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The measurement of isotopic ratios provides a privileged insight both into nucleosynthesis and into the mechanisms operating in stellar envelopes, such as gravitational settling. In this article, we give a few examples of how isotopic ratios can be determined from high‐resolution, high‐quality stellar spectra. We consider examples of the lightest elements, H and He, for which the isotopic shifts are very large and easily measurable, and examples of heavier elements for which the determination of isotopic ratios is more difficult. The presence of 6Li in the stellar atmospheres causes a subtle extra depression in the red wing of the 7Li 670.7 nm doublet which can only be detected in spectra of the highest quality. But even with the best spectra, the derived 6Li abundance can only be as good as the synthetic spectra used for their interpretation. It is now known that 3D non‐LTE modelling of the lithium spectral line profiles is necessary to account properly for the intrinsic line asymmetry, which is produced by convective flows in the atmospheres of cool stars, and can mimic the presence of 6Li. We also discuss briefly the case of the carbon isotopic ratio in metal‐poor stars, and provide a new determination of the nickel isotopic ratios in the solar atmosphere. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Global river discharge and water temperature under climate change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate change will affect hydrologic and thermal regimes of rivers, having a direct impact on freshwater ecosystems and human water use. Here we assess the impact of climate change on global river flows and river water temperatures, and identify regions that might become more critical for freshwater ecosystems and water use sectors. We used a global physically based hydrological-water temperature modelling framework forced with an ensemble of bias-corrected general circulation model (GCM) output for both the SRES A2 and B1 emissions scenario. This resulted in global projections of daily river discharge and water temperature under future climate. Our results show an increase in the seasonality of river discharge (both increase in high flow and decrease in low flow) for about one-third of the global land surface area for 2071–2100 relative to 1971–2000. Global mean and high (95th percentile) river water temperatures are projected to increase on average by 0.8–1.6 (1.0–2.2) °C for the SRES B1–A2 scenario for 2071–2100 relative to 1971–2000. The largest water temperature increases are projected for the United States, Europe, eastern China, and parts of southern Africa and Australia. In these regions, the sensitivities are exacerbated by projected decreases in low flows (resulting in a reduced thermal capacity). For strongly seasonal rivers with highest water temperatures during the low flow period, up to 26% of the increases in high (95th percentile) water temperature can be attributed indirectly to low flow changes, and the largest fraction is attributable directly to increased atmospheric energy input. A combination of large increases in river temperature and decreases in low flows are projected for the southeastern United States, Europe, eastern China, southern Africa and southern Australia. These regions could potentially be affected by increased deterioration of water quality and freshwater habitats, and reduced water available for human uses such as thermoelectric power and drinking water production.  相似文献   
A two-dimensional, vertically integrated, nonlinear numerical model was applied to investigate the tide-driven bed load transport of sediments and morphodynamics in the shallow coastal lagoon of Yavaros, located in the southeastern part of the Gulf of California, Mexico. Satellite imagery exposes strong sediment dynamics in this coastal region. The dynamics in the lagoon were forced by 13 tidal constituents at the open boundary. Tides are of a mixed character and they are predominantly semidiurnal. The calculations showed areas of intense tidal currents and considerable water exchange with the Gulf of California. Numerical experiments revealed an ebb-dominant tidal distortion and a net export of sediment from the lagoon to the Gulf of California. A simulation of 20 years showed that the lagoon exported about 1,600 m3 of sediment; however, the daily oscillating exchange of sediment reached values of around 8 m3. The daily averaged flux of export–import sediments oscillates principally with semiannual, monthly and fortnightly periods. By applying a threshold velocity, a variable friction coefficient and the calculated amplitude of tidal velocities, it was possible to determine that morphological changes occur in zones of sharp topographic gradients and to explain the effect of friction on the export–import process of sediments. A 10-year simulation revealed that accumulation of sediment (~20 cm) occurred in small areas, whereas erosion occurred in larger areas but with less intensity (~8 cm). Besides the importance for the morphodynamics, these kinds of erosion–accretion processes may be relevant for the marine ecology.  相似文献   
