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The distribution and content of rare-earth elements (REEs) were determined in two radish species, the cultivated Raphanus sativus and the wild Raphanus raphanistrum, that were grown under laboratory-controlled conditions, in three substrates consisting of illite for one and two smectite substrates for the others, with the two smectite substrates being characterised by different porosities. The plants were split into leaves and stems + roots for analysis. The results indicate that both species take up systematically higher amounts of REEs when grown in the illite substrate, even considering that the smectite equivalent contains about three times more REEs. The REE uptake is also more plant species than mineral composition dependent: R. raphanistrum takes up 3.5–6.7 times more REEs than R. sativus, depending on the substrate, its porosity and the considered plant segments. Increased substrate porosity favours the take up of the REEs, but no specific uptake is observed in leaves relative to that in the combined stems and roots. The transfer of the REEs from minerals to plant organs does not appear to induce systematically identical patterns: (1) in the case of R. sativus, a positive Eu anomaly is visible in all patterns from both segment groups grown in both substrates. When grown in illite, the heavy REEs are also enriched in the stems and roots, which has not been observed in any other organ or in the other substrate and (2) in the case of R. raphanistrum, a very significant positive Gd anomaly, which is not expected to fractionate relative to the other REEs as do Ce and Eu, is observed in all segments of the plants grown in both substrates. A slight negative Ce anomaly is also visible in some of the REE patterns, suggesting some changes in the oxidation–reduction conditions in the substrates near the roots during plant growth. The comparison of the REE patterns from leaves relative to those of the roots + stems shows that those of R. raphanistrum grown in illite provide a spectrum that is very specific with significant deficits in La, Ce, Gd, Tm, Yb and Lu in the leaves. In the other cases, the patterns do not outline significant differences except for R. sativus grown in illite, in which the leaves are enriched in light and medium REEs from La to Gd relative to the stems + roots.  相似文献   
European Space Agencies fifth cornerstone mission BepiColombo includes a ‘Surface Element’ to land a scientific payload on the surface of Mercury. The current strawman payload includes a heat flow and physical properties package (HP3), focussing on key thermal and mechanical properties of the near-surface material (down to a depth of 2–5 m) and the measurement of heat flow from Mercury's interior, an important constraining parameter for models of the planet's interior and evolution. We present here an overview of the HP3 experiment package and its possible accommodation in a self-inserting ‘mole’ device. A mole is considered to be the most appropriate deployment method for HP3, at least in the currently-assumed case of an airbag-assisted soft landing architecture for the Mercury Surface Element.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that the distribution functions characterizing the constituents of the solar coronal plasma are non-Maxwellian. If so, an accurate treatment of the collisional momentum and energy exchange between the plasma constituents within the framework of hydrodynamic models requires a re-evaluation of the general transfer integrals in multi-component plasmas. We have evaluated these integrals numerically for both Maxwellian and non-Maxwellian distribution functions of the plasma species avoiding the standard approximation for the collision cross sections frequently employed in the literature. Significant differences are shown to exist in the energy exchange rates for different distributions. We also demonstrate the inadequacy of the assumption of thermodynamic equilibrium in the innermost solar wind and reveal the importance of an accurate evaluation of the transfer integrals for the solar coronal plasma based on more realistic velocity distributions.Presented at the CESRA-Workshop on Coronal Magnetic Energy Release at Caputh near Potsdam in May 1994.  相似文献   
Magnetic data collected in conjunction with a Sea Beam bathymetric survey of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Kane Fracture Zone are used to constrain the spreading history of this area over the past 3 Ma. Two-dimensional forward modeling and inversion techniques are carried out, as well as a full three-dimensional inversion of the anomaly field along a 90-km-long section of the rift valley. Our results indicate that this portion of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, known as the MARK area, consists of two distinct spreading cells separated by a small, zero-offset transform or discordant zone near 23°10′ N, The youngest crust in the median valley is characterized by a series of distinct magnetization highs which coalesce to form two NNE-trending bands of high magnetization, one on