental plasma frequency; (5) the scatter in noise storm positions can be accounted for by the appearance and disappearance of individual loops in a system.  相似文献   
By using a combination of X-ray (HXIS), H (Haleakala), white-light corona (Solwind), and zodiacal light (Helios) images on 21–22 May, 1980 we demonstrate, and try to explain, the co-existence of a coronal mass ejection with a stationary post-flare coronal arch. The mass ejection was seen, both by Solwind and Helios, in prolongation of the path of a powerful spray, whereas the active region filament did not erupt. A tentative comparison is made with other occurrences of stationary, or quasi-stationary post-flare coronal arches.  相似文献   
Some attempts of polarimetric sounding of Comet Halley will be undertaken from the flyby probes. In order to facilitate the final planning and the future interpretation of these experiments we have done a thorough analysis of practically all available polarimetric observations. An emphasis is made on interpretation attempts and their discussion. The results of the phase dependence of polarization investigations are presented covering a wide range of phase angles . The chief peculiarities of this dependence are: maximum polarization at = 90, diminishing through zero at 20, negative values up to several per cent and a final growth to zero at zero . A division into gaseous and dusty comets on polarimetric basis is revealed. The wavelength dependence of polarization is discussed. The numerous results of detailed polarimetry are compared to the negative results of attempts to detect the elliptical polarization. New observational problems arising from the evidence given by the negative polarization at small phase angles and by the opposition effect recently discovered are discussed.  相似文献   
In this paper the unsteady laminar free-convection flow of a viscous incompressible fluid, past an accelerated infinite vertical porous plate subjected to a constant suction (or injection) in considered. Numerical results for the skin-friction on the plate are obtained for the class of accelerated motions whose velocity is of the formU 0 t n wheret is time,U 0 a constant, andn is a positive integer. The skin friction tends to zero with increasingt when the Grashof number Gr=2, the Prandtl number =1,n=0, and >0 which corresponds to suction.On leave of absence from the Department of Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.On leave from absence from the Department of Mathematics, University of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.  相似文献   
The production of X-rays and gamma-rays in bursts is believed to be due to the rapid burning of matter accreted onto a neutron star surface from its companion, most probably a giant star. The accreted matter consists mainly of hydrogen and helium and a very small amount of heavy elements. Due to the infall of matter, the temperature at the bottom layers is raised to a value of the order of 108 K. The neutron star surface density is>107 g cm–3. As hydrogen burning is a slow process under any temperature and density conditions, we consider the helium-burning reactions as the source of gamma-rays in the neutron star surface. Under high-density conditions the ordinary laboratory reaction rates should become modified. At high-density conditions, the strong screening effect due to the polarising cloud of electrons around the ions become important and enhances the reaction rates considerably. The helium-burning reactions are calculated under such conditions. The abundances of helium-burning products such as12C, 116O, and20Ne, etc., are computed. Under high-density and temperature conditions carbon is found to be more abundant than oxygen. Neon is completely absent in almost all the relevant physical conditions in which a strong screening effect is operative. It is suggested that explosive burning of accreted helium of 10–13 M will account for the observed energy of gamm-ray burst.  相似文献   
The gravitational instability of a nonrotating isothermal gaseous disk permeated by a uniform frozen-in magnetic field is investigated using a fourth-order perturbation technique. From the results it is found that the disk is stable whenn/B 0 < (4/33 G)–1/2, wheren andB are the column density of the disk and unperturbed magnetic field, respectively, andG is the gravitational constant. The disk is gravitationally unstable only whenn/B 0 > (4/33 G)–1/2.  相似文献   
