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The Malatya Basin is situated on the southern Taurus-Anatolian Platform. The southern part of the basin contains a sedimentary sequence which can be divided into four main units, each separated by an unconformity. From base to top, these are: (1) Permo-Carboniferous; (2) Upper Cretaceous–Lower Paleocene, (3) Middle-Upper Eocene and (4) Upper Miocene. The Upper Cretaceous–Tertiary sedimentary sequence resting on basement rocks is up to 700 m thick.The Permo-Carboniferous basement consist of dolomites and recrystallized limestones. The Upper Cretaceous–Lower Paleocene transgressive–regressive sequence shows a transition from terrestrial environments, via lagoonal to shallow-marine limestones to deep marine turbiditic sediments, followed upwards by shallow marine cherty limestones. The marine sediments contain planktic and benthic foraminifers indicating an upper Campanian, Maastrichtian and Danian age. The Middle-Upper Eocene is a transgressive–regressive sequence represented by terrestrial and lagoonal clastics, shallow-marine limestones and deep marine turbidites. The planktic and benthic foraminifers in the marine sediments indicate a Middle-Upper Eocene age. The upper Miocene sequence consists of a reddish-brown conglomerate–sandstone–mudstone alternation of alluvial and fluvial facies.During Late Cretaceous–Early Paleocene times, the Gündüzbey Group was deposited in the southern part of a fore-arc basin, simultaneously with volcanics belonging to the Yüksekova Group. During Middle-Late Eocene times, the Yeşilyurt Group was deposited in the northern part of the Maden Basin and the Helete volcanic arc. The Middle-Upper Eocene Malatya Basin was formed due to block faulting at the beginning of the Middle Eocene time. During the Late Paleocene–Early Eocene, and at the end of the Eocene, the study areas became continental due to the southward advance of nappe structures.The rock sequences in the southern part of the Malatya Basin may be divided into four tectonic units, from base to top: the lower allochthon, the upper allochthon, the parautochthon and autochthonous rock units.  相似文献   
We analyze the waveforms generated by the January 12, 2010 Haiti earthquake (Mw=7.0) for its source characteristics. A 60 to 25 km source model is retrieved by the Kikuchi and Kanamori finite source inversion technique that uses broadband teleseismic body wave records. The derived rupture model points out unilateral rupture propagation commenced at the eastern side of the fault plane where the major seismic moment release occurred. The rupture front propagated westward and terminated at a site where the largest aftershocks occurred. Our estimates yield a seismic moment of Mo=8.17×1019 N m released on a 60 km-long fault plane. A patch at the eastern side of the ruptured fault plane inferred as a region of maximum moment release.  相似文献   
Arch-shaped coronal loops that are isolated from the background are typically acquired manually from massive online image databases to be used in solar coronal research. The manual search for special coronal loops is not only subject to human mistakes but is also time consuming and tedious. In this study, we propose a completely automated image-retrieval system that identifies coronal-loop regions located outside of the solar disk from 17.1 nm EIT images. To achieve this aim, we first apply image-preprocessing techniques to bring out loop structures from their background and to reduce the effect of undesired patterns. Then we extract principal contours from the solar image regions. The geometrical attributes of the extracted principal contours reveal the existence of loops in a given region. Our completely automated decision-making procedure gives promising results in separating the regions with loops from the regions without loops. Based on our loop-detection procedure, we have developed an automated image-retrieval tool that is capable of retrieving images containing loops from a collection of solar images.  相似文献   
Turkey is located in one of the most seismically active regions in the world. Characterizing seismic source zones in this region requires evaluation and integration of geological, geophysical, seismological and geodetical data. This first seismotectonic database for Turkey presented herein was prepared, under the framework of the National Earthquake Strategy and Action Plan—2023. The geographic information system (GIS)-based database includes maps of active faults, catalogues of instrumental and historical earthquakes, moment tensor solutions and data on crustal thickness. On the basis of these data, 18 major seismotectonic zones were delineated for Turkey and the surrounding region. The compilation and storage of the seismotectonic data sets in a digital GIS will allow analyses and systematic updates as new data accrete over time.  相似文献   
Two recent catastrophic earthquakes that struck the Marmara Region on 17 August 1999 (Mw=7.4) and 12 November 1999 (Mw=7.2) caused major concern about future earthquake occurrences in Istanbul and the Marmara Region. As a result of the preparations for an expected earthquake may occur around Istanbul region, an earthquake early warning system has been established in 2002 with a simple and robust algorithm, based on the exceedance of specified thresholds of time domain amplitudes and the cumulative absolute velocity (CAV) levels (Erdik et al., 2003 [1]). In order to improve the capability of Istanbul earthquake early warning system (IEEWS) for giving early warning of a damaging earthquake in the Marmara Region, we explored an alternative approach with the use of a period parameter (τc) and a high-pass filtered vertical displacement amplitude parameter (Pd) from the initial 3 s of the P waveforms as proposed by Kanamori (2005) [2] and Wu and Kanamori (2005) 3 and 4. The empirical relationships both between τc and moment magnitude (Mw), and between Pd and peak ground velocity (PGV) for the Marmara Region are presented. These relationships can be used to detect a damaging earthquake within seconds after the arrival of P waves, and can provide on-site warning in the Marmara Region.  相似文献   