the northern ridge segment which coincides with a large constructional volcanic ridge, and one along the southern ridge segment that is associated with a string of small axial volcanos. These two magnetization highs overlap between 23° N and 23°10° N forming a non-transform offset that may be a slow spreading ridge analogue of the small ridge axis discontinuities found on the East Pacific Rise. The crustal magnetizations in this overlap zone are generally low, although an anomalous, ESE-trending magnetization high of unknown origin is also present in this area. The present-day segmentation of spreading in the MARK area was inherited from an earlier ridge-transform-ridge geometry through a series of small (∼ 10 km) eastward ridge jumps. These small ridge jumps were caused by a relocation of the neovolcanic zone within the median valley and have resulted in an overall pattern of asymmetric spreading with faster rates to the west (14 mm yr−1) than to the east (11 mm yr−1). Although the detailed magnetic survey described in this paper extends out to only 3 Ma old crust, a regional compilation of magnetic data from this area by Schoutenet al. (1985) indicates that the relative positions and dimensions of the spreading cells, and the pattern of asymmetric spreading seen in the MARK area during the past 3 Ma, have characterized this part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge for at least the past 36 Ma.  相似文献   
The Visogliano shelter, in north-eastern Italy, is an important Middle Pleistocene occupation site where human remains were found together with an archaic lithic industry, including choppers, chopping tools and a few protobifaces. It is of utmost importance to try to document this period, when a second wave of settlement colonised Western Europe, carrying new flaking techniques and tools.Combined ESR/U-series analyses, integrated with biostratigraphical and environmental data, define a chronological frame for the layers from which the artefacts were unearthed. The lower levels, including human remains, can be dated to the 350–500 kyr time span, in agreement with micromammal and stratigraphical studies.These data make Visogliano one of the oldest palaeoanthropological sites in Italy, where human remains are directly associated with protobifaces, choppers and chopping tools. In Western Europe, Visogliano is contemporaneous to the G soil of the Arago Cave, France, with which it shares several similarities in faunal assemblages and radiometric data, and which contains human remains also. These data make Visogliano as one of the oldest sites in Europe where the Acheulian culture is observed.  相似文献   
The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) commits European Union member states to achieving good ecological status in all water bodies by 2015. For sediments the definition of good chemical status is based on numerical sediment quality guidelines. The aqua regia fraction is thus used for the evaluation of heavy metal concentrations in sediments. The chemical constituents in sediments responsible for mobility and toxicity are not considered generally. This article presents the combining of the sequential BCR procedure, for determining the chemical species of relevant elements, with the geoaccumulation index principle a numerical classification method for sediment quality guidelines. Using the BCR method it can be demonstrated that changes in element speciation can lead to more highly mobile species of trace elements which may affect the hazardous potential of sediments despite the “good chemical status” classification for aqua regia digestions. The Klinke stream is an urban surface water body located in Magdeburg, the state capital of Saxony‐Anhalt, Germany. Using this stream as an example it is shown that this additional information helps to describe the dynamics and discharge of the trace elements Al, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Rb, Sr, Mo, Pd, Cd, Sb, Ba, Pb, Bi, and U into the Elbe River from urban water bodies.  相似文献   
The 87Sr86Sr ratio of interstitial waters squeezed from recent sediments of the Pacific Ocean increases from 0.70920 ± 0.00017 (2σ) to 0.70960 ± 0.0023 and 0.70984 ± 0.00040 at 1.50 and 1.60 m depth—reference value for sea water: 0.70910 ± 0.00035. This variation underlines the likely existence of exchanges between the clays and the interstitial environment. The isotopic homogenization of strontium between the clays and their environment, result of these changes, becomes thus a credible phenomenon. This is a new argument for the dating of clays by the RbSr method.  相似文献   