Angle-averaged partial frequency redistributionR II has been employed in obtaining a simultaneous solution of radiative transfer equation in the comoving frame and the statistical equilibrium equation for a non-LTE two level atom. We have obtained the ratios of population densities of the upper and lower levels of the resonance line of PV by utilizing the data given in Bernacca and Bianchi (1979). Line source functions are also obtained for different types of variations of density and velocity of the expanding gases. We have considered the atmosphere to be 11 times as thick as the stellar radius. The first iteration was started by putting the density of the upper level (N 2) equal to zero. However, the convergent solution shows a substantial increase inN 2 although it is still much less than the equilibrium value. The line source function and the ratio of the densities of the particles in the upper and lower levels fall sharply from a maximum at τ=τmax to minimum at τ=0. We have studied the scattering integral \(\int {_{ - \infty }^{ + \infty } J_x \phi _x } dx\) and found that this quantity also varies quite similar to the ratioN 2/N 1 and the line source functionS L.  相似文献   
"Changes in the system of settlement in Staraya Russa Rayon, Novgorod Oblast [USSR], are traced. Migration from peripheral areas of the rayon to the suburban zone of Staraya Russa and to larger inhabited places along highways has transformed the historical pattern of settlement focused on river valleys into a new pattern focused on the central city of Staraya Russa, i.e., from the traditional dendritic configuration into a monocentric pattern. The impact of the migration process on land use is discussed, and it is suggested that abandoned peripheral villages be converted to recreation uses."  相似文献   
A series of hydrodynamical models of type-II supernova outbursts (SNII) has been calculated. Approximate relations connecting the total outburst energy ε, the mass of envelope ejectedM, the presupernova radiusR, and the amount of ionizing quanta radiated by the supernovaeN H with such values as the duration of the light curve plateau Δt, and absolute magnitude in the wavelength bandV and photospheric velocityU PH observed near the middle of the plateau have been established. Advantage has been taken of the relations to obtain a preliminary evaluation for the characteristics of the average SN II: ε=7×1050 erg,M=6M ,R=500R ,N H=2×1058. The SNIIs with plateau-like light curves seem to be accounted for by thermonuclear explosions of degenerate cores of red giant stars and result in a total disruption of the star without any stellar remnant. To the contrary, SNIIs with linear light curves have substantially different properties (in particular, they throw considerably less massive envelopes off). These SNII must signify the birth of collapsed objects—neutron stars (pulsars) or black holes.  相似文献   
In January of 1982 we measured a microwave spectrum of CO in the Martian atmosphere utilizing the rotational J = 1 → 2 transition of CO. We have analyzed data and reanalyzed the microwave spectra of R. K. Kakar, J. W. Waters, and W. J. Wilson, (Science196, 1090–1091, 1977, measured in 1975) and J. C. Good and F. P. Schloerb, (Icarus47, 166–172, 1981 measured in 1980) in order to constrain estimates of the temporal variability of CO abundance in the Martian atmosphere. Our values of CO column density from the data of Karar et al., Good and Schloerb, and our own are 1.7 ± 0.9 × 1020, 3.0 ± 1.0 × 1020, and 4.6 ± 2.0 × 1020cm?2, respectively. The most recent estimate of CO column density from the 1967 infrared spectra of J. Connes, P. Connes, and J.P. Maillard, (Atlas de Spectres Infarouges de Venus, Mars, Jupiter, et Saturne, Editions due Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 1969), is 2.0 ± 0.8 × 1020 cm?2 (L.D.G. Young and A.T. Young, Icarus30, 75–79, 1977). The large uncertainties given for the microwave measurements are due primarily to uncertainty in the difference between the continuum brightness temperature and atmospheric temperatures of Mars. We have accurately calculated the variation among the observations of the continuum (surface) brightness temperature of Mars, which is primaroly a function of the observed aspect of Mars. A more difficult problem to consider is variability of global atmospheric temperatures among the observations, particularly the effects of global dust storms and the ellipticity of the orbit of Mars. The large bars accompanying our estimates of CO column density from the three sets of microwave measurements are primarily caused by an assumed uncertainty of ±10°K in our atmospheric temperature model due to possible dust in the atmosphere. A qualitative consideration of seasonal variability of global atmospheric temperatures among the measurements suggests that there is not strong evidence for variability of the column abundance of CO on Mars, although variability of 0–100% over a time scale of several years is allowed by the data set. The implication for the variability of Mars O2 is, crudely, a factor of two less. We found that the altitude distribution of CO in the atmosphere of Mars was not well constrained by any of the spectra, although our spectrum was marginally better fitted by an altitude increasing profile of CO mixing ratios.  相似文献   
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