Creep behaviour of the so called Emscher-Marl is investigated in uniaxial compression tests under a temperature of −10°C. Similar to the results of creep tests published elsewhere, it is shown that the secondary creep controls the deformation. In cases of stationary creep the material behaves like a nonlinear elasto-viscous Maxwell fluid. Assuming no hydrostatic pressure effect, the power law applied to the uniaxial case can be transformed to multiaxial states of stress. For structures of frozen soil with a long-term deformation process Norton's power relationship between stress and rate of steady flow leads to reasonable results. As a numerical solution a finite-element computer program in connection with incremental procedure is developed for treatment of creep problems in groundfreezing technology. The calculation of a simply supported beam demonstrates the important influence of the high nonlinearity in stress and strain for frozen soils.  相似文献   
正The impacts of global warming will be felt most strongly at regional scales.However,great uncertainties exist in climate change projections at these scales,limiting our ability to provide useful information for the planning and implementation of appropriate adaptation measures.Thus,there is an urgent need to reduce these uncertainties.  相似文献   
The Black River (Upper Ordovician – Sandbian) and Trenton (Upper Ordovician – Katian) groups are traditionally interpreted as a deepening-upward succession deposited in a progressively subsiding Appalachian Basin margin that contained warm-water, marine, photozoan deposits that pass upward into cool-water, marine, heterozoan carbonates. This succession is customarily interpreted to reflect an incursion of cold, high-latitude ocean waters into the area. This view is herein confirmed for coeval carbonates in the northern part of the basin, particularly the St. Lawrence Platform. They are now well explained in this study on the basis of recent studies of cool-water carbonates and calcite–aragonite seas. Overall the succession is one of Sandbian photozoan ramp deposits succeeded by Katian heterozoan ramp carbonates that changed back to photozoan ramp deposits prior to the Hirnantian glaciation. The current interpretation, that deposition took place throughout a calcite sea time, seems at odds with this series of strata. Instead it is herein proposed that deposition took place during an aragonite sea time wherein calcite sea-like sediments accumulated under cold ocean-water temperatures. Such an interpretation is supported by recent experimental data that supports the importance of seawater temperature on CaCO3 polymorph precipitation. If correct, this means that some of the evidence for calcite sea deposition through time brought about by global tectonics, should be re-evaluated to make sure it was not simply cool-water carbonate production.  相似文献   
The Murray Supergroup records temperate‐water carbonate deposition within a shallow, mesotrophic, Oligo‐Miocene inland sea protected from high‐energy waves and swells of the open ocean by a granitic archipelago at its southern margin. Rocks are very well preserved and exposed in nearly continuous outcrop along the River Murray in South Australia. Most facies are rich in carbonate silt, contain a background assemblage of gastropods (especially turritellids) and infaunal bivalves, and are packaged on a decimetre‐scale defined by firmground and hardground omission surfaces. Bioturbation is pervasive and overprinted, resulting in rare preservation of physical sedimentary structures. Facies are grouped into four associations (large foraminiferan–bryozoan, echinoid–bryozoan, mollusc and clay facies) interpreted to represent shallow‐water (<50 m) deposition under progressively higher trophic resource levels (from low mesotrophy to eutrophy), and restricted marine conditions from relatively offshore to nearshore regions. A large‐scale shift from high‐ to low‐mesotrophic conditions within lower Miocene strata reflects a change in climate from wet to seasonally dry conditions and highlights the influence terrestrially derived nutrients had upon this shallow, land‐locked sea. Overall, low trophic resource levels during periods of seasonally dry climate resulted in a deepening of the euphotic zone, a widespread proliferation of foraminiferan