The partitioning of stable carbon isotopes between calcite, graphite and CO2 was experimentally determined at temperatures from 500 to 1200 °C and 1 to 15 kbar pressure. Attainment of carbon isotope equilibrium in CO2-calcite runs was proven by achieving the same fractionation from isotopically opposite directions. The resultant CO2-calcite fractionation curve for carbon differs from Bottinga's calculation by 1.2 and confirms recent experiments of Chacko et al. and Mattey et al. In CO2-graphite experiments equilibrium fractions were extrapolated by applying the partial-exchange technique of Northrop and Clayton and by optimizing the contribution of surface reaction in graphite. CO2-graphite fractionations at temperatures up to 800 °C are in fair agreement with Bottinga's calculation, but yield a surprisingly high fractionation of 5 at upper mantle temperatures. The combination of CO2-calcite (carbon) and CO2-graphite fractionation results in a new experimentally determined calcite-grapite fractionation curve, expressed by the equation:
Summary White micas from metamorphosed and hydrothermally-altered basaltic lavas, conglomerates, quartzites and shales in and around the Ventersdorp Contact Reef of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, were dated by the K-Ar method to constrain post-depositional thermal and mineralization processes. The minerals were separated into various grain sizes between < 0.4 and 10m, and characterized in terms of composition, paragenetic sequence and texture, by XRD, SEM and TEM techniques. The K-Ar isochron of all white micas in the basaltic lavas suggests an age of 1994 ± 60 Ma, and that of the smaller mica particles (< 2m) in the quartzites defines a younger age of 1917 ± 66 Ma. This range is considered to reflect the timing of long-lived hydrothermal alteration in the Ventersdorp Contact Reef. The older age is slightly younger than the intrusion of the Bushveld Complex (2060–2054 Ma) and the Vredefort catastrophism (2020 Ma), which are well-documented events that were superimposed onto the Witwatersrand Basin. The younger age may be associated with the Eburnian orogenesis along the western edge of the Kaapvaal Craton resulting in continental-scale fluid migration and hydrothermal activity that extended throughout the Griqualand Basin and even into the Witwatersrand Basin. The K-Ar ages obtained here for the white mica fractions of the Ventersdorp Contact Reef in the Witwatersrand Basin confirm that the period between 2.0 and 1.9 Ga was significant, as far as alteration, and possibly also gold mobilization, was concerned.
K-Ar Datierung von Hellglimmern aus dem hentersdorp Contact Reef des Witwatersrand Beckens, Südafrika: die zeitliche Eingrenzung der nach der Sedimentablagerung erfolgten Alteration
Zusammenfassung Hellglimmer von metamorph und hydrothermal überprägtem Basalt, Konglomerat, Quarzit und Pelit aus dem Ventersdorp Contact Reef im Witwatersrand Becken, Südafrika, wurden mittels der K-Ar Methode datiert, um das Alter der postsedimentären thermischen Überprägung einzugrenzen. Mineralkörner wurden in einzelne Fraktionen zwischen < 0.4 und 10m separiert und auf deren Zusammensetzung, Paragenese und Textur mittels Röntgendiffraktometrie und Elektronenmikroskopie untersucht. Das Isochronenalter für alle Hellglimmerproben aus dem Metabasalt liegt bei 1994 ± 60 Ma, jenes für die Glimmer mit einer Korngröße < 2m im Quarzit bei 1917 ± 66 Ma. Diese Altersspanne wird als Ausdruck einer lang anhaltenden hydrothermalen Veränderung des Ventersdorp Contact Reef interpretiert. Das ältere Alter ist etwas jünger als die Intrusion des Bushveld Komplex (2060–2054 Ma) und die Vredefort Katastrophe (2020 Ma) - zwei gut dokumentierte Ereignisse, die das Witwatersrand Becken erfaßten. Das jüngere Alter könnte mit der eburnischen Orogenese entlang des Westrandes des Kaapvaal Kratons in Zusammenhang stehen, während der es zu Fluid Migration und hydrothermaler Aktivität quer über den Kontinent vom Griqualand Becken bis in das Witwatersrand Becken kam. Die neuen K-Ar Alter bestätigen somit, daß die Zeitspanne von 2.0–1.9 Ga wesentlich für die Alteration und möglicherweise auch für die Mobilisierung von Gold im Witwatersrand Becken war.
Geophysical surveying methods are of great importance in environmental exploration. Inversion-based data processing methods are applied for the determination of geometrical and physical parameters of the target model. The use of this geoelectric inversion method is advantageous in environmental research where highly reliable information with large spatial resolution is required. The 2D combined geoelectric inversion (CGI) method performs more accurate parameter estimation than conventional 1D single inversion methods by efficiently decreasing the number of unknowns of the inverse problem (single means that data sets of individual vertical electric sounding stations are inverted separately). The quality improvement in parameter space is demonstrated by comparing the traditional 1D inversion procedure with a 2D series expansion-based inversion technique. The CGI method was further developed by weighting individual direct current geoelectric data sets automatically in order to improve inversion results. The new algorithm was named combined geoelectric weighted inversion, which extracts the solution by a special weighted least squares technique. It is shown that the new inversion methodology is applicable to resolve near-surface structures such as rapidly varying layer boundaries, laterally inhomogeneous formations and pinch-outs.  相似文献   
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