Tertiary sequences in the Elazig and Malatya Basins, eastern part of Taurus Orogenic Belt, are investigated with the aim of defining the benthic foraminiferal biozones. Tertiary geological units from bottom to top are as follows: Basement rocks, Zorban Formation, Yildiztepe Formation, Suludere Formation, Gedik Formation (Malatya Basin); Elazig Magmatics, Keban Metamorphics, Harami Formation, Kuscular Formation, Seske Formation, Kirkgecit Formation (Elazig Basin). Middle-Upper Eocene Yildiztepe, Suludere and Gedik Formations; Upper Paleocene-Lower Eocene Seske Formation and Middle-Upper Eocene Kirkgecit Formation are all characterized by interbedded clastics and carbonate rocks. Six stratigraphic sections are studied in detail for foraminiferal biostratigraphy. Eight benthic foraminiferal biozones are reported. These are; Coskinolina rajkae biozone in the Late Paleocene (Thanetian), Assilina yvettae, Idalina sinjarica biozones in the Late Paleocene; Asterocyclina alticostata gallica biozone in the Early Eocene (Late Cuisian), Nummulites millecaput biozone in the Middle Eocene (Middle Lutetian), Nummulites aturicus biozone in the Middle Eocene (Late Lutetian), Nummulites perforatus biozone in the Middle Eocene (Bartonian), Nummulites fabianii biozone in the Late Eocene (Priabonian). Some key taxa are illustrated.  相似文献   
We present a preliminary study of strong ground motion during the largest aftershock (Mw 5.8) of the 1999 Izmit earthquake (Mw 7.4), Turkey, at 11:55 on 13 September 1999. The peak ground acceleration observed near the epicentre of this aftershock was in agreement with that predicted by standard empirical prediction equations. Its spectral source parameters of the largest aftershock are also typical for a Mw 5.8 earthquake. At greater epicentral distances, there is an order-of-magnitude in scatter in peak ground acceleration values for this aftershock, which is attributed to site effects. The presence of thick layers of low-velocity sediments caused significant amplification of S-waves in the Avcılar district of Istanbul, at frequencies of 1 Hz, explaining the observed concentration of damage there as a result of the Izmit mainshock.  相似文献   
The removal of three basic dyes by adsorption onto bentonite was investigated for single, binary, and ternary solutions in a batch system. Before and after dye adsorption, bentonite samples were analyzed by using X‐ray fluorescence spectrometer, SEM, and Fourier transform IR spectrometry. The D‐optimal design and response surface methodology were applied in designing the experiments for evaluating the interactive effects of each initial concentrations variable of the dyes in binary systems. Predicted values were found to be in good agreement with experimental values, which defined propriety of the model and the achievement of D‐optimal in optimization of adsorption of binary dye systems. The competitive adsorption results showed that the adsorption amount of a dye was suppressed in the presence and increasing concentrations of second or third dye. For mono‐component isotherm modeling, Langmuir and Freundlich models were applied to equilibrium data of single, binary, and ternary dye solutions, while modified Langmuir, Sheindrof–Rebhun–Sheintuch and modified extended Freundlich models were also applied to equilibrium data of binary dye solutions for multi‐component isotherm modeling. The results showed that the Langmuir was the more suitable model for single dye systems while extended Freundlich model fitted best to the experimental data with the lowest error values for multi‐dye systems.  相似文献   
Spain is a low-to-moderate seismicity area with relatively low seismic hazard. However, several strong shallow earthquakes have shaken the country causing casualties and extensive damage. Regional seismicity is monitored and surveyed by means of the Spanish National Seismic Network, maintenance and control of which are entrusted to the Instituto Geográfico Nacional. This array currently comprises 120 seismic stations distributed throughout Spanish territory (mainland and islands). Basically, we are interested in checking the noise conditions, reliability, and seismic detection capability of the Spanish network by analyzing the background noise level affecting the array stations, errors in hypocentral location, and detection threshold, which provides knowledge about network performance. It also enables testing of the suitability of the velocity model used in the routine process of earthquake location. To perform this study we use a method that relies on P and S wave travel times, which are computed by simulation of seismic rays from virtual seismic sources placed at the nodes of a regular grid covering the study area. Given the characteristics of the seismicity of Spain, we drew maps for M L magnitudes 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0, at a focal depth of 10 km and a confidence level 95 %. The results relate to the number of stations involved in the hypocentral location process, how these stations are distributed spatially, and the uncertainties of focal data (errors in origin time, longitude, latitude, and depth). To assess the extent to which principal seismogenic areas are well monitored by the network, we estimated the average error in the location of a seismic source from the semiaxes of the ellipsoid of confidence by calculating the radius of the equivalent sphere. Finally, the detection threshold was determined as the magnitude of the smallest seismic event detected at least by four stations. The northwest of the peninsula, the Pyrenees, especially the westernmost segment, the Betic Cordillera, and Tenerife Island are the best-monitored zones. Origin time and focal depth are data that are far from being constrained by regional events. The two Iberian areas with moderate seismicity and the highest seismic hazard, the Pyrenees and Betic Cordillera, and the northwestern quadrant of the peninsula, are the areas wherein the focus of an earthquake is determined with an approximate error of 3 km. For M L 2.5 and M L 3.0 this error is common for almost the whole peninsula and the Canary Islands. In general, errors in epicenter latitude and longitude are small for near-surface earthquakes, increasing gradually as the depth increases, but remaining close to 5 km even at a depth of 60 km. The hypocentral depth seems to be well constrained to a depth of 40 km beneath the zones with the highest density of stations, with an error of less than 5 km. The M L magnitude detection threshold of the network is approximately 2.0 for most of Spain and still less, almost 1.0, for the western sector of the Pyrenean region and the Canary Islands.  相似文献   
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