photozoan fauna and a relatively high carbonate productivity. Inshore, heterozoan facies became progressively muddier and restricted towards the shoreline. In contrast, periods of wet climate led to rising trophic resource levels, resulting in a shallowing of the euphotic zone, a decrease in epifaunal and seagrass cover and widespread development of a mostly heterozoan biota dominated by infaunal echinoids. Rates of carbonate production and accumulation were relatively low. The Murray Basin is best described as an epeiric ramp. Wide facies belts developed in a shallow sea on a low‐angled slope reaching many hundreds of kilometres in length. Grainy shoal and back‐barrier facies were absent. Internally generated waves impinged the sea floor in offshore regions and, because of friction along a wide and shallow sea floor, created a low‐energy expanse of waters across the proximal ramp. Storms were the dominating depositional process capable of disrupting the entire sea floor.  相似文献   
The Lost City Hydrothermal Field at 30°N, near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, is an off-axis, moderate temperature, high-pH (9-10.8), serpentinite-hosted vent system. The field is hosted on ∼1.5 Ma crust, near the summit of the Atlantis Massif. Within the field, actively venting carbonate chimneys tower up to 60 m above the seafloor, making them the tallest vent structures known. The chemistry of the chimneys and vent fluids is controlled by serpentinization reactions between seawater and underlying peridotite. Mixing of <40-91 °C calcium-rich vent fluids with seawater results in the precipitation of variable mixtures of aragonite, calcite, and brucite. The resultant deposits range from tall, graceful pinnacles to fragile flanges and delicate precipitates that grow outward from fissures in the bedrock. In this study, mineralogy, petrographic analyses, major and trace element concentrations, and Sr isotopic compositions are used to propose a model for the growth and chemical evolution of carbonate chimneys in a serpentinite-hosted environment. Our results show that nascent chimneys are characterized by a porous, interlacing network of aragonite, and brucite minerals that form extremely fragile structures. The chemistry of these young deposits is characterized by ∼10 wt% Ca and up to 27 wt% Mg, extremely low trace metal concentrations, and 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios near 0.70760. During aging of the chimneys, progressive reactions with seawater result in the dissolution of brucite, the conversion of aragonite to calcite, and infilling of pore spaces with calcite. The oldest chimneys are dominated by calcite, with bulk rock values of up to 36 wt% Ca and <1 wt% Mg. These older structures contain higher concentrations of trace metals (e.g., Mn and Ti), and have Sr isotope ratios near seawater values (0.70908). Exposed ultramafic rocks are prevalent along the Mid-Atlantic, Arctic, and Indian Ocean ridge networks and it is likely that other Lost City-type systems exist.  相似文献   
Abstract. Three calcareous sedimentary rock-hosted Carlin type-like gold prospects were mapped in a mineral production sharing agreement area of Philex Gold Philippines Inc. in Taganaan municipality, Surigao del Norte province in Mindanao island in the Philippines. They occur along a 20–25 km long trend of known epigenetic gold and porphyry copper deposits that lie close to several splays of the Philippine Fault Zone. The gold district forms part of the Late Cretaceous Eastern Mindanao Range that hosts early Paleogene and late Pliocene to Quaternary intrusive rocks.
Gold is invisible in the jasperoid outcrops in Lascogon, Napo, and Danao prospects. The jasperoids occur in lenses of marls belonging to the Taganaan Marl Member that is associated to a turbiditic member of the Middle Miocene Mabuhay Formation. The marl lenses include gently dipping interbedded silty limestones and calcareous shales. The "invisible gold" mineralization in silicified calcareous rocks resembles Carlin-type deposits. Based on the mapped igneous and sedimentary rocks, a possible heat source for the gold mineralization is either or both of the two main phases of intrusion, Mabuhay An-desite or Alipao Andesite Porphyry. Forty-eight rock samples, fifteen stream sediment samples, and one soil sample were critical in delineating the general features of the potential Carlin-type prospects. The gold grades of jasperoids in the three prospects range from trace amounts to 20 g/t Au. Regional studies of gold and porphyry copper mineralization in the Surigao del Norte mineral district are important in delineating ore targets for drilling in the three prospects.  相似文